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[Kronos] Factional Warfare Complex Improvements

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X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#541 - 2014-05-25 21:58:11 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:
The point is, the cloaking change was to address the issue that farmers had no incentive to stick around to fight for the plex so cloaking is the best option.
I personally think it was to make it harder to program 'bots. Could be wrong.
Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#542 - 2014-05-26 00:39:35 UTC
Yun Kuai wrote:

And what about those of us who go after BC's and cruisers or packs of destroyers in our arazu? Because your ignorance on how to solo PVP in an arazu is showing. Yes you have a long point, but every ship in the game is faster than you, even when you shield tank and double nano, so good luck actually kiting. It's not all about using cloaky, muti-scram asteroes to gank farmer fits. There are other ships that get used.

The point is, the cloaking change was to address the issue that farmers had no incentive to stick around to fight for the plex so cloaking is the best option. Now the best option is to warp to the next plex or go one system over since we can't cloak effectively in a plex. CCP mixed the mark on fixing the issue, now instead we've limited over 10 t2 and faction ships from being used inside a plex except for those 1% niche cases. Go search my name and look at my kills with recons. 90% of them are solo against 1-5 targets ranging from frigs to BCs and everything in between. This change stops that; how sneaky can I be when my AB, plated arazu goes 488m/s and has to be uncloaked for over a minute burning out to 32km from the warp-in? And let's be honest, with the RSD nerf (thanks to hundreds of the same ships being used at the same...because you know we all fly a gimmicky fit celestis in groups of hundreds every time....X) doing my thing in the arazu is already much more difficult, now this is just the final nail in the coffin.

Well lets just look at this..

An Arazu facing off vs a small pack of destroyers solo - You don't want to be landing at zero on them, your best defense / offence is keeping range on them - Arazu gets a bonus to point range, ergo starting at 30k VS "packs" of destroyers is going to be a win win for the Arazu. Fit it right, the 1st few destroyers are dead before they get in range, you can tank a couple more while picking them off.

Arazu VS BC solo, again range is going to be your best friend to start. Point, drop drones get in range for the limited gun dps you have to be useful, or simply kite using drones till the job is done.. Don't know that I have come across a BC that can kite as well as the, admittedly bad at kiting, Arazu in a 1 v 1 fight.

Arazu VS Cruiser - Well here you just do as you always have and pick your targets - If it is a kiter, be prepared or just don't engage it (same as you would now). A well fit and flown cruiser is the biggest threat, next to a bunch of ceptors, which if you are at all smart, you just won't engage.

Even entering a plex uncloaked with someone in it, the Arazu still has an advantage if they are not sitting on the warpin, ie; not there to fight. Your longer point range will still have a chance get him as he aligns out.
They will not see you on Dscan until you decloak by activating the gate, giving you a Huge advantage over anything not cloaky.

I'm sorry m8 but your pitiful arguments are just that - pitiful and those of a LAZY PVP'r who wants it all handed to him on a plate.
Stop looking at how bad this change is and try to find the positives. You being lazy is not going to get CCP to change their mind about this change.

NB; I would have thought my mention of my Blops activity would have been a hint for you.
I spend a good deal of my time flying cloaky ships, of all types.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#543 - 2014-05-26 00:47:08 UTC
X Gallentius wrote:
Yun Kuai wrote:
The point is, the cloaking change was to address the issue that farmers had no incentive to stick around to fight for the plex so cloaking is the best option.
I personally think it was to make it harder to program 'bots. Could be wrong.

Both right and both add up to a very positive change to FW, for both farmers and PVP'rs.

Yes dedicated cloaky ships are likely to find it a little difficult at 1st but if nothing else, EVE teaches you to be adaptable.
I believe in a very short time, those who want to use covert cloaky ships for plex hunting, will have found a way to make it work.

For those too stubborn to see the positives in this change - Take you covert cloaky and go camp / roam regular lowsec or even nulsec, pretty sure you will find getting kills a lot slower than if you worked out a way to use them in complexes.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Ashlar Vellum
Esquire Armaments
#544 - 2014-05-26 01:30:47 UTC
Master Sergeant MacRobert wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
Mnemosyne Gloob wrote:
It seems that CCP got tired of people reporting bots in FW space but are pretty okay with farmville. sigh.

NPC's do not multi spawn, one must die for the next to spawn
Moving outside capture range once the NPC has spawned will see it follow you (I traveled 180k from the capture point and the NPC followed all the way)

This concerns me.

If the pilot who enters the plex 1st then warps out does the NPC spawn return to the button fast?

