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Vardaugas Family
#3501 - 2014-03-26 19:43:01 UTC
All that's left is trolls trolling trolls.
Azami Nevinyrall
#3502 - 2014-03-26 19:43:12 UTC
Come on page 200!


Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3503 - 2014-03-26 19:43:43 UTC
Othran wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Othran wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Othran wrote:

If you've listened to the material in question then is that behaviour you'd consider acceptable from any of your friends/family?

No, I would not find it acceptable for my friends and family to make death threats and racist remarks over a computer game the way Sohkar did.

Darling you have no credibility on these forums so why try?

Your response actually beggars contrary to the words you're posting. Thanks. Roll


Like I said darling nobody but your alts listens to you, and sometimes not even then.

If I truly had no credibility, you would just ignore me.

But I have credibility, and you find this threatening, so you're being condescending (calling me "darling" in an attempt to minimize), and saying I have no credibility (creating a premise wherein you don't have to listen to what I say).

But my words stand on their own. In shorter terms: What I'm saying is bothering you, so you're ad homming. Roll

Prove me right with your next post. Go on, do it. Bear

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Route One
#3504 - 2014-03-26 19:43:43 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
You know..... people in my in-game profession get accused of "cyber bullying" all the time.

If Erotica 1 gets banned for what he does, that opens the door to people petitioning to have PvP'ers banned for hunting down ratters, haulers, and mission runners. If that happens, EVE will become very boring, and a lot of the players who are actually going to stick around for a long time, will quit.

The playerbase might be overwhelmingly carebear.... but a lot of those players are only going to stay for a few months. It's the pirates and other PvP-focused people who are still going to be here, year after year.
When you're running a business, you don't alienate your most loyal customers. That's suicide for any service provider or product manufacturer.

your logic is quite sound sir.

...and your brain obviously got boiled years ago if you think this has anything to do with scamming or PvP
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#3505 - 2014-03-26 19:44:00 UTC
Singing Gummy Bears is clearly a horror, the CIA should try it on Al Qaeda and end terrorism forever.

~ Professional Forum Alt  ~

Mario Putzo
#3506 - 2014-03-26 19:45:07 UTC
Othran wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
You know..... people in my in-game profession get accused of "cyber bullying" all the time.

If Erotica 1 gets banned for what he does, that opens the door to people petitioning to have PvP'ers banned for hunting down ratters, haulers, and mission runners. If that happens, EVE will become very boring, and a lot of the players who are actually going to stick around for a long time, will quit.

The playerbase might be overwhelmingly carebear.... but a lot of those players are only going to stay for a few months. It's the pirates and other PvP-focused people who are still going to be here, year after year.
When you're running a business, you don't alienate your most loyal customers. That's suicide for any service provider or product manufacturer.

your logic is quite sound sir.

...and your brain obviously got boiled years ago if you think this has anything to do with scamming or PvP

Well what else does it have to do with? If you have listened to the audio recording there is no threats of violence or harassment from Erotica's end.

Unless of course you mean Sohkar should be removed from the game because he has a rough night and said some things he probably didn't really mean.
Antihrist Pripravnik
Cultural Enrichment and Synergy of Diversity
Stain Neurodiverse Democracy
#3507 - 2014-03-26 19:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Antihrist Pripravnik
I really can't take a side here because I couldn't care less about what other players with who I don't have any contact with do. Neither Erotica 1 or the other guy belong to a group of players that I make in-game or out of the game contacts with, but the same applies to tens of thousands of other players just the same.

I am only worried about media backfire which tends to happen after a threadnought like this.

The only thing that is clear is that CCP now, after this much exposure, has to act in some way ... any way. By providing an official statement that they have investigated the issue, list the rules that are applicable to situations like this and , for example, not ban any of the parties is totally acceptable to me. But the official statement is needed just to leave the impression that CCP as a company knows and cares about what is going on in and around their game.
Route One
#3508 - 2014-03-26 19:46:16 UTC
Xuixien wrote:

If I truly had no credibility, you would just ignore me.

But I have credibility, and you find this threatening, so you're being condescending (calling me "darling" in an attempt to minimize), and saying I have no credibility (creating a premise wherein you don't have to listen to what I say).

But my words stand on their own. In shorter terms: What I'm saying is bothering you, so you're ad homming. Roll

Prove me right with your next post. Go on, do it. Bear

You're so funny, go do the next step in the forum war and win me another 500mill - easy money :D
Unsuccessful At Everything
The Troll Bridge
#3509 - 2014-03-26 19:46:23 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
Singing Gummy Bears is clearly a horror, the CIA should try it on Al Qaeda and end terrorism forever.

