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Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4361 - 2014-03-27 04:44:49 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

Unless those issues don't actually exist except in the minds of people who misinterpret and fail to analyse statistics.

hang on i will link this to a couple of marine buddies of mine on TS. they were on the fence about this issue. they wont be after your sadist circle proverbially pissed on their dead buddy.

So, how did your call to the FBI go? Or one of those hilarious "watchdog" groups you kept boasting about?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Mario Putzo
#4362 - 2014-03-27 04:46:05 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

Unless those issues don't actually exist except in the minds of people who misinterpret and fail to analyse statistics. Sorry, but uninformed opinions can be dismissed without consideration. You have failed to produce a point worth considering, you are merely attempting emotional blackmail against your intellectual betters. Jealousy? Inferiority complex? I don't know what your problem is, I can only make guesses myself, but I suggest that you do have a problem, and it's yours alone to deal with.

The Secretary of Defense knows when the men and women he Commands have a problem in their midst.

There is a reason we started having suicide briefs every ******* month.

**** the suicides what about the spun nuts who shoot up their own bases?
Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#4363 - 2014-03-27 04:48:24 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

I would like to point out. That of all the people that have threatened RL violence in EVE at me. 60% were service people in the states.

I even had a dude claiming to be a Marine tell me he is going the hang me upside down and gut me. I found it amusing and responded by killing his Mega. I would need to add a lot ******* on what his response to that was.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4364 - 2014-03-27 04:48:40 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:

So, how did your call to the FBI go? Or one of those hilarious "watchdog" groups you kept boasting about?

Emails sent to all of the above. Dont worry.
Erica Dusette
Division 13
#4365 - 2014-03-27 04:48:47 UTC
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Tell me how that matters you stupid ****.

Fact is a significant number of military personnel commit suicide, as well as police, Fire, and Emergency Responders... and it sure as hell ain't because they are in physical pain.

How many of them killed themselves because someone took their pixels and laughed about it?

The thing is it's not really about pixels.

It's the time, or real money, that people have invested into those pixels that lends them to becoming emotional. And the people who use this to their advantage are very much aware of this fact. Blink

Jack Miton > you be nice or you're sleeping on the couch again!

Part-Time Wormhole Pirate Full-Time Supermodel

worмнole dιary + cнaracтer вιoѕвσss

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4366 - 2014-03-27 04:49:29 UTC
Drone 16 wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Tell me how that matters you stupid ****.

Fact is a significant number of military personnel commit suicide, as well as police, Fire, and Emergency Responders... and it sure as hell ain't because they are in physical pain.

Oh you mean you fell for the mainstream media's misinterpretation of statistics?

I've always stood by that statistics is one of those under-taught mathematical niches in school, so, I won't hold that against you, or even the media. But, here's a little something to help clarify why statistics alone don't provide conclusive information. Statistics require analysis, analysis that wasn't performed on these particular statistics. Here's a paragraph that highlights the results of an analysis:

Los Angeles Times wrote:
Many experts believe that the farther a veteran is from military service, the less likely it is that his or her suicide has anything to do with his or her time in uniform. In other words, many older veterans are killing themselves for the same reasons that other civilians in the same age group kill themselves: depression and other mental health problems coupled with difficult life circumstances.

Another example is the gun nuts who quote reported violent crime rates in Australia being higher than they are in the US. They are relying on statistics for the conclusion that a country without guns has higher violent crime rates than the country with guns. The fallacy here is the lack of analysis. In Australia, flicking someone in the ear is considered a violent crime. In the US, it's not. Also, this statistic relies on reported crimes. In Australia, people are less afraid to report a crime than they are in the US, where corruption and power trips are more common in the police force. So naturally, in Australia, there are more violent crimes reported, as well as a wider range of violent crimes to report. But it's not because there is actually a higher rate of violent crime.

Fact is a significant number of military personnel commit suicide, as well as police, Fire, and Emergency Responders... and it sure as hell ain't because they are in physical pain.

I'm sure that is a fact. But, the question remains. Is it because they are in the military or emergency services, or is it because of other reasons?

