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I want your little things!

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Mai Khumm
#1781 - 2012-01-16 14:18:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Mai Khumm
I would like to see a new destroyer class ship dedicated to hunting cloaked ships...

This is a little idea, and I even thought of ways on how this would work. If I explained, it wouldn't be a small idea anymore. If interested EVEmail me and I can go into detail...


Like this post if you want a way to hunt cloaky ships...!
#1782 - 2012-01-16 16:59:59 UTC
We can mark wrecks as viewed, jetcans as viewed, etc.

But containers in exploration sites (hacking, salvage, etc) cannot be marked as viewed, which is a PITA because there are often 23 of them named the same thing.

Please let us mark containers in exploration sites as viewed, or flag them, or whatever.
Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1783 - 2012-01-16 17:46:40 UTC
Duvida wrote:
BPOs for Cargo Canisters, perhaps? Smile

Good idea in principle, though I have a couple of concerns:

  1. Station containers. Can't haul them cos they're too big. How are you going to get them to where you want them?
  2. NPC sell orders for containers. With BPOs you'll want to remove them, but this is an isk sink and Lord knows we don't have enough of those. Removing it is not to be taken lightly.

I have a related suggestion: Make packaged containers smaller, say 10% the usual size, so I can haul 120 odd GSCs in my Mk V instead of only 12. There's a big space in the middle of them where the cargo goes - why can't this disappear when they're packaged? This might also fix the problem with distributing station containers.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1784 - 2012-01-16 17:47:24 UTC
Bugsy VanHalen wrote:
This is not a "little thing"

So what are you doing in this thread?

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1785 - 2012-01-16 17:48:49 UTC  |  Edited by: Ibeau Renoir
Kara Books wrote:
Add more tradable items to the game, tens of thousands of new and useful items for the merchants to deal, be it minerals new ship types etc, set a goal of 50 items per year.

I too would like to be required to feed my factory workers long-limb roes and protein delicacies. Roll

Kara Books wrote:
Please, no more nerfing, its not fun.


Kara Books wrote:
Give completely new players (2 weeks and younger better protection from griefers, make their first impression a great one!)
Maybe give them an option to chose weather they want it or not.

Getting blown up by a griefer is a rite of passage and should not be interfered with. Those who can't deal with it, see my reply to the previous suggestion. In any case there are already policies in place to stop griefing of newbies in newbie systems. Not to mention griefers who specifically grief newbies are already considered the lowest of lifeforms on the pirate family tree. They need to pick on someone who's actually some kind of challenge.

edit: besides, if you do this, old players WILL abuse it to create untouchable scout alts, T&Cs be damned.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1786 - 2012-01-16 18:14:59 UTC
And now, another actual Little Thing:

Bring back the option to turn off the profanity filter.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Dylan McDermit
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1787 - 2012-01-16 18:50:05 UTC
Change the background color and lighting in the ship previewer so we can see the frelling details on the ship, not just it's outline.
Sirius Cassiopeiae
Caldari State
#1788 - 2012-01-16 19:29:35 UTC
Is anyone from CCP actually reading this thread any more???
#1789 - 2012-01-16 20:17:26 UTC
Ibeau Renoir wrote:
And now, another actual Little Thing:

Bring back the option to turn off the profanity filter.

Yes, expanding on this a bit more - surely, CCP could be covered legally with an appropriate warning, something along the lines of "Warning: Although this forum may be moderated, offensive language and content may offend. CCP is not responsible for the content these little bastards rant about on the forums." and click Accept to continue (with a 'remember' option).

Perhaps this functionality is only available if you're logged on; casual viewers always see the censored version.

Technical issues: If the censoring happens at creation time, and only the censored version is stored, this idea is stuffed.
If the uncensored version is stored, and it's censored "live" every time the page is viewed, there's going to be an increased load on the web server.

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#1790 - 2012-01-16 20:39:41 UTC
In the Sci & Indust 'Planets' tab, it would be nice if I could see the status of the colonies for a few scenarios:
- There are no active extractors running (if an extractor exists).
- All launch pads are full.
- Percentage (or some other indicator) of installations that are idle (or something to help with factory planets that don't have extractors)

Basically, the 'Planets' tab just summarises the planets that I've colonised (which may be appropriate), but there's nothing that summarises the colonies themselves. Would a new tab be needed, or just expand the 'Planets' tab?

Issues I can see for the moment:
- Launch pads full of what? P0 or P1 is the start of the cycle and is therefore fine. P2 might be the end of the cycle, but how does it know that? Should it just simply state launchpads / storage are full, or work out what the highest tier materials it's capable of producing, and monitor those?

Longer term (certainly not a "little thing"), perhaps have a corp-level view of a number of members colonies (with their consent).

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#1791 - 2012-01-16 20:44:25 UTC
For PI, give me a 20K or 30K m3 storage facility, even if it doesn't have launch capabilities (although that would be nice tooBig smile)

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Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1792 - 2012-01-17 00:35:12 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
Ibeau Renoir wrote:
And now, another actual Little Thing:

Bring back the option to turn off the profanity filter.

