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Dev Blog: Long-Distance Travel Changes Inbound

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Ncc 1709
Fusion Enterprises Ltd
Pandemic Horde
#3121 - 2014-10-02 11:59:58 UTC
Dring Dingle wrote:

we will never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER..... see a battle like B-R again :(


ive been in plenty of battles like that, uemon, 020, lxq.
they aint fun. there hours of staring at a near static screen hoping you don't dc and lose your ship, or that you weren't already killed an hour ago but still waiting on the server to tell you your dead.

bring back the small scale fights that could make a difference, rather than who has the most caps, it will return to who can kill the enemy logi the fastest.
Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3122 - 2014-10-02 12:00:08 UTC
Xela Kcaneoh wrote:
Feedback: If you make everything in the game take longer, those of us with jobs won't be able to play anymore. CCP Greyscale's own example takes a two-minute journey and changes it to an hour? That's a 3000% increase in TIME WASTED. I work for a living, people. I don't have time to stare at the stars all day so your CCP graphs and charts can look better.

Custodians of Eve? I've never seen a custodian destroy furniture while remodeling the floor and painting the walls a horrible shade of green (see Ishtar).

Yet another reason and my reason for unsubbing all my accounts for now. When the time runs out and I talk to my friends with what appears to be dreadful update, I will make a decision. For the record I am an industrialist but going back to the days of taking days to take my goods to Jita, no way in hell man. Maybey when I was younger this was alright, but now that I am 38 you can kiss my white...well you know what I mean =)
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3123 - 2014-10-02 12:00:12 UTC
Glasgow Dunlop wrote:
This isnt all 'rage' about jump changes, its good honest discussion being drowned out in a sea of delicious tears from nullbears because its making eve 'hard' its a shame that the folk think ccp will turn fully around, there might be a change or 2, but this is whats coming. Adapt or leave. Wormholes got hit a few patches ago. WE ADAPTED, time for null to do the same

Seems to me like it's more a case of someone else assuming "nullbears" are all just whining about it. We're not.
bear mcgreedy
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3124 - 2014-10-02 12:00:14 UTC
Selexid wrote:
Panther X wrote:
For the love of Amarr, just refund my money on my capitals, delete them from the game, and we can go back to jumping to 15.

Cruisers Online. Thanks a fuckton CCP. I have like an hour maximum a day to play the game, and now I have to spend it in both TiDi AND Jump Fatigue?

So the only gameplay you had was to drop a random carrier in 20 SC 5 regions away. You total fukwad. GTFO you will not be missed.

or its called rl calling, not all of us are 15 year old virgins GTFO go suck on mummies tit
Arsine Mayhem
#3125 - 2014-10-02 12:00:17 UTC
Moloney wrote:
This is a truely awesome change. I can't wait to see how sob null pans out.

Also, it is essential that the cooldowns apply to pilots AND SHIPS.

if you miss this part the larger alliances will just use jump capable alts in their cyno chain to pass caps on to one another only to pass it to a fresh combat capable pilot at the end of the chain.

#3126 - 2014-10-02 12:00:52 UTC
+1 for the changes, and long live skirmish.
/me joins the bucket line to clear all these tears away.

One man's junk is FraXy's choice of weapon to kill you with.

Zhul Chembull
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3127 - 2014-10-02 12:01:12 UTC
Selexid wrote:
Xela Kcaneoh wrote:
Feedback: If you make everything in the game take longer, those of us with jobs won't be able to play anymore. CCP Greyscale's own example takes a two-minute journey and changes it to an hour? That's a 3000% increase in TIME WASTED. I work for a living, people. I don't have time to stare at the stars all day so your CCP graphs and charts can look better.

Custodians of Eve? I've never seen a custodian destroy furniture while remodeling the floor and painting the walls a horrible shade of green (see Ishtar).

Why do you need to travel? You have a friend 10 regions away? You need to get involved in a fight you're not supposed to be involved? If you really want to stick your nose that much in someone's else problem them ye travel days to get there or take the gates...

He is talking logistics. Derpie derp do.
Xela Kcaneoh
The Pirates Of Orion
#3128 - 2014-10-02 12:01:23 UTC
Selexid wrote:
Why do you need to travel?...

Dumber words have never been spoken.

Seagull craps on everything.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3129 - 2014-10-02 12:01:37 UTC
True Sight wrote:
Neesa Corrinne wrote:
But you assume too much.

If you actually read the 155 pages, you'd see that a large chunk of us are defending these changes and praying they actually make it into effect.

Those of us who have been getting hot dropped by 12 carriers in 10 man cruiser fleets have been told to HTFU for years, and now when they take those casual hot drops away, we're not allowed to say HTFU? Incredible. Simply mind boggling.

Also, the "This effects the smaller guys more than us" argument is effing hilarious. There's no way anyone in the CFC would take the time to drop by the forums and fight for the little guy. Really. I believe you. Like seriously, thanks for looking out for us for the past five years, how nice of you to suddenly show up and support us now that you've spent half a decade raking in trillions of renter ISK from us.


