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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Murderous Inc
Me Hearties
#5381 - 2014-10-03 12:27:29 UTC
xanderr wrote:
WTS 1 Nyx and 1 Nomad **** this game, Good luck CCP hope you enjoy another 10 years of continual growth and year on year profit Roll

Does it mean you are going to RMT out cause in that case ccp may as well ban your account prematurely eh.
Redwyne Vyruk
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5382 - 2014-10-03 12:27:36 UTC
FraXy wrote:
The Slayer wrote:
Sym Biotic wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Is the ability to push your fatigue up to really high numbers a good idea?
Probably not, no. We're looking at just capping fatigue at like 1 month or something.

At what length of time does a game stop being a game? With the timer capping at a month will we see people unsub to wait the month, since you have said that it will keep counting down while unsubbed? Jump/capital skills have already taken months/years to train only to then have potential month long cds. I think you guys should really look at a skill refund if players want it, this is a really radical change that trashed some peoples entire enjoyment of the game. To then spit in their face and tell them well just train something else then is just adding insult to injury.

On a completely different note, the continuous comments pointing out player stargates being implemented seems super silly as they nerf jump bridges (player stargates 1.0). Rename it how ever you want, it just seems like poor management to add the same mechanic twice only call it something else.

It baffles me that anyone would think that a system whereby you cannot engage in fleet combat in your vessel for a MONTH is acceptable or warranted. Supercapital pilots are going to be resubbed for fights and left to stagnate otherwise, moreso than they are right now.

Nooo. Not the supercap pilots!
Them not being thrown around willy wonka will be the ruin of Good Fights™.

On a less serious note when can we expect ECM to be buffed, because it is seriously underpowered when there's a chance single targets can get lock against 5 EC-300's.

drones sucks but modules are nto bad at all imo
Jessica Duranin
#5383 - 2014-10-03 12:27:46 UTC
FraXy wrote:
On a less serious note when can we expect ECM to be buffed, because it is seriously underpowered when there's a chance single targets can get lock against 5 EC-300's.

You expect to permajam people with only 5 small EC drones?
Crysantos Callahan
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#5384 - 2014-10-03 12:28:23 UTC
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Crysantos Callahan wrote:
Anthar Thebess wrote:
Crysantos Callahan wrote:

Ice is good in the way it is.
It can put more pressure on logistic and fleet composition in given region, if you really want different capital, or JF.
Then hauling 300.000 isotopes by T1 hauler by a wormhole - will not be an issue.

A deployment costs a bit more than that and would it really hurt to enable alliances to actually provide their own stuff without being forced to rely on trade hub logistics. Just an idea, tho.

Those are the reasons for those changes.
Why are you deploying on the other side of eve, and if you are deploying prepare yourself, and make proper logistics.

Need some PVP, un blue some guys near home.

You know it's not as easy as that. That's why I'm asking for some changes to make it easier for everybody NOT to be in need of blue standings. As if this would make such a difference in nullsec where to get what racial ice except for reliance on highsec supply. CCP could enable people to be more self sufficient and independent, why not do it. We're talking here about the big picture...
remus wulf
Deranged Chaos
Pan-Intergalatic Business Community
#5385 - 2014-10-03 12:28:26 UTC
I will try not to laugh too hard at the multi billion isk kill mails when they start pilling up lol.
Shiva Furnace
#5386 - 2014-10-03 12:28:36 UTC
xanderr wrote:
WTS 1 Nyx and 1 Nomad **** this game, Good luck CCP hope you enjoy another 10 years of continual growth and year on year profit Roll

20bil for the Nyx?

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5387 - 2014-10-03 12:29:23 UTC
xanderr wrote:
WTS 1 Nyx and 1 Nomad **** this game, Good luck CCP hope you enjoy another 10 years of continual growth and year on year profit Roll

You mean they shoudl stay on the current capital online that since stablished CONTINUOUSLY decreased subscriptions?

