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Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2261 - 2014-03-26 08:22:02 UTC
Bjurn Akely wrote:
Seraph d'Etoiles wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
CNN? Wow, that's taking a petty grudge too far. Only a sociopath would go that far.

I wouldn't say that, and given that this is not cyber bullying, if CNN calls it such, then it's just bad journalism.

But what else would we expect from CNN these days?

On display here folks. Naivete at its best.

He doesn't really understand a lot what he claims so very meretriciously to be an expert about... on display.... naive ultimately.

You're probably a bit naive yourself. Having worked with journalists a bit I can tell you that very few of them report stories that they dig into and get facts. Usually hey have an agenda and tailor the presentation of a story to fit it.

This story is a great tool for someone with the agenda of 'videogames are destroying our youth'. Just spin it so that the 'poor malleable boys doing this to that victim are usually so nice and cuddly, but since they started playing this game...'.

Truth is not something journalists care much about. It's the story. You see this every day in the news. Remeber when you last read a story with a subject you know **** about? Remember how wrong the journalist got it? Now understand that is true for just about every story.

Great. Then we can tell CNN about how a racist was flaming in a TS3 channel with underage teens listening. Oh yea thats gonna fly well.

Cha'ka Khan
Dark Skies Dojo
#2262 - 2014-03-26 08:22:12 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
But he posts info about me online anyway. Whatever. Some people just can't be reasonable, as we see everyday in this game of ours.

I still like Goons. That's no secret. I'm not going to hate a huge alliance/coalition because of a handful of guys made some trumped up charges against me and continue to troll made up things about me on an almost daily basis in the forums.

How many times have you seen a reference to "mayo," under aged pics, and other "creepy" things that never happened? You see it all the time. This "creepy" buzzword is straight out of the rightwing political playbook. Hey, say something enough and people are bound to believe you.

It's no secret that I'm a huge James 315 and Mittens fan (totally different people.) None of this silly bullshit is going to change that.

On my EVE bucket list is to make "Massively" headlines. Oops, I meant to do it for something else. Oh well. LOL

Let's talk about the CSM running. A lot of my EVE friends want me to drop out for fear of my personal safety. They are probably right. I don't really fear any of these lunatics threatening or wishing crazy ways to die upon me. But you know what, I do have concerns for my wife and son. This is a video game people. Though I gotta say, if I had to choose, it would be much better than dying of lung cancer, which is quite likely eventually. If some loon killed me at Fanfest over fake spaceship money, especially at the encouragement of all these "white knight carebear moral highground people," then I think some interesting things would happen for the better broadly speaking. Just please, I only ask CCP keep my bounty intact and pass my play money and assets over to James 315 for the improvement of highsec.

I will be dropping out of the running, but not for any of those reasons. I totally derped and forgot that my passport is long expired. There is no way I can get a scanned copy in by the deadline now. Oh well, there's always next year. Believe it or not, if we can get past all this silly nonsense, I think most people would be surprised at how I would actually represent them pretty well. I mean, I'm totally cool with a copy of my driver's license and some agreement that if I win I just sit over here in the 'States and don't get a free trip to Iceland. In light of events, it would be cool of CCP to offer to keep my name anonymous.

I'd also like CCP to openly address the bonus round and tell me what they would like me to do. CCP doesn't need to be silently monitoring (laughing?) and then make some surprise judgement.

I've said many times, just tell me what you guys want. I love CCP and this great game that has outlasted so many others- because of its very nature. Want to tell me limits for bonus rounds? That's cool. Want me to stop them altogether? Not as fun, but hey I'd respect that.

I do still plan on running a legitimate EVE bank anyway very soon! I'll keep everyone posted on that.

Let's all have a civil discourse, CCP included.

Thanks for your time.


When real world threats follow in game fun and antics, you have taken it too far.... NOT the person who had those antics and fun. When I first started playing EVE The ery first time i undocked, I saw the face and bounty of Ero on a billboard. Never thought I would be sitting here on his side in a debate like this. I disagree with scamming..but he has scammed no one. As someone who has spoken with the guy many times, has been honest with me from the first time i met him, As a new layer he has helped me out. given me tips on how to make money in game legitimately, and made my experience better as a player.

But as Ero calls them, these so-called "white knights," have blown an individual story WAYYYYYYYY out of proportion.

The only thing we have to fear, is new pilots and AFK miners. 