Otherwise you have the unfortunate tactic of "defend the system by dragging the spawn off grid and make the plex impossible to complete" ( without a fast ship to scout the spawn and what if it is a medium.).

NPC spawns should return to base pretty fast or it is broken.

It's random, usually they teleport back when you leave the plex grid, but sometimes they just give up and sit where you left them. There is a ton more of shenanigans you can do with plex npcs now on sisi, like 0 m/s npcs that just refuse to lock you unless you shoot them first or 24 sec reappearing npcs etc.

More concerning is frig pvp in med/large even with their minuscule damage npcs are more than just annoying especially for kiting frigs like condors and slicers.
Syd Unknown
#545 - 2014-05-26 11:52:13 UTC
Spawn rate from npc is a bit too high atm.

3-4 spawns per plex is hard enough. the main reason was not being able to break tank with a stabbed ship.
So the number of spawns doesnt need to be so high. If they cant break the npc tank they cant break it.
As it is now sometimes you have to chew through 7 npc's in a small wich is really too much.

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#546 - 2014-05-26 12:36:45 UTC
Syd Unknown wrote:
Spawn rate from npc is a bit too high atm.

3-4 spawns per plex is hard enough. the main reason was not being able to break tank with a stabbed ship.
So the number of spawns doesnt need to be so high. If they cant break the npc tank they cant break it.
As it is now sometimes you have to chew through 7 npc's in a small wich is really too much.

Personally it seems the new NPC spawn rates are designed to keep farmers in A plex longer = More chance of being confronted with PVP and reduced LP earnings.

It is likely to have a roll on effect of removing many Bots and some of the less dedicated LP farmers.
The removal of Bots is a positive but removing too many farmers could have adverse affects down the line, with less systems becoming Vulnerable. This in turn leads to stagnant warzones, with people leaving FW as a result due to boredom.

I know a lot of people will argue this by saying "we plex when we want to capture new systems" - I say "good", problem is, without opposing militia farmers plexing there is no need for corps mass plexing as systems become static OR you end up with a situation where everyone has to plex for hours and hours each day to get a system vulnerable.

As much as FW PVP'rs like to hate on farmers, they are an integral part of FW. Without them FW slowly dies.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Angelus Ryan
One Ronin
#547 - 2014-05-26 12:47:54 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
As much as FW PVP'rs like to hate on farmers, they are an integral part of FW. Without them FW slowly dies.

That is a design flaw, not a fact of life.

If the reduction in farmers stagnates the warzone, then all needs to be done is an increase in the effect of plexing a system so less people need to plex to push it to vulnerable. Since an I-Hub bash is still needed, it won't affect system flips, it will only balance the drop in farmers.
Plus 10 NV
#548 - 2014-05-26 13:07:52 UTC
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
I tried to break it tonight:

Malkuth Torpedo Launcher x 3
Covert Ops Cloak
BCU II x 3

My goal was to sit at 29km off of the button and kill the rats at range. I tried a small plex for giggles. It was a disaster to put it mildly. I then went to a medium plex and proceeded to two shot the cruiser NPC. The Hound works very well in Mediums with a couple caveats. First - if you are not moving you will quickly find your untangled hound in armor. Second- if the NPC spawned too far from you it would come racing after you at a speed the Torps couldn't affect. If I orbited the button at 10km the rats got two shotted. There were seven total cruiser spawns.

The large plexes took 8 salvoes to kill and hurt the hound too much.

Thanks for posting this.

In the large it took 8 salvoes to kill one rat?

Also if you recall what sort of paper dps were you getting from the sb in eft or the eve client?

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#549 - 2014-05-26 16:02:39 UTC
Angelus Ryan wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
As much as FW PVP'rs like to hate on farmers, they are an integral part of FW. Without them FW slowly dies.

That is a design flaw, not a fact of life.

If the reduction in farmers stagnates the warzone, then all needs to be done is an increase in the effect of plexing a system so less people need to plex to push it to vulnerable. Since an I-Hub bash is still needed, it won't affect system flips, it will only balance the drop in farmers.

Ahh, so they should balance FW more to suit the few who want it solely for PVP.. Yeah right, that is exactly the response I expected.
Why not just remove the PVE aspect of it all together?? Why is it even needed, CCP can just balance FW to so all you need to do is shoot the i-hub. Why have 4,000 or 5,000 players in each militia when 40 or 50 can just go around flipping systems?

But then how does the new i-hub get upgraded?? Are all the pvp'rs going to stop pvping and grind plexes, or does the supply of Faction items just dry up because, well, less plexes run = less players = less LP being spent on faction items.

