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[Proteus] Reduction in Fighter and Fighter Bomber scan resolution

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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#281 - 2015-01-06 20:04:34 UTC
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:

How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

ahhh there it is

the most ingratiating position of surrender possible

Alternatively, please come down and destroy us.
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#282 - 2015-01-06 20:04:59 UTC
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:

How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

ahhh there it is

the most ingratiating position of surrender possible

Can't we just all get along by killing each other silently?

I always find it amusing how every forum thread turns into GRR GEWNS.

I say it from time to time, cause you know, its funny.

Shiny thing!

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#283 - 2015-01-06 20:06:51 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:

How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

ahhh there it is

the most ingratiating position of surrender possible

Alternatively, please come down and destroy us.

Mario Putzo
#284 - 2015-01-06 20:06:51 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Thats cute, but its not my problem if CCPs spaghetti code makes it hard for them to implement a new timer, that is CCP's problem and I can still expect them to actually fix what they claim they want to fix. Perhaps if they didn't spend the last 5 years kicking cans down the road they would have been able to streamline their code a bit more so they could overhaul aspects of the game they believe necessary to change. Keep in mind that this change is not only about DPS, but also avoiding server load. That server load is just as easily spiked with subcap drone usage as it it is with Capital drone usage. HED-GP?

I too would enjoy living in this fantasy world where "bad code" is the only thing preventing computers from doing everything you want them to.

Making Abandon/Scoop/Recall to Drone bay trigger a timer is perfectly possible within the game. We see this already occurring in a broad spectrum of commands in game already (reload weapons for example). In fact we just saw them implement a new timer tied to Jump to Beacon commands, that didn't exist before. So the computer can be told to function to have a command also begin a timer.

We also know that timers can be made to prevent someone from issuing commands again across a wide array of things. Which means locking drone commands based on a timer, is also a possible process in the game.

If for any reason this can not be implemented due to code structure, than it is an issue with the code, not the process capability of the game. So yes, if it can not be implemented, it is because of bad code, period.

Several thousand drones all having their timers triggered on an already stressed node. Its not code its the node.

You don't put a timer on the drone. You put a timer on drone commands themselves. For 20 seconds you can not issue commands to drones at all period. It doesn't matter what drones are doing. After issuing a command that triggers the timer you can not command your drones until that timer stops, at all.

Command Abandon/Scoop/Recall to Bay Drones
<20s Timer Start>
You can not command drones now.
<20s Timer Done.>
You can command drones again.

It has nothing to do with the drones themselves, it is locking the entire command tree of the drone interface. Just like when you reload a weapon or module and can no longer command it until the reloading timer completes.

Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#285 - 2015-01-06 20:07:27 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

Blue doughnut? I don't know about you but I have never been short on fights. At any given time we have three major and half a dozen minor entities nibbling at our borders from every direction. There are more than enough fights to keep everyone who wants one.

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#286 - 2015-01-06 20:07:46 UTC
Panther X wrote:
Promiscuous Female wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:

How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

ahhh there it is

the most ingratiating position of surrender possible

Can't we just all get along by killing each other silently?

I always find it amusing how every forum thread turns into GRR GEWNS.

I say it from time to time, cause you know, its funny.

Shiny thing!

hey we weren't the ones what started it

we were summoned by the rank stench of entitlement clogging our sensitive olfactory zones
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#287 - 2015-01-06 20:09:02 UTC
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

Blue doughnut? I don't know about you but I have never been short on fights. At any given time we have three major and half a dozen minor entities nibbling at our borders from every direction. There are more than enough fights to keep everyone who wants one.

Whatever you are on, can I please have some?
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#288 - 2015-01-06 20:09:19 UTC
Mario Putzo wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Primary This Rifter wrote:
Mario Putzo wrote:
Thats cute, but its not my problem if CCPs spaghetti code makes it hard for them to implement a new timer, that is CCP's problem and I can still expect them to actually fix what they claim they want to fix. Perhaps if they didn't spend the last 5 years kicking cans down the road they would have been able to streamline their code a bit more so they could overhaul aspects of the game they believe necessary to change. Keep in mind that this change is not only about DPS, but also avoiding server load. That server load is just as easily spiked with subcap drone usage as it it is with Capital drone usage. HED-GP?

