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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#3761 - 2014-10-02 17:55:19 UTC
Imolus wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:
Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

Genuinely new players should not be going straight into nullsec unless they are well informed and had done a decent amount of research on the game.

This is basically bullshit. We've been dropping bald-faced newbies into nullsec on day one for seven years, and it should always be possible (and even easy!) That nullsec is some sort of sacred ground only available after you've accumulated a minimum SP level is gangrenous rhetoric left over from the Band of Brothers era and deserves its shallow grave.

This post was crafted by the wormhole expert of the Goonswarm Economic Warfare Cabal, the foremost authority on Eve: Online economics and gameplay.

Heavypredator Singh
The Initiative.
#3762 - 2014-10-02 17:55:54 UTC
Capqu wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

oh ur older than 30 days and have already tried one corp? sorry well ur gonna have to wait a year to join us cya

180 days would be better, players over 6 months should be able to move through null i guess but 30 days is way too low considering the % of people who never leave highsec

Get him clone in your rorq. Jump rorq to Your secret base. Make him use the clone. Or find him wormhole connection. Or fly with him trough gates scouting. All easy to do.
Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#3763 - 2014-10-02 17:55:57 UTC
Demonfist wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Mr Floydy wrote:
Vhaine Vhindiscar wrote:
Remember when people played games for fun? Stop killing fun. How is making logistics harder for the people that rely on that stuff to actually have fun? No person in their right fn mind wants to do a convoy op. You people put jump freighters in the darned game specifically because escort missions are dumb and boring even when we aren't talking about eve.

Flying escort sounds fun.... Pilot shipping out with a big hauler, you and your friends escort him and kill anyone who attacks it. You're safer from being blobbed than you once were due to these very changes, it makes interesting content.

Much more exciting than waiting for a fight to kick off on an organised timer and then cyno'ing 100s of ships on top of a fight in a 0.10 tidi system/

Who exactly is going to us a 'hauler' when you can stuff tings in a carrier that (with proper fit and implants) will travel faster while being able to remote rep and launch legions of fighters and drones? In this new EVE, 'escort' will be "hey dude, can you bring your nano triage carrier along?".

This illustrates a problem with these kinds of discussions. People arne't creative enough to see the obvious consequneces of a change until AFTER the change when actual creative people are shafting everyone else...because of the changes lol.

Not all of Eve are bittervets that throw carriers around to solve all problems. Just sayin.

Not all EVE needs to be. Just a significant portion of the 40k null sec characters need to be. Hell, I've got 3 and I'm space poor compared to some of my mates. I say 'mates' because most of them are Brits, damn red coats.
Space Wolves ind.
Solyaris Chtonium
#3764 - 2014-10-02 17:55:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Murauke
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

This sounds an awful lot like "moveme" on sisi.

C'mon buddy surely there is a more interesting way to do this.

just for reference again:

I slept on it and I think that CCP's focus on solving the challenge of force projection is on the wrong part of the over all problem.

Punishing people for jumping ships around space in search of enjoyment shouldn't be the focal point of reducing force projection.

In my opinion the cyno mechanic should be the focal point. After all this is what makes it possible to jump capitals around our fictitious universe.

By changing the ease by which a cyno can be deployed this will affect the ease to which a force can projected across the universe .

I worry that by imposing a "time bound" penalty to a branch of the game that has always been about the "sandbox" and the" immediate enjoyment" you will push Eve down a path where it will lose its identity as one of the best MMORPG's in the world.

Focus on the cyno step of jumping ships and this opens up an array of avenues from specific cyno ships, modules, fleet roles, limitations and certain requirements.

Cyno-ing requires 5 days with a new character and that pilot can cyno an entire fleet into a system with next to no difficulty. Personally this is part of the act of force projection that should be the focus, not the punishment to a pilot of jumping his/her ship around space in search for fun.
Desert Ice78
Gryphons of the Western Wind
#3765 - 2014-10-02 17:56:42 UTC
One day old thread that's already nearly 200 pages long!!

I don't really have time to read it all and give feedback, but had to respond to this from page one:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
We're looking at just capping fatigue at like 1 month or something.