But only if its recorded via TeamSpeak while the terrorist is an Eve Online subscriber.

Since the cessation of their usefulness is imminent, may I appropriate your belongings?

Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3510 - 2014-03-26 19:47:08 UTC
Othran wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
You know..... people in my in-game profession get accused of "cyber bullying" all the time.

If Erotica 1 gets banned for what he does, that opens the door to people petitioning to have PvP'ers banned for hunting down ratters, haulers, and mission runners. If that happens, EVE will become very boring, and a lot of the players who are actually going to stick around for a long time, will quit.

The playerbase might be overwhelmingly carebear.... but a lot of those players are only going to stay for a few months. It's the pirates and other PvP-focused people who are still going to be here, year after year.
When you're running a business, you don't alienate your most loyal customers. That's suicide for any service provider or product manufacturer.

your logic is quite sound sir.

...and your brain obviously got boiled years ago if you think this has anything to do with scamming or PvP

You don't understand the precedent CCP would set if they took a serious stand on this matter and banned anyone.

Long Jump.
#3511 - 2014-03-26 19:47:08 UTC
Abrazzar wrote:
All that's left is trolls trolling trolls.

Which is fitting somehow. Out meta discussion about meta gaming is getting meta meta'd. I wonder if it will tear the fabric of space and time.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#3512 - 2014-03-26 19:47:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
We as EVE community must say NO to the likes of E1 and Co.

We dont tolerate pedophiles, rapists, terrorists, drug dealers, online predators in our communities.
We must not tolerate them and their likes here.

E1 and Co must go.
You're right we don't tolerate those people, which is why there are none, as far as I know, that play Eve.

Once again you're throwing emotionally loaded words about while trying to claim the moral high ground, once again you fail at doing so and make yourself look like somebody that isn't actually in touch with reality.

I was going to post something considerably ruder using the words self righteous, insufferable and one of the many euphemisms for the male genitalia, but I won't because I don't fancy getting banned over a useless article such as yourself.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Sons of Seyllin
Pirate Lords of War
#3513 - 2014-03-26 19:47:45 UTC
Sentamon wrote:
Singing Gummy Bears is clearly a horror, the CIA should try it on Al Qaeda and end terrorism forever.

I am inclined to agree here. That song is truly terrible.
Erotica 1
Krypteia Operations
#3514 - 2014-03-26 19:48:19 UTC
baltec1 wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Masao Kurata wrote:
Anyone who has actually listened to the entirety of sohkar's bonus room should be left with little sympathy for him but that's beside the point. The bonus room is just talking, and you are in no way locked in there. Many bonus rooms are in fact fun for everyone involved, and some pay out but again that's not important.

What is important is that Ripard Teg is using his position to raise what is little less than a lynch mob. Eject him from CSM now.

Errr... if there's nothing wrong with the bonus room, then there's nothing wrong with Ripard's blog as well?

Turns out he didn't listen to the recording. It sounds like a personal grudge to me.

Why would he do such a thing? Unless he has an alt here, he has been quiet, aside for his creepy wording on his blog and in the comments over there. Is it because of the Minerbumping post from like January? Does he think I am James 315? I mean, I do mimic some James mannerisms and British spelling for the hilarity of the conspiracy theories... lol

See Bio for isk doubling rules. If you didn't read bio, chances are you funded those who did.

Mario Putzo
#3515 - 2014-03-26 19:48:23 UTC
Antihrist Pripravnik wrote:

The only thing that is clear is that CCP now, after this much exposure, has to act in some way ... any way. .

Ban Ripard Teg for continued publications on an internal CCP issue, and harassment of Erotica 1 and Sohkar for his own self gain.
Vardaugas Family
#3516 - 2014-03-26 19:49:03 UTC
Qalix wrote:
Abrazzar wrote:
All that's left is trolls trolling trolls.

Which is fitting somehow. Out meta discussion about meta gaming is getting meta meta'd. I wonder if it will tear the fabric of space and time.

This isn't a thread anymore, it's a Möbius strip.
Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3517 - 2014-03-26 19:49:10 UTC
Alp Khan wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Othran wrote:

If you've listened to the material in question then is that behaviour you'd consider acceptable from any of your friends/family?

No, I would not find it acceptable for my friends and family to make death threats and racist remarks over a computer game the way Sohkar did.