And of course FW should be balanced to suit smaller amounts of players by increasing the effect each plex has.
*-* You do understand, the idea behind FW (and game design as a whole) is to involve as many players as possible - Doing both PVE & PVP. It is not and never should be strictly a PVP warzone - It would fail miserably.

** I am so glad you are not a dev, FW would die very quickly

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

Plus 10 NV
#550 - 2014-05-26 16:18:50 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Ahh, so they should balance FW more to suit the few who want it solely for PVP.. Yeah right, that is exactly the response I expected.
Why not just remove the PVE aspect of it all together??

We are not talking about all of faction war here. We are only talking about the occupancy war. If players want to run faction war missions for pve they can.

However, players have long been asking for this single aspect of eve (fw occupancy) to be based on pvp instead of pve. CCP has already indicated they also want to go in that direction. CCP Fozzie just reconfirmed he they still want to implement changes in that direction. So yes CCP and many players over many years are pushing that occupancy be a pvp game.

I am glad ccp is still looking to go in that direction and I don't mind waiting for it. Any faction war players who have been requesting improvements for any amount of time have learned to be patient.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Small Focused Memes
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#551 - 2014-05-26 17:32:15 UTC
Angelus Ryan wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
As much as FW PVP'rs like to hate on farmers, they are an integral part of FW. Without them FW slowly dies.

That is a design flaw, not a fact of life.

If the reduction in farmers stagnates the warzone, then all needs to be done is an increase in the effect of plexing a system so less people need to plex to push it to vulnerable. Since an I-Hub bash is still needed, it won't affect system flips, it will only balance the drop in farmers.

SOOOOOOO WRONG. without farmers FW would be again about pvp like it was.

Amarr Militia Representative - A jar of nitro

Zarnak Wulf
Task Force 641
Empyrean Edict
#552 - 2014-05-26 17:48:06 UTC
Cearain wrote:
Zarnak Wulf wrote:
I tried to break it tonight:

Malkuth Torpedo Launcher x 3
Covert Ops Cloak
BCU II x 3

My goal was to sit at 29km off of the button and kill the rats at range. I tried a small plex for giggles. It was a disaster to put it mildly. I then went to a medium plex and proceeded to two shot the cruiser NPC. The Hound works very well in Mediums with a couple caveats. First - if you are not moving you will quickly find your untangled hound in armor. Second- if the NPC spawned too far from you it would come racing after you at a speed the Torps couldn't affect. If I orbited the button at 10km the rats got two shotted. There were seven total cruiser spawns.

The large plexes took 8 salvoes to kill and hurt the hound too much.

Thanks for posting this.

In the large it took 8 salvoes to kill one rat?

Also if you recall what sort of paper dps were you getting from the sb in eft or the eve client?

8 salvoes on the BC rat in the larges. Paper DPS 470ish.
Plus 10 NV
#553 - 2014-05-26 19:34:56 UTC
Flyinghotpocket wrote:
Angelus Ryan wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
As much as FW PVP'rs like to hate on farmers, they are an integral part of FW. Without them FW slowly dies.

That is a design flaw, not a fact of life.

If the reduction in farmers stagnates the warzone, then all needs to be done is an increase in the effect of plexing a system so less people need to plex to push it to vulnerable. Since an I-Hub bash is still needed, it won't affect system flips, it will only balance the drop in farmers.

SOOOOOOO WRONG. without farmers FW would be again about pvp like it was.

I don't think "stagnation" should be determined by how often systems flip. There were quite a few systems that were far from stagnant even though they did not flip.

I think "stagnation" is more about no one caring about whether systems flips.

Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve

Sgt Ocker
What Corp is it
#554 - 2014-05-27 05:47:23 UTC
Cearain wrote:

I don't think "stagnation" should be determined by how often systems flip. There were quite a few systems that were far from stagnant even though they did not flip.

I think "stagnation" is more about no one caring about whether systems flips.

So if FW isn't about flipping systems and controlling the most space and having the highest upgrades - What exactly is it about?

We are not talking about all of faction war here. We are only talking about the occupancy war. If players want to run faction war missions for pve they can.
So FW members should be restricted to running what are without a doubt the worst missions in the game?
And I'm really curious - If FW isn't about occupancy rates and systems changing hands and ihubs being upgraded then destroyed - What is it about?

However, players have long been asking for this single aspect of eve (fw occupancy) to be based on pvp instead of pve.
CCP Fozzie just reconfirmed he they still want to implement changes in that direction
So FW is only for 1 type of player, the dedicated full time PVP'r. Are you so consumed with yourself, You would like to see FW changed so much, so you can enjoy your play style to the exclusion of everyone else?

