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Rhea Feedback

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Heinrich Rotwang
Spectre Fleet Corporation
#221 - 2014-12-09 18:07:10 UTC
CCP Darwin wrote:
s remove one of the elements people use to distinguish icons. However, relying on color for icons to be distinguishable is a questionable UI design strategy because it relies on users having good color acuity.

So to me, the obvious solution would have been to replace the bad colored icons with good colored icons. Not with icons that are undistinguishable for a different reason.
Adam Lyon
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#222 - 2014-12-09 18:07:18 UTC
BadAssMcKill wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:

I'd say its hardly questionable when there's 7 pages of people complaining

Feedback is better than any study that says otherwise

That false consensus effect, though.

Seriously. If you can't figure out that an envelope is the mail box or that a triple chevron is fleet, I don't know what to say to you. I got the corp button correct on my first try--it is marvelous design on CCP's part. EVE isn't supposed to look like an episode of my little pony anyway FFS.
Kaiserin Schlacht
Where's Your Castle
#223 - 2014-12-09 18:07:18 UTC
where are the new items for the NES?

the pirate clothes or whatever
Spontaneous Massive Existence Failure
#224 - 2014-12-09 18:13:03 UTC
I really like the new icon scheme and I consider it much clearer than the old one. Spending time on Singularity gave me time to get used to the new UI, and while it took me little while, I now prefer the overall clarity and higher recognizability to the old mushy-icon collection. To the players who seem abundantly angry: perhaps you aswell will start thinking differently if you give the new UI a few days to sink in? Jah Love. Blink
Black Avarice
Skeletons in the Closet
#225 - 2014-12-09 18:19:51 UTC
I'm finding the UI to be flat and drab looking.

I love the new 'glow' you guys are working for. The tabs for each chat channel look awesome when they flash. But the tabs themselves are ill-defined. I miss the 'button look' and edge details on a lot of things now, inventory icons, tabs, window borders, etc. They stood out, but with the new UI i'm not seeing much contrast to define items from their backround. I'm thinking they should be darker until active. The neocon to the left is alpha faded despite UI settings.

The new map looks great. No route highlighting shown but I like the look so far and it isn't a resource hog. Keep adding functionality to it and it will be a good replacement.

Cheap clones and no skill loss. Your going to need a whole new set of machines to handle the influx of killmails.
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
#226 - 2014-12-09 18:21:18 UTC
BadAssMcKill wrote:

I'd say its hardly questionable when there's 7 pages of people complaining

Feedback is better than any study that says otherwise

Actually studies have shown that feedback is actually a pretty useless indicator of what people really want. What it is, however, is an excellent indicator of what people think they want.

As Malcolm Gladwell says

If I asked all of you, for example, in this room, what you want in a coffee, you know what you’d say? Every one of you would say ‘I want a dark, rich, hearty roast.’ It’s what people always say when you ask them what they want in a coffee. What do you like? Dark, rich, hearty roast! What percentage of you actually like a dark, rich, hearty roast? According to Howard, somewhere between 25 and 27 percent of you. Most of you like milky, weak coffee. But you will never, ever say to someone who asks you what you want — that ‘I want a milky, weak coffee.'

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

The Geoman
Anarchos Syndicate
#227 - 2014-12-09 18:22:10 UTC
I think the new UI illustrates further why an API would be so useful: letting players design their own UIs, and we could satisfy ourselves, rather than complain about whichever arbitrary UI change dropped on patch day.

