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Crius Feedback

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Kukihara Akachi
#141 - 2014-07-22 18:18:26 UTC
Musashibou Benkei wrote:
And so the dumb patch was released with stupid features that both take up too much window space by trying to be "pretty" and causing everyone in the industry business more grief by making stuff cost more, more, more and more.

WTS capital bpo's cos these changes are plain dumb and Grayscale should've been fired long ago.

P.S. If some dev/isd gets any ideas of me being "mean" to Grayscale, you should think about what happened last time he kept on pushing for the "all new unified inventory" and the drama that caused. Also, refer here

I'm sorry to agree with you, sir. CCP 1) took your previously perfect capital prints and nerfed them to worse prints, and 2) made sure that those worse prints are a WHOLE LOT WORSE than a perfect one. Way to go.
Etara Silverblade
Morex Group Inc.
#142 - 2014-07-22 18:19:41 UTC
Hope you have a fix for the science interface in the works because it's lacking everything.

Now I can't find a way to get at a BPC. I want to be able to send it to my hanger so I can sell it. I was able to do this in the old interface but that option is no longer there.

Also, the refining interface is lacking information about how standings are effecting the refining. I saw "1.0 reduction from station owner tax" but didn't know if that was good or bad since it's red and doesn't tell me anything about what standings it is using.

And the job prices are just off the charts. It would cost over 100 mil to build an orca in my current system. That's not an acceptable amount and I'll never build one at that price. Looks like I'll be selling the BPO. Why weren't number of stations taken into account when the formula was devised. In a system with 10 stations there's no way the manufacturing prices are going to ever be reasonable.

This and all the stuff above needs fixed. I've been playing for a long time and made it through each patch but this one is really pushing me to quit.
Eve Faction Trade Exchange
#143 - 2014-07-22 18:19:44 UTC
Rapscallion Jones wrote:
CCP Claymore wrote:
Takanuro wrote:
I have noticed a couple of things that would be nice to get clarified.

1. I have a POS and got as many ME/TE jobs as I could running before patch. However, when I go into Jobs, the Facility column is showing the station where my Blueprints are stored and NOT my various labs. Does this mean I can take down my POS and/or remove excess labs now without having to wait for jobs to complete???

2. I used to be able to go into the Corp Blueprints tab and look in the various Corp Division hangars which I used to organise various groups. When there was a BP with the stats I wanted to take, I could Right-Click and Deliver it to my Sales Hangar or Personal Hangar. Now, when on the Blueprints tab in Industry when I Right-Click there is no Deliver option. I have many of the same print and many prints so looking in the Inventory for which one I want is very time consuming. Am I missing how to do this now or an we have Deliver option back?


To part 1, were the jobs being run remotely? By this I mean, Blueprints in the station using the modules in your POS?

If that is the case, we have moved all jobs that were running remotely to the station where the blueprint was based.

Does that mean yes or no? I'm in the same boat.

I have taken down my labs and pos's, all jobs are still active and running in the station Cool

Yes, we're going to die, but you're coming with us!

Momiji Sakora
Omni Galactic
Central Omni Galactic Group
#144 - 2014-07-22 18:21:35 UTC
More work needs to be done on the POS permissions system, for a corporation member to have access to create research jobs, or other jobs, they need a host of roles that grant them a lot of unnecessary access to various things in the corp.
Davide Ncc
#145 - 2014-07-22 18:25:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Davide Ncc
Hi, i use a low resolution on my screen. I see that new game windows are not projetcted for low res. I will be happy is in the future al the game windows will be resizeable. thanks
Althalus Stenory
Flying Blacksmiths
#146 - 2014-07-22 18:43:08 UTC
wasn't supposed blueprint with perfect ME pre-crius less than 10 be perfect with the change after crius ? for example Orca which was perfect at me 7 or 8, plenty rigs between 6 and 10 etc which are not anymore perfect ?

I don't get it...

anyway, the industry index is just sh!t, and all the cost system too, teams are useless, wait no, it's a new isk sink ! You guys forgot nobody wanted this but you didn't listen at all, just as you did with incarna...

The only thing that'll happen is a f*cking rise of the prices everywhere because there will be lesser people that'll manufacture... (and I seriously hope it'll be the case, so CCP can see they failed).