Maybe you need to ask yourself why you are a FW member, it doesn't seem it has anything to do with FW. You just want a Giant PVP Arena. That is not FW and in fact is not aside from tournaments a part of TQ.
I actually suggested Arena style PVP Complexes for FW which you (and a couple of others) said was wrong and should never happen - Yet you want the WHOLE of FW turned into a giant PVP Arena.

I haven't seen a post from Fozzie or any other dev that indicates they are working towards removing Complexes from FW.
If there in fact is such a post or thread I hope someone within CCP management is smart enough to realize how bad that would be, not only for FW but for the entire balance of EVE and says NO.

My opinions are mine.

  If you don't like them or disagree with me that's OK.- - - - - - Just don't bother Hating - I don't care

It really is getting harder and harder to justify $23 a month for each sub.

New Eden Tank Testing Services
#555 - 2014-05-27 07:33:13 UTC
Sarge, FW is about PvP. It is lowsec. The plexes are there solely to bring players together to create conflict and provide content.

Zappity's Adventures for a taste of lowsec and nullsec.

Templar Dane
Amarrian Vengeance
Ragequit Cancel Sub
#556 - 2014-05-27 08:43:48 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:

So if FW isn't about flipping systems and controlling the most space and having the highest upgrades - What exactly is it about?

And I'm really curious - If FW isn't about occupancy rates and systems changing hands and ihubs being upgraded then destroyed - What is it about?

FW is about conflict, just as you were told previously.

Plexes were created the way they were to encourage conflict. Even the missions were meant to be dangerous.

FW isn't mining, it isn't incursions, it isn't nulsec farmville. It is PVP with rewards, or at least that's what the plex LP is supposed to be about. It is a reward for putting your ship at risk.

The farmers risk nothing consequential and get the same rewards as the guys manning up. It's not fair to the real pilots.

Also, I suggest if you want anyone to take you seriously in this thread, post with your FW character. Show us that character that has no kills and a bunch of stabbed frigate losses.
X Gallentius
Black Eagle1
#557 - 2014-05-27 14:15:01 UTC  |  Edited by: X Gallentius
Cearain wrote:
We are not talking about all of faction war here. We are only talking about the occupancy war. If players want to run faction war missions for pve they can.
FW missions don't currently generate the amount of pvp as running plexes.

LP from FW plexes allows FW players to be "on station" 95% of the time (if they choose). Having as many of these guys out and about is healthy for the entire low sec ecosystem and can only be accomplished if they are able to make LP while we are waiting for a fight.

I love the missions too, but tbh they don't generate quite the volume of fights as the FW plexes. One reason is that the missions are spawned to the least active systems on the map (I guess to spread FW to the the entire theater). Other reasons include no griefing mechanism for a guy bailing from his mission, and a third reason is that they don't affect occupancy one way or the other. No reason for anybody to go out to a FW mission and stop it.

Otherwise, the guy who stated that the warzone is going to die down quite a bit is 100% correct. These changes clearly favor the defense. This is neither good nor bad, just different. And we'll see how it all plays out in the future.
Angelus Ryan
One Ronin
#558 - 2014-05-27 14:38:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Angelus Ryan
Sgt Ocker wrote:

Ahh, so they should balance FW more to suit the few who want it solely for PVP.. Yeah right, that is exactly the response I expected.

FW *is* (or should be) about PvP. It is a "sov light" model designed as an incentive to engage in PvP on multiple levels, from frigate duels over Plexes to fleets bashing I-Hubs to capture systems (and get engaged/hotdropped and trapped in the process). Whether it is entirely successful is up to debate, but I would like to see you argue with a straight face that FW is *not* about PvP.

The Plexes provide consensual PvP (in theory). The PvE component is pretty much for the same reason as lowsec DED sites and other lowsec content: To provide non-consensual PvP targets (again, in theory, the missions are in a sorry state of affairs, although they do provide Stealth Bombers to shoot at) and player income.

Sgt Ocker wrote:

Why not just remove the PVE aspect of it all together?? Why is it even needed, CCP can just balance FW to so all you need to do is shoot the i-hub. Why have 4,000 or 5,000 players in each militia when 40 or 50 can just go around flipping systems?

You complained about the stagnation of systems due to a reduction of farmers. I proposed a simple and effective solution which compensates for the drop in farmers. CCP is already actively working on reducing the number of farmers (and thus, the number of players) involved in the warzone.

This is what these changes are about, for crying out loud.

