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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5541 - 2014-10-03 14:22:49 UTC
Owen Levanth wrote:
Moisturised Esophagus wrote:
90% of the people posting in favour of these changes are noob alts and hi/low sec dwellers.

Food for thought.

Yeah, obviously them not living in NullSec 24/7 means they are idiots that should be ignored. If life were that easy. Luckily I'm not judging all NullSec-people by the quality of your posts. Roll

But I agree people posting on alts are another matter. Cowards should always be ignored, like a cowardly lot deserves.

My friend, he is not saying that people that don't live in null are fools. Rather, he is saying that without actually living in null, one would not have the first-hand experience regarding what, you know, living in null would entail.

Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#5542 - 2014-10-03 14:25:05 UTC  |  Edited by: Christopher Multsanti
This post was rubbish.
#5543 - 2014-10-03 14:25:24 UTC
Archibald Thistlewaite III wrote:
FraXy wrote:
Moisturised Esophagus wrote:
90% of the people posting in favour of these changes are noob alts and hi/low sec dwellers.

Food for thought.

90% of the people posting opposed to change wants to keep the status quo.

Your point?

90% of the people posting made up statistics are fools.


Kind of was the underlying point, but v0v.

Going by the CCP responses to feedback this will go through one way or another, and it's highly amusing to see people dangling from the cliff by their fingertips while CCP stomp on them.

This change have been needed (in my opinion) for a long time to make space and deployments matter instead of being ignored completely.
I will not be able to hotdrop around Akora with Ishtars anymore (hi Wessler), but that's a sacrifice I'd be willing to make for the greater good.

Fights will be forced more locally simply due to restriction of travel which will be a significant factor on where to stage, and which entity to pick fights with.
It will just be a matter of leaders adopting a more aggressive diplomatic stance than the peace-pipe smoking hippy bullshit we got going on currently.

One man's junk is FraXy's choice of weapon to kill you with.

Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5544 - 2014-10-03 14:25:55 UTC  |  Edited by: Alp Khan
Kari Trace wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
To all the people who say that large scale logistics is not needed or that it should be nerfed more to break up the large blocks. I am sorry to inform you this is an empire building game a large portion of the players play this game for that exact reason. If you take away our empire you take away our reason to play.

Please change back the JF and Rorqual jump range till you have fixed the T1 mineral distribution and made a meaningful attempt at making all T2 materials available in all parts of space. Maybe ring mining?

@CCPgreyscale @CCPdev

I think we're here beaking the current null not because it's 2 massive empires are vibrant and happy, but because it is stale, boring and only ISBoxers log in if there isn't a timer involved. Your large empires are teh suxors and logins are proving it.

Also to add one more thing. Our empire is quite vibrant and happy. We are now producing T1 and T2 modules and ships in 0.0 on a scale this game has never seen before but if these changes go through we will no longer be able to import the required materials to sustain this production.

Bleh, T2 production existed in null long before JF. It's called Freighters, with combat escort. You know, actually having to protect the industrial based that makes the ships we like to make explode.

I'd be happy w/ no JFs personally, but I know that won't happen.

Dude, I don't think you are comprehending what is being said. We know T2 production has existed before Jump Bridges and Jump Freighters. T2 modules used to cost five to twenty times more when that was the case!

The naive expectation of 'freighters with combat escorts' is something that can only drive up costs of doing business because of more people being involved and the increased risks.

Also, such a scheme hurts the small entities and guys who are unable to secure logistical lines!
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#5545 - 2014-10-03 14:26:02 UTC
Frostys Virpio wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:

This is what happened last time CCP tried to 'stimulate conflict' (using the same "nerf things till people fight" thinking as displayed with the current changes).

Their moon change to create conflict did work tho. An entire coalition was destroyed when they shuffled some moons around.

Passive income is not good for the game imho. It may have stimulated conflict but things settled out and I think it's a big part of why we have large dug in power blocks today.

Want to talk? Join Cara's channel in game: House Forelli

Dirt Nap Squad
#5546 - 2014-10-03 14:26:42 UTC
BuddyKnife wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
To all the people who say that large scale logistics is not needed or that it should be nerfed more to break up the large blocks. I am sorry to inform you this is an empire building game a large portion of the players play this game for that exact reason. If you take away our empire you take away our reason to play.

