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I want your little things!

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Ivy Mike's Munitions Expulsion Services
#1441 - 2011-12-14 01:19:12 UTC
Also, a way of seeing the size of the ships relative to a person would be cool. You don't always realise just how big these ships are sometimes.
Tau Cabalander
Retirement Retreat
Working Stiffs
#1442 - 2011-12-14 01:26:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Tau Cabalander
* Pinning a window should lock into position, or there is no point in being able to pin a window.

* Increase the light in ship previews, especially Caldari.

* Online the starboard engine pod on the Charon, and remove the nearby antenna. Looking at that offline engine has been driving me nuts for years.

* Give all the Badger-class hulls their antennae ("spikes") back. They were shaved bald in Apocrypha.

* Make Caldari T2 ships black with bright red trim again. The grey doesn't cut it. The Widow doesn't look like a Black Widow anymore, nor does the Onyx look like Onyx.

* Add a "Best max range" or similar info item (or fitting screen mouse-over) to turrets and missiles, so people have a clue what range to use without a calculator. For turrets, make it Optimal + 1/2 Falloff. For missiles, make it Flight Time * Velocity * 0.95

* Add a DPS vs range chart, or other charts.

* Make contracting multiple items as individual contract possible. No fun contracting a pile of BPC.

* Add invention in bulk (multiple jobs) submission. Save the hands of T2 inventers!

* Add a x, y, z position indicator to the structure lime-green anchoring cube. Should be in cube units from the control tower bracket. The anchoring cube should be red when not anchorable at the current position.

I'm sure I'll think of more.
Hiyoshi Maru
The Metal Box Company
#1443 - 2011-12-14 03:09:18 UTC
Low sec:
Privateer tickets from different states (could be extended to pirate factions) allowing you to be 'blue' to state or pirate factions and can NBSI as a result for low sec

Am not into industry much but some ideas:
Moving ships and melting them is more effective than moving the raw materials, doesnt quite add up
Freighter (and JF's) can't move packed containers, why not?
Containers that you can put rigged ships into so they can be put into freighters
Moving firms - stuff scattered everywhere, be nice to pay some movers to help stack it (yes I know about courier contracts)
T3 industrial - add on components like containers for moving, mining complexes or even some PI modules

ship tactics: formation skills which when a FC warps a fleet the ships arrive in set formations.... (snipers up back, logi's 20km back from fleet centre, tacklers up front...), using a number of formation options....
better fleet interaction window, can move (drag and drop) people into wing/squadron slots, assign roles
Defence perimeters - planetary defence stations (with guns and drones only for ship v ship and maybe marines for Dust514)

Shares and stock options, open up a stock exchange?

Walking in stations:
a 'home base' that you can customise, if in a null sec station it can be lost....

Alliance and corp mates cant get the bounty for podding your mates, make it easier to hut people down as well (locater agents need more press and support)

Planets are fully manageable, run industry (R&D versus commodities for the populace versus infratsructure versus exlpoitation, taxation...SIM planet?), set the politcal system, (like the old masters of orion) have an alliance setting... alliance setting is like the keys to the gates of the city, but in this case the planet... sovereinty based on planet alliances, one player per planet, so now you need many people on board to manage large systems.... (more like medieval fiefdoms with the king trying to herd cats)
Talis Mahn
Gallente Federation
#1444 - 2011-12-14 04:20:09 UTC
I have a POS where the corp members can research their BPOs. You end up with multiples of a BPO and no idea who owns each one. An additional tag or the ability to rename a BPO/BPC would be really helpful for sorting.

Also the ability to tear off chat windows and place them outside the Eve window (Like most graphics programs do) would seriously reduce the clutter when flying.

Thanks for listening

One of the rare Linux Eve players

Alekseyev Karrde
Shadow Cartel
#1445 - 2011-12-14 05:35:08 UTC
1. Extend war-related cooldown timers from 24h to 48h (bandage till war decs get looked at)

2. Mechanism to publicize your Player Owned Customs Office tax-rate, preferably that can be seen when they mouse over the CO's icon in space (way to attract PI players to your planet if you allow public access)

3. Assault Frigate 4th bonus (still waiting on that)

4. Electronic attack ship buff and balance, lower sig + greater speed, some need fitting (sentinel), lock range (kitsune locks lower than a merlin), capacitor (keres, kitsune, maybe sentinel) adjusted

5. Black Ops: improved HP/resists, relook at the bonuses for certain ships (Sin, Panther come to mind), fuel use (not just the size of the bay but how much fuel ships burn as they go through. It's not only too bulky but too costly), CONSIDER moving to a common fuel source to put ships through the bridge (liquid ozone, heavy water, etc) instead of racial isotopes to make fuel logistics easier

6. Help the drone bay remember if it was expanded or not. Having to reopen it constantly is a tiny thing but can get aggravating.

Alek the Kidnapper, Hero of the CSM

TurAmarth ElRandir
Hiigaran Bounty Hunters Inc.
#1446 - 2011-12-14 06:33:24 UTC
Please to…

As I do not “enter” a POS PW into ME… Please have the ship retain the PW for a POS, so visitors can has sleepovers in Alliance/friendly POS! I’ll name all my Rifters “Pillow” so we can has Pillow Fights!!!