Remiel Pollard
Gallente Federation
#2263 - 2014-03-26 08:22:22 UTC
Seraph d'Etoiles wrote:
Remiel Pollard wrote:
Riot Girl wrote:
CNN? Wow, that's taking a petty grudge too far. Only a sociopath would go that far.

I wouldn't say that, and given that this is not cyber bullying, if CNN calls it such, then it's just bad journalism.

But what else would we expect from CNN these days?

On display here folks. Naivete at its best.

He doesn't really understand a lot what he claims so very meretriciously to be an expert about... on display.... naive ultimately.

I've been working in journalism for three years now sweety. CNN ain't the best journo's around. And this isn't cyber bullying because Ero wasn't following Sokhar around and/or harassing him against his will. Sokhar went to Ero. Sokhar CONSENTED. I know your type well, you hang out in little echo chambers like FTB and just want everything you don't agree with banned, trying to justify it all as something morally wrong and throwing words like 'naive' around in reference to people who you perceive as being lesser than you. The world doesn't work that way.

Sokhar had the choice from the very beginning to walk away. Sokhar had the choice from the very beginning NOT to hand over his assets. He made the exact opposite CHOICE, completely CONSENSUALLY. The word for the day is 'consent'. If you give consent, then it's just not bullying. If you give sexual consent, it's not ****. If you invite someone into your home, it's not forced entry.

Is this getting through to your tiny mind yet?

“Some capsuleers claim that ECM is 'dishonorable' and 'unfair'. Jam those ones first, and kill them last.” - Jirai 'Fatal' Laitanen, Pithum Nullifier Training Manual c. YC104

Space Juden
Supermassive Potato Pancake
#2264 - 2014-03-26 08:22:49 UTC
Bjurn Akely wrote:

You're probably a bit naive yourself. Having worked with journalists a bit I can tell you that very few of them report stories that they dig into and get facts. Usually hey have an agenda and tailor the presentation of a story to fit it.

This story is a great tool for someone with the agenda of 'videogames are destroying our youth'. Just spin it so that the 'poor malleable boys doing this to that victim are usually so nice and cuddly, but since they started playing this game...'.

Truth is not something journalists care much about. It's the story. You see this every day in the news. Remeber when you last read a story with a subject you know **** about? Remember how wrong the journalist got it? Now understand that is true for just about every story.

More so this story works well with an apparent bipartisan agenda of regulating communications over the internet.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2265 - 2014-03-26 08:23:33 UTC
Asia Leigh wrote:
Victim? Really people? >.>

So let me get this straight....

1. Idiot #1 falls for Idiot #2's isk doubling scam and is invited to play in a 'bonus room'
2. Idiot #2 askes idiot #1 to TS, and he agrees
3. Idiot #1 makes himself look like an ass in front of idiot #2 and his friends.
4. Idiot #2 tells Idiot #1 he gets nothing.
5. Idiot #1 throws a fit, and is marred by his own decision to go along with this

In this case the 'victim' only fell victim to his own stupidity and greed. No one was pointing a gun to this guys face forcing him to participate in this. He could have refused to come on TS, and once he made the decision to join, he could have left at anytime.

Lets be serious here, I'm all for victims rights as much as the next guy/gal is, but unlike a true victim of a true crime this guy actually had choices available to him to avoid this and he choose greed in a video game, over being humiliated. Sorry, but in this case the 'victim' bought this on himself and I can't support the O.P's motive in this tread at this time.

By the way, to the people saying that erotica should be banned for this:

The only in game interaction that took place here was the giving of isk, and contracting of assets which is totally not against the rules. The 'bonus room' as it were took place entirely on a private TS server which CCP has no jurisdiction.

Speak reason to the Racist Defenders please. They always forget that they are defending a racist who claims to be a marine. Army imo. But regardless a racist.

Toshiro Ozuwara
#2266 - 2014-03-26 08:23:53 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Good thing CCP can't intervene over an IP called TS3 which they don't own. Sucka.

CCP can do anything it wants with accounts and digital content in this game.

They don't even need a reason to do so. And they certainly don't have to explain themselves to anyone.

If they want to axe someone because they don't like them, it's covered under the EULA every player agreed to.

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Trance Oskold
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2267 - 2014-03-26 08:24:39 UTC  |  Edited by: Trance Oskold
This is also in the EVE EULA in Conduct under "A. Specifically Restricted Conduct" under section three it states:

"You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play."