I just wonder if any dev who worked on this update was a full indus char, else he won't have done all of this stupid things... (remove remote hangar-pos jobs & cie for the fun of risks vs rewards, just as if ganking wasn't enough for indus people ^^)

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Rapscallion Jones
Omnibus Solutions
#147 - 2014-07-22 18:45:41 UTC
DeODokktor wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Celor Ma'fer wrote:
Shade Millith wrote:
Okay, after about 10 minutes of playing around, it seems as though the proposed idea of additional facilities giving bonuses in POSs seems to be scraped.


I mean, I'm not going to complain too much, because this just means that my empire industry tower is also going to be a fully fledged deathstar and pretty much impervious to assault while cranking out full production, but this seems like really bad balancing.

This was mentioned sneakily in here Dev Post

Also in the devblog that went out last week :)

You guys need to start using dev blogs and stop using forum/reddit.

Why were remote blueprints removed?... That alone will kill good POSs in empire.

Umm, sorry but that one actually was in the DevBlogs, and more than one. Unlike many of the sneak-in changes littered throughout the Test Server sub-forum the past several weeks.
Macabre Votum
Northern Coalition.
#148 - 2014-07-22 18:49:30 UTC
CCP fails again with this update. How many subscribers will stop now?

They spelled it wrong though. Its should be spelled Crisus.

Anyway, thanks for ruining another part of the game.

Worst part is that a the team "Friends" is dismantled. You know what that means in real business? It means the whole patch is screwed and will never get fixed.
#149 - 2014-07-22 19:11:47 UTC
As has been stated before, here or in the Issues thread, installing jobs at a POS requires funds in the associated corp wallet division.

Is this new behaviour the intended behaviour for now and the future, or is this an oversight of pulling funds from "installation owner" (corp) instead of "job installer" (player) wallet?

If behaviour is intended and will persist, please add an option for installation owners to configure the installations to require payment from corp or installer. The current situation is "difficult", to put it mildly.
State War Academy
Caldari State
#150 - 2014-07-22 19:20:08 UTC
CCP Greyscale wrote:
Retar Aveymone wrote:
CCP Greyscale wrote:

Also in the devblog that went out last week :)

greyscale: I set installation taxes to "100%" on one of our stations. Did I just set the taxes to 100% of what they can be (e.g. now it will charge 10% of the install cost in taxes) or did I just double everyone's install costs?

If it's the former can the NET taxes be shown instead of "100%" before goons start picking up pitchforks and torches :ohdear:

Believe that's doubling costs.




Fliet Pizza Delivery
Of Essence
#151 - 2014-07-22 19:21:48 UTC
It appears you have forgotton about everyone that doesn't do industry or manufacturing in game.


There's soo much stuff to look forward to in this patch... oh wait, I mean nothing.
Angie Chatter
#152 - 2014-07-22 19:38:10 UTC  |  Edited by: Angie Chatter

1) While installing Jobs the selection list jumps all over the place, without any way to lock the sorting. This means u have to "retarget" your mouse after each new job. Thats really annoying!
Plz fix the "sorting" of the list, so it stays fixed after each job!

2) The "greyed" out started jobs clutter the selection window and also do not help with the selection jumping after each new job!
Plz add a filter to remove those "started" entries from the list.

3) The time it takes for the list to become responsive again to setup a new job is annoying, try reduce the cooldown between each job or give is some form to batch install multiple similar jobs.

4) The new Indy selection window/list lacks all of the filter (save/load) features found in the storage window. Allow us to set and save filters the same way. Just being able use the word filtering is annoying.

5) The Indy "team" auction uses the personal wallet, instead of the corp walled! This should be settable somewhere.

6) The word filtering in the "Jobs" list does not work, so u cant filter for specific jobs.

7) If u sort the Jobs list by "Status" the "deliver" ready jobs are on top, while the next are the longest running. Logical if i sort by "status" and the finished jobs are on top, the jobs that finish next should be next, not the longest.

8) If i select multiple jobs there should be a counter somewhere that shows how many total jobs i have selected or even better also show the total amount of items the selected jobs of the same type will produce.

9) We can not move/remove the Indy window columns, this should work similar to the inventory system, where u can remove unwanted informations.

10) The "system cost" index displayed as bar is rather useless, add a tootip or way to have the actual index shown as number.
Magic Crisp
Amarrian Micro Devices
#153 - 2014-07-22 19:38:41 UTC
We have a corp job, installed pre-crius. Now it's delivery location is change to a can, having 120m3 total capacity. The job's volume is 1100m3. How should I fix that?

