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Distance that you're being ejected out of a wormhole depends on mass

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epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#581 - 2014-08-05 12:52:06 UTC
Kira Hhallas wrote:
So here my 2 Cents to this Topic.
First sorry for my english.

So in the frist time i get negative Feelings for this idea but after some time i see the possibilities.
Please don't make the mistake to think only in the C5 / C6 World.
I think people in the lower WH will have more chance to get kills.

Rember the HS Wormholes, if you don't like what you see, you jump back to HS.
So with these change you will have the chance to shoot down the Pilot from HS.
Dual Web on the Ship and he will never get back into jump range in time.

Same at other WHs. You don't have to wait that the pilot jump back. Web him.
So I think the Change will most effect Cap Pilots, and not so much people who use BS to close.

If CCP change the income lvl from WH to a lvl where more people go to WH space, it will be more interesting for PVP.
So don't think so negative, think about the possibilities ......

Greatings from Austria .

Thanks for your comments, your English is much better than my German.
The danger in trying to encourage more kills is that it often has the opposite effect and drives potential targets away. Encouraging movement brings more potential targets, funnelling them into a killzone, gives short term gains and then a great drop off in movements. No one could say that Gatecamps encourage people into Lowsec? They are part of what keeps it comparatively empty in spite of most routes in being open.

So in short if you wish to encourage PVP (and even ganking too as that has a role), one increases traffic, one does not put in mechanics to reduce it.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#582 - 2014-08-05 12:53:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Rek Seven
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Explain to me how this change (the 40km thing) will make anything better. Please use only facts and stear clear of speculation and extrapolated BS.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

Anything else and i would just be speculating or giving you my personal opinion... But one thing i'm looking forward to is being able to kill people on a HS wormhole before they can get in jump range.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#583 - 2014-08-05 12:55:55 UTC
Kira Hhallas wrote:
So here my 2 Cents to this Topic.
First sorry for my english.

So in the frist time i get negative Feelings for this idea but after some time i see the possibilities.
Please don't make the mistake to think only in the C5 / C6 World.
I think people in the lower WH will have more chance to get kills.

Rember the HS Wormholes, if you don't like what you see, you jump back to HS.
So with these change you will have the chance to shoot down the Pilot from HS.
Dual Web on the Ship and he will never get back into jump range in time.

Same at other WHs. You don't have to wait that the pilot jump back. Web him.
So I think the Change will most effect Cap Pilots, and not so much people who use BS to close.

If CCP change the income lvl from WH to a lvl where more people go to WH space, it will be more interesting for PVP.
So don't think so negative, think about the possibilities ......

Greatings from Austria .

You have just described ganking. You did not describe pvp. The paradox. You get your gank.... how many more times is that guy gonna jump into a wh? This change will provide cheap short term thrills.

Don't get me wrong - having a way to womp up on the HS wh heros would delight me to no end, but realistically - WH space has to bump up against empire somewhere. Where it does (HS WH) the compromise is that a guy can jump out when he needs/wants to.

Seek to add fun and engaging content while maintaining balance grasshopper. With out proper balance stuff falls over.
Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#584 - 2014-08-05 12:58:10 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Explain to me how this change (the 40km thing) will make anything better. Please use only facts and stear clear of speculation and extrapolated BS.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

Anything else and i would just be speculating or giving you my personal opinion... But one thing i'm looking forward to is being able to kill people on a HS wormhole before they can get in jump range.

So it's a bad change because you have nothing (NOTHING) good to factually say about it. All your prior posts have suddenly become empty and without meaning.

(yeah I have a shocked an amazed gasp on my fice right now)
#585 - 2014-08-05 13:00:32 UTC
Rek Seven wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Explain to me how this change (the 40km thing) will make anything better. Please use only facts and stear clear of speculation and extrapolated BS.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

Anything else and i would just be speculating or giving you my personal opinion.

Yea... Through last like 30 pages we kinda enraged, shared our speculations or some just said NO to that change.

I think we should - I do not believe I'm saying this - just wait for response from DEVs... I know that information we have now are kinda small and many of us are very concerned about them, but hey - we should stop panicking and wait for some details, analyze them and then if big picture will be dumb/unwelcome/ruining WH, only then we should enrage.