Why can we “Set Name” for some POS Mods and not others? Is this some form of Mechanobigotry?? Allow us to “Set Name” for all POS Mods please… Do not continue this vile form of mechanical dissing.

Please have my POD retain the Name I give it… I do not like, and I can only assume CCP Guard doesn’t either, this Bias Against the Smallest of Things...

Make ALL Drones “Lootable” and “Salvageable”… Thinkaboutit!!

And PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE add a Drone Bay to the Noctis… All the other ORE ships have one…
Pew Pew’ers has Fighting drones, Logi has Logi drones, Miners has Mining drones… PLEASE consider adding Tractor Drones and Salvaging Drones… hint, hint…

“JDeere”,T1 Tractor Drone, range 100KM, tractor range 3KM, tows wrecks back to ship…
“ORE Salvor 1”, T1 Salvaging Drone, range 100KM, salvaging range 3KM, returns salvage to ship…
(Salvage drone can be LOOTED if killed…)

Some of us live in our POSes full time… so Why are we not allowed to DOCK in our POS???

And a Kewschun…
Maybe I missed it but why can’t I add a graphic tag to my posts anymoar??

Make it so…

TurAmarth ElRandir Anoikis Merc, Salvager, Logibro and Unrepentant Blogger Fly Wreckless and see you in the Sky =/|)=

Fraa Bjorn
Cell 317
#1447 - 2011-12-14 08:06:33 UTC
Quick fix:
In science and industry, on the joblisting, when I have it on "any active state" ordered by completion time ascending, if I switch filter to "delivered", the completiontime is in reverseorder to what I had before.
Minor issue, but quite irritatating. Should be a quick fix :)

All games have QQ, but only Eve has Q.Q

Fraa Bjorn
Cell 317
#1448 - 2011-12-14 08:07:27 UTC
Mote control of font-sizes PLEASE!

All games have QQ, but only Eve has Q.Q

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#1449 - 2011-12-14 09:32:19 UTC
Contact watchlist popup improvement. When small pic of the user is shown when he gets online, show labels that are assigned to that user.

Dorn Val
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#1450 - 2011-12-14 09:36:22 UTC
Baron Deathicon wrote:
Jump Clones:
- Reduce cooldown by half (12 hours should be enough to prevent abuse), adds more interesting game play.
- Reduce standing requirement for installation to maybe 6.0? (8.0 seems high now compared to the 5.0 needed to get level 4 missions, it doesn’t make sense anymore)

- Should be able to fit Covert Op Cloak.
- Jump distance should be reviewed to improve their role.

Anomalies (Exploration):
- There is just not enough of them, please boost spawn amount, especially in NPC nullsec.

All of the above!

Exploration seems like a dead profession -about two or three weeks before Crucible I noticed that the number of sites was drying up and it hasn't changed.

Sandbox: An enclosed area filled with sand for children engaged in open-ended, unstructured, imaginative play. Also a place for cats to urinate and defecate...

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1451 - 2011-12-14 09:48:14 UTC
Make carrier ship cargoholds 2.5m ³ in size insteaf of 1m m³

Carriers are mostly used to move into battle zones.

But they are too small for battleships or battlecruisers.

One machariel will fill more than the half of a carrier.

Jan Riksma
Empire Assault Corp
Dead Terrorists
#1452 - 2011-12-14 10:30:04 UTC
move jump option above the warp to option
Lugh Tal-Sela
#1453 - 2011-12-14 10:44:36 UTC

Really bugged me from day one and still does. You can actually see them pass between the ship and the camera...What?
Deriah Book
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1454 - 2011-12-14 10:55:11 UTC
Optionyst wrote:

-please keep the game complex. Eve is one of the most complex game iv'e played, and it's fun that way. keep it complex, don't fall for making it easier to get more subscribers and more money. We love playing a game that requires you to know what you're doing. If you add new stuff, make it harder stuff, like C7 WH or impossibles incursions. We love challenges. Even if we complain a lot. Keep the game hard by adding harder endgame stuff, not making the game harder.

Agreed. But try to keep in mind that there is a difference between complex game play and complex controller schemes. Adding right clicks and the need to adjust windows constantly does not make for a better game.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1455 - 2011-12-14 11:16:52 UTC
When the fleet order system is used, it puts a little crosshair over the target for things like 'warp to' and 'target' etc. Currently, the box around a target is grey, and the reticule that goes over the top is also grey. Could you change the reticules so that they are bright green or some other high-visibility colour? You could possibly even animate them a little just to help people spot them easier.

The directional scanner really needs some love too.

  • Could a transparent circle be superimposed over the view to denote what area of space is actually being scanned at the time? Obviously this should only appear if the scanned area is smaller than the total size of the screen.
  • The little lever to denote the scan angle gets incrementally smaller as you move towards 5 degrees, for no practical reason. It gets really fiddly to adjust it at that point, so could this be changed to something where you can easily select the scan angle?

