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EVE General Discussion

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I want your little things!

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E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#1801 - 2012-01-17 16:27:12 UTC  |  Edited by: E man Industries
A player should be able to unlearn a skill and gain some amount of that back in faster training.

For example if I wanted to unlearn large energy turret 5 I would gain some amount of double training time. The amount of bnonus training time would enable me to earn back 50-75% of the SP I lost.

The reason for this is enabaling pilots to quickly refocus into a new ship required by there alliance...but at a cost.

Doing so would also help some the SP bloat currently in EvE.

It would also help alliance's field diffrent set ups and may also enable younger players(not noobs but still not 100m sp) quickly join alliance ops in the specified ship types when they change. At a price of course.
E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#1802 - 2012-01-17 21:21:58 UTC
Pew Pew laser crystals need some work.

1) They need to be sorted by range during ammo swaps.
2) They should list the Optimal + Fall off beside the name eg) X Ray(33+15)
3) t2 and faction ammo should be collored difrent(the text be slightly blue or something)
4) Let me stack Crystals that have been used. Even if I can only stack crysltes of similar usage levels. My inventory is full of crystals. 8 crystles of each type for a given ship adds up.
Carebears with Attitude
#1803 - 2012-01-17 22:57:39 UTC
I'd like to be able to create a list of skillz I want to train. Not as in automated, but simply as a convenience for myself.

I've played for 4 years 10 months, an trained continously except for perhaps 2 months in total spread over the years. I've got 83 million SP. I've trained a lot of what I want already. To five.

For this reason, I'm often unsure what to train, so it'd be nice if I could have a bookmark-type section in the training queue interface where I can drag skill levels to, like Rocket Specialization 5 or Amarr Cruiser 4, and then when I need to put another skill in my training queue, I can just drag from there and into the skill queue.

I know I can use EVEmon to make a training plan, but I dislike doing that, and would prefer to be able to have such an easy reference section available in-game, as convenient as possible. And this is specifically envisioned as being convenient for veteran players, 3+ years old, who have already trained a lot of stuff and can't just trivially open any skill category and see something they want to improve.
Carebears with Attitude
#1804 - 2012-01-17 23:22:41 UTC
I'd really like to have auto-scrolling stop when I scroll up in chat window. That's how it works in mIRC and in Windows Live Messenger, and it's really neat. Why can't we have that in EVE? That the chat window only auto-scrolls down, i.e. when people write new stuff, if the window is manually scrolled all the way down?
#1805 - 2012-01-18 09:32:41 UTC
2 things I'd like to see.

Allow me to switch characters without having to restart the client. A logoff button or something that would take you to the character selection screen would be ideal.

Have an option to play a sound when mining/ice harvesting lasers deactivate because of full cargo or depleted asteroid.
Karina Redstar
Pure Skunkworks
#1806 - 2012-01-18 17:16:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Karina Redstar
Batch industry jobs.
STOREFRONTS !! (anyone remember this?)
Ignore channel. Yes, IGNORE ! I don't even want those chat lines to get to my computer. They eat bandwidth Cool And don't tell me that I can just minimize that "Jita local" window and set it as blink off, cause even minimize those data get to my computer and they are processed and rendered. And processing those lines every 0.2sec (or even less with the spambots online) eat CPU time. Lol
Switch char without going trough the whole log of - log on process.
Borg Stoneson
#1807 - 2012-01-18 18:24:43 UTC
More tech 3 ships, preferably battleships

Make the Bhaalgorn look better, it's probably the single most powerfull sub cap in the game and it looks like a geddon had an accident with a jar of strawberry jam. Give it a new model more in line with the other bloodraider ships.

Destroyable outposts in Wormholes.
Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#1808 - 2012-01-18 19:50:58 UTC
Can you please make it so that the chat text window doesn't lose focus with each session change (gate jump, dock, etc). I wonder how many other pilots find it annoying that you can be halfway through typing a sentence in chat only to have to reclick to focus on the text box after the client changes session. Not a huge thing but can be quite annoying.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

Enik Gonz
#1809 - 2012-01-18 22:56:21 UTC
Please either make the default option for new Stations containers to Unlocked or make it an option for a all new station containers in the Game Menu.
Its really annoying having to unlock all your station containers, if you for example reinstall or just buy new ones in general.

Thanks in advance
mullet nugget
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1810 - 2012-01-19 03:31:02 UTC
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Drones don't follow your orders. They don't focus fire even when the option is selected and they randomly drop targets. This happens in both aggressive and passive mode. Point being the current AI makes relying heavily on drones a very frustrating exercise in cat herding. Either fix the AI or take it behind the shed and shoot it. On second thought better just shoot it anyway and make a totally new AI from the beginning. That way there is no risk of porting over bugs from the old AI.

Captain Sucky
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1811 - 2012-01-19 07:49:52 UTC
Make directional scanner cone visible in space. And since the cone is always projected from user's camera origin and it's range is a finite number between 0 - 14AU a simple semi-transparent 2D circle in the middle of screen would suffice.