Please change back the JF and Rorqual jump range till you have fixed the T1 mineral distribution and made a meaningful attempt at making all T2 materials available in all parts of space. Maybe ring mining?

@CCPgreyscale @CCPdev

I think we're here beaking the current null not because it's 2 massive empires are vibrant and happy, but because it is stale, boring and only ISBoxers log in if there isn't a timer involved. Your large empires are teh suxors and logins are proving it.

Also to add one more thing. Our empire is quite vibrant and happy. We are now producing T1 and T2 modules and ships in 0.0 on a scale this game has never seen before but if these changes go through we will no longer be able to import the required materials to sustain this production.

Adapt or die. You are goons you will find a solution. Here is one load up your 1000 man mega fleet and fly them back however you chose, titan bridge, jb,gate to gate . I haven't run the numbers but I believe the cargo m3 is equal to a jump frieghter.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5547 - 2014-10-03 14:28:37 UTC
Sym Biotic wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
The Slayer wrote:
Sym Biotic wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Is the ability to push your fatigue up to really high numbers a good idea?
Probably not, no. We're looking at just capping fatigue at like 1 month or something.

At what length of time does a game stop being a game? With the timer capping at a month will we see people unsub to wait the month, since you have said that it will keep counting down while unsubbed? Jump/capital skills have already taken months/years to train only to then have potential month long cds. I think you guys should really look at a skill refund if players want it, this is a really radical change that trashed some peoples entire enjoyment of the game. To then spit in their face and tell them well just train something else then is just adding insult to injury.

On a completely different note, the continuous comments pointing out player stargates being implemented seems super silly as they nerf jump bridges (player stargates 1.0). Rename it how ever you want, it just seems like poor management to add the same mechanic twice only call it something else.

It baffles me that anyone would think that a system whereby you cannot engage in fleet combat in your vessel for a MONTH is acceptable or warranted. Supercapital pilots are going to be resubbed for fights and left to stagnate otherwise, moreso than they are right now.

QUOTING SOMEOEN THAT CANNOT READ! The max time you can stay unable to jump is 3 days, and you need to be utter reckless to get to that level. 1 month FATIGUE does not mean 1 month TIMER to jump.

Again it would take 1 month to clear a timer in a game. 1 MONTH that is if you do not jump at any time during that month. So again at what point does it stop being a game? A continuous 3 day timer, hell a continuous 1 day timer, in my book is unacceptable.

If you do not push it to extremes every day. You will never get to a full day without jumping.

Just jump and do not jump again asap. Wait ... oo you need to go further? use gates. THe changes are exaclty to promote that.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Balder Verdandi
Wormhole Sterilization Crew
#5548 - 2014-10-03 14:29:05 UTC
280 pages since the new release.

That's gotta be a record.

Again, let me state for the record that CCP doesn't know how to play it's own game. POS fixes have been discussed for years, and now we have timers on capital pilots and limiting their jumps both in number of jumps and distance.

This does not make content.

This makes making content more difficult because we can't get to places we want to get to. You've just cut off a lot of null-sec.

Just ...... wow.
Tau Phoenix
Eternal Darkness.
The Initiative.
#5549 - 2014-10-03 14:29:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Phoenix
Well after 280 pages of comments, views and proposals i doubt i am going to add any new views here that will be wildly different but i wasn't going to miss posting on such an epic thread. Whilst there is method in CCPs ideas and what they are trying to achieve the concern seems to logistically biased. Only time will tell after the changes what the real outcome will be and it will be interesting to see if CCP's vision and models for the new New Eden will be what actually transpires.

Change is good but the fear of change is the biggest resistance to change itself.

So, time to grab the surfboard and ride the wave of change. Alternatively you can bury your heads in the sand, hold you breath and hope it washes over.
Jethro Winchester
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5550 - 2014-10-03 14:29:36 UTC
Veers Belvar wrote:
Always fascinating to hear the Goons in actions. Somehow the following two points are internally consistent:

1. The nerf to capital movement won't really hurt goons because they will just cache capitals all over their space and run 1000 man megathron and cruiser fleets to respond to challenges on the fringes of their space. Their massive numbers will also allow them to seamlessly run logistics and supply throughout their vast space, and not compel them to abandon territory.