Jesus H. Christ, what **** are you all smoking on that frozen rock in the Atlantic??

I am a pod pilot:

CCP Zulu: Came expecting a discussion about computer monitors, left confused.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#3766 - 2014-10-02 17:57:21 UTC
Desert Ice78 wrote:
One day old thread that's already nearly 200 pages long!!

I don't really have time to read it all and give feedback, but had to respond to this from page one:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
We're looking at just capping fatigue at like 1 month or something.

Jesus H. Christ, what **** are you all smoking on that frozen rock in the Atlantic??

Some primo ****, that is for sure Twisted
Skia Aumer
Planetary Harvesting and Processing LLC
#3767 - 2014-10-02 17:57:40 UTC
Demonfist wrote:
Not all of Eve are bittervets that throw carriers around to solve all problems.

Those who dont would be called a bunch of retards and rofl-stomped.
New Eden Capsuleer College
Higher Education
#3768 - 2014-10-02 17:57:45 UTC
Jenn aSide wrote:
Demonfist wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
I wish this change was coming tomorrow.

I do too, so we could fast forward to the day after than when reality starts to sit in, right about the time the Blue donut (which at least had a hole in the middle) turns into an impenetrable blue BRICK.

That will only provide opportunities for new corps focused on breaking bricks, for a fee.

How much isk would you care to bet on this?

How long are you willing to wait for someone to notice the demand/need and monetize it?

eBil Tycoon > we're more like megacapitalistic psychotic space cowboys with raging epeens and 3% real girls.

Locarno Raid
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3769 - 2014-10-02 17:57:45 UTC
John McCreedy
Eve Defence Force
#3770 - 2014-10-02 17:58:02 UTC
Greyscale, I think the biggest problem with this blog/proposed change right now is people who live in null sec simply cannot understand how this fits in with improving null sec? It feels like yet another nerf to 0.0, that's just had one nerf after another these past few years, rather than any kind of improvement. I don't think any of us can understand how this addresses the stagnation of null sec. Perhaps you might take the time to explain how this improves the lives of people who live there so we can understand the reasoning behind this.

13 years and counting. Eve Defence Force is recruiting.

Black Reach LLC
#3771 - 2014-10-02 17:58:07 UTC
We will be releasing a collection of other smaller changes in Phoebe that will be of interest to many of the same people who are affected by these travel changes. These include a rebalance of starbase weapons, a rebalance of stealth bombers and heavy interdictors, enabling of lowsec doomsdays, and changes to interdictor bubble mechanics. More information to come.

For the future of Stealth Bombers are you looking to buff them or repurpose them?

No captain can do very wrong if he places his ship alongside that of an Enemy

#3772 - 2014-10-02 17:58:08 UTC
machuugoo wrote:
wow worked so hard to get capitals now....... load of b.s.


Now you can rat in your cap with increased safty... Now you can have a small scale pos battle without the bat phone... heck if you wanted you could even pull out a few super caps and not worry about the bat phone...

I think we have to re-focus our minds on how large eve is. right now we see eve as a small map but after the changes this small map will be like a huge map... and with it the region next to you should be seen as if its on the other side of eve now.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3773 - 2014-10-02 17:58:12 UTC
So, after giving this more thought, I retract my previous statements. I'm probably among the masses who had a very negative knee-jerk reaction to the changes. I think there are positives and negatives to this.

The main negatives I see are:

1. Logistical strain for everyone, be it importing supplies to 0.0 or running a nomadic pirate force.
2. Ice prices
3. Carriers and Dreads should either have a reduction in manufacturing requirements or a little bit of a buff. Their overall potency is decreased by the jump changes, so I think that a little adjustment in their stats is in order. Supers recently got a buff with the DDA changes, and Titans... I don't have enough experience with to really say whether they'll be worth their price after.
4. This does actually hurt mercenary and pirate corps/alliances that use mobility as one of their main strengths. Imagine Noir and Suddenly trying to do contracts post-change. This type of playstyle will be very, very difficult to pull off, moreso than it already is.

