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Rich men in EVE

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Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#21 - 2014-06-30 20:24:03 UTC
Buy PLEX, sell PLEX.
Faster than any other possible way of getting ISK leaving any activity in Eve pure pleasure.

Invalid signature format

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#22 - 2014-06-30 20:25:25 UTC  |  Edited by: IIshira
Some "rich" Eve players or their parents have RL cash to spend on PLEX. I know people who spend 500 on PLEX like it's nothing.
Felicity Love
#23 - 2014-06-30 20:26:57 UTC
Christina Project wrote:
You people are hilarious.

You actually work for ISK ! XD

... looks out from her chair on the porch, sipping on a Mojito as the "employees" work their daily 18 hour shift... the Gallente ones need a firmer hand, with their pretentious notions... and the Minmatar are best suited for "manual labour"...

... sips more Mojito...

"EVE is dying." -- The Four Forum Trolls of the Apocalypse.   ( Pick four, any four. They all smell.  )

X-Factor Industries
Synthetic Existence
#24 - 2014-06-30 23:28:52 UTC
Triakis Cadelanne wrote:
I simply wonder how those guys make so much ISK ?

Entity's 2 step guide to infinite wealth:
- Buy stuff.
- Sell stuff for higher price.


║.╔╗╔╗╔╣.╔╗╠..╠ ╠╗╠╝.║╠ ╠╝║║║╚╗


Got Item?

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#25 - 2014-06-30 23:33:21 UTC
I steal stuff, scam people out of stuff, or otherwise appropriate someone else's stuff.

Then I sell it.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Erica Dusette
Division 13
#26 - 2014-06-30 23:35:07 UTC
Triakis Cadelanne wrote:
but it should be so nice to lose a TIII without feelings wrecked.

Welping a T3 and not giving a **** is a sign of being rich? What?

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#27 - 2014-06-30 23:35:37 UTC  |  Edited by: PotatoOverdose
If you spend any time making isk, and you don't end up loosing too much isk, then isk accumulates. Also 10b, 20b, or 30b isn't anywhere near "rich" in eve.
Triakis Cadelanne
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#28 - 2014-06-30 23:45:14 UTC
Thanks to all those who answered me. However, I'm not interested on earning 100B, or 50B, or a trillion a week, because this is by far way to much money for the ship I'm interested to fly (and lose).

I see some of you talking about 1B a week, this is already pretty cool for me.

So the 1st thing you're talking about is trading. I must say that I've done some of it, and it worked pretty well, even if I had small amounts. But then I wasn't steady enough to make real profit with it.

The other thing is incursions. I have run some of them with TDF and it's very lucrative ... if you manage to slip in a fleet. Incursions made me spend more time waiting for fleet than making ISK, so eventually it wasn't that good.

Now I think the best I can do is try to get some ISK by trading, and focus on it.
Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#29 - 2014-06-30 23:46:31 UTC
IIshira wrote:
Some "rich" Eve players or their parents have RL cash to spend on PLEX. I know people who spend 500 on PLEX like it's nothing.

Knew a guy who bought those ten plex deals regular so he could derp shinies in the pvp isk bbq.
He logged on drunk before we had jump bridges set up, bought a shuttle to run to the market hub, realised he had bought a 250m shuttle left on market as a troll by the people being booted out of the region.
Hope it had pleather seats.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Organic Lager
Drinking Buddies
#30 - 2014-06-30 23:53:40 UTC
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Alavaria Fera wrote:
30b is maybe enough for a supercarrier and training a character (but if you buy character, needs a lot more).

You need like... 110bil for one of the very rare (due to being expensive) titans. That's why our alliance only has three or four ... dozens.

According to the well-informed metric given by Aryth, 50bil is only space middle class.

50 billion?

LOL. If you live in null sec, and are worth less than 100 billion, you are doing it oh so wrong.
45M / hour (after 15% tax) in an AFKtar, 3 hours/ day, 6 days a week = 800 M, plus who knows how many escalations. And let's not forget an SRP that actually your profit from the more ships that you lose.

So easily 1 billion a week, more like 3-4 billion / week, with good escalation drops.

3 hours a day for 2 straight years is the average? Damn you have high standards
Serene Repose
#31 - 2014-06-30 23:55:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Serene Repose
What's funny is whenever this question comes up, there's a flood of generalities which contain no real information. "Buy low, sell high." This always comes up. There may even be a race to be the first to type it. "Find a need and fill it."