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

#5388 - 2014-10-03 12:29:33 UTC
So since these changes make nulllsec logistically more challenging, are you going to make it more worth while isk wise? Are you going to make sovereignty mean something? I imagine the bigger coalition's are pissed off at the sudden change without mention of anything else.

Make null more worthwhile CCP, high sec is full.
Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#5389 - 2014-10-03 12:30:13 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Zhul Chembull wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:

Your real life friends are hardly a serious metric or statistic that could be taken into account. Look at the uproar in this thread citing the logistical difficulties that will stem from Grayscale's ~genius idea~. Now, that is a serious metric.

Ah yes, "uproar."

Well let's look at the "uproar."

Endie, one of your leaders, seems to support it.
So does le reddit.
So too does the bulk of this day 0 straw poll on the subject.

I could go on, but I don't think it's necessary.

It is not a number of people that support the pole really friend, its the mechanic behind it. It will fail in its current state. However, we just have to see the number of subs as of now and two months from now. Number analysis far outweigh emotion outcries correct ?

No it will not fail. See I put as much value as your baseless response. Alone it probably woudl fail, but there will be other changes comming. INCLUDING PLAYER MADE STARGATES!!!!!!!!

Being emotional doesn't change the facts that are in hand. Fact: players are leaving. Fact: It hampers the flow of goods in eve. Fact: It will not break up the alliances. Fact: It is a bad mechanic. These are all facts, not sure what you want for a base, but I think 11 years may be a decent base. As I said, the numbers will not lie not sure what you are arguing against as I am simply trying to save a game I really enjoy.
s bromz
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#5390 - 2014-10-03 12:32:24 UTC
Don't take what iv worked so hard for and invested my time and money into iv earned that jump drive adding new things is fine but don't take what we have earned though hard work and money 0.0 and low sec capitals should have always been able to use gates that's something that is fine

you want to add things to the game fine do it with a new class of ship that would make carriers dreads not worth jumping to bash a pos

or if you add this you should add it so we can lock onto a system without lighting a cyno and jump to it because if your solo moving your self your not going to take 3 days or more and 20 + cynos to move your capital to a new alliance

you want more players in 0.0 your taking the wrong path
you want more players in eve your doing it wrong

spend your time creating more class's of ships

or make it so all of 0.0 is the best place to live most profitable as a player you have already hurt ir income and profit we have to deal with cloaky campers hot drops roaming gangs for less than what you could make in empire and low-sec i see more ppl from 0.0 moving back to empire as is because they are able to make 300mil +a hr some of us are lucky to make 100mil an hr

i heard you had a pole and 50% wanted this wel you check that 50% and see where the are in eve and i didnt see no pole i want a recount and the pole be linked on the launcher we live in 0.0 we should decide what we can do and not do keep your hands off my investment or ill put my hands on yours might not be but 40 bucks a month but ill find a new game if i have to !!!!!!!!!
State War Academy
Caldari State
#5391 - 2014-10-03 12:32:31 UTC
Yuri Thorpe wrote:
BrundleMeth wrote:
Please Turn wrote:
Zhul Chembull wrote:

Just popping in to throw an idea I already have and to state an opinion. The changes are not good, regardless to what anyone says.


This thread keeps delivering. For the third time, I can't stop laughing Pirate

Just popping in to throw an idea I already have and to state an opinion. The changes are EXCELLENT, regardless to what anyone says.

What do you do in eve?

Why? You want me in your corp?

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5392 - 2014-10-03 12:32:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Kagura Nikon
Zhul Chembull wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Zhul Chembull wrote:
PotatoOverdose wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:

Your real life friends are hardly a serious metric or statistic that could be taken into account. Look at the uproar in this thread citing the logistical difficulties that will stem from Grayscale's ~genius idea~. Now, that is a serious metric.

Ah yes, "uproar."

Well let's look at the "uproar."

Endie, one of your leaders, seems to support it.
So does le reddit.
So too does the bulk of this day 0 straw poll on the subject.

I could go on, but I don't think it's necessary.