The PvE aspect is to provide player income. But farming plexes isn't PvE. It is farming a resource ad-nauseum. If anything, the changes here will make it more into PvE and less into farming.

Sgt Ocker wrote:

But then how does the new i-hub get upgraded?? Are all the pvp'rs going to stop pvping and grind plexes, or does the supply of Faction items just dry up because, well, less plexes run = less players = less LP being spent on faction items.

You seem to think that plex farmers are a needed part of the equation. They aren't. They are a side effect of a system that can be easily gamed for profit by people who have no stake in the warzone. I'd know, I have an alt sitting on mountains of LP for zero risk, involvement or interest. Heck, my pirate main has more of an effect on the warzone that my so-called "involved" FW alt.

There are other balancing tools for the management of faction item supply factors which aren't "orbit button, get LP, buy stuff". They are actually game design, and from the gist of this change CCP is heading in that direction.

Sgt Ocker wrote:

And of course FW should be balanced to suit smaller amounts of players by increasing the effect each plex has.
*-* You do understand, the idea behind FW (and game design as a whole) is to involve as many players as possible - Doing both PVE & PVP. It is not and never should be strictly a PVP warzone - It would fail miserably.

** I am so glad you are not a dev, FW would die very quickly

You seem to be advocating farming as PvE or as involvement. It is neither. PvE is where you fight the environment for some gain. Farming in its current form is shooting 1 weak NPC dead in seconds, then running away from PvP content (in an area dubbed the "warzone", no less) with no actual penalty (unless the other guy is bored enough to stalk you for a long, long time with 3 scrams in his mids).

In short: FW doesn't need farmers. It needs PvP content (plexing in PvP ships by people likely to fight, I-hub bashes, and perhaps additional PvP objectives currently missing) and it needs PvE content (an overhaul of FW missions is sorely needed - Even making them more like "regular" missions would be better than their current Stealth-Bomber-Is-King form).

Plexes aren't for PvE. End of story.
Angelus Ryan
One Ronin
#559 - 2014-05-27 14:53:23 UTC
Sgt Ocker wrote:
So FW is only for 1 type of player, the dedicated full time PVP'r. Are you so consumed with yourself, You would like to see FW changed so much, so you can enjoy your play style to the exclusion of everyone else?

What play style? Farming plexes for LP? That is a play style you wish to advocate as...what?
Master Sergeant MacRobert
Red Sky Morning
The Amarr Militia.
#560 - 2014-05-27 16:11:33 UTC
Angelus Ryan wrote:
Sgt Ocker wrote:
So FW is only for 1 type of player, the dedicated full time PVP'r. Are you so consumed with yourself, You would like to see FW changed so much, so you can enjoy your play style to the exclusion of everyone else?

What play style? Farming plexes for LP? That is a play style you wish to advocate as...what?

I posted this before in the Warfare & Tactics forum

Master Sergeant MacRobert wrote:
It comes down to what people really think the scope of Faction Warfare should be?

There are some really huge possibilities to cover some different play styles and therefore keep a player base that would otherwise be lost.

1. Players that want to go heavy on character immersion
2. A bridge for newer players to take some increseased risk outside of high sec
3. Industrialists looking for a higher reward at higher risk, whilst being different to null sec advantages in "safe" Mega Coalitions zones.
4. Casual players looking for a self sustaining environment that rewards short bursts logged on for an hour or two every other day or so.
5. PvP junkies; who want to avoid the blob F1 fleets and instalock bubble gank camps that lose them their 25M isk clone without a chance of a fight

These areas could all be covered by tinkering with the FW mechanics.

Key to this is:
1. Addressing the balance of incentives for joining a faction over the disadvantages (some long term) so that there is a repopulation of FW. It should not be that the majority of players joining FW do so coz it is easy isk to fund their nullsec Supercap project!!!
2. Tinkering with plex mechanics, plex sizes and plex spawn rates so that you don't give (relatively) large rewards for little or no risk and do give a consistent opportunity across the FW zone systems.
3. Solving the reward system for FW PvP kills, that is not excessive but more token/ collectable (bragging rights) and is robust enough to not be exploited.

There is a great opportunity to provide a zone that appeals to a number of gameplay styles. The fact that FW provides PvE that can be done in PvP fitted ships should be applauded and encouraged (this should be more common elsewhere).

A number of "adjustments" to how things are currently done should be enough to encourage and improve the environment within FW.

I'm uncertain that the recent fix proposed in this thread is the answer but it maybe a good plaster (read "band aid").

"Remedy this situation or you shall live out the rest of your life in a pain amplifier"