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New dev blog: You people really do love blowing up spaceships.

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Cynthia Ysolde
Habitual Euthanasia
Pandemic Legion
#81 - 2011-12-02 14:31:25 UTC
Archetype 66 wrote:
Cynthia Ysolde wrote:
Euriti wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Shadoo wrote:
Wonderful. Now could we also get filtered top killers and top killing corporations for capital ships? Cool

Sure. Capital ship kills by corporation, top 10:

Sniggerdly 711
GoonFleet 639
North Eastern Swat 535
Invicta. 491
D00M. 430
Xenobytes 385
Einherjar Rising 382
Rage and Terror 301
Reikoku 287
The xDEATHx Squadron 267

By alliance:

Pandemic Legion 2,558
Against ALL Authorities 1,298
Morsus Mihi 955
GoonSwarm 897
Cry Havoc. 842
Atlas Alliance 767
Triumvirate. 674
RAZOR Alliance 663
IT Alliance 622
Red Alliance 586

6,115 capital kills by characters/corps who weren't in an alliance at the time.

Is it possible to make a list based on supercapital kills (ie titans and supercarriers) only?


By character as well would be nice. But thisthisthisthis

No surprise :

Sniggerdly 1
PL 1

all we want is a little bit of recognition in a public forum
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#82 - 2011-12-02 14:33:23 UTC
War is good for buisness.

And for alliances (total/unique victims):
Against ALL Authorities (115,425 / 56,169), Pandemic Legion (91,301 / 49,606), Morsus Mihi (85,062 / 38,735), Red Alliance (69,726 / 34,727), RAZOR Alliance (58,754 / 28,887).

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Veerhouven Group
#83 - 2011-12-02 14:34:19 UTC
The stats are interesting, the text is sickening.

I don't play this game to 'blow things up'.

If you want to run off the few decent people who still play, just keep it up.
North Eastern Swat
#84 - 2011-12-02 14:35:31 UTC
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Well.... I'm no DB guru so I'm limited by what the tools I have let me do, but let's see. I have to do the # of people based on the number of people who have scored final blows (best way I have to judge the number of different PVP participants in each corp). I limited this to alliances which have scored 10,000 final blows or more.

Thank you -- this is awesome and recognizes the smaller corps/alliances, but with dedicated active killer population!
CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#85 - 2011-12-02 14:36:07 UTC
M Blanc wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Kill reports per character during November 2011 by sec group:

High sec: 0.67
Low sec: 3.04
Null sec: 2.29
Wormhole space: 1.03

Would it be possible to get a breakdown with NPC 0.0 separated from claimable nullsec?

Well, taking the purely NPC null sec regions (Curse, Great Wildlands, Stain, Outer Ring, Venal) and comparing those to the rest of null sec, kill reports in November per character with more than 5m SP there as of last night (not the most accurate way but gives a good idea):

Player Null sec 1.98
NPC Null sec 3.07
Caulk H0lster
Kazakh Ministry of Wealth Redistribution
#86 - 2011-12-02 14:36:12 UTC
ACY GTMI wrote:
The stats are interesting, the text is sickening.

I don't play this game to 'blow things up'.

If you want to run off the few decent people who still play, just keep it up.

You sound mad.

Are you mad?
Genos Occidere
#87 - 2011-12-02 14:37:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Raimo
Shadoo wrote:
In the name of ... well, I don't know what -- but you know what I mean -- I'd like to request following statistic:

Top 5 capsuleer corporations rated on the number of kills per avarage member.

Those pesky sniggs have nothing on us!

Like any PL corp would be in that top 5 /o

(Yeah, wemad Big smile )

Ed: Ah he did it already

...And more importantly, props to Loren. Impressive stuff. Tho, I'm assuming we didn't get El'tar to grace these statistics at all due to certain incidents Roll
CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#88 - 2011-12-02 14:42:31 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Diagoras
Grarr Dexx wrote:
This is probably a long shot, but could we have the most active corporations and systems for January and February 2010?

Can do. Excluding rookie ships, shuttles and capsules, PVP kills per corporation, top 10, Jan/Feb 2010:

Fremen Sietch 5,080
Blue Republic 4,801
Red Federation 4,725
Final Agony 3,736
the united 2,818
GK inc. 2,666
Genos Occidere 2,636
GoonFleet 2,488
Interstellar eXodus 2,232
tr0pa de elite 2,087

And by alliance:

Against ALL Authorities 8,890
DarkSide. 8,148
IT Alliance 8,014
Atlas Alliance 6,479
Triumvirate. 5,951
Morsus Mihi 5,682
Ushra'Khan 5,439
BricK sQuAD. 4,940
GoonSwarm 4,873

Note: The first numbers I put up for this were inadvertently excluding a number of kills, these are the fixed numbers.
Genos Occidere
#89 - 2011-12-02 14:43:49 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Diagoras
CCP Diagoras wrote:
deleted as I got it wrong first time Oops

So, when are you building that official CCP killboard with this data you have? It would solve a lot of issues people are having, you know.
CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#90 - 2011-12-02 14:45:45 UTC
Raimo wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
deleted as I got it wrong first time Oops

So, when are you building that official CCP killboard with this data you have? It would solve a lot of issues people are having, you know.