My own issue with the UI is similar to what others have said: too small, and a lack of colour to quickly know what each icon represents. If I have to hover my mouse over it to know what it does, that's poor UX (imo).
Vihura Cor
#228 - 2014-12-09 18:22:57 UTC
uhnboy ghost wrote:
STOP whit the force feeding of the new ui ****!!!!

first u forced us to have that stuff @ hud, and now u have just taken a hose o forced it down our throats whit all the new ui coulor stuff, and the new buttons..

there is no reason to forse us to have this junk, so just add a button "use old ui"

"-well just use the "dark matter" or "carbon" they almoste looks like the old"
-NO!!! it still looks like ****, and it dosent change the buttons back

seriously stop just stop, i dont care if u and the csm think its looks cool and gives it a "modern" look, i dont want it

it cant be that difficult to just let us use what ui we want, and if it is to hard then u may want to take a look at that and maybe hier someone that can fix it

// uhnboy

Nothing can be more terrible than old UI icons. I play this game years and UI icon was one most annoying things in this game happy that they changed it.
#229 - 2014-12-09 18:24:33 UTC
Jean Luc Lemmont wrote:
BadAssMcKill wrote:

I'd say its hardly questionable when there's 7 pages of people complaining

Feedback is better than any study that says otherwise

Actually studies have shown that feedback is actually a pretty useless indicator of what people really want. What it is, however, is an excellent indicator of what people think they want.

As Malcolm Gladwell says

If I asked all of you, for example, in this room, what you want in a coffee, you know what you’d say? Every one of you would say ‘I want a dark, rich, hearty roast.’ It’s what people always say when you ask them what they want in a coffee. What do you like? Dark, rich, hearty roast! What percentage of you actually like a dark, rich, hearty roast? According to Howard, somewhere between 25 and 27 percent of you. Most of you like milky, weak coffee. But you will never, ever say to someone who asks you what you want — that ‘I want a milky, weak coffee.'

You may not know what you do like but I'd wager most people know what they do dislike
Vihura Cor
#230 - 2014-12-09 18:24:41 UTC
The Geoman wrote:
I think the new UI illustrates further why an API would be so useful: letting players design their own UIs, and we could satisfy ourselves, rather than complain about whichever arbitrary UI change dropped on patch day.

My own issue with the UI is similar to what others have said: too small, and a lack of colour to quickly know what each icon represents. If I have to hover my mouse over it to know what it does, that's poor UX (imo).

Old icos were terrible and randoms color was main reason, new icon are much better
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
#231 - 2014-12-09 18:24:43 UTC
SpaceSaft wrote:
CCP Darwin wrote:

Removing color does remove one of the elements people use to distinguish icons. However, relying on color for icons to be distinguishable is a questionable UI design strategy because it relies on users having good color acuity.

Here are some of our old Neocom icons, viewed up-close. I hope you'll agree that these designs are too busy to distinguish by outline and carry virtually no semantic meaning. This is one major issue the new UI icons were intended to address.

They were things that were distinguishable somewhat by shape and somewhat by color. Now you removed the color and they're things only distinguishable by shape. Explain again how that's suppoed to help please.

Shape recognition alone is faster in humans that shape + color recognition. I can practically guarantee you that after a few days using the new icons, you won't even notice them anymore.

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

Snuffed Out
#232 - 2014-12-09 18:24:58 UTC
The new UI is literally aids, give me back swamp colour scheme and stop making boxes i select go less transparent and stop making all my blinky chats stop blinking when i click only 1 channel, basically let me opt out of the new UI.

Neevor Airuta
Grey Horizon
#233 - 2014-12-09 18:25:15 UTC
So to reitarete what has been and probably will be said again, some first impressions...

First the sweet:
new map - awesome, better 3D modeling, nice constellation division and grouping, also more visually appealing.

UI colors and icons - better, old color settings always needlessly complicated, never bothered to swich from gray-on-gray default; new schemes, while simplified, are cleaner and quite pleasant. Icons are clear and distinct, more easliy readable and memorable. And to those having issues with window transparency / flicker: you can turn window blur and set them opaque, and if you're having headaches it's not Eve, it's your monitor, especialy if you have refresh rates below 60Hz, ditch the old CRTs.