I too would enjoy living in this fantasy world where "bad code" is the only thing preventing computers from doing everything you want them to.

Making Abandon/Scoop/Recall to Drone bay trigger a timer is perfectly possible within the game. We see this already occurring in a broad spectrum of commands in game already (reload weapons for example). In fact we just saw them implement a new timer tied to Jump to Beacon commands, that didn't exist before. So the computer can be told to function to have a command also begin a timer.

We also know that timers can be made to prevent someone from issuing commands again across a wide array of things. Which means locking drone commands based on a timer, is also a possible process in the game.

If for any reason this can not be implemented due to code structure, than it is an issue with the code, not the process capability of the game. So yes, if it can not be implemented, it is because of bad code, period.

Several thousand drones all having their timers triggered on an already stressed node. Its not code its the node.

You don't put a timer on the drone. You put a timer on drone commands themselves. For 20 seconds you can not issue commands to drones at all period. It doesn't matter what drones are doing. After issuing a command that triggers the timer you can not command your drones until that timer stops, at all.

Command Abandon/Scoop/Recall to Bay Drones
<20s Timer Start>
You can not command drones now.
<20s Timer Done.>
You can command drones again.

It has nothing to do with the drones themselves, it is locking the entire command tree of the drone interface. Just like when you reload a weapon or module and can no longer command it until the reloading timer completes.

I see where you are going with that, it sounds like a good idea until the reality of reworking the entire drone command process rears its head.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#289 - 2015-01-06 20:10:10 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

Blue doughnut? I don't know about you but I have never been short on fights. At any given time we have three major and half a dozen minor entities nibbling at our borders from every direction. There are more than enough fights to keep everyone who wants one.

Whatever you are on, can I please have some?

i dunno, Truth is kind of a harsh drug, you might need to wean yourself off of Cognitive Dissonance before you can handle any of this stuff
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#290 - 2015-01-06 20:17:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Mr Omniblivion
Tykonderoga wrote:

Whatever you are on, can I please have some?

We never fight outnumbered, we are blue with everyone, no one dogpiles any fight we're in.

Edit: It's pretty obvious what mechanics are "best" in the current meta. We're going to keep utilizing them until CCP makes a change.

1: Sentry Drones (ishtar/domi)
2: Tengus
3: Goonswarm Developers at CCP
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#291 - 2015-01-06 20:21:01 UTC
Nac Lac wrote:

If you want a more elegant fix than just doing scan res nerf, why not change Drone Damage Amps to a rate of fire bonus instead of flat damage? Higher boosted damage means less gains from redeploying, since the window for positive damage gains is much smaller. Also, as a happy coincidence, will nerf Ishtar volley damage. Everybody wins!

That's actually a fairly simple solution to the problem, you would already have under 2 seconds for drones and fighters to see a benefit from this bug, so increasing RoF would reduce the window one has to scoop, redeploy, and engage to perhaps under a second? It *may* not be enough to balance FBs completely, and a scan res reduction might be needed as well.

ECM drones do definitely need to be fixed as well.

Nac Lac, that's a very good idea, hopefully CCP takes notice and implements a variant of it.
Mario Putzo
#292 - 2015-01-06 20:27:46 UTC
Panther X wrote:

I see where you are going with that, it sounds like a good idea until the reality of reworking the entire drone command process rears its head.

Depends if CCP actually wants to put the issue to bed, or just apply a very poorly thought out band aid.
Mr Omniblivion
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#293 - 2015-01-06 20:28:33 UTC
CCP needs to redesign how drones work in general- especially before a ROF increase would make sense. If they evaluate what causes the most load on the servers during engagements, I'd bet drones are near the top. Making a ROF increase would only compound the load during larger engagements.

