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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Arun Tadaruwa
#901 - 2014-10-01 19:51:54 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Blaqsunshine wrote:
While you are at it, make it where I can unanchor my POS and fly it around and jump through gates as well..Twisted

Just sayin...

I support this as long as CCP makes a 10,000MN Microwarpdrive for you to fit to it.

and make so that I can fit it on my barghest :P

Alt posting because yes.

Regnag Leppod
#902 - 2014-10-01 19:52:10 UTC
Still reading along, but I would like to add my voice to those who are concerned about how this will affect Jump Freighters overall. Considering that JFs specifically are "sitting duck" class ships, it would be nice if that was exchanged for an advantage in their projection ability. Leave them where they are currently for range, and judge it's effect. Then, if a few release cycles later you've determined that you should still nerf them, do so. For now though, leave JFs out of the change.

Also, if any of the number of folks who are quitting Eve over this have an Ark they'll be giving away, please contract to me, preferably in low/high-sec. thx.
CCP Greyscale
C C P Alliance
#903 - 2014-10-01 19:52:30 UTC
Reitora wrote:
Let me see if I understand correctly... CCP is attempting to end the way it gave him the best publicity in years ... the capital Battle of B-R5.

Good move Lol

Yup, that's one of the goals. It was great for us publicity-wise, but we feel the paradigm of "no cap fights unless they're guaranteed to hit 10% TiDi" is bad for you guys.

Blaqsunshine wrote:
While you are at it, make it where I can unanchor my POS and fly it around and jump through gates as well..Twisted

Just sayin...


Summer Isle wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Does this make it too difficult for new pilots to get out into 0.0?
Yes, it probably does. We are going to look at this tomorrow to try and make this easier.

Make it so you can only change stations if your clone is currently an Alpha clone, but you can only upgrade your clone if you're currently in the station with it. A new character, still in their Alpha clone, could jump into nulsec without difficulty (or anywhere, for that matter), but an older character will either have to sacrifice some SP, or will have to hoof it the long way.

Interesting idea.

Bort Malice wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

A major goal of this change is to make you not take your supercap that sort of distance on a regular basis. If the changes are making you say "OK, I'm never taking my super long distances ever again", that means they're actually working.

So why for the love of god are things that ARENT SUPERCAPS being affected!?

Because another major goal of this change is to make you not take your non-super cap that sort of distance on a regular basis.

MonkeyBusiness Thiesant wrote:
bp920091 wrote:
Congratulations CCP, you've made Stain and just about every single NPC 0.0 region uninhabitable.

I like the general thrust of the devblog, but the above is a valid response. Stain will be unreachable without going through sov,
Curse/Thukker will mean going through an oft-camped gate, and Venal will be seriously awkward (Lonetrek > midpoint in the Pure Blind mordus systems, then a jump into a non-station system in southern Venal).

Everything old is new again.

Medalyn Isis
#904 - 2014-10-01 19:52:41 UTC
MonkeyBusiness Thiesant wrote:
bp920091 wrote:
Congratulations CCP, you've made Stain and just about every single NPC 0.0 region uninhabitable.

I like the general thrust of the devblog, but the above is a valid response. Stain will be unreachable without going through sov,
Curse/Thukker will mean going through an oft-camped gate, and Venal will be seriously awkward (Lonetrek > midpoint in the Pure Blind mordus systems, then a jump into a non-station system in southern Venal).

Use WHs or build your capitals in Stain. One of the unique points about Stain is it is detached from the rest of space. This will make living in Stain more enjoyable. If you want easy access to HS / LS then there are plenty of other regions to go to.
The Destined
#905 - 2014-10-01 19:52:56 UTC
Glasgow Dunlop
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#906 - 2014-10-01 19:53:02 UTC
WTB Nullbear Tear gather.

You've had it your way for far too long, yeah wormholes got hit hard, but we adapted.

You'll adapt, or leave.

Shut the Door on your way out, and let the adapters thrive.

@glasgowdunlop #tweetfleet

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Thead Enco
Valkyre Black
#907 - 2014-10-01 19:53:17 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Can supers use gates after this change?

Does this make it too difficult for new pilots to get out into 0.0?
Yes, it probably does. We are going to look at this tomorrow to try and make this easier.

Is the balance for Black Ops final?
No. Please give feedback!

The math about the minimum jump timer is inconsistent in the blog, right?
Yes, it is, I'll fix it as soon as I have time, thread's moving too fast atm!

Very large fatigue values will take a loooong time to decay, is this too much?
Possibly yes, we'll have a look at this.

Why did you feel a need to include jump this change? I cannot recall period of time when jump freighter force projection was a problem. What happens to logistics in the deep south and east? Anyone saying they're looking forward to freighter escort ops again is completely.full of ****.
Blackwater USA Inc.
Pandemic Horde
#908 - 2014-10-01 19:53:27 UTC
is there any concern for seiged dreads hugging gates and then jumping at all or is this moot? Not that I don't like it but I'm curious.
Also, any quitting pilots please donate your dreads to me I will ensure they die in glorious gunfire.
Petrus Blackshell
#909 - 2014-10-01 19:53:50 UTC
+3 accounts from a super happy player. Are we keeping a tally or something?

I was on a break, and still am, but I can't not give CCP all my money after they make me this happy.

Accidentally The Whole Frigate - For-newbies blog (currently on pause)

Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#910 - 2014-10-01 19:54:02 UTC
a timer yea, A range nerf yes but a timer that increases is just to much. Why dont u add a system like the current DD has?

You hit the ''jump module'' and you get the same menu as now, and then it simply counts down (10 mins), Same as a DD and then when its done you can jump out again.


