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Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#1221 - 2014-03-25 23:05:19 UTC
If this or any similar acts becomes a major news story CCP is going to have problems. The headline "Cyberbullying in EVE" will create unwanted attention. As a business, CCP should consider the situation and act so as to protect their profits and the game.

Personally I would like to see more sportsmanship in EVE. I think that would be a good use of CCP's efforts.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#1222 - 2014-03-25 23:05:24 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
admiral root wrote:

That's what I said - up north. :P

i lived on the south coast for 4 years if that counts?
It just means you were a soft southern sh*te for 4 years. P

You are both southern compared to me lol
Ahh you are one of those very northern English pretenders. Twisted

Im not one of you filthy Saxons. Or Normans. Take yer pick.

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Dave Stark
#1223 - 2014-03-25 23:05:27 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
i lived on the south coast for 4 years if that counts?
It just means you were a soft southern sh*te for 4 years. P

haha, i do love you mag's.

arabella blood wrote:
Yes. What is the full duration? is it until you broke the victim to tears? is it until he quits? is it until he 'wins'? is it 2 hours every time?

And also, were you on the 'scamming' side? or you just happen to jump into a room, not saying word, just sitting there listening to people sing song and humiliate themselves?

no idea, never stuck around that long. if i'm brutally honest having some one singing ****** songs in ****** quality over teamspeak doesn't entertain me all that much, not to mention due to timezones most of them are at unfavourable times for me to stay the whole duration even if i were so inclined.

I was aware of the bonus room through erotica etc, not the "victim". pretty much, i'd just sit and take up a slot in TS and listen in while i was ship spinning, or sending emails, or generally just doing internet things. then undoubtedly i'd mute it, or disconnect and put spotify/netflix back on.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1224 - 2014-03-25 23:06:42 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:

You are a hypocrit.

Takes one to know one.

And yes, bullying is one of those cases where fighting fire with fire works. Worked for me and my friends, worked for others in my school, and will work in this case, guaranteed.
Dave Stark
#1225 - 2014-03-25 23:07:00 UTC
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Actually, the REALLY scary bit?

That Sohkar is supposedly a FRIGGEN Air Traffic Controller.
I will express myself in Chinese.

Ho Lee Fuk.

Seriously, I think CCP, having his 'real life' information - should report Sohkar to the proper authorities.

Somebody this obviously unstable and insane should NOT be directing aircraft in ANY capacity.

Erotica 1 actually did us a great service by exposing a clear and present risk to public safety.

Would YOU feel comfortable landing at a busy airport staffed by someone like Sohkar?

guess now we know what happened to that malaysian aircraft.
Snupe Doggur
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#1226 - 2014-03-25 23:07:41 UTC
Jayem See wrote:
...What I do find troubling is that a group iof people finds it funny to incite somebody so hard that they lose it and resort to that kind of language...
Not the sort of people I would want as neighbors, particularly if I had children or pets. Possibly not the sort of people CCP wants starring in EVE Online stories, either.
admiral root
Red Galaxy
#1227 - 2014-03-25 23:07:45 UTC
Kadl wrote:
The headline "Cyberbullying in EVE"...

Would only be written by sensationalist, money-grabbing people who don't give a damn about the facts. Oh, we're talking about the media here so you do actually have a point.

No, your rights end in optimal+2*falloff

Winchester Steele
#1228 - 2014-03-25 23:07:48 UTC
Mag's wrote:
Kadl wrote:

Singing on coms is part of EVE if the goal is an in game advantage (better fleets).
Chewing someone out on coms is part of EVE if the goal is an in game advantage (better fleets).
Humiliating someone on coms is part of EVE if the goal is an in game advantage (better fleets).

Once you have all the stuff, their API, and IP address you have everything from them. It's time to show some good sportsmanship and not try to prolong the humiliation and pain for your amusement. Play EVE the internet spaceships game, not Teamspeak the creepy humiliation game.
So where do you stand on racism and RL death threats? You seem to have missed that part.