At the end of this thread, which will make the internet groan from its weight, no one will have said a useable thing.

A telling post however, was from a Goonwaffle. "Come rent from us and rat trouble free." There was this caveat that there wasn't much they could do about the occasional raider tossing you. (So - what does this rent money secure, anyway? Or, is it just a protection payment; protection only from Goonwaffles?)

I'd be very interested in learning how a fortune on the scale of 10 trillion was amassed. However, there's more liars on this subject than on a carnival fact...isn't that just what this thread is?

Come see the two-headed boy drink the milk right off the three-breasted lady! And, the check is in the mail.

Truth be told?

Schmata Bastanold wrote:
Buy PLEX, sell PLEX.
Faster than any other possible way of getting ISK leaving any activity in Eve pure pleasure.

The PLEX price thread is 272 responses and growing.

We must accommodate the idiocracy.

Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#32 - 2014-06-30 23:58:40 UTC
You're thinking too small, 30B is not well off anymore.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

#33 - 2014-07-01 00:01:06 UTC
Alavaria Fera wrote:
According to the well-informed metric given by Aryth, 50bil is only space middle class.

This is the point where the average guy can do whatever you like for quite some time flying sub caps and caps. (Not supers)
Chopper Rollins
Brave Newbies Inc.
Brave Collective
#34 - 2014-07-01 00:14:54 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
I'd be very interested in learning how a fortune on the scale of 10 trillion was amassed...

Once you understand that corporations and alliances are mechanics for farming your fellow players, pushing them in directions that allow for large scale income to start stacking up from moons, PI etc, you'll see how the rank and file never see where the money goes, it's enough to make an honest capsuleer go all Dinsdale i tells ya.

Goggles. Making me look good. Making you look good.

Komi Toran
Caldari State
#35 - 2014-07-01 00:15:13 UTC
Serene Repose wrote:
At the end of this thread, which will make the internet groan from its weight, no one will have said a useable thing.

Of course, because everyone's potential competition. If someone's telling you what to buy and sell, it's a scam.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#36 - 2014-07-01 00:22:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
50 billion?

LOL. If you live in null sec, and are worth less than 100 billion, you are doing it oh so wrong.
45M / hour (after 15% tax) in an AFKtar, 3 hours/ day, 6 days a week = 800 M, plus who knows how many escalations. And let's not forget an SRP that actually your profit from the more ships that you lose.

So easily 1 billion a week, more like 3-4 billion / week, with good escalation drops.

So what you're saying is that if you live in highsec and are worth less than, oh, 200bn, you are doing it wrong? After all, it is trivial to earn a lot more than 45M/h there, and you can do it far more intensely and with absolutely nothing to eat away all that cash you're accumulating.

There are players now worth over 10 trillion.
That number is based solely on the concentration of wealth as we have seen more and more null sec income being created, and it flowing through the hands of a small amount of players.
…many (if not most) of which sit in highsec, since that's where you can get the really big income streams going — the ones that are not subject to the limitations of fixed output sources.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Cultural Enrichment and Synergy of Diversity
Stain Neurodiverse Democracy
#37 - 2014-07-01 01:20:24 UTC
Here are some of the direct examples of how to become rich:

- Join a good wormhole based corp. Class 4 or higher is preferred, but C3's and lower can be profitable as well, depending on the type of your system's static connections. In higher class wormholes, farm capital escalations in a fleet. In lower class wormholes farm simple complexes and go for Melted Nanoribbons (either solo or in a fleet). In both cases you don't have to be supper experienced or skilled to participate in farming. If you can not yet fly DPS ships or logistics, there's plenty of options for you to still participate and get your share of earnings: fly a Noctis, fly a cloaky or an interceptor and monitor the system while other members of the fleet are farming or do anything else that your corp considers useful when farming.
Potential earnings: 300 mil to 2bil ISK a day, depending on your luck of finding a decent system to farm and your ability to play.

- Factional warfare. Can be done with an alt and played casually (if your RL time schedule is sometimes very busy). For Caldari and Gallente militias, you'll need a well trained frigate or assault frigate. Static complexes are what you are looking for. For Amarr and Minmatar, train for bombers with torpedoes. Purifier if you are joining Minmatar militia, Hound if you are joining Amarr militia (because of the damage types that you should deal). In this case your goal are Level 4 Factional Warfare missions on higher militia tiers (Levels 3, 4 and rarely 5). I haven't found static complexes engaging enough, so I wasn't playing them much. The ISK estimate is based on Level 4 missions.
Potential earnings: 150 mil to 300 mil ISK for and hour and a half (pack of 5 missions) depending on how busy the systems you are given missions in are and what tier is your militia on.