Meanwhile maybe we should concentrate on giving some ideas how to improve WH? For sure we should stop writing again and again how these changes will be bad. I think almost all sized entities from WH and even some from HS or null wrote here their opinion. Let's hope now CCP Fozzie or someone else will respond quickly.
Rek Seven
University of Caille
Gallente Federation
#586 - 2014-08-05 13:04:24 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Explain to me how this change (the 40km thing) will make anything better. Please use only facts and stear clear of speculation and extrapolated BS.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

Anything else and i would just be speculating or giving you my personal opinion... But one thing i'm looking forward to is being able to kill people on a HS wormhole before they can get in jump range.

So it's a bad change because you have nothing (NOTHING) good to factually say about it. All your prior posts have suddenly become empty and without meaning.

(yeah I have a shocked an amazed gasp on my fice right now)

Your argument was based on 40km. I just proved why the basis for your argument was wrong.

What more do you want from me?
United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#587 - 2014-08-05 13:07:00 UTC
Serendipity Lost wrote:

I think a lot of you folks are focussed on the little picture. How this change will make this or that more or less fun. I'm asking you to look at the bigger picture. What does wh space have that has made it what it is? WH mechanics.

The big 3 are:
1. no local
2. mass limits
3. polarization timers

These 3 things are what made/makes wh space what it is. Decloaking out of jump range takes away 1 of the 3 pillars of wh PVP - the ability to control wh mass. This change will take away that control. Some will argue it just adds risk to wh control.

Let's be honest - you catch a cap out of jump range - it's not gonna make it back. We're not a bunch of marmites camping th 4-4 undock. We know how to web. We know how to bump. Saying it adds risk is just crap. This change makes capital size loot pinatas. Larger corps are all for it. Smaller corps are all against it. It's pretty clear to all parties what this change is about. This is a clear choice by CCP to push the blob into wh space or stand up for the little guys.

This is about ganking guys rolling wh - it's not about pvp. This is cheap stuff pvp. Counter - get a 30 man t3 fleet to protect your rolling assets. If you don't have one, make one.

It doesn't take your second pillar away in any way shape or form, it slightly delays it.
It's got nothing to do with the blob or any such rubbish.
A cap 1m out or 100km out of a WH is a loot pinata, this change doesn't change that in any way shape or form. It's just clearer now.

Right now you have one direction on ship choice, one. You go point blank scram web or you die. Period.
EVERY FIGHT through a WH start in Scram/Web range. EVERY ONE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This change allows gaps to form, allow kitting ships to exist. This allows other ship classes like recons and interceptors to be more useful by catching targets further away. We may even start to see shield ships again.

Here's the thing, when you have room to move, you can fight bigger groups. Go check out CCP Rise's pre CCP Youtube Channel, plenty of vids on there with him doing exactly that.
When you start caught and pummelled the only options you have are jump back or die. This'll give you a new one, manoeuvre.

Random side note, it'd be really cool if you came out the polar opposite side of the WH you came in and kept up your speed. Figuring out the vector to the WH when you click jump shouldn't be that hard and neither is reversing it. Ships that undock already start at speed so that code is already there.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#588 - 2014-08-05 13:08:26 UTC
Cirillith wrote:
Rek Seven wrote:
Serendipity Lost wrote:

Explain to me how this change (the 40km thing) will make anything better. Please use only facts and stear clear of speculation and extrapolated BS.

CCP Fozzie wrote:

The version of the code that is on SISI is absolutely not the final version, and is not running final numbers (the ranges we are working with internally are quite a bit closer than what is on this build of SISI).

Anything else and i would just be speculating or giving you my personal opinion.

Yea... Through last like 30 pages we kinda enraged, shared our speculations or some just said NO to that change.

I think we should - I do not believe I'm saying this - just wait for response from DEVs... I know that information we have now are kinda small and many of us are very concerned about them, but hey - we should stop panicking and wait for some details, analyze them and then if big picture will be dumb/unwelcome/ruining WH, only then we should enrage.

Meanwhile maybe we should concentrate on giving some ideas how to improve WH? For sure we should stop writing again and again how these changes will be bad. I think almost all sized entities from WH and even some from HS or null wrote here their opinion. Let's hope now CCP Fozzie or someone else will respond quickly.

It is important that when something like this appears on Sisi and is discovered to give our response clearly and immidiately.
The reality is that it is hard to reverse something once it is on Sisi and well nigh impossible once it has reached the stage of a Dev blog as a great deal of developer time has been spent by then, and no one will want to waste that.

If CCP have listened to bad advice, then NOW is the time to unscramble that before it is too late, and hopefully CCP will be more careful who they listen to next time..........

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Freddie Merrcury
Fukushima Daiichi Electric Power Co.
#589 - 2014-08-05 13:10:57 UTC
Someone tell the dev's to put down the Brennavin and use their brain's for a change.