I'd say using TS3 to "facilitate acquisition of items, *CURRENCY*" could be interpreted as a breach of the EULA.
Big Lynx
#2268 - 2014-03-26 08:25:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Big Lynx
Asia Leigh wrote:
Victim? Really people? >.>

So let me get this straight....

1. Idiot #1 falls for Idiot #2's isk doubling scam and is invited to play in a 'bonus room'
2. Idiot #2 askes idiot #1 to TS, and he agrees
3. Idiot #1 makes himself look like an ass in front of idiot #2 and his friends.
4. Idiot #2 tells Idiot #1 he gets nothing.
5. Idiot #1 throws a fit, and is marred by his own decision to go along with this

In this case the 'victim' only fell victim to his own stupidity and greed. No one was pointing a gun to this guys face forcing him to participate in this. He could have refused to come on TS, and once he made the decision to join, he could have left at anytime.

Lets be serious here, I'm all for victims rights as much as the next guy/gal is, but unlike a true victim of a true crime this guy actually had choices available to him to avoid this and he choose greed in a video game, over being humiliated. Sorry, but in this case the 'victim' bought this on himself and I can't support the O.P's motive in this tread at this time.

By the way, to the people saying that erotica should be banned for this:

The only in game interaction that took place here was the giving of isk, and contracting of assets which is totally not against the rules. The 'bonus room' as it were took place entirely on a private TS server which CCP has no jurisdiction.

very stubborn point of view. there are ppl in this world who can't defend themselves (Sakhor) and ppl who take advantage out of it (Ero).
Everyone who approves or defends that behaviour of Ero's group has a distorted perception of healthy social interaction. period. (I am not talking about the scam action itself, dont forget that - i advice u to listen again)
Scipio Artelius
Weaponised Vegemite
Flying Dangerous
#2269 - 2014-03-26 08:25:48 UTC
Seraph d'Etoiles wrote:
He doesn't really understand a lot what he claims so very meretriciously to be an expert about... on display.... naive ultimately.
This whole thread is one big personal attack.

Isn't it possible to just discuss the issues rather than the people?

What purpose do personal attacks serve?
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2270 - 2014-03-26 08:25:50 UTC
Toshiro Ozuwara wrote:
Navi Annages wrote:
Good thing CCP can't intervene over an IP called TS3 which they don't own. Sucka.

CCP can do anything it wants with accounts and digital content in this game.

They don't even need a reason to do so. And they certainly don't have to explain themselves to anyone.

If they want to axe someone because they don't like them, it's covered under the EULA every player agreed to.

Incorrect. If no EULA violations can be found that happen 'in game' then CCP opens themselves to litigation.

In other words if they cut off a scammer just because he scams within the confines of the EULA just because they have a beef with them then he can legally SUE them.

Mara Rinn
Cosmic Goo Convertor
#2271 - 2014-03-26 08:26:19 UTC
Erotica 1 wrote:
Like a moron, I caved in to every single demand. I posted what they wanted me to say on goon forums. I sent silly apology mails, etc etc. You could say it was a taste of my own medicine notched up a bit. I felt this was the prudent approach, yet the onslaught against me continued and escalated, which led me to believe I made the wrong choice. I should have made a stand then. Instead, I took a breather from the limelight.

"The devil made me do it," is that what you are saying? You didn't really do those things, you were blackmailed by someone who has some "dirt" on you that you're too ashamed to confess to, and it was easier to claim to be a sociopath with no respect for anyone's dignity, than to confess to the sins that you had perpetrated?

Erotica 1 wrote:
The "dirt" isn't even all that big of a deal, just downright embarrassing. Some years ago, I sold some resale rights stuff online to make some cash. Made some money, cool. Anyway, a guy complains. I look into it, see he's right, apologize and refund his money. I spoke to a rights owner and straightened things out.

By "sold some resale rights stuff" did you mean "I sold pirated DVDs"?
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2272 - 2014-03-26 08:26:49 UTC
Trance Oskold wrote:
This is also in the EVE EULA in Conduct under "A. Specifically Restricted Conduct" under section three it states:

"You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play."

I'd say using TS3 to "facilitate acquisition of items, *CURRENCY*" could be interpreted as a breach of the EULA.

Interpretation. You'd lose in court. Next.

Erin Crawford
#2273 - 2014-03-26 08:27:18 UTC
Mr Epeen wrote:
This is about CCP allowing psychopaths to use their game as a tool to lure victims.

No more. No less.