That **** only counts when the person he is trying to smear does it. Don't go breaking his narrative here. Remember, the racist pos sokhar is the good guy or "victim" and the person who made him sing for isk is the "bad guy" (1)

(1) making someone sing on comms is only bad if Erotica does it. If it happens in an actual fleet, its ok because apparently it makes your fleet better.


Dave Stark
#1229 - 2014-03-25 23:07:55 UTC
Takes one to know one.

um, no it doesn't.
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#1230 - 2014-03-25 23:08:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Ramona McCandless
Ramona McCandless wrote:

You are a hypocrit.

Takes one to know one.

And yes, bullying is one of those cases where fighting fire with fire works. Worked for me and my friends, worked for others in my school, and will work in this case, guaranteed.

So you are going to make Erotica sing songs?

Good for you.

Please tell us more about how pausing your 5th account is going to bother CCP and is in someway connect to this and how that punishes bullies?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Forum Clone 77777
#1231 - 2014-03-25 23:09:07 UTC
Kadl wrote:
If this or any similar acts becomes a major news story CCP is going to have problems. The headline "Cyberbullying in EVE" will create unwanted attention. As a business, CCP should consider the situation and act so as to protect their profits and the game.

Personally I would like to see more sportsmanship in EVE. I think that would be a good use of CCP's efforts.

This is in no way cyberbullying, at best its a practical joke on some stranger(s).
Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#1232 - 2014-03-25 23:09:24 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Actually, the REALLY scary bit?

That Sohkar is supposedly a FRIGGEN Air Traffic Controller.
I will express myself in Chinese.

Ho Lee Fuk.

Seriously, I think CCP, having his 'real life' information - should report Sohkar to the proper authorities.

Somebody this obviously unstable and insane should NOT be directing aircraft in ANY capacity.

Erotica 1 actually did us a great service by exposing a clear and present risk to public safety.

Would YOU feel comfortable landing at a busy airport staffed by someone like Sohkar?

guess now we know what happened to that malaysian aircraft.

My turn to drown in pepsi

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#1233 - 2014-03-25 23:09:30 UTC
Muestereate wrote:
This harmless singing humiliation thing. I've only heard about it in child's playgrounds... and mafia/military films.

Just for perspective Is Erotica in his teens yet? If so this is evidence of a compulsive uncontrollable age regression. The malice and forethought plus the regression is typical of most incarcerated criminals. Under the hardened skin is a child treating others as they themselves have been treated. They take on their parents or significant relationships role, Curse or Witch role depending on gender, They are similar except for repressed sexual content or lack thereof.

In most of the sympathizers response we see the banal script of powerlessness as it has been called. In the proponents of this action, through their referrals to legality are playing out the banal script of Inequality. This script has a lot to do with competition. Unfortunately the competition is between male and female psyches. Erotica is of course the female being the manipulator. When a woman does this to a man its amusing until it get destructive. Its actually a form of penile envy that expresses itself like most jealousies as a passive aggresive angry vengeance (oral violence). As the severity of the game progresses it develops from oral to anal elements. And yes, extreme obsessions with rigid structures is an anal compulsion.

In real life this is what women do to men when they lead them on and then reject them acting outraged. It can progress to actual charges of **** or violence against the person they are victimizing. Many have seen this in action in the clubs. You know, the ones that flash you then act as if they didn't do it and that your a meat hound. The only solution is to stay away, we know that, and thats why we stay away. The undercurrent is to prove the victim is lascivious, thereby justifying that all men are bad and avoiding the pain of dealing with her daddy issues.

One last point about the anal characteristics of this female game. According to Erickson human development theory, the perpetrator was perpetrated on a bit later. Probably between 3.5 to 8 years. Erotica would do well to isolate trauma(s) during this age, abandonment, abuse, and shame projections of others and have a professional help (HER) process it.