CCP needs to build a formula to have your entire flight of drones calculate as one unit, like with grouped weapons, rather than each drone calculating each hit/miss. They can then adjust ROF changes and make other additions/changes that would not immediately spike 10% tidi.
Angelique Duchemin
Team Evil
#294 - 2015-01-06 20:38:05 UTC
Tykonderoga wrote:
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

Blue doughnut? I don't know about you but I have never been short on fights. At any given time we have three major and half a dozen minor entities nibbling at our borders from every direction. There are more than enough fights to keep everyone who wants one.

Whatever you are on, can I please have some?

I'm a mediocre debater at best. You really shouldn't need to devolve into invectives this early.

The very sun of heaven seemed distorted when viewed through the polarising miasma welling out from this sea-soaked perversion, and twisted menace and suspense lurked leeringly in those crazily elusive angles of carven rock where a second glance shewed concavity after the first shewed convexity.

Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#295 - 2015-01-06 20:39:48 UTC
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
Angelique Duchemin wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
How about this: We blue each other and complete the donut. Not as though anything is going on in EvE anyway. Or are you content gutting the leadership of your allies so they are just zombies?

Blue doughnut? I don't know about you but I have never been short on fights. At any given time we have three major and half a dozen minor entities nibbling at our borders from every direction. There are more than enough fights to keep everyone who wants one.

Whatever you are on, can I please have some?

I'm a mediocre debater at best. You really shouldn't need to devolve into invectives this early.

don't worry, with some more field experience you will become a master debater just like me
Captain StringfellowHawk
Forsaken Reavers
#296 - 2015-01-06 20:42:23 UTC
Hot damn, Almost as many shots fired here then at B-R... Wonder who's gonna win this pissing contest... Wonder when the thread will get back on track :P

Keep going with the changes CCP, When the big boys start tearing more out of game then in game, You know you are starting to do it right. Take back control of your game. Someone has to herd the damn cats finally.

* munches sour patch kids watching *
Moon Of The Pheonix
#297 - 2015-01-06 20:52:01 UTC
Penna Bianca wrote:

How about you suggest that they simply remove effects of drone modules from assigned Fighters ? So assigned fighters only get host ships hull bonus and not bonus from DDA, Omnilinks, Tracking Enhancer.. Fighters with base stats are pretty weak, I mean this whole subject is pretty stupid since fighters are pretty weak already combined with this nerf it should be more than enough.

So much this, Why are the carrier bonuses not shared with assigned fighters but drone augmentative modules are shared with assigned fighters, Perhaps you should fix that....
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#298 - 2015-01-06 21:00:11 UTC
smokeydapot wrote:
Penna Bianca wrote:

How about you suggest that they simply remove effects of drone modules from assigned Fighters ? So assigned fighters only get host ships hull bonus and not bonus from DDA, Omnilinks, Tracking Enhancer.. Fighters with base stats are pretty weak, I mean this whole subject is pretty stupid since fighters are pretty weak already combined with this nerf it should be more than enough.

So much this, Why are the carrier bonuses not shared with assigned fighters but drone augmentative modules are shared with assigned fighters, Perhaps you should fix that....

i hear that discussing a thing that, according to the OP, is being expressly ignored in the thread is a good way to spend your time
Marlona Sky
State War Academy
Caldari State
#299 - 2015-01-06 21:16:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Il Feytid
baltec1 wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Brace yourselves, NC DOT superwaggon arriving.

Brace yourself, you use drones too, friend. And your bears do too.

We dont care. Death to all supers.

I guess that blog by your leader not long ago, ordering all goons to NOT sell their super capitals, is a figment of my imagination?
Promiscuous Female
GBS Logistics and Fives Support
#300 - 2015-01-06 21:19:40 UTC
Marlona Sky wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Tykonderoga wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Brace yourselves, NC DOT superwaggon arriving.

Brace yourself, you use drones too, friend. And your bears do too.

We dont care. Death to all supers.

I guess that blog by your leader not log ago ordering all goons to NOT sell their super capitals is a figment of my imagination?

hmm yes ordering goons to do things