And remove the goddamn Odyssey scanner already. Thats the actual problem, not WH jump distance.

I been kicked out of better homes than this.

Pavel Sohaj
#590 - 2014-08-05 13:14:17 UTC
BayneNothos wrote:

It doesn't take your second pillar away in any way shape or form, it slightly delays it.
It's got nothing to do with the blob or any such rubbish.
A cap 1m out or 100km out of a WH is a loot pinata, this change doesn't change that in any way shape or form. It's just clearer now.

Right now you have one direction on ship choice, one. You go point blank scram web or you die. Period.
EVERY FIGHT through a WH start in Scram/Web range. EVERY ONE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This change allows gaps to form, allow kitting ships to exist. This allows other ship classes like recons and interceptors to be more useful by catching targets further away. We may even start to see shield ships again.

Here's the thing, when you have room to move, you can fight bigger groups. Go check out CCP Rise's pre CCP Youtube Channel, plenty of vids on there with him doing exactly that.
When you start caught and pummelled the only options you have are jump back or die. This'll give you a new one, manoeuvre.

Random side note, it'd be really cool if you came out the polar opposite side of the WH you came in and kept up your speed. Figuring out the vector to the WH when you click jump shouldn't be that hard and neither is reversing it. Ships that undock already start at speed so that code is already there.

I wonder what hole you literally live in. I had my ship jump to a WH only to have snipers on the other side. Not everybody goes Geronimo straight up, despite your claim IN CAPS LOCK, which in my book totally proves that it is true.

Rest is just a joke. How do kiting ships spread over huge distance help against blobing armor T3 gank, is beyond me.

Speed thing, agree on that.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#591 - 2014-08-05 13:21:40 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Come on now, lets not be naive, one will know the exact distance a capital (say a moros) will come out of a hole with this change, you have not created interest or excitement, you have created a string of killzones. X range for capitals xx range for cruisers yy range for battleships.

Why not just allow one to fit whirling blades to the wormhole and be done with it........ What?Roll

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Serendipity Lost
Repo Industries
#592 - 2014-08-05 13:23:29 UTC
Well, as I've stated. 40km is equivalent to any distance outside of jump range (of course someone can say 300km isn't the same as 40km and that would be true, but I think my point is clear). So a compromise of 20km or 10km isn't a compromise.

I don't want anything out of you. I just saw how you were enjoying the post manipulation game, so I thought I would play too. It's not as fun as I thought it would be. You keep at it.... I'm going to go get some lunch.
United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#593 - 2014-08-05 13:31:35 UTC
Pavel Sohaj wrote:

I wonder what hole you literally live in. I had my ship jump to a WH only to have snipers on the other side. Not everybody goes Geronimo straight up, despite your claim IN CAPS LOCK, which in my book totally proves that it is true.

Rest is just a joke. How do kiting ships spread over huge distance help against blobing armor T3 gank, is beyond me.

Speed thing, agree on that.

C4, as stated earlier. I'm being deliberately hyperbolic because poking the bear is keeping me amused while I download the Singularity update (Curious why it's 950mb...). OF course not everyone goes point blank straight up but it is generally preferable as it's the best way to catch something. That's what happens when everything will decloak within scram range.

It helps as the kiters aren't tackled straight away and killed, they can keep away from the short range T3's and plink away at them. You can warp elsewhere and pick off the quick warpers as they land before the logi gets there and resets their chains up. You can constantly crash back to the WH and try to isolate slower ships into bad positions via polarisation.

Ultimately the fights that stick out in my mind aren't the ones that start with me jumping into some or someone jumping into me. They start via a warp in and things moving all around the place because of it. The close range brawls feel too often like who can count to 100 first.
#594 - 2014-08-05 13:39:27 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

It is important that when something like this appears on Sisi and is discovered to give our response clearly and immidiately.
The reality is that it is hard to reverse something once it is on Sisi and well nigh impossible once it has reached the stage of a Dev blog as a great deal of developer time has been spent by then, and no one will want to waste that.

If CCP have listened to bad advice, then NOW is the time to unscramble that before it is too late, and hopefully CCP will be more careful who they listen to next time..........

YES YOU ARE RIGHT, but i think 30 pages long threadnought including our CSM Representative looking at it and posting in it IS sufficient signal for CCP and any more pages wont do a thing, because we can produce like 1000 pages more, all based on small pack of data, that was told by DEV it will be changing, and if CCP wont discover it now i wont discover it even when it will be 20000 pages.