Written by a guy who never served anyone but himself. You have never done a day of public service in your sad little life because if you had you would never stoop so low as to dismiss the service that these men and women give us. Wouldn't it be wonderful if they could choose who to give service to on an individual, merit type basis. My feeling is that you would be dialing for help until your fingers bled.

You wouldn't have the first idea what I have and have not done with my life. This is just more unsubstantiated mouth-frothing forum diarrhoea brought to us by our good friends 'moral reactionism' and 'cognitive dissonance'. I didn't dismiss the service they've provided. Please quote the exact point of anything I've said where I dismiss the service they've done. I didn't even address the service they've done, did I. I just asked you a question. Are people in the military or emergency services committing suicide because of their service, or because of something else? It's a fair question. One that I'm sure is easier for you to dismiss because actually answering it would require you not to be angry at me anymore, right?

Of course, you're just enjoying being angry at me, aren't you. There are many out there who enjoy being angry at me, and they all fall into similar categories: science denial, reality denial, irrational perception and perspective, etc. The list goes on. You have a lot of catching up to do, though, if you're trying to make me feel bad about something I haven't actually done. You're talking to someone who experienced guilt trips from family and friends his whole life. I'm pretty resilient to them now. I don't have any reason to explain myself to you other than the hope in humanity I have that your mind is actually capable of some rational consideration of what I've presented to you.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Drone 16
Holy Horde
#4367 - 2014-03-27 04:49:59 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

Unless those issues don't actually exist except in the minds of people who misinterpret and fail to analyse statistics.

hang on i will link this to a couple of marine buddies of mine on TS. they were on the fence about this issue. they wont be after your sadist circle proverbially pissed on their dead buddy.

I didn't **** on anything. I merely showed you why statistics alone don't prove anything. This is how rational people think things through. Your 'marine' buddies will probably react just as emotionally as you, but if you clear your head and put a little thought into the matter, you'll see I'm right. I understand, cognitive dissonance is a powerful drug. But eventually, if you don't admit you're lying to yourself, it'll eat you up inside and just breed more hate. That's all you have right now is hate. It doesn't solve anything.

You sir, with your uncanny ability to refer to other people who may or may not be analyzing statistics are a true gem. We need more people around here that can parrot their favorite news source and then use other's intellect as a substitute for their own. Why don't you go ahead and share some of your own analysis with us instead of the people you puppet to make yourself feel smart. Go on we'll wait.

It puts the peanutbutter on itself or it leaves the bonus round... - E1's greatest Hits

Mindstar Technology
Goonswarm Federation
#4368 - 2014-03-27 04:51:38 UTC
Cannibal Kane wrote:
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

I would like to point out. That of all the people that have threatened RL violence in EVE at me. 60% were service people in the states.

I even had a dude claiming to be a Marine tell me he is going the hang me upside down and gut me. I found it amusing and responded by killing Mega.

For the ones I worked with, they said its the only way they know how for a long while
And that 00 buckshot is an adequate method for dealing with the problem
Also learned many fun and entertaining things that resulted in an NCIS visit for terrorist ties

Worth it
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4369 - 2014-03-27 04:51:57 UTC
Erica Dusette wrote:
Kaarous Aldurald wrote:
Kyperion wrote:

Tell me how that matters you stupid ****.

Fact is a significant number of military personnel commit suicide, as well as police, Fire, and Emergency Responders... and it sure as hell ain't because they are in physical pain.

How many of them killed themselves because someone took their pixels and laughed about it?

The thing is it's not really about pixels.

It's the time, or real money, that people have invested into those pixels that lends them to becoming emotional. And the people who use this to their advantage are very much aware of this fact. Blink

So, if I lose on the last level of Mario Brothers, instead of the first level, that's when I can get a free pass on making death threats and yelling obscene racist things? Because I invested time into that, right?

This is a videogame, first, last, and always. People need to grow up, take control of themselves, and act like adults. If they can't do that, that's no one's problem but their own.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4370 - 2014-03-27 04:52:20 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

Unless those issues don't actually exist except in the minds of people who misinterpret and fail to analyse statistics. Sorry, but uninformed opinions can be dismissed without consideration. You have failed to produce a point worth considering, you are merely attempting emotional blackmail against your intellectual betters. Jealousy? Inferiority complex? I don't know what your problem is, I can only make guesses myself, but I suggest that you do have a problem, and it's yours alone to deal with.