Stop with that flawed reasoning immediately. The victim and his family were both under duress as a result of the mental torture that Erotica 1 and co instilled on them through real life communications software. Stop calling the victim a 'racist' to whitewash psychopathy.

By the way, speaking of racism, let me ask you a question:

"...however, unlike Obama, I'm a white male minority who served in the Army..."

Have you ever heard that quote before? If yes, can you tell me who actually said that?

Oh oh, so it's the victim "[i]and his family[i]" now. So some random chick on comms constitutes "family". Can you verify that she was "family"?

Can you verify your claim of "psychopathy"?

What's that little bee?

I can't hear you...

Oh, you're saying "no"?

Well, okay then. -pats your head-

Consult your favorite medical diagnostic manual that covers mental illnesses ASAP.

People of healthy and sane minds do not torture other people in real life for personal amusement.

Yes, it's the victim and his family. We can easily substitute the word family with household. It doesn't matter whether multiple individuals that Erotica 1 has mentally tortured through real life communications constitute a family or not. The impact of psychopathy here is highlighted by the number of individuals that were subjected to Erotica 1 knowingly just to derive personal pleasure out of it.

Number of alts and associates that a psychopath is able to attain in this game never ceases to amaze me.

So no proof of psychopathy or "family" then? I didn't think so little bee. PS read the DSM-5. You will not find an entry for "psychopathy".

Bye little bee. It was a good attempt. :)

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist

Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#3518 - 2014-03-26 19:49:18 UTC
Xuixien wrote:
Alp Khan wrote:
Xuixien wrote:
Othran wrote:

If you've listened to the material in question then is that behaviour you'd consider acceptable from any of your friends/family?

No, I would not find it acceptable for my friends and family to make death threats and racist remarks over a computer game the way Sohkar did.

Stop with that flawed reasoning immediately. The victim and his family were both under duress as a result of the mental torture that Erotica 1 and co instilled on them through real life communications software. Stop calling the victim a 'racist' to whitewash psychopathy.

By the way, speaking of racism, let me ask you a question:

"...however, unlike Obama, I'm a white male minority who served in the Army..."

Have you ever heard that quote before? If yes, can you tell me who actually said that?

Oh oh, so it's the victim "and his family" now. So some random chick on comms constitutes "family". Can you verify that she was "family"?

Can you verify your claim of "psychopathy"?

What's that little bee?

I can't hear you...

Oh, you're saying "no"?

Well, okay then. -pats your head-

Also, the word torture tends to indicate that the victim is both unwilling to participate, and/or cannot escape the abuse.

Neither are true in this case.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Drone 16
Holy Horde
#3519 - 2014-03-26 19:49:35 UTC
Jarod Garamonde wrote:
You know..... people in my in-game profession get accused of "cyber bullying" all the time.

If Erotica 1 gets banned for what he does, that opens the door to people petitioning to have PvP'ers banned for hunting down ratters, haulers, and mission runners. If that happens, EVE will become very boring, and a lot of the players who are actually going to stick around for a long time, will quit.

The playerbase might be overwhelmingly carebear.... but a lot of those players are only going to stay for a few months. It's the pirates and other PvP-focused people who are still going to be here, year after year.
When you're running a business, you don't alienate your most loyal customers. That's suicide for any service provider or product manufacturer.

He shouldn't necessarily be banned and no it doesn't.

I see your corp griefing the **** out miners in Teo, and no one cares. This entire thread had nothing to do with "garden variety griefers" such as yourself. It was billed a a threat to your game play by those who needed support on this thread.

This has always been about a situation that may or may not have crossed the line and if so what to do about it.

Before my girlfriend shows up with THE question I will pre-answer "yes, it applies to threats of violence and racism", now get me the coke I asked know who you are.

It puts the peanutbutter on itself or it leaves the bonus round... - E1's greatest Hits

Solar Winds Security Solutions
#3520 - 2014-03-26 19:49:57 UTC
Othran wrote:
Xuixien wrote:

If I truly had no credibility, you would just ignore me.

But I have credibility, and you find this threatening, so you're being condescending (calling me "darling" in an attempt to minimize), and saying I have no credibility (creating a premise wherein you don't have to listen to what I say).

But my words stand on their own. In shorter terms: What I'm saying is bothering you, so you're ad homming. Roll

Prove me right with your next post. Go on, do it. Bear

You're so funny, go do the next step in the forum war and win me another 500mill - easy money :D

Thanks for proving me right. :)

Epic Space Cat, Horsegirl, Philanthropist