Of course you can disagree with me :)
#595 - 2014-08-05 13:46:00 UTC
Changes like the cost scaling for industry in K-space is a good way to shake up things and add meaningful choice (it still makes no sense for W-space). It gives people the opportunity to make a hard decision: do I try to manufacture closer to Jita and eat higher costs, or do I try to reduce my manufacturing costs by moving away from Jita. Some people will try to be closer to Jita and use teams to reduce costs, while others will move away.

Changes like spawn distance after jumping through a wormhole doesn't shake up things and doesn't add meaningful choice. The big groups will still roll like they generally have in the past, though maybe with fewer capitals. The small groups will likely not roll at all if the situation looks like it could be hostile, whereas previously they might. During the process if you apply pressure to them, they might make a mistake and you could catch them.

The choice will often be: am I big enough to handle being jumped? Roll. No? Don't roll. Do I need this Orca in W-space now except as part of a siege kit? Nope.

There is also the removal of guerilla tactics surrounding smaller groups jumping into larger groups. This gameplay option will no longer be possible at a wormhole where it is so effective. Less choice.

Dear CCP: W-space has become more than just a layer of exploration content adjacent to K-space that people can farm if they're willing to take the risks. You should accept that and embrace it, supporting it, allowing it to become something different and wonderful, instead of rejecting such emergent behaviour from your player base and trying to force it into something else.

BayneNothos wrote:
Right now you have one direction on ship choice, one. You go point blank scram web or you die. Period.
EVERY FIGHT through a WH start in Scram/Web range. EVERY ONE. NO EXCEPTIONS.

This change allows gaps to form, allow kitting ships to exist. This allows other ship classes like recons and interceptors to be more useful by catching targets further away. We may even start to see shield ships again.

This doesn't allow for more options, it changes the dominant gameplay. You can't bring a brawling fleet to a kiting fleet fight situation: you will die while they fly circles around you. So when this change goes in, expect to see fewer brawling fleets, not because of options, but because it's a forced change. It will be an adaptation.

This does, however, align with the upcoming T3 rebalance; they're considered far too tanky by Nullsec people, but we need them that way because our fights are generally brawling style. So if the fighting style in W-space changes to fewer brawls, T3 Cruisers don't need to be quite as tanky.

It just also means W-space becomes more like everywhere else, instead of having a unique environment with unique mechanics. Nullsec types (and by extension, CCP) will be a little more able to understand this Wormhole space thing, since mechanics match what they're used to.

For anyone tired of the W-space brawling style, roam Low or Null. There are groups that do it and love it. Don't advocate changing W-space to be the same as everywhere else.
United Electro-Magnetic Federation
Business Alliance of Manufacturers and Miners
#596 - 2014-08-05 14:03:21 UTC
Pavel Sohaj wrote:

I wonder what hole you literally live in. I had my ship jump to a WH only to have snipers on the other side. Not everybody goes Geronimo straight up, despite your claim IN CAPS LOCK, which in my book totally proves that it is true.

Rest is just a joke. How do kiting ships spread over huge distance help against blobing armor T3 gank, is beyond me.

Speed thing, agree on that.

Oh snap I thought your name seemed familiar. Remember this fight?

We'll ignore your Alt posting :P

That fight was fun. I knew it was a trap, the Navy Aug kinda made that obvious but I took a swing anyway as I could move around initially. 3/4 of the people on that KM wouldn't be there if whatever it was that caught me had just killed me then and there instead of you guys #falcon'd me to all get on the mail.
Even still it was a blast to have. If that was on a WH you woulda caught me before I got any distance and it'd have been over in seconds. Instead I almost took down your Legion. Thats what I'd like more of and this feels like it'd accomplish that.

To Meytal:
Yes it is too similar to stargates and I'd much prefer something super unique. I'd just like that uniquety to allow more than one type of fleet comp.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#597 - 2014-08-05 14:06:44 UTC
I like the change.

It will likely lead to actual fighting on highsec holes because daytrippers and haulers can't just disengage immediately.

And it will cause caps to actually be committed instead of having an easy escape button.

And I'm sure we can all agree, if the change was the other way around, there would be just as much complaining about CCP making wormholes too easy for farmers and bears.

“Die trying” is the proudest human thing.

Siulents Raven
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#598 - 2014-08-05 14:12:07 UTC
Keith Planck wrote:
I don't think I've ever seen any gaming community as hostile and aggressive to the Devs as the eve community. It really just makes me sad reading some of these posts.