- There are mailing lists for bulk trading where you can get a lot of items under market value in a short amount of time. The items offered are usually in major trade hubs, which is a neat convenience. "Wholesale Trading" and "Bulk Trade" are two most prominent examples, although I haven't used "Bulk Trade" since they switched to Google group. "Wholesale Trading" usually sees about a dozen of posts a day and more on weekends. You can either browse the mailing list to buy what is offered and then sell it as a trader, or you can ask for (WTB) specific items that you need. Alternatively, if you are a manufacturer/miner and want to sell a lot of items/minerals rapidly, these lists are invaluable. Sure, the profit margin is not like when you sell it your self, but the turnover speed is significantly higher. Also, when you buy or sell something in bulk on these lists, make sure to contact your customer and ask if you can make a deal with them for long term regular basis deliveries.
Potential earnings: 5% to 15% of whatever you have invested. Time span depends on how much time you need to produce stuff (if you are a seller on the mailing list) or sell stuff (if you are a buyer on the mailing list)

- More classic approach with decent PvE content would be Epic mission Arcs. There are currently 7 arcs (pirate and faction) available and you can do each of them once in 3 months. In order to be able to do all f the arcs, you should pay attention to your faction standings so you can do all of them in the future. Each epic arc can be done in 1-2 relaxed afternoons of playing and will make you 250-500mil ISK per arc. Empire faction arcs are mainly done in well tanked well trained battleships or tech 3 ships. Pirate faction arcs are mainly done in assault frigates (personal recommendation is Ishkur). If you do 2 of them every month, that's additional 500 mil to 1 bil ISK a month income for 2 or 3 afternoons of playing. Added bonus is a change of pace, since epic arc missions are somewhat different from regular missions and are generally a lot of fun.
Potential earnings: 500mil to 1 bil a month depending on the arc.

There are many other things, but this post is long enough already Smile
Mistah Ewedynao
Ice Axe Psycho Killers
#38 - 2014-07-01 01:29:47 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
50 billion?

LOL. If you live in null sec, and are worth less than 100 billion, you are doing it oh so wrong.
45M / hour (after 15% tax) in an AFKtar, 3 hours/ day, 6 days a week = 800 M, plus who knows how many escalations. And let's not forget an SRP that actually your profit from the more ships that you lose.

So easily 1 billion a week, more like 3-4 billion / week, with good escalation drops.

So what you're saying is that if you live in highsec and are worth less than, oh, 200bn, you are doing it wrong? After all, it is trivial to earn a lot more than 45M/h there, and you can do it far more intensely and with absolutely nothing to eat away all that cash you're accumulating.

There are players now worth over 10 trillion.
That number is based solely on the concentration of wealth as we have seen more and more null sec income being created, and it flowing through the hands of a small amount of players.
…many (if not most) of which sit in highsec, since that's where you can get the really big income streams going — the ones that are not subject to the limitations of fixed output sources.

Total...complete Goonswarm propaganda BS!

Find the threads where Goon pubbies brag about making 200M an hour ratting.

CCP HERE is your example of why your subs are falling. Wannabe snakes like Tippia, with IT"S noob skill list. Roll

Maybe it will give you some more industry tips.....

Nerf Goons

Nuke em from's the only way to be sure.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#39 - 2014-07-01 01:43:30 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Mistah Ewedynao wrote:
Total...complete Goonswarm propaganda BS!

Find the threads where Goon pubbies brag about making 200M an hour ratting.
Is that the propaganda, or do you mean the numbers Dindin quoted?

CCP HERE is your example of why your subs are falling. Wannabe snakes like Tippia, with IT"S noob skill list.
So I'm personally in control of where subs are going? Awesome.
Still, flattery gets you nowhere, so I'm afraid you're going to get the standard treatment: I take it that you really agree with me then, since you are unable to actually address anything I said and have to resort to fallacies to fill in the gap.
Candi LeMew
Division 13
#40 - 2014-07-01 01:51:12 UTC
Pretty sure OP is a gold digga.


Remember... in Anoikis Bob Is Always Watching...

"I been kicked out of better homes than this" - Rick James