The circle would represent the cone's base at angle and distance currently set. The circle grows larger when increasing dscan angle and shrinks when decreasing. Similarly with distance.

This way I could easily point my 5 degree scan rays of doom (tm) exactly where I want and thus win Eve.

I'm sorry if this has been already suggested but CBA to re-read 90+ pages.
#1812 - 2012-01-19 17:09:52 UTC
Saving a pos setup just like saving a ship setting would be ideal, and alleviate a LOT of the frustration in trying to get the right angle and view for dragging POS mods around in space....

Very few things are as frustrating as, say, moving a hardener from the top of a pos to the bottom of a pos...

Getting the perfect angle where you're zoomed in enough to grab the little drag handles but zoomed out enough to see where you're dragging it to, then zooming in to make sure it's aligned, etc is possibly THE most annoying thing in the universe.
Global Telstar Federation Offices
Masters of Flying Objects
#1813 - 2012-01-19 17:34:22 UTC
F10 screens need to be zoomable.

If i dont know something about EVE. I check

See you around the universe.

Vincent Athena
#1814 - 2012-01-19 20:53:46 UTC
If you do a "get info" on a star you get an age greater than the age of the universe. All stars should have ages less than 13 billion years.

Know a Frozen fan? Check this out

Frozen fanfiction

Fidelium Mortis
Minor Major Miners LLC
#1815 - 2012-01-19 21:34:18 UTC
Update the icons used for probing down ships so that they don't get lost in the black background, particularly when the target is not in focus of the probes (the fading effect). The red icon on a black background is particularly difficult to see at times. Also I believe the usage of red icons in general (eg hostiles in your overview) is particularly difficult to see for people with a common type of colorblindness.

ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1816 - 2012-01-20 00:15:51 UTC
Anyone who has every flown this majestic space potato knows what a wonderful and useful ship it can be in PvP with its decent tank and ability to fit reps and/or neuts.

Because of this, I believe (and i'm sure many of you would as well) that the hybrid turret damage bonus it has is utterly worthless.
So, I propose that the hybrid bonus be removed (while keeping the drone bonus, of course) and replaced with a more useful one.

Instead of the hybrid bonus I suggest a:

  • 5% bonus to armor HP per level
  • or
  • 5% bonus to armor rep amount per level
  • or (and most preferably)
  • 4 or 5% bonus to neut and nos drain amount per level

  • This would be a great tool for small Alliances that can't exactly afford 8 thousand Bhalls and are looking for a cheap alternative.
    It of course would be useful in other PvP situations as well. As for people who fly Domis for PvE, just buy a Mega.

    Bring on your opinions/trolls/OPisaseriousdipsh*t posts. I welcome them.

    (Comments from CCP on this matter would also be fantastic as I wish to see this beautiful ship flourish as nature intended it to.)

    Guardians of the Gate
    RAZOR Alliance
    #1817 - 2012-01-20 01:49:20 UTC
    This has just annoyed me for forever.

    When you open up the market screen and you are in the groups tab or before youve highlighted a single item within a group youll see all of the items within that group open. Well the best price in region is NEVER the actual best price its always some randomly odd amount, usually way higher than the best region like atm I was looking at cloaks and it says the best region price for a cov ops cloak is 16,999,999.00 while the true best price is 6,022,997.90.

    Its really not something that most people use its just annoying.

    Have you heard anything I've said?

    You said it's all circling the drain, the whole universe. Right?

    That's right.

    Had to end sometime.

    #1818 - 2012-01-20 03:37:15 UTC
    kmetz3 wrote:
    Anyone who has every flown this majestic space potato knows what a wonderful and useful ship it can be in PvP with its decent tank and ability to fit reps and/or neuts.


    It of course would be useful in other PvP situations as well. As for people who fly Domis for PvE, just buy a Mega.

    Bring on your opinions/trolls/OPisaseriousdipsh*t posts. I welcome them.

    (Comments from CCP on this matter would also be fantastic as I wish to see this beautiful ship flourish as nature intended it to.)

    There's more than one ship that meets the description "space potato". Can I assume you meant the Dominix, based on the statement "As for people who fly Domis for PvE"? I went through the whole post wondering what you meant, and that last statement only implies it.

    And, isn't it a shoe? Ugh

    This signature intentionally left blank for you to fill in at your leisure.

    Imperial Academy
    Amarr Empire
    #1819 - 2012-01-20 09:41:13 UTC
    Being able to switch target without having to wait for the current cycle to end.

    - Medium Neutralizer is on target A, 50% complete
    - i click the neut module to shut it down.
    - select target B and click on the neut mod again.
    - when the current cycle is complete, the client automatically puts the neut on target B.
    The Black Hornets
    #1820 - 2012-01-20 15:17:17 UTC
    Two things not sure been suggested or not.

    1) If your in a fleet and someone blues all the wrecks everyone is informed who did this,because in incursions this causes major lag and its very annoying.

    2) Im not sure if you added this option with the new watch list changes, but it would be nice to just close the watch list without having to remove everyone.