I don't understand the controversy. The answer seems plain enough. Just because he manages to technically stay within the rules doesn't make it okay. It just means that like most psychos, he's clever. Hardly worth the hero worship I'm seeing in here.

I'd like to think that most of those supporting Erotica1 are just trolling or taking the ****, but I don't think that's the case. I think that these people actually think that taking what's encouraged in game and moving it out into the real world is perfectly acceptable behavior. And I am disheartened to see it.

Mr Epeen Cool


This completely proves the type of character of the ‘adult’ behind the facade Erotica 1.


For pleasure! I mean really! You must be one heck of a sick bastard to pull this off for PLEASURE! And why else would you do this if it didn't please you?


What’s next? Is Erotica 1 going to post the humiliation of a terminally ill player he scammed? Where’s the limit?

This is the act of a spineless swine hiding behind anonymity, nothing more nothing less!

And I bet Erotica 1 calls this “just creating content!”

Shocking, disgusting, inhumane!

"Those who talk don’t know. Those who know don’t talk. "

Kaarous Aldurald
Black Hydra Consortium.
#2274 - 2014-03-26 08:27:35 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:

By "sold some resale rights stuff" did you mean "I sold pirated DVDs"?

I think you just outed yourself?

"Verily, I have often laughed at the weaklings who thought themselves good because they had no claws."

One of ours, ten of theirs.

Best Meltdown Ever.

The Scope
#2275 - 2014-03-26 08:28:32 UTC
Remove Erotica 1 from the game forever.
Toshiro Ozuwara
#2276 - 2014-03-26 08:28:50 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:
Great. Then we can tell CNN about how a racist was flaming in a TS3 channel with underage teens listening. Oh yea thats gonna fly well.

What's this "we" stuff? Who are you?

It didn't take long to locate the tracking beacon, deep inside the quarters for sleepin' They thought they could get away Not today, it's not the way that this kid plays

Bjurn Akely
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2277 - 2014-03-26 08:29:05 UTC
Navi Annages wrote:

Great. Then we can tell CNN about how a racist was flaming in a TS3 channel with underage teens listening. Oh yea thats gonna fly well.

I agree. That too will be spun as how bad videogames are. You don't get it, do you? If this hit the wrong news we can not win.
Navi Annages
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2278 - 2014-03-26 08:29:09 UTC
Erin Crawford wrote:
Mr Epeen wrote:
This is about CCP allowing psychopaths to use their game as a tool to lure victims.

No more. No less.

I don't understand the controversy. The answer seems plain enough. Just because he manages to technically stay within the rules doesn't make it okay. It just means that like most psychos, he's clever. Hardly worth the hero worship I'm seeing in here.

I'd like to think that most of those supporting Erotica1 are just trolling or taking the ****, but I don't think that's the case. I think that these people actually think that taking what's encouraged in game and moving it out into the real world is perfectly acceptable behavior. And I am disheartened to see it.

Mr Epeen Cool


This completely proves the type of character of the ‘adult’ behind the facade Erotica 1.


For pleasure! I mean really! You must be one heck of a sick bastard to pull this off for PLEASURE! And why else would you do this if it didn't please you?


What’s next? Is Erotica 1 going to post the humiliation of a terminally ill player he scammed? Where’s the limit?

This is the act of a spineless swine hiding behind anonymity, nothing more nothing less!

And I bet Erotica 1 calls this “just creating content!”

Shocking, disgusting, inhumane!

Blah Blah. It's a fantastic troll. You're just jelly you weren't in on it.

Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#2279 - 2014-03-26 08:29:45 UTC
Mara Rinn wrote:
By "sold some resale rights stuff" did you mean "I sold pirated DVDs"?

It was homemade pornography.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

Trance Oskold
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#2280 - 2014-03-26 08:30:01 UTC
It's pretty simple really. In the EVE EULA in the user content section it states:

"CCP may take any action it deems appropriate regarding any User Content, if CCP believes, in its sole discretion, that such User Content violates the EULA or may expose CCP, its licensors and/or its suppliers to liability, damage CCP's relationship with any of its suppliers, licensors, ISPs or other users of EVE, harm anyone or harm CCP's reputation or goodwill."


This is also in the EVE EULA in Conduct under "A. Specifically Restricted Conduct" under section three it states:

"You may not use your own or any third-party software, macros or other stored rapid keystrokes or other patterns of play that facilitate acquisition of items, currency, objects, character attributes, rank or status at an accelerated rate when compared with ordinary Game play."