2. The changes will lead to a massive spike in T2 prices throughout Eve (this is a bad thing? Might actually make model tiercide matter), because no one (including the vaunted Goon logistics crew from point 1. above) will be able to get moon goo to production centers. None of the many viable options, including wormholes, chains of alts, intelligent route planning, blockade runners, etc... will matter, because the whole T2 market will simply collapse in spectacular fashion.


The changes may not hurt their ability to hold space. But they will hurt their ability to have fun, and that extends to a good chunk of the player-base in New Eden including those in lowsec who nobody seems to remember or care about.

Those who scream "CRY MOAR FILTHY NULLBEARS TROLOLOL" have clearly not bothered to sit down and consider all of the ramifications of this.

Smaller groups will have extreme difficulty with logistics and moving will be almost out of the question unless every line member either abandons their belongings or owns a carrier and is willing to dedicate a week or more to doing nothing but jumping and staring at timers.

Logistics pilot's suicide rates will skyrocket.

Certain areas of space controlled by the larger alliances will become almost uninhabitable by anybody else because those larger alliances will have less room to branch out and thus will turn to terrorizing the everloving hell out of their immediate neighbors.

Gate camping will likely become an epidemic rivaled only by Bubonic Plague and Spanish Flu as it will be nearly impossible to effectively break the camp unless you are extremely lucky.

Obviously not everything will be doom and gloom. But I predict that most of those who currently think of these changes as the best thing to happen to EVE will quickly change their minds when they have to live with them.

Tl;dr: I predict 50% more work for 50% less fun.
Arsine Mayhem
#5551 - 2014-10-03 14:29:36 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:

Also, such a scheme hurts the small entities and guys who are unable to secure logistical lines!

At least that's the propaganda you're pushing today.

Like you've ever been concerned with "small entities".
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5552 - 2014-10-03 14:31:28 UTC
Moisturised Esophagus wrote:
90% of the people posting in favour of these changes are noob alts and hi/low sec dwellers.

Food for thought.

food for tought.. the vast majority of those were 0.0 dwellers and LEFT 0.0 because the game got BORIGN capital ships online. And we are happy because how 0.0 will be interestign enough for us to return.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

God Arthie
Snuffed Out
#5553 - 2014-10-03 14:34:48 UTC
Sorry, only at the 10th page, was the "just adapt" from wormholes thread quoted ?
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5554 - 2014-10-03 14:34:53 UTC
BuddyKnife wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
To all the people who say that large scale logistics is not needed or that it should be nerfed more to break up the large blocks. I am sorry to inform you this is an empire building game a large portion of the players play this game for that exact reason. If you take away our empire you take away our reason to play.

Please change back the JF and Rorqual jump range till you have fixed the T1 mineral distribution and made a meaningful attempt at making all T2 materials available in all parts of space. Maybe ring mining?

@CCPgreyscale @CCPdev

I think we're here beaking the current null not because it's 2 massive empires are vibrant and happy, but because it is stale, boring and only ISBoxers log in if there isn't a timer involved. Your large empires are teh suxors and logins are proving it.

Also to add one more thing. Our empire is quite vibrant and happy. We are now producing T1 and T2 modules and ships in 0.0 on a scale this game has never seen before but if these changes go through we will no longer be able to import the required materials to sustain this production.

Adapt or die. You are goons you will find a solution. Here is one load up your 1000 man mega fleet and fly them back however you chose, titan bridge, jb,gate to gate . I haven't run the numbers but I believe the cargo m3 is equal to a jump frieghter.

Goons can and certainly will, as Goons have numbers (that they can now concentrate in the best regions they would like to hold) and resources.

Smaller guys and lesser entities? Not so much. They will realize that accumulating the few numbers and lesser amount of resources into a larger entity is the only way that they can operate competitively and reasonably in null.

End result? Power blocs and stagnation.

What were we trying to end again?
Christopher Multsanti
Disaster Area
DISASTER Delivery Service
#5555 - 2014-10-03 14:35:51 UTC
What you are basically doing is putting a hard cap on travel time of caps. That hard cap is what ever the travel time is to the destination via stargates. So after this change all fleets will move together gate to gate when traveling long distances just like olden times. Some will get hot dropped, some won't. I suppose I will just have to train my alt for JF.