Sacred Templars
#911 - 2014-10-01 19:54:04 UTC
State War Academy
Caldari State
#912 - 2014-10-01 19:54:19 UTC
Rowells wrote:
is there any concern for seiged dreads hugging gates and then jumping at all or is this moot? Not that I don't like it but I'm curious.
Also, any quitting pilots please donate your dreads to me I will ensure they die in glorious gunfire.

Wouldn't it be best to donate our titans to fcon because that's what you guys seem to lose a lot more than dreads?
Gevlon Goblin
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#913 - 2014-10-01 19:54:30 UTC
Andski wrote:
With these changes, the west is practically guaranteed to be held by us until either our organizational structure collapses or the servers die. But apparently it's ~goon tears top kek~
No. You'll be paying the Sov costs for the West forever. PASTA, MoA, BL, Tri and Mortuus will control these regions. They will own the R64s, they will drive out the CFC ratters and if they are really mean, they might install renters in your sov.

With the power projection nerf, you can't just jump around with 50 dreads to RF everything. If you want to RF a MoA tower, you have to come down from your capital in bombless bombers taking gates (taking JB or Blops bridge gives fatigue), shoot the tower, go home via gates. When the timer comes up, you have to come down again in combat ships and you might find the locals deploying a few triage carriers and tracking dreads that you can't counter with 200 supers unless you've been planning the dunk for weeks.

I can't tell how much I love these changes. The CFC is going down!

A tip for the "newbie can't deathjump to Deklein": Let all alliances set a HQ (changeable once a week or if HQ Sov is lost) and players can deathclone to this system. So you can always deathclone home but you can't deathclone away.

My blog:

The Frog Pond
#914 - 2014-10-01 19:54:35 UTC
A lot of stuff in this makes not a lot do sense to me.

1 - how can you make gate jumping a super through gates faster over 20 light years? Aligning and warping a capital isn't fast. More to come?

2 - I can't see the distance here on my iPad but I think many of the jump distances to the drone regions are larger than 5ly. There are also parts in southern null that are really far from empire. If the goal is to get away from the donut, then I don't see how it'll be feasible for people to set up logistics chains easily after the change. More conflict is fine but logistics is tedious and boring. Not sure why you want to make it worse.

3 - if you want to stop bat phone hot dropping, then that's fine but why not add a jump delay based on jump,distance or something instead of this? I'm not a fan of hot drops but I don't get why you have to change major parts of the game to fix a singular problem.

This is all really confusing and not what I think most people were expecting at all.

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Black Canary Jnr
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#915 - 2014-10-01 19:54:45 UTC
Cr Turist wrote:

1. titan pilots unsub
2. super pilots unsub
3. Rest of 0.0 has fun in sub caps and realises owning half the universe was overrated anyways.

Lydia Maulerant
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#916 - 2014-10-01 19:55:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Lydia Maulerant
There is a distinct issue of capitals being used to support gate camps, which screw over roaming. Consider a carrier on a gate camp, locking everyone up. If things look to be going south, tanking a 1 minute deagress timer and jumping is not too hard, while still making life real annoying for small roaming gangs. Some way of retaining some of the old risk to such an activity, like making it so you can only take the gate when you can activate your jump drive (sans timer, naturally), would be worth looking at.

Also, as per the BLOPS issue, you might consider an exception to the timer and/or fatigue for BLOPS capable ships jumping into the system they last jumped out of.
Cr Turist
Arcana Noctis
#917 - 2014-10-01 19:55:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Cr Turist
Cr Turist wrote:

ok i guess what im saying is your target is absurd. with all the time people have spent getting into these ships i think and most of the people i am speaking to agree 10mins is more than acceptable. most major super cap fights take 4 mids at least 40 mins to go 4 mids seems pritty crazy but better than what u have proposed

A major goal of this change is to make you not take your supercap that sort of distance on a regular basis. If the changes are making you say "OK, I'm never taking my super long distances ever again", that means they're actually working.


So what you are saying is you want to make supers and titans hell all capitals obsolete and alienate the literately thousands of players that use them.

i understand fully the intent here but the difference from going across the galaxy in minz vs not even being able to move at all. i ask you what is the point in me keeping my super capital subscriptions? by your own admission you dont want us to use them. whats the point in having them? maybe we should look into being able to reprocess them?
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#918 - 2014-10-01 19:55:35 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Yup, true, although if memory serves the optimal setup was mammoth+hoarder. I've also seen it done with mundane freighter convoys in the past. It'll be harder, for sure, but let's not get ahead of ourselves and say that this change makes getting moon mins to empire *impossible*.

It does not make it impossible, yes. It does make it much more annoying however. The issue is I (and I think everyone else) don't see what the benefit you see from that change or what your goal is. What positive benefits are you aiming to get that you think outweigh the added annoyance of what is not exactly compelling gameplay. All the other changes I can see what your goal is, why you think the benefits outweigh the downsides (even if I disagree), but I see no benefits you're aiming at here so it'd be helpful to know what those are.
Arec Bardwin
#919 - 2014-10-01 19:55:40 UTC
Looks like I'll be renewing my 12 month subscription plan after all, perhaps even activate a dormant alt account or two.
#920 - 2014-10-01 19:55:42 UTC
WOW.... ...WOW

very good start ...... looks like a great shake up....

its a good start to see how lowering power projection will spice the game up...

and possibly may have a side effect of more local and concentrated 0.0 manufacturing.

I cant wait to blops carrier pilots jumping gates !!!!

Finally these power blocs may have to choose where they have their blob fleets...instead of "everywhere" as the current mechanics allow.