The announce changes won't stop that. If you were genuinely hot-dropped by 12 carriers, simply so they could kill a dozen cruisers, they were local carriers, they will still happily do that after this change, if you think some alliance in Vale jumped 7 jumps to kill your cruiser gang in Delve, you are very very mistaken.

even more, from now on they will drop those 12 carriers more freely knowing there is no way anyone can counter drop them in a not so short window of time because of the range nerf and and fatigue that will slow down any hostile cap group
the only thing that will change is that they will need to wait a bit longer till the cruiser gang get in jump range of the carriers
Ren Kavik
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#3130 - 2014-10-02 12:03:11 UTC
Xela Kcaneoh wrote:
Feedback: If you make everything in the game take longer, those of us with jobs won't be able to play anymore. CCP Greyscale's own example takes a two-minute journey and changes it to an hour? That's a 3000% increase in TIME WASTED. I work for a living, people. I don't have time to stare at the stars all day so your CCP graphs and charts can look better.

Custodians of Eve? I've never seen a custodian destroy furniture while remodeling the floor and painting the walls a horrible shade of green (see Ishtar).

Its simple they dont want 1 group to control half of nullsec.
So cry all you want this is gonna happen.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3131 - 2014-10-02 12:03:20 UTC
Dring Dingle wrote:

we will never EVER EVER EVER EVER EVER..... see a battle like B-R again :(


I see no real problems with that.
Panther X
Destructive Influence
Northern Coalition.
#3132 - 2014-10-02 12:03:51 UTC
Selexid wrote:
Panther X wrote:
For the love of Amarr, just refund my money on my capitals, delete them from the game, and we can go back to jumping to 15.

Cruisers Online. Thanks a fuckton CCP. I have like an hour maximum a day to play the game, and now I have to spend it in both TiDi AND Jump Fatigue?

So the only gameplay you had was to drop a random carrier in 20 SC 5 regions away. You total fukwad. GTFO you will not be missed.

Oh no, it wasn't a random carrier, it's usually a clueless miner carebear like yerself. Twisted

Obviously you've never flown a capital. Or been in a fleet battle. Or flown anything larger than a skiff.

Just kidding. No wait, I'm not.

My Titan smells of rich Corinthian Leather...

Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#3133 - 2014-10-02 12:03:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Selexid
bear mcgreedy wrote:
Selexid wrote:
Panther X wrote:
For the love of Amarr, just refund my money on my capitals, delete them from the game, and we can go back to jumping to 15.

Cruisers Online. Thanks a fuckton CCP. I have like an hour maximum a day to play the game, and now I have to spend it in both TiDi AND Jump Fatigue?

So the only gameplay you had was to drop a random carrier in 20 SC 5 regions away. You total fukwad. GTFO you will not be missed.

or its called rl calling, not all of us are 15 year old virgins GTFO go suck on mummies tit

Yes cause roaming in 20 Subcaps for an hour is not possible, OFC it fuking inst when you blued half of eve. Have less blue's and stop drooling over that lone carrier in Omist. Also if you're to itchy to do it get the gates. Fukwad.
Lord TGR
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#3134 - 2014-10-02 12:04:19 UTC
Tyby wrote:
True Sight wrote:
Neesa Corrinne wrote:
But you assume too much.

If you actually read the 155 pages, you'd see that a large chunk of us are defending these changes and praying they actually make it into effect.

Those of us who have been getting hot dropped by 12 carriers in 10 man cruiser fleets have been told to HTFU for years, and now when they take those casual hot drops away, we're not allowed to say HTFU? Incredible. Simply mind boggling.

Also, the "This effects the smaller guys more than us" argument is effing hilarious. There's no way anyone in the CFC would take the time to drop by the forums and fight for the little guy. Really. I believe you. Like seriously, thanks for looking out for us for the past five years, how nice of you to suddenly show up and support us now that you've spent half a decade raking in trillions of renter ISK from us.


The announce changes won't stop that. If you were genuinely hot-dropped by 12 carriers, simply so they could kill a dozen cruisers, they were local carriers, they will still happily do that after this change, if you think some alliance in Vale jumped 7 jumps to kill your cruiser gang in Delve, you are very very mistaken.

even more, from now on they will drop those 12 carriers more freely knowing there is no way anyone can counter drop them in a not so short window of time because of the range nerf and and fatigue that will slow down any hostile cap group
the only thing that will change is that they will need to wait a bit longer till the cruiser gang get in jump range of the carriers

You can still get dropped, it will just take more preparation and skill to do so than it currently does.
#3135 - 2014-10-02 12:04:30 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
Sigras wrote:

nobody is saying that this change will make large alliances weaker or less masters of their domain. What this change will do is make their domain smaller.

Now large alliances will be less able to fight a war on all fronts, and they'll have to make decisions about splitting their forces or choosing which targets to defend or not.

In the past, I always used to laugh when I read reports that "RZR is 'deploying' to delve to assist with the war". My first thought was that it means nothing when they can be back to defend their space before anything comes under attack.
I mean honestly, if razor deployed to delve, and I decided to SBU some of their systems, they could be back to blow up my SBUs before the darn things even onlined! That is seriously broken.

Strategic movement of assets should be just that, not something you do because you were bored yesterday and decided to take a day trip to the other side of the galaxy!