Yes, expanding on this a bit more - surely, CCP could be covered legally with an appropriate warning, something along the lines of "Warning: Although this forum may be moderated, offensive language and content may offend. CCP is not responsible for the content these little bastards rant about on the forums." and click Accept to continue (with a 'remember' option).

Quite. We already get "Online interaction not rated by the ESRB" on the login screen - surely this could apply to the forum too. Whether to let a minor on is a decision for the parents, as always.

ASadOldGit wrote:
Perhaps this functionality is only available if you're logged on; casual viewers always see the censored version.

That's exactly how the old forum worked.

ASadOldGit wrote:
Technical issues: If the censoring happens at creation time, and only the censored version is stored, this idea is stuffed.
If the uncensored version is stored, and it's censored "live" every time the page is viewed, there's going to be an increased load on the web server.

Water under the bridge. At least we would be able to see new posts uncensored.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Ibeau Renoir
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1793 - 2012-01-17 00:38:04 UTC
ASadOldGit wrote:
Longer term (certainly not a "little thing"), perhaps have a corp-level view of a number of members colonies (with their consent).

For what it's worth, anyone with (IIRC) the "security officer" role can already see the contents of corp members' station hangars.

Ceci n'est pas un sig.

Hibernator X
Standing Wave Society
#1794 - 2012-01-17 03:06:15 UTC
-Password protected spaceships for switching ships in space.

-Spreadshot weapons (aka directional smart bombs)

-Bring back all of the old character creation accessories (khanid hoods, gallente plastic)

-Custom color tags (work alongside standings indicators, mostly for picking out certain types of pilots AKA enemy alts could be tagged however you want)

-Give the manufacture for the redeemer over to Khanid (so it can be black)

- ^^^ On that note fix black ops

-Fix sansha

-Fix EAFs

-In game EFT

-1 vs 1 or fleet vs. fleet dueling mechanic for highsec

-slowly start introducing Jovian faction modules, and then maybe ships

-I know it's kinda cheesy but.. BANNERS!!!
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1795 - 2012-01-17 05:42:24 UTC
Someone mentioned this, either in this thread or another one, and it may not be so little: The ability to see out of the station when you've docked. I think the ISS has this capability now, so the EVE universe might develop it soon. Smile

(but I realize that it's a session change when you enter or leave a station.)
Toto Zinny
Imperial Shipment
Amarr Empire
#1796 - 2012-01-17 07:24:30 UTC
Several times I have found myself stuck on a structure or rock floating about in space. Would some form of 'unstuck' button work in Eve, or would it be considered as cheating?
Serge Bastana
GWA Corp
#1797 - 2012-01-17 14:42:44 UTC
Corporation or shareable notes

We have corporation bookmarks now, so thank you muchly for that, corporation notes might be a useful feature. Or make them shareable with other characters. Another possibility its make them linkable in chat, just some way to share information after you've spent time applying links to items, systems, characters, etc.

WoW holds your hand until end game, and gives you a cookie whether you win or lose. EVE not only takes your cookie, but laughs at you for bringing one in the first place...

E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#1798 - 2012-01-17 16:05:33 UTC
The target windows need more options when moving them.
RIght now they fill right to left if placed on the right half of your screen or left to right on the left side.

Being able to manually chose this would be nice.

I streatched EvE out over 2 screens and tried to set up my one screen as it would apear as full screen. The secondary screen for the fitting window or just scenery. But when I do this my targets want to fill left to right....this does not work as I wnat them to start next to my overview and propigate left.

This way my screen is the same when i full screen it to do things on the other screen or if i want eve in its' full glory on 2.

E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#1799 - 2012-01-17 16:09:14 UTC
the legion could stand some balancing as many of it's systems are terrible and work poorly with each other(not saying you can't find a good fit). For a flexable ship it lacks flexability.
E man Industries
SeaChell Productions
#1800 - 2012-01-17 16:19:34 UTC
Directional arrows.

Unsure how to prgram this but....

A press of the up arrow should angle your ship up a set amount. All directions based on current direction of travel.
So pressing a directional arrow would do the equivilant of clicking in space a set amount above, below or beside your ship. The amout to the side hitting the side arrow key clicks may be setable and able to equate to some deg directional change. This would enable pilots to use directional comands to pilot there ship.....though clicking is a better options.

Example: when the camera is Xm behind the ship a click 5m from the ship would equate to a 10deg direction change. If pressing the -> key achieved the same result it would mean each -> click would turn your ship 10deg. I don't know what x is but sure some smart CCP dev can figure that out. Maybe even a slider to choose how far away the effective click is when i push -> so in an inty i could crank that up.

Using these phantom clicks it may be possible to use directional control? Can CCP have it so a key press equates to a click in space?