Then the sour:
PBR - Amarr hulls look Awesome! ; pure and uncontested, Minmatar are good, especially t2s; but Caldari, and even moreso Gallente made me groan. They look like cheap plastic toys trying to fake metallic shine, definitely need to be toned down on glare, Caldari should be almost all matte, more than minmatar, they're famous for being "ugly"

And for the small things: drone health in drone bay was long overdue for implementation and greatly needed; and manual control usability seems purely situational.

In summary: so far more good than bad, keep up the good work.
Infinite Point
Pandemic Horde
#234 - 2014-12-09 18:25:55 UTC
I'm using 90% UI scaling. The label text, like on the ships & items tabs and chat window tabs, really is super-tiny and the letter-space is super-narrow.
Eve Cluster Explorations
#235 - 2014-12-09 18:26:07 UTC
Quadima wrote:
Crumplecorn wrote:
The map is amazing. I love it.

Yea. Amazing blurry mess in which you can't see anything properly !
Thanks god it's optional...
You get that it's a beta, right?

I mean, I agree the bloom is over the top at the moment, but it doesn't even have half the features of the old map yet. Obvious work in progress is obvious.

Witty Image - Stream

Not Liking this post hurts my RL feelings and will be considered harassment

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#236 - 2014-12-09 18:28:34 UTC
The way the windows change between transparent and opaque is like ebola aids, and there is something infuriating about the new blink
Jean Luc Lemmont
Carebears on Fire
#237 - 2014-12-09 18:29:57 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
Hah.. the 1.5GB patch borked my EVE client.

Not even repair fixes it. Uninstalled... busy downloading EVE from scratch.

I see what you did there - lull all your war targets into a false sense of security and then when they undock *POUNCE*

I am onto you, Cannibal Kane.

Will I get banned for boxing!?!?!

This thread has degenerated to the point it's become like two bald men fighting over a comb. -- Doc Fury

It's bonuses, not boni, you cretins.

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#238 - 2014-12-09 18:30:13 UTC  |  Edited by: ISD Ezwal
Tub Thumping wrote:
Querns wrote:
Tenshiel wrote:
*Snip* Please refrain from personal attacks. ISD Ezwal.

*smacking forehead to wall*

NEVER *thunk*
EVER *thunk*
VISIT *thunk*
EVE FORUMS *thunk*


I am not getting addicted to pain killers due to poor game design ill just unsub my 8 account and play something else , that does not cause head akes -

Flickering lights

The visual cortex, or part of the brain that reads visual information, doesn’t like flashing or flickering lights. Computers, particularly older computers, tend to have a subtle flicker effect that can irritate the eyes and trigger headaches, Dr. Kaniecki says.

shame we cannot turn the flickering windows off , give us choice ccp

LOL, there is always one... or in this case it looks like about six or seven...

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Almost Dangerous
Wolves Amongst Strangers
#239 - 2014-12-09 18:31:01 UTC
Jean Luc Lemmont wrote:

As Malcolm Gladwell says

If I asked all of you, for example, in this room, what you want in a coffee, you know what you’d say? Every one of you would say ‘I want a dark, rich, hearty roast.’ It’s what people always say when you ask them what they want in a coffee. What do you like? Dark, rich, hearty roast! What percentage of you actually like a dark, rich, hearty roast? According to Howard, somewhere between 25 and 27 percent of you. Most of you like milky, weak coffee. But you will never, ever say to someone who asks you what you want — that ‘I want a milky, weak coffee.'

That's cool but the difference is that we weren't asked what we'd like and then they gave us something different than what we asked for but we liked it anyway.

They did something, many didn't like it and they deployed it anyway.

Also I told you I don't have an issue with the symbols as long as I have to deal with the new UI colors.
Bad Bobby
Bring Me Sunshine
In Tea We Trust
#240 - 2014-12-09 18:32:28 UTC
I'm struggling to find anything positive to say about the new UI.

Taste aside, you've taken away basic customisation features. Who thought that was a good idea?