The Secretary of Defense knows when the men and women he Commands have a problem in their midst.

There is a reason we started having suicide briefs every ******* month.

Something that should be done whether suicide exists or not. It's unfortunate that it took suicides to bring the issue to anyone's attention. The question remains, though: are people in the service committing suicide because of their service, or for something else?

If you can't even bring yourself to ask this question, and just assume you know the answer, then you are no better than the creationist who claims the earth is 6000 years old and no amount of evidence will convince him otherwise.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Mr Epeen
It's All About Me
#4371 - 2014-03-27 04:53:09 UTC
Remiel Pollard wrote:
There are many out there who enjoy being angry at me,

No kidding. Really?

It's certainly not because of your dismissive, abrasive and dull witted posting I'm sure.

Mr Epeen Cool
Anomaly One
#4372 - 2014-03-27 04:55:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Anomaly One
E1 & Co. just made a cardinal mistake of pissing on the united states service men and women.

God knows i disagree with some things US gov't does, but I never disrespect and belittle the brave men and women who are sent to do dangerous jobs overseas.

For your little sadist circle to laugh about some very serious issues facing the service men and women is not cool. Especially since EVE Online is where a large number of them choose to spend their free time.

But keep digging.

Tell me how that matters you stupid ****.

Fact is a significant number of military personnel commit suicide, as well as police, Fire, and Emergency Responders... and it sure as hell ain't because they are in physical pain.

"those" soliders commit suicide because they've done things they shouldn't have done/witnessed them, they joined the army thinking it was a joy ride, they were too weak, and you see it most in the US because the US doesn't wage normal wars but filled with genocides , murderers (lets get this thread going), the US army is a disgrace much alone the US itself. Tell me when has the last time US actually did something to defend and didn't stick it's **** in matters that they shouldn't.

but don't think i'm saying this and you will write off because i'm an E1 supporter, it's just a matter that my country has a hate relationship with the US for quite some time because the **** they committed in our grounds well that and we have some entities that the US claims are terrorists but are in fact our national guard lmfao (but yea thats a whoooooole other debate).

Time to abandon thread

Psychotic Monk for CSM9 you want content in highsec? vote Monk

#4373 - 2014-03-27 04:56:52 UTC
Everyone knows emotional pain is real, and depending on what it is can be worse than physical pain.

Those that don't accept this are stupid, or so afraid of physical pain that they must not step outside their bubblewrap.

The overall point, is every collection of humanity, if it is to be civilized, free, and equitable must be based on the Rule of Law.

It is time for CCP's Lord of the Flies experiment in immaturity to come to end, and with it this whole disgusting chapter in EVE Online. It is time for scamming to come to an end, all forms. Because as long as that type of gameplay is allowed, we will have this kind of filth in our midst.

To the EVE Online Community and CCP make your choice, will you be champions of hard fought competition and civility... or purveyors of barbarity, cowardice and human depravity?
Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4374 - 2014-03-27 04:57:40 UTC
Drone 16 wrote:

You sir, with your uncanny ability to refer to other people who may or may not be analyzing statistics are a true gem. We need more people around here that can parrot their favorite news source and then use other's intellect as a substitute for their own. Why don't you go ahead and share some of your own analysis with us instead of the people you puppet to make yourself feel smart. Go on we'll wait.

I'm not parroting anything. I provided an article that demonstrated actual rational criticism of a conclusion formed from statistics. The source is irrelevant, it's the content that matters and how well formed the argument is. If this exact same article had been produced by the Daily Fail, word for word, I would have linked it from there as well. The bottom line is, it's asking a hard question, but a relevant question. I suggest you find the question difficult because you might be afraid of the answer, or the question itself conflicts with a preconceived but unsubstantiated conclusion.