It is not a number of people that support the pole really friend, its the mechanic behind it. It will fail in its current state. However, we just have to see the number of subs as of now and two months from now. Number analysis far outweigh emotion outcries correct ?

No it will not fail. See I put as much value as your baseless response. Alone it probably woudl fail, but there will be other changes comming. INCLUDING PLAYER MADE STARGATES!!!!!!!!

Being emotional doesn't change the facts that are in hand. Fact: players are leaving. Fact: It hampers the flow of goods in eve. Fact: It will not break up the alliances. Fact: It is a bad mechanic. These are all facts, not sure what you want for a base, but I think 11 years may be a decent base. As I said, the numbers will not lie not sure what you are arguing against as I am simply trying to save a game I really enjoy.

Players are already leaving.. because of the things this will change.

Yes it will help on sovlign the allainces, but will be complete only on the next stage that you sttubornly tries to ignore and make your opinion irrelevant for CCP, sicne they clearly are only goign to pay attention to people that are thinking on the whole concept of their plan.

Numbers will lie on the first 2 months. You need to analyse after enough time, like 1 year.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#5393 - 2014-10-03 12:32:55 UTC
PotatoOverdose wrote:
The Slayer wrote:
I love how the big bad alliances out in null sec are accused of "strangling" the game despite being the only reason CCP are ever mentioned in the News Media as anything more than "that Icelandic company with the space MMO" or "that company doing the *new thing that looks cool but ultimately fails*. The only time EVE gets any real press exposure is when one of the nullsec behemoths does something dumb and loses a bunch of **** or one of the "dishonorable liars" that hisec pubbies despise so much steals the equivalent of a nigerian princes fortune from his alliance before running away and trying to sell it on ebay (although I haven't seen one of these stories in years).

Well, lets face it: of late you've been a bit lax in fulfilling your end of the bargain, haven't you? When's the last time one of your dudes did something stupid with a titan that resulted in another asakai? People got bored, people b*tched, CCP listened.

You mean the fight where more titans died in 24 hours than normally does in a year (or thereabouts)?
Alp Khan
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5394 - 2014-10-03 12:33:02 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:

Your real life friends are hardly a serious metric or statistic that could be taken into account. Look at the uproar in this thread citing the logistical difficulties that will stem from Grayscale's ~genius idea~. Now, that is a serious metric.

Uproar of the few that do JF work alone. They want JF work to involve more people. make more peopel play the game.

There are MANY MANY TIMES more peopel interested in the chance to pirate and HUNT freighters than there are Jump frighter pilots in eve. SO YOUR JF pilot group is a minority as well.

With the low concurrent logins, please tell me how this will make increased group work involving JFs possible. No one is going to risk a loot pinata that's hauling billions taking gates without the knowledge that the route is completely safe.

Industrialists are more likely to just relocate to empire than having to deal with the nightmare you seem to be having a wet dream about. Or worse, they'll just quit playing.

You are exceptionally naive if you seriously think that forcing logistics to face risk even from a small gang is going to make them smile and push them into offering multi billion haulers as sacrificial lamb for you.

Your overtly simplistic expectations are adorable, but unrealistic. Economics, production and logistics do not work like that.

So your solution is to let the game die the way it is going? great businness man you are.

These changes have a good chance. Not changing has zero chance.

The realistic expectation for CCP is to stabilize the current amount of subscriptions. Killing null logistics, which will have great negative affect on the entire game economy is not going to be welcomed by the consumers of goods that are tied to null, who are also subscribers.

Whether these changes are applied or not, CCP is not going to accumulate new and sustained subscriptions for a ten year old game. Do not fool yourself by thinking these changes are a Jesus feature and it will suddenly create a boom of subscriptions.

It will only create a drop in subscriptions. First, from the subscribers that are living in null and decide that moving to empire is not something they'd like to bother with. Then, you'll see people that do not live in null, but nevertheless get hit by the market prices skyrocketing will start unsubscribing, as their income will still be the same, but their ability to purchase and fit T2 modules and ships will be greatly hindered.

