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Big Lynx
#1021 - 2014-03-25 22:00:33 UTC
My theory is ero wants to give his victims something of that he gets in school everyday. Some kind of psychological stress compensation or a light form of asperger maybe.
Winchester Steele
#1022 - 2014-03-25 22:01:06 UTC
Desivo Delta Visseroff wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Capt Starfox wrote:
If this were to occur in real life at like a parking lot or something, then yes this would be considered a crime. Not in a video game for space stuff.

It didnt happen in the video game.

It happened outside of it, in "real life".

The "Bonus Room" incident happens outside of the game.

That seems to be the concept some have difficulty grasping.

So if it happened outside the game it has literally NOTHING to do with CCP and you should all shut the **** up.

Go start the extradition process. Show us all who is the most badass space lawyer. We'll be waiting here for support once the police are done laughing at you.


Salvos Rhoska
#1023 - 2014-03-25 22:01:41 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?
Lachra Corporation
#1024 - 2014-03-25 22:01:50 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Cool, almost to page 50. I have the greatest level of respect for this awesome game CCP lets us play. If Hilmar posted in this thread something like "Hey Ero, a lot of us think the bonus rounds are really funny, but we would prefer if you did xzy differently, maybe start a bank instead," I would totally honor his request.

So many people up in arms over something that happened awhile ago (and widely read on in a 4 part series) because some guy named Ripard? posted something.

Instead of the "to the stakes!" talk, let's do what CCP falcon asked early on and remain civil. Thanks.

I just finished listening to the soundcloud file myself. When I say finished, I mean that I couldn't actually stomach listening to the end. Someone who can continue to play to their friends amusement whilst a man gets that upset that his wife has to beg them to stop is a special kind of desperate. When CCP outlined the design and mechanics for this game that would promote their vision for a multiplayer community, I doubt this is what they had in mind. So, in that spirit if for nothing else, and even though it is a short-term solution to a large problem, I join others here who call for Erotica1 to be publicly struck from the game. This kind of action is usually performed within a confidential basis via the petitioning/ticketing system, but as these individuals have decided to make the sport of their victims a public event, perhaps CCP should perform likewise in this unique circumstance?

**I will be putting this through as a petition to CCP in-game also, I would ask others with a like mind to do the same & maybe we can make a case.
Toshiro Ozuwara
#1025 - 2014-03-25 22:02:11 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
Thats what Im seeing, really? This is insane.

Yes, it is insane. Just like when a company won't hire you because your facebook is filled with pictures of you getting wasted in college. What an injustice!

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Talvorian Dex
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1026 - 2014-03-25 22:02:17 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Tuscor wrote:
Just ban Erotica1. The community does not need poisonous twats like that - and I for one am happy for the sandbox and 'emergent gameplay' to take second seat to cleaning the community of such filth.

People talk about gays in very similar terms to the ones you have used in your post.

Come to that, so have insane monogonadal austrian dictators.

So do those who argue that child rapists should be locked up. All your comment proves is that a particular debating tactic is universal in application. It doesn't change the fact that this was way across the line. To use a real world example, American conservatives, who hold freedom to be sacred, don't argue when murderers are punished for their crimes.

It's one thing to scam. It's another to torment, shame, and abuse.

Writer of Target Caller, an Eve Online PvP blog, at

Azn Empire
#1027 - 2014-03-25 22:02:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Mag's
Big Lynx wrote:
My theory is ero wants to give his victims something of that he gets in school everyday. Some kind of psychological stress compensation or a light form of asperger maybe.
What does you logic say about the RL death threats and racism from the 'victim'?

Destination SkillQueue:- It's like assuming the Lions will ignore you in the Savannah, if you're small, fat and look helpless.

Ramona McCandless
Silent Vale
#1028 - 2014-03-25 22:02:53 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

So.... if its not against the EULA of a video game, its ok in real life huh?

"Yea, some dude came in and was normal for first couple months, so I gave him director." - Sean Dunaway

"A singular character could be hired to penetrate another corps space... using gorilla like tactics..." - Chane Morgann

Winchester Steele
#1029 - 2014-03-25 22:03:37 UTC
I cancelled one of my money-paying subscriptions in protest at CCP tolerating cyber-bullying.