I'm not trying to substituted my intellect with anything, either. Even the smartest people in the world still cite their sources. You think Richard Dawkins, one of the most cited authors in history, doesn't cite his work? Doesn't work with knowledge established by other? No, crediting the work of others is more important than one's pride in their intellect. If anything, it demonstrates intellectual honesty - I didn't think of this question, someone else did, and I'm not going to pretend it was my idea.

I don't need to provide my own analysis because a perfectly acceptable critical analysis has already been done. What you are asking of me is therefore intellectually redundant until a conclusion can be drawn from the existing analysis, which I'll bet my bottom dollar you haven't even read. This makes any analysis I make doubly redundant, since I'll bet every dollar after my bottom one that you wouldn't read that either.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#4375 - 2014-03-27 04:57:48 UTC
Seven Koskanaiken wrote:
I don't see how anyone with a straight face can use the words torture, victim, etc in relation to a game that you voluntarily play, where the items and actions aren't real, and you can leave at any time you want. You can block/ignore anyone you want, close down TS any time. All that tells me is the person saying this lives a life that must be privileged and free of any actual problems nearing the definition of victim or torture. I don't know about the guy in question, but if singing a song on TS or losing all my spaceship stuff ranked among the big deals in life, my life would be much better than it is now.

The appeal to the female relative is strange as well, like some kind of shaming based on sexism? I don't know. Should I inflict this on a lady, they are such delicate creatures, they may have hysterics or something? I don't tell my grandmother some of the things that goes on in the bedroom which I'm pretty sure would freak her the hell out. It's not something she would understand, and probably eve she wouldn't understand either, so what is it supposed to mean exactly.

The female part is that his wife has now lost so much respect for him after this that she will inevitably cheat on him and now he is just Sokhar alone
Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#4376 - 2014-03-27 04:58:29 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Everyone knows emotional pain is real, and depending on what it is can be worse than physical pain.

Being made fun of on the internet is not, in any way shape or form, analogous to real torture.

Ever. I don't care if you lose your space pixels or not.

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#4377 - 2014-03-27 04:58:40 UTC
Kyperion wrote:
Everyone knows emotional pain is real, and depending on what it is can be worse than physical pain.

Those that don't accept this are stupid, or so afraid of physical pain that they must not step outside their bubblewrap.

The overall point, is every collection of humanity, if it is to be civilized, free, and equitable must be based on the Rule of Law.

It is time for CCP's Lord of the Flies experiment in immaturity to come to end, and with it this whole disgusting chapter in EVE Online. It is time for scamming to come to an end, all forms. Because as long as that type of gameplay is allowed, we will have this kind of filth in our midst.

To the EVE Online Community and CCP make your choice, will you be champions of hard fought competition and civility... or purveyors of barbarity, cowardice and human depravity?

And bread more eve players like you that run away from confrontation? Hell no...

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

Drone 16
Holy Horde
#4378 - 2014-03-27 04:58:49 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
There are many out there who enjoy being angry at me,

No kidding. Really?

It's certainly not because of your dismissive, abrasive and dull witted posting I'm sure.

Mr Epeen Cool

He thinks he is a wit.

You are not as complex as you think, you use words and concepts that you only partially understand in order to obfuscate the truth, which is that you are a rather shallow and insecure individual. Most of us here have degrees and we have heard all of the drivel that you are test-marketing in your posts. Here is a tip, it's not that people don't like you because they don't understand you, it's because you are generally off putting and banal.

It puts the peanutbutter on itself or it leaves the bonus round... - E1's greatest Hits

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#4379 - 2014-03-27 04:59:06 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
There are many out there who enjoy being angry at me,

No kidding. Really?

It's certainly not because of your dismissive, abrasive and dull witted posting I'm sure.

Mr Epeen Cool

I would call your observation of my posting dismissive, abrasive and dull as well. So we're even.

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#4380 - 2014-03-27 04:59:14 UTC  |  Edited by: LUMINOUS SPIRIT
At this point Erotica 1 and his alts / sycophants will do just about anything to redirect attention from their little sadist circle.

They tried to:

start new threads
shift topics
play whataboutism
**** on the issue of suicides in the military (i dont know why, this is stupid - but, they are sociopaths, who knows..)

All they did is simply dig a deeper hole for themselves.