That's not planned to my knowledge or my area. I'm just a guy who grabs numbers :)
Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#91 - 2011-12-02 14:47:14 UTC
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Krathos Morpheus wrote:

If not killed Capitals, it would be interesting to see at least how many and type of ships killed by capitals, which type of capitals and how many distinct capitals are being used actively for pvp and distribution in low/null/whormhole space. It would be very interesting to see a timeline on the events.

Well, can do something more detailed in a blog at some point, but kills by capitals since Trinity, by killer ship group filtered to caps:

Carrier 122,138
Dreadnought 92,048
Titan 75,393
Supercarrier 67,948
Capital Industrial Ship 2,990

Limited to 2011 only:

Supercarrier 38,703
Carrier 24,626
Dreadnought 19,927
Titan 10,640
Capital Industrial Ship 568


CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Archetype 66
Caldari State
#92 - 2011-12-02 14:48:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Archetype 66
Raimo wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
deleted as I got it wrong first time Oops

So, when are you building that official CCP killboard with this data you have? It would solve a lot of issues people are having, you know.

Was one of the first thing I wonder when I start playing this game : CCP provides killmails but no killboards :s

We have to sort that with third party tools whose bring a lot of problems..

CCP give us the ultimate kb !
Grarr Dexx
Blue Canary
Watch This
#93 - 2011-12-02 14:48:53 UTC
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Grarr Dexx wrote:
This is probably a long shot, but could we have the most active corporations and systems for January and February 2010?

Can do. Excluding rookie ships, shuttles and capsules, PVP kills per corporation, top 10, Jan/Feb 2010:

Fremen Sietch 5,080
Blue Republic 4,801
Red Federation 4,725
Final Agony 3,736
the united 2,818
GK inc. 2,666
Genos Occidere 2,636
GoonFleet 2,488
Interstellar eXodus 2,232
tr0pa de elite 2,087

And by alliance:

Against ALL Authorities 8,890
DarkSide. 8,148
IT Alliance 8,014
Atlas Alliance 6,479
Triumvirate. 5,951
Morsus Mihi 5,682
Ushra'Khan 5,439
BricK sQuAD. 4,940
GoonSwarm 4,873

Note: The first numbers I put up for this were inadvertently excluding a number of kills, these are the fixed numbers.

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#94 - 2011-12-02 14:50:15 UTC
CCP Diagoras wrote:

Player Null sec 1.98
NPC Null sec 3.07


CCP Diagoras wrote:

Can do. Excluding rookie ships, shuttles and capsules, PVP kills per corporation, top 10, Jan/Feb 2010:

And by alliance:

Against ALL Authorities 8,890
DarkSide. 8,148
IT Alliance 8,014
Atlas Alliance 6,479
Triumvirate. 5,951
Morsus Mihi 5,682
Ushra'Khan 5,439
BricK sQuAD. 4,940
GoonSwarm 4,873

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#95 - 2011-12-02 14:55:19 UTC
By the way CCP Diagoras, if you here is it possible how much Custom Offices have been killed Blink

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Xeno Tech Corp
Black Cartel.
#96 - 2011-12-02 14:57:59 UTC
That's numberwang!
CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#97 - 2011-12-02 14:59:42 UTC
Akrasjel Lanate wrote:
By the way CCP Diagoras, if you here is it possible how much Custom Offices have been killed Blink

As of midnight (so 15 hours old now), 1,534 Interbus Customs Offices had been destroyed.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#98 - 2011-12-02 15:02:38 UTC
Cynthia Ysolde wrote:
Euriti wrote:
CCP Diagoras wrote:
Shadoo wrote:
Wonderful. Now could we also get filtered top killers and top killing corporations for capital ships? Cool

Sure. Capital ship kills by corporation, top 10:

Sniggerdly 711
GoonFleet 639
North Eastern Swat 535
Invicta. 491
D00M. 430
Xenobytes 385
Einherjar Rising 382
Rage and Terror 301
Reikoku 287
The xDEATHx Squadron 267

By alliance:

Pandemic Legion 2,558
Against ALL Authorities 1,298
Morsus Mihi 955
GoonSwarm 897
Cry Havoc. 842
Atlas Alliance 767
Triumvirate. 674
RAZOR Alliance 663
IT Alliance 622
Red Alliance 586

6,115 capital kills by characters/corps who weren't in an alliance at the time.

Is it possible to make a list based on supercapital kills (ie titans and supercarriers) only?


By character as well would be nice. But thisthisthisthis

Thanks for all the info so far, can we still have these numbers please :)
CCP Diagoras
C C P Alliance
#99 - 2011-12-02 15:03:53 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Diagoras
Klausan wrote:
Cynthia Ysolde wrote:
Euriti wrote:

Is it possible to make a list based on supercapital kills (ie titans and supercarriers) only?


By character as well would be nice. But thisthisthisthis

Thanks for all the info so far, can we still have these numbers please :)

I'll think about it. P

Maybe for a thousand forum likes. Let's barter.
Ariane VoxDei
#100 - 2011-12-02 15:04:45 UTC
Do you happen to have the number on how much isk that all those losses generated via insurance?

Broken down for PVP and PVE please. Even better if you can also do it pro anno, with a manual breakpoint at the introduction of incursions.

Btw where do the concord (and customs and gate/sentry guns) kills fit in that? Its a kill by PVE, but triggered by unsanctioned pvp or criminal/standing status.
Would be interesting to see those grouped up and filtered out in a colums of their own.