I will explain again. It will NOT make their domains smaller. The current system give plenty of time for an alliance to relocate to other side of their empire (they literally have DAYS) and CRUSH the opposition, and PUNISH those people for being dumb enough to try. Then they will deal with the second group.

They will still attack with their FULL force every time. They have time to do it. SO what if they lose 1 system from time to time. The impact will be minor. No one will be able to make major gains before they redeploy.

This would make some effect IF disrupting a system was something you could do within a 4-6 hour period.

Im still holding my breath for the sov changes hinted at in the blog, but you are partially right...

Goonswarm will actually probably decrease in size still because their space in delve literally takes a minimum of 20 hours to get to after the change. The big difference here is that attacks on multiple fronts will be far more effective... will goonswarm want to do 20 hours worth of jumps to get to their space in delve? what if while they're gone the vale of the silent becomes a bit more noisy?
Arsine Mayhem
#3136 - 2014-10-02 12:05:03 UTC
Rawthorm wrote:
If CCP is really intent on slamming both Combat and Resource mobility in one stroke then it's about time we got tools to effectively provide for our alliances locally. The biggest barrier is minerals. It's just not profit or time effective to mine minerals at any kind of high scale in Null.

With the new 5LY limit preventing a Null mining wave from flooding empire, it might be time for some kind of Capital mining monstrosity to be implemented. Strictly for Null, has to siege in a belt making itself a nice target to offset the volume of ore it pulls in.
Give us that and another pass to look at mineral distribution and local manufacturing of useful scale might actually happen.

Guess you'll need to 'manage' your resources.

Most games are like that.
gaming is not a crime
#3137 - 2014-10-02 12:05:12 UTC
True Sight wrote:
There's also one more factor CCP seem to forget about sometimes... this new mechanic isn't fun whilst games need to be balanced, they do also need to actually offer fun and reward.

People (including myself, someone living in empire at the moment and not using jump ships) generally feel they've accomplished something when they obtain their first capital, they are fun ships, when I first got my carrierI d**ked about jumping all over the place, friend wanted me to join him 5 jumps away? SURE! let me put my exhumer in my carrier and jump to you!

People who are use to the above are not going to find arbitrary cooldowns fun. there has to be another way to limit projection in an effective way without making people feel like they don't even want fly a capital ship anymore.

Agreed. The fun factor is being removed out of Eve more and more. And I don't mean the fun factor for bittervets (which is griefing, something they can even do in this thread), but more the coolness factor of flying your first BS, Cap, discovering a part of space, whatever. All CCP seems to be occupied with is making a few new skins for ships and then refocus on trying to stir up the bittervets in 0.0. Eve was praised for its sandbox nature where CCP did not intervene, but these proposed mechanics just show that the game has come to a stage where it can either turn into something new or fade away into oblivion. Putting in artificial timers that do not seem natural or lead to any more fun makes me thinks we're not on the road to a new Eve..
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#3138 - 2014-10-02 12:06:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Selexid
Panther X wrote:
Selexid wrote:
Panther X wrote:
For the love of Amarr, just refund my money on my capitals, delete them from the game, and we can go back to jumping to 15.

Cruisers Online. Thanks a fuckton CCP. I have like an hour maximum a day to play the game, and now I have to spend it in both TiDi AND Jump Fatigue?

So the only gameplay you had was to drop a random carrier in 20 SC 5 regions away. You total fukwad. GTFO you will not be missed.

Oh no, it wasn't a random carrier, it's usually a clueless miner carebear like yerself. Twisted

Obviously you've never flown a capital. Or been in a fleet battle. Or flown anything larger than a skiff.

Just kidding. No wait, I'm not.

If you were playing when ROL had ERVK you might have been stomped there by my mining barge. I have been in nullsec for probably a bit longer than you play this game. Also this is not necesarilly a personal attack on you, but more on the ppl that think only gameplay is to teleport around the map in 10 minutes in a blob of caps.
Spark In The Dark
#3139 - 2014-10-02 12:06:28 UTC
Xaldafax Caerleon wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Very large fatigue values will take a loooong time to decay, is this too much?
Possibly yes, we'll have a look at this.

You need to regionalize this. If a person is jumping around the same region this shouldn't be nerfed so bad. You can't go anywhere with these numbers.

If you jump in one region and move to another and take another jump then the cooldown should be longer. If you go into a third region it should be even worse.

Basically make it like the inverse of how you do module stacking bonues... eg... like 80% speed of cool down same region, 50% on second region, 25% on 3rd region. So this will cause people to take longer to cross the universe but not make it impossible to move in the same region.

With the way you have it now people can't go anywhere... so much for home defense or staging or even jumping down to just pick up a module ....

good point
Xela Kcaneoh
The Pirates Of Orion
#3140 - 2014-10-02 12:06:35 UTC
Ren Kavik wrote:
Its simple they dont want 1 group to control half of nullsec.
So cry all you want this is gonna happen.

Why should we care what they want? When did this become "CCP changes everything they don't like"? If I had read that dev blog, maybe I would've seen this coming...

Seagull craps on everything.