EVE is a game, it's not a second job. You're insane if you really think the average player will decide to dedicate half their days to simply do things they were able to do before Greyscale's changes.
The Slayer
Goonswarm Federation
#5395 - 2014-10-03 12:34:28 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
xanderr wrote:
WTS 1 Nyx and 1 Nomad **** this game, Good luck CCP hope you enjoy another 10 years of continual growth and year on year profit Roll

You mean they shoudl stay on the current capital online that since stablished CONTINUOUSLY decreased subscriptions?

Where are your figures on the subscription levels coming from? Because the last time I saw any official numbers out of CCP they were increasing year on year. I haven't seen any figures released that suggest a decline in subscribers.
Misha Hartmann
Tribal Mist
#5396 - 2014-10-03 12:35:27 UTC
Another 2 things:

1. This hole change in effect renders caps (as logistic) more or less unusable in the grand scheme, CCP, what on earth do you think that will do to nullsec and some low sec PVP? How on earth are sub-cap ships going to get there? Are we going to fly them there 1 by one? I mean honestly? The more I think about it the dummer this change gets!

2. With the current distribution of ice belts, nearly all caps will be mostly grounded. No one can jump their caps because there are not isotopes and no one can get isotopes to the caps because its near impossible (depending where you are ofc)

The patch will make things interesting, but only for a few weeks maybe months. After that it will just be a pain because nothing can be moved. The game will become work, not fun. I do not know the exact percentage of total eve players that live in null, but I am sure its a significant. This patch will make it tough to live in null, and with that alot of null players will stop.

I really support the idea of trying to make capitals being used more on their own, but there must be an intelligent way of doing it, because the current one, as is, is just stupid.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#5397 - 2014-10-03 12:35:32 UTC
No it will not fail. See I put as much value as your baseless response. Alone it probably woudl fail, but there will be other changes comming. INCLUDING PLAYER MADE STARGATES!!!!!!!![/quote]

Being emotional doesn't change the facts that are in hand. Fact: players are leaving. Fact: It hampers the flow of goods in eve. Fact: It will not break up the alliances. Fact: It is a bad mechanic. These are all facts, not sure what you want for a base, but I think 11 years may be a decent base. As I said, the numbers will not lie not sure what you are arguing against as I am simply trying to save a game I really enjoy.[/quote]

Do you work at Fox News ? You are claiming facts, but you are not providing them.
Big Lynx
#5398 - 2014-10-03 12:36:08 UTC
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#5399 - 2014-10-03 12:37:25 UTC
The Slayer wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
xanderr wrote:
WTS 1 Nyx and 1 Nomad **** this game, Good luck CCP hope you enjoy another 10 years of continual growth and year on year profit Roll

You mean they shoudl stay on the current capital online that since stablished CONTINUOUSLY decreased subscriptions?

Where are your figures on the subscription levels coming from? Because the last time I saw any official numbers out of CCP they were increasing year on year. I haven't seen any figures released that suggest a decline in subscribers.

Sorry I shoudl have said people ONLINE. Youa re right subscriber are basically static. But people are not loggin in.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Grave Digger Eriker
#5400 - 2014-10-03 12:37:27 UTC
remus wulf wrote:
Problem : Less and less players are logging in and playing eve.

Solution : Implement your current proposed changes.

Result : You annoy even more players causing them to un-sub multiple dozen accounts each !

remus wulf wrote:
Brilliant plan CCP if you want to kill off this game and move onto other projects because
seriously at the rate your going the only ones playing your game will be Dev's.
Oh wait NO players NO need for Dev's job's complete !

remus wulf wrote:
Seriously CCP please STOP listening to the CSM
What on Earth makes you think they give a crap about the CSM or the players they have been elected by for that matter

remus wulf wrote:
That is if you still want to see this game around in another 10 years !
Years!!! this will end in months not years

remus wulf wrote:
264 pages of comments in 3 days and that number will rise significantly by the time you implement these changes.
That speaks volumes at the amount of disgruntled players your about to cause to quit.