Ok I think i will enjoy these changes and the tears that surround them.
#5556 - 2014-10-03 14:35:54 UTC
God Arthie wrote:
Sorry, only at the 10th page, was the "just adapt" from wormholes thread quoted ?

Positively sure it was mentioned, yes.

One man's junk is FraXy's choice of weapon to kill you with.

Dirt Nap Squad
#5557 - 2014-10-03 14:36:41 UTC  |  Edited by: DNSBLACK
BuddyKnife wrote:
Kari Trace wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:
BuddyKnife wrote:
To all the people who say that large scale logistics is not needed or that it should be nerfed more to break up the large blocks. I am sorry to inform you this is an empire building game a large portion of the players play this game for that exact reason. If you take away our empire you take away our reason to play.

Please change back the JF and Rorqual jump range till you have fixed the T1 mineral distribution and made a meaningful attempt at making all T2 materials available in all parts of space. Maybe ring mining?

@CCPgreyscale @CCPdev

I think we're here beaking the current null not because it's 2 massive empires are vibrant and happy, but because it is stale, boring and only ISBoxers log in if there isn't a timer involved. Your large empires are teh suxors and logins are proving it.

Also to add one more thing. Our empire is quite vibrant and happy. We are now producing T1 and T2 modules and ships in 0.0 on a scale this game has never seen before but if these changes go through we will no longer be able to import the required materials to sustain this production.

Bleh, T2 production existed in null long before JF. It's called Freighters, with combat escort. You know, actually having to protect the industrial based that makes the ships we like to make explode.

I'd be happy w/ no JFs personally, but I know that won't happen.

I don't think you understand the scale we are talking. I don't have exact numbers but I know we have over 2,000 reaction towers that need materials that are not from our space. That kind of logistics is not possible without the use of jump freighters and making it so you have to spend 4x the time moving things is just going to make people quit. Not to mention the effects on the economy.

I know isn't that awsome . We never could control 200 moons before all over eve. Adapt or die and by the way HTFU. I now know what MA Bell felt like lol and would you look at the telecom industry today after lawsuit and monopolies were made to break up. Well if you quit Can i have your stuff.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5558 - 2014-10-03 14:37:24 UTC
Basicall y peopel are complainign that the Major PVP MMO will have to be player with other people (OMG) and will have more COMBAT. .OMG OMG we are dooomed!

Go play hello kitty online if you do not want those things.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#5559 - 2014-10-03 14:37:55 UTC
Christopher Multsanti wrote:
I have never enjoyed large scale warfare or capital battles. I only use a carrier on an alt for moving stuff. It's very handy.

I understand the problems that have been created by large groups and them having no restriction on their range of capital deployment. I really do. But these changes punish all players. The only way these changes would work would be if you brought out a hauler type carrier with the same skill requirement as current carriers but with same bonuses as jump freighters for traveling.

In general I think these changes are far to severe. I would say a realistic time for you get help from a cap fleet half way on other side of the galaxy at 2-3 hours. Maybe tweek the fatigue calculation so that for the first example in appendix a that the guy who gave up in his carrier because his wait time was crazy. Could make that trip in 2-3 hours. The point being that journey should be possible.

If you can't understand that instantly jumping around the most powerful ship in the game while only risking a cyno alt is a problem then you need to do some critical thinking.

It's been a joke that the most powerful class of ships can travel instantly and 100% risk free this whole time. Finally cap pilots will have to risk something like every other class of ship for their rewards.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#5560 - 2014-10-03 14:39:09 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Sym Biotic wrote:
Again it would take 1 month to clear a timer in a game. 1 MONTH that is if you do not jump at any time during that month. So again at what point does it stop being a game? A continuous 3 day timer, hell a continuous 1 day timer, in my book is unacceptable.
The intent of the new rules, as I interpret them, is it to limit your movement AND give you an option to "burn yourself out" in case of emergency. Since massive cap fights only happen once a year in Eve, this is likely not too big of a deal, is it?

Your effective cap fleet radius is 10-15 AU per day - if you choose not to use gates. That means you can effectively defend structures within a 20-30 AU radius of your staging system.

The practical "cost" of this new feature: Your cap pilots logging on between sessions of LoL and playing the game for 10 minutes each day as they move their "strategic assets" 10-15 au closer to where they need to be.