Barring Erotica's own seeking of help, do to the poor adaptation of these women, they do not tolerate antithesis well and usually run if not supported by others of peer to continue there justification of man hatred. Without admiration the patient flees treatment and is instead best counseled with groups of similar minded peers that have shown some reversal. These people don' t pile on the shame and pain on top of subconscious wounds. CCP would do many people a service including Erotica by not condoning this play-style. Its an illness.

Waht kind of insane sexist bullcrap is this?
Azn Empire
#1234 - 2014-03-25 23:09:43 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Mag's wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:

i lived on the south coast for 4 years if that counts?
It just means you were a soft southern sh*te for 4 years. P

You are both southern compared to me lol
Ahh you are one of those very northern English pretenders. Twisted

Im not one of you filthy Saxons. Or Normans. Take yer pick.
You're OK in my book, no matter what sett ya kilt is. Big smile

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1235 - 2014-03-25 23:10:08 UTC
Jayem See wrote:
Marie Trudeau wrote:
Bad behavior all around, but nothing actionable.


I also find the racism and threats from the victim to be as troubling, if not more troubling, than the scammer's sadism. Yes, people say things when they are at a breaking point, but it doesn't excuse the blatant racism in the least.

I don't find that the most troubling thing here. What I do find troubling is that a group iof people finds it funny to incite somebody so hard that they lose it and resort to that kind of language.

Surely you must be reasonable enough to recognise when someone has been baited so hard that they lose their temper and say things that they regret.

I had several people send me death threats for over a week when we ran the mining interdictions. There is never an excuse for unironic racism or death threats over a game.
Dread Delgarth
Flames Of Chaos
Out of the Blue.
#1236 - 2014-03-25 23:10:36 UTC
I'm all for scams in Eve but the scam ended when they stole all his assets.

From that point on it's just plain creepy. I mean who in their right mind spends almost two and a half hours ridiculing their victim with a bunch of in game friends? They must be really warped individuals if this is how they get their entertainment.
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1237 - 2014-03-25 23:10:39 UTC
Kadl wrote:
If this or any similar acts becomes a major news story CCP is going to have problems. The headline "Cyberbullying in EVE" will create unwanted attention. As a business, CCP should consider the situation and act so as to protect their profits and the game.

Personally I would like to see more sportsmanship in EVE. I think that would be a good use of CCP's efforts.

Already sent the tip to CNN, BBC, Guardian, and couple of other news sites I read. Someone is bound to pick this up.

Spread the word! Force CCP to act!
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1238 - 2014-03-25 23:10:54 UTC
Ramona McCandless wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
Kirsi Kirjasto wrote:
Actually, the REALLY scary bit?

That Sohkar is supposedly a FRIGGEN Air Traffic Controller.
I will express myself in Chinese.

Ho Lee Fuk.

Seriously, I think CCP, having his 'real life' information - should report Sohkar to the proper authorities.

Somebody this obviously unstable and insane should NOT be directing aircraft in ANY capacity.

Erotica 1 actually did us a great service by exposing a clear and present risk to public safety.

Would YOU feel comfortable landing at a busy airport staffed by someone like Sohkar?

guess now we know what happened to that malaysian aircraft.

My turn to drown in pepsi

Saw it comingLol
Winchester Steele
#1239 - 2014-03-25 23:11:30 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
The ultimate payout might be a roundhouse kick to the face from some random aggrieved loony at Fanfest.

Like you?


Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1240 - 2014-03-25 23:12:09 UTC
Kadl wrote:
If this or any similar acts becomes a major news story CCP is going to have problems. The headline "Cyberbullying in EVE" will create unwanted attention. As a business, CCP should consider the situation and act so as to protect their profits and the game.

Personally I would like to see more sportsmanship in EVE. I think that would be a good use of CCP's efforts.

Already sent the tip to CNN, BBC, Guardian, and couple of other news sites I read. Someone is bound to pick this up.

Spread the word! Force CCP to act!

They are going to get a racist shouting at other people. You honestly expect the Beeb to take his side?