I encourage others to do the same.

We can live without that 4th dictor/cyno alt. CCP cant live without our money.

Time to make a stand and clean up EVE.

Cancel all your accounts and never post again. Thats the best way to make a stand! You go first, the rest of us are right behind you.


Forum Clone 77777
#1030 - 2014-03-25 22:03:40 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
11 years of growth says we are doing just fine.

The earth has always been flat.

Well durr, the water would fall off if it wasn't.

The earth is now a bowl.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1031 - 2014-03-25 22:03:59 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

Erotica 1 got someone to sing.

You want someone to kick them in the face in RL.

I wonder, which is worse...
Dave stark
#1032 - 2014-03-25 22:03:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Dave Stark
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

no, i'd have the person A) arrested for assault, and B) sectioned for not understanding the difference between a game, and real life.

we've gone from breaking the eula in an irrelevant spaceship game, to breaking the law.
Bat Country
Pandemic Horde
#1033 - 2014-03-25 22:05:40 UTC
Forum Clone 77777 wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
11 years of growth says we are doing just fine.

The earth has always been flat.

Well durr, the water would fall off if it wasn't.

The earth is now a bowl.

Eat your islands before they get soggy.
Khergit Deserters
Crom's Angels
#1034 - 2014-03-25 22:06:07 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Khergit Deserters wrote:
Jill Chastot wrote:
Also for the grr goons squad (because of tinfoil)

"mynnnaMarch 25, 2014 at 5:39 AM

Erotica1 had an alt in a goon membercorp (or perhaps it was his main character, who knows) and when he brought attention to himself trying to brag about his actions we shot him in the head for it.

Good point. If something is too disgusting for Goons, it's probably something that's proscribed by every civilized society in the world.

There is more to it than that.

OK, it was a joke.
But there was that Goons Do Not Support Mayo thread, no?
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1035 - 2014-03-25 22:06:17 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

Salvos Rhoska
#1036 - 2014-03-25 22:06:40 UTC  |  Edited by: Salvos Rhoska
Ramona McCandless wrote:
So.... if its not against the EULA of a video game, its ok in real life huh?

Read you, daft cow.

Notice the phrase "its not illegal".
So yes, it is ok in real life.

baltec1 wrote:

Erotica 1 got someone to sing.

You want someone to kick them in the face in RL.

I wonder, which is worse...

No, I said I would applaud and laugh if someone did.
I did not say I wanted someone to do it.
Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#1037 - 2014-03-25 22:07:22 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

no, i'd have the person A) arrested for assault, and B) sectioned for not understanding the difference between a game, and real life.

we've gone from breaking the eula in an irrelevant spaceship game, to breaking the law.

Kind of what this thread and the blog is all about.

Mr Epeen Cool
Toshiro Ozuwara
#1038 - 2014-03-25 22:07:53 UTC
Dave Stark wrote:
we've gone from breaking the eula in an irrelevant spaceship game

A lot of posting from you for something irrelevant, wouldn't you agree?

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Dave stark
#1039 - 2014-03-25 22:08:08 UTC
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Ramona McCandless wrote:
So.... if its not against the EULA of a video game, its ok in real life huh?

Read you, daft cow.

Notice the phrase "its not illegal".
So yes, it is ok in real life.

i'm 100% sure that kicking some one in the face, is not legal. it's assault.
Xander Delacroix
#1040 - 2014-03-25 22:08:26 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
Salvos Rhoska wrote:
Dave Stark wrote:
just going to point out that you've confirmed your stance that running a scam in a game that encourages scams, is to you, less acceptable than physical violence.

I would laugh and applaud if someone kicked Erotica1 in the face at a Fanfest.
Nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

I would also laugh and applaud if Erotica1 was banned from the game.
Again, nothing illegal about laughing or applauding, nor is it against EULA.

Wouldn't you?

Erotica 1 got someone to sing.

You want someone to kick them in the face in RL.

I wonder, which is worse...

Oh God, I'm about to defend Salvos Rhoska... THIS is how bad this is. Still, here goes.

Salvos did not say that he wanted someone to kick E1 in the face, just that he'd laugh and/or applaud 'if' someone did.