At blueprints the owned by corp/personal (leftmost) dropdown only has its effect on the second dropdown after the second change.

When viewing blueprints in "List mode" the little ME/PE bars are completely uninformative, AKA useless. Please put the numbers there to make them any useful, or at least add a bubble. BTW this has been reported 2 weeks ago in the test server threads.

When browsing through BPs to see for what do i have materials enough, the input/output divisions are always reset to the completely wrong one. UI should at least remember the last settings, the pre-crius industry window know this. This also had been reported a couple of weeks before patch in the test server threads.

The little triange in the industry window is hiding the wrong part of the window. Why do we need to rotate our monitors to have a decently sized list of our jobs/BPs? Also, someone took extreme care here, because we are also unable to move the upper half of the window out of the screen, as a workaround.

We are now unable to order our BP listing by group or category. That was a useful feature before crius, now it's impossible to do so.

meh, i'll stop, noone pays attention anyway.

Mackenzie Nolen
#154 - 2014-07-22 19:44:26 UTC
Yongtau Naskingar wrote:
Bellasarius Baxter wrote:
First observation: Pre-patch I had a perfectly researched Orca blueprint, which took quite some time.
It was at ML=6 pre-patch.
Now I have a blueprint at 9%, and am looking at 257 days of research, and 828 MILLION ISK in research cost to make it perfect again.

It's STILL perfect in the same way it was before, i.e. higher level of research don't get any more savings.

That's not actually true. You should definitely run the new numbers on cap BPO's if you were counting on that. With rounding up and the way things were folded in, the ME-9% to ME-10% improvement is relevant for pretty much every cap ship. Especially once you look at the edge cases with rounding in combination with the 2% ME savings from a POS or team bonus.
Retar Aveymone
Goonswarm Federation
#155 - 2014-07-22 19:58:25 UTC
Magic Crisp wrote:
We have a corp job, installed pre-crius. Now it's delivery location is change to a can, having 120m3 total capacity. The job's volume is 1100m3. How should I fix that?

you can deliver more to a container than it can hold, as my component arrays that routinely get 5m m3 stuffed in them when i deliver jobs show
Julia's Interstellar Trade Emperium
#156 - 2014-07-22 20:16:24 UTC  |  Edited by: TheSmokingHertog
In the industry overview, the facilities tab tool-tip says;

"Facilities in the current region where blueprints can be used for manufacturing or research"

But does this list include all station that the alt / char can reach with remote skill in that region, or is it just all stations in the region? And didn't remote installing go above region?

Edit; it seems you can see skill requirements by hovering above information block above the tabs, that is not intuitive @ all.


When watching @ team auctions, I am wondering why there is no Price History tab ;)...


So we now can metagame on Teams lvl by just buying out specialist just to frustrate other industrials :D.... only if we could speculate on future team deployments. Or we could buy into teams as silent partner and ask production taxes for use of the team. That way I could support my suppliers, without being in industry.

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James Amril-Kesh
Amarr Empire
#157 - 2014-07-22 20:25:20 UTC
Yogsoloth wrote:
It appears you have forgotton about everyone that doesn't do industry or manufacturing in game.


There's soo much stuff to look forward to in this patch... oh wait, I mean nothing.

With a 6 week release cycle chances are you'll get content relevant to you more often even if not every release has any.

Enjoying the rain today? ;)

Theodore Knox
Ducks in Outer Space
#158 - 2014-07-22 20:25:41 UTC
Is there a way to change which wallet job costs come off when installing jobs at POS?

Theodore Knox
Ducks in Outer Space
#159 - 2014-07-22 20:34:16 UTC
Meytal wrote:
As has been stated before, here or in the Issues thread, installing jobs at a POS requires funds in the associated corp wallet division.

Is this new behaviour the intended behaviour for now and the future, or is this an oversight of pulling funds from "installation owner" (corp) instead of "job installer" (player) wallet?

If behaviour is intended and will persist, please add an option for installation owners to configure the installations to require payment from corp or installer. The current situation is "difficult", to put it mildly.

I am wondering what my CEO's reaction is going to be. Lol
Terminator 2
Omega Boost
#160 - 2014-07-22 20:36:50 UTC
Unplayable industry window blocking access to the list of your jobs...

I will wait for around a week or two on anouncements regarding improved usability of this mess.

After that you putting accounts on hold and playing something else.