I could post dozens here, but these popped into my head first and I'm sure others will cover a lot of little things Smile

P.S. I know it's not a little thing, but BlackOps ships should totally be changed into anti-capital battleship-sized stealth bombers, armed with citadel torps; they would rock Big smile

"Wow, that internet argument completely changed my fundamental belief system," said no one, ever.

Eve Academy Corporation
Nomad Alliance
#1456 - 2011-12-14 11:27:45 UTC
When you do mining opps eg.; a bunch of Hulks mining in to a ORCA. It would be nice with some ingame tracking/lootmanaging addon/application.

right now we have the loot history, then we have to export that to an excel spreadsheet somehow and thenmake our own.

maybe it is as simple as making some sorting option in the loothistory system, so that you can sort after pilot, and then have a total for each kind of astroid.

or something a lot more usefull, i am not a dev Lol
Deriah Book
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#1457 - 2011-12-14 11:28:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Deriah Book
GavinCapacitor wrote:
Brunaburh wrote:

It was a bad example. FIxed below

Deriah Book wrote:
- Intellegent Skill Training Cue. Ok, so I have Gallente BS V in the cue. It has 2 hours left on it. I have to go to work in an hour but I can't put Gallente Carrier I in the cue? I should think the skill cue could just check to see that V is finished before starting the next skill in the queue.

You shouldn't change quotes, much less quote yourself and change it. But that is besides the point.

You weren't around when there was no skill queue, and if you wanted to train all the time you either had to wake up at ungodly hours -or- have short skills you could train while playing and long ones that were more than a day (some of which you probably didn't need). You'll pardon me if this 'complaint' seems like so much whining.

Also, given the situation you describe (wanting to add a pre-requisite), You will always be wanting to add a level 1 skill next. Training anything to level 1 is negligible at best (just do it the next time you're on).

Additionally you would never 'loose' more than 24 hours before starting whatever it is you actually want to train. The 24 hours is also being generous as any reasonable person that had say, 15 minutes left on a pre-requirement, would just wait for it. It is probably closer to 22-23 hours.

First of all, he was right. I did not think my example through and he fixed it.

Second. He was right to read the intent of the "little thing" suggestion instead of being **** over my lapse.

Third. I wasn't around then but I now know that at some point, someone went to the trouble of changing the cue. Perhaps they wanted it to be more usable?

Fourth. It is not a complaint. I actually don't care if it's changed. In a way it's like a mini-game to root through my skills finding the ones with 3% trained. I am being sincere. There are much bigger fish to fry in Eve. (Remember - "little things")

Fifth. If I could drop Gallente Carrier I in the cue then I could also drop GC II and GC III which is not negligible. Even at worst.

Sixth. Even though I might only be one hour late to work if I wait to put a skill in the cue in Eve, I do not consider it "reasonable". Nor would my clients. (I do, of course, dare to speak on their behalf.)

Seventh. Far too much space in this thread has been devoted to such a small idea. Sheesh...
Pinky Denmark
The Cursed Navy
#1458 - 2011-12-14 11:37:35 UTC
Here is a few minor details I would like to see :

  1. When I click on a STARGATE my command panel gets an icon to JUMP
  2. I would love the same thing available on JUMP BRIDGES instead of having to right click...
  3. Disable option to sort overview by player name...
  4. Make remote assisting cause aggro so people will have to wait on jumping or docking...
  5. Make it impossible to store a ship in a carrier/orca if the pilot has aggression...
  6. Allow drag'n'drop of characters when setting up fleet...
  7. Allow right-click on character in fleet window (at least to move them)...
  8. Allow characters to move around in a fleet without having to demote themself from squad commander...
No God No Master
#1459 - 2011-12-14 11:59:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Matshushima
- A warning message when you undock with an non up to date medical clone, an alternative to this is to open the medical upgrade windows as soon as you spawn in your new clone

- Colors is the overview, we need more color on it, for example color station where you have asset in it, color them when you have mission to turn in, color them when you don't have docking right on it (IIRC station are not colored by blue/red tags by corp owning them)

- to fix bounties: to prevent a character to pod himself with alt/friend, give them huge penality, i was thinking loose of skill point just like been poped without clone (maybe revoke med clone once they have low status then they need to make med clone in pirate owned station ?) To prevent abuse of this, one can only put bounty on someone when he have kill right on it. I may agree this will change a lot on suicide killing and pvp in low sec, but either you make it working or just remove it because at this time this is just not working at all.
Sizeof Void
Ninja Suicide Squadron
#1460 - 2011-12-14 12:38:01 UTC
1) Fix the relative size of the UI fonts. The ratio of the largest font size to the smallest font size should be no greater than 2:1. Currently, the ratio is closer to 3:1. This is the reason why some UI text is always too large at the 100% setting, or always too small at the 90% setting.

2) Make the capacitor level graphic completely opaque and increase the contrast of the colors used in the graphic to improve visibility. There is no reason for this graphic to be semi-transparent - it just gets washed out when viewed against bright background objects.