You should check out Anarchy Online's forums, as far as I am concerned this thread is both civil and on point compared to the ragecries that devs over at AO gets.

For the point at hand however, I recently migrated from Anarchy Online to live out my spaceship hardon fantasy. EVE has compared to AO a active PvP scene, and a far better PvP community. I came here interested in small gang PvP, after RvB was kind enough to learn some basics I decided to go looking for shiny ships going BOOOM!
Low/High-Sec seam like a blob nightmare, I'll borrow/paraphrase an analogy I read on reddit iirc: "In high-Sec you are drake pilot 125" I don't want that, I am looking for a close knit gang where you can evade and engage as you see fit. W-Space was the obvious choice, it also seamed quite exotic so I decided to make it my home. Thankfully Wormbro let me join, and they are pro guys (just to warm to play right now lads) I thought my future in EVE was secured.

Then I read this thread on reddit where CCP outlines the changes, not knowing how everything in EVE work yet I read most of this thread, and it seam to me this will only benefit blob sized spaceship penis collectives, and trample lesser errect Corps. I do not understand CCP why you feel the need to conform space to a single equation. Doing so is what killed PvP in Anarchy Online, and now you seam hell bent on doing the same. Go home you are drunk CCP.

Yeah this is not written by a veteran, or a person with years of experience. It is written by a new subscriber to EVE, who wants to make his home here.

In the wisdom of Wu-Tang Clan: "You gotta diversify your bonds!" Embrace the different aspects of EVE space, there is room enough for everyone, and everyone is different. Respect that.

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#599 - 2014-08-05 14:16:07 UTC
Kristalll wrote:
I like the change.

It will likely lead to actual fighting on highsec holes because daytrippers and haulers can't just disengage immediately.

And it will cause caps to actually be committed instead of having an easy escape button.

And I'm sure we can all agree, if the change was the other way around, there would be just as much complaining about CCP making wormholes too easy for farmers and bears.

Actually not, if you kill /gank daytrippers on mass on the HS hole you have succeeded in turning wormholes into losec for HS players.

Changing core physics of the wormhole environment is not trivial. It affects all players in ways that even at this early stage are wildly unpredictable. The initial representation is highly disruptive no matter what the final numbers are and which are picked.

I believe I understand what they are looking for, and I believe that changing the core physics is a poor way of achieving it, as it will not actually achieve what they are hoping for.

I can imagine how it was presented to them and I dearly hope that the proposer did not actually foresee the true results, because if he did CCP have just been awoxed.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Andrew Jester
Collapsed Out
Pandemic Legion
#600 - 2014-08-05 14:16:33 UTC
Siulents Raven wrote:
Keith Planck wrote:
I don't think I've ever seen any gaming community as hostile and aggressive to the Devs as the eve community. It really just makes me sad reading some of these posts.

You should check out Anarchy Online's forums, as far as I am concerned this thread is both civil and on point compared to the ragecries that devs over at AO gets.

For the point at hand however, I recently migrated from Anarchy Online to live out my spaceship hardon fantasy. EVE has compared to AO a active PvP scene, and a far better PvP community. I came here interested in small gang PvP, after RvB was kind enough to learn some basics I decided to go looking for shiny ships going BOOOM!
Low/High-Sec seam like a blob nightmare, I'll borrow/paraphrase an analogy I read on reddit iirc: "In high-Sec you are drake pilot 125" I don't want that, I am looking for a close knit gang where you can evade and engage as you see fit. W-Space was the obvious choice, it also seamed quite exotic so I decided to make it my home. Thankfully Wormbro let me join, and they are pro guys (just to warm to play right now lads) I thought my future in EVE was secured.

Then I read this thread on reddit where CCP outlines the changes, not knowing how everything in EVE work yet I read most of this thread, and it seam to me this will only benefit blob sized spaceship ***** collectives, and trample lesser errect Corps. I do not understand CCP why you feel the need to conform space to a single equation. Doing so is what killed PvP in Anarchy Online, and now you seam hell bent on doing the same. Go home you are drunk CCP.

Yeah this is not written by a veteran, or a person with years of experience. It is written by a new subscriber to EVE, who wants to make his home here.

In the wisdom of Wu-Tang Clan: "You gotta diversify your bonds!" Embrace the different aspects of EVE space, there is room enough for everyone, and everyone is different. Respect that.



If this change goes through, I'm sure people will adapt. It'll be annoying as ****, but it won't be the end for WHs.

If thuggin' was a category I'd win a Grammy