Overall, I'm just going to wait and see how things pan out. I see benefits, I see drawbacks, and i see how some players can maneuver around the system. Fingers crossed.
Ginger Barbarella
#3774 - 2014-10-02 17:58:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Ginger Barbarella
Don't worry, nullies: CCP only announced this to show us high sec carebear wussies that they wanted to nerf null somehow after all the hits high sec has taken. But it'll be radically changed, or eliminated completely: too many nullies in CSM, nullie friends of GMs, and nullies padding their subscription numbers.

Not to worry: most of it won't happen. Smile

Edit: speeling

"Blow it all on Quafe and strippers." --- Sorlac

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3775 - 2014-10-02 17:58:32 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Planned new feature to address new player movement:

For players less than thirty days old, once per player corporation joined, and
For all players, once a year

You may push a button in your corp interface (while a member of a player corp and docked) that:
- Moves your medical clone to a station designated by your corporation, and
- Automatically moves you to your medical clone

Exact method of corporations designating target station still being ironed out, but it will involve at the very least being able to designate a default station for all corp members, and will likely be allowed for *any* station with a corp office, regardless of system sec status.

This seems to us like it solves the "I want to recruit people to nullsec" concern, and also gives non-nullsec recruiters an easier way to get genuinely new players to the right location easily.

Thoughts? Pasting this into the FAQ and also trying to get it into the blog proper.

ooh, now I want to form a corp, set up an office down in some shithole in Esoteria and then trap newbies there for s**ts and giggles Big smile

(not actually going to mess with new players please don't kill me)
twit brent
Never Not AFK
#3776 - 2014-10-02 17:58:37 UTC
Why should I log in if i can't use a ship that I spent months saving for? Why should i pay a subscription?

CCP get your **** together. I play this game for fun not to spend all my time travelling.
Feyd Rautha Harkonnen
#3777 - 2014-10-02 17:59:53 UTC
Kat Ayclism wrote:

This *IS* a problem. You need to have conflict drivers beyond just "eh... let's go **** with these dudes." It's really not giving much confidence in the things to come after this if that is the type of response you have. Right now, and apparently in the future judging by that response there is little reason to go fight over some place.

You have the stick. You're brandishing the stick wildly. Now listen to your players and at least show some regard for the need of a carrot.

This. So much this.

Core to null sov v2.0 must be to tie ISK generation directly into continued alliance-level conflict. I proposed one way to do this (home systems & ISK buffs based on systems held), but thats not the only way...

As long as CCP gets that one thing right, tying ISK generation into alliance level conflict, they will REALLY have something here.

Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3778 - 2014-10-02 18:00:05 UTC
Ginger Barbarella wrote:
Don't worry, nullies: CCP only announced this to show us high sec carebear wussies that they wanted to nerf null somehow after all the hits high sec has taken. But it'll be radically changed, or eliminated completely: too many nullies in CSM, nullie friends of GMs, and nullies padding their subscription numbers.

Not to worry: most of it won't happen. Smile

Edit: speeling

You should make that into a bet somewhere.
New Eden Capsuleer College
Higher Education
#3779 - 2014-10-02 18:00:05 UTC
Neera Saldana wrote:
Give us highsec rorquals now, no reason to restrict their movement anymore.

Yes. This thread needs CODE. tears added to it, please.

eBil Tycoon > we're more like megacapitalistic psychotic space cowboys with raging epeens and 3% real girls.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#3780 - 2014-10-02 18:00:52 UTC
Demonfist wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Demonfist wrote:
Jenn aSide wrote:
Altirius Saldiaro wrote:
I wish this change was coming tomorrow.

I do too, so we could fast forward to the day after than when reality starts to sit in, right about the time the Blue donut (which at least had a hole in the middle) turns into an impenetrable blue BRICK.

That will only provide opportunities for new corps focused on breaking bricks, for a fee.

How much isk would you care to bet on this?

How long are you willing to wait for someone to notice the demand/need and monetize it?

Pigs will be flying long before someone one (other than Gevlon i guess) has the kind of isk needed to hire enough well equipped mercs to break a pantheon gate camp.

I simply don't understand unrealistic thinking. We KNOW how people exploit changes meant to restrict activity in EVE (by flipping them into something they can then bludgeon CCP and the EVE community with), we've got 11 years of experience. You'd think CCP would have learned by now.