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Jayne Fillon for CSM9

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Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#61 - 2014-02-18 09:25:55 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:

...I'm a true neutral, as I like to call it, having never been involved with any of the nullsec politics despite being intensely fascinated by them. It's not that I don't want to, but after taking the writer position at TMC I saw how people were forced into that mold and I enjoy my neutrality and being able to avoid most of the stereotyping that comes with a never ending war of words and propaganda.


Re-reading some things this really caught my eye. Can you explain the bolded part in specifics? How were people "forced" into a mold? And how does that interaction help you as a CSM candidate?
Jayne Fillon
#62 - 2014-02-18 09:37:49 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:

...I'm a true neutral, as I like to call it, having never been involved with any of the nullsec politics despite being intensely fascinated by them. It's not that I don't want to, but after taking the writer position at TMC I saw how people were forced into that mold and I enjoy my neutrality and being able to avoid most of the stereotyping that comes with a never ending war of words and propaganda.


Re-reading some things this really caught my eye. Can you explain the bolded part in specifics? How were people "forced" into a mold? And how does that interaction help you as a CSM candidate?

The best example of this was during drone assist and sentry drone arguments. Whenever I had something to add to the conversation, people would stop and ask me "are you CFC or N3/PL?" before ever considering the merit of my arguments. That was frustrating. Being a neutral forced people to actually listen to what I had to say before forming an opinion.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#63 - 2014-02-18 09:43:57 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:

...I'm a true neutral, as I like to call it, having never been involved with any of the nullsec politics despite being intensely fascinated by them. It's not that I don't want to, but after taking the writer position at TMC I saw how people were forced into that mold and I enjoy my neutrality and being able to avoid most of the stereotyping that comes with a never ending war of words and propaganda.


Re-reading some things this really caught my eye. Can you explain the bolded part in specifics? How were people "forced" into a mold? And how does that interaction help you as a CSM candidate?

The best example of this was during drone assist and sentry drone arguments. Whenever I had something to add to the conversation, people would stop and ask me "are you CFC or N3/PL?" before ever considering the merit of my arguments. That was frustrating. Being a neutral forced people to actually listen to what I had to say before forming an opinion.

Well that only begs the question then that RT posed earlier. Looking at your work concerning drone assists I can't help but notice a fairly uniform opinion to what the TMC/CFC entity had been stating. One may even think that you bent to the whims of your superiors at TMC in formulating an opinion that matched their own. Would there be a way for you to prove that you have independent thoughts on Eve matters separate from the TMC "mold?" Or could we expect you to be another CFC candidate?

Not that there is anything wrong with that, they're fine people, simply it would be interesting to note how you would distinguish yourself from the other CFC candidates.
Jayne Fillon
#64 - 2014-02-18 09:55:41 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:

Would there be a way for you to prove that you have independent thoughts on Eve matters separate from the TMC mold?

Well, I can post jabber logs without permission.

In an argument where one side is black and one side is white, a neutral party still has to pick a side.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#65 - 2014-02-18 09:58:34 UTC
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:

Would there be a way for you to prove that you have independent thoughts on Eve matters separate from the TMC mold?

Well, I can post jabber logs without permission.

In an argument where one side is black and one side is white, a neutral party still has to pick a side.

So for the sake of clarification, your neutral position provided you the impression that DBRB's argument was neutral/correct?
Jayne Fillon
#66 - 2014-02-18 10:01:30 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Jayne Fillon wrote:
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:

Would there be a way for you to prove that you have independent thoughts on Eve matters separate from the TMC mold?

Well, I can post jabber logs without permission.

In an argument where one side is black and one side is white, a neutral party still has to pick a side.

So for the sake of clarification, your neutral position provided you the impression that DBRB's argument was neutral/correct?

That article is currently in for proofing and hasn't been released yet, but no, the majority of DBRB's assertions were incorrect. I think that much was obvious to most people who read the original article, and was the reason why there was such and outcry, prompting a very passionate response from Grath.

But you know this, you wrote an opinion piece yourself on EN24 about it.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#67 - 2014-02-18 10:06:14 UTC
Of course, but what is interesting to us all is seeing how you express the situation. I've had the pleasure of watching the sort of game you play and I feel that every question helps everyone better understand your character.

One more question for tonight and feel free to take your time on this one. Which of the current candidates do you find the most valuable at their job and which one do you see as perhaps a bit of a slacker or ineffective or perhaps not matching up to their platform?
Jayne Fillon
#68 - 2014-02-18 10:14:37 UTC
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Of course, but what is interesting to us all is seeing how you express the situation. I've had the pleasure of watching the sort of game you play and I feel that every question helps everyone better understand your character.

One more question for tonight and feel free to take your time on this one. Which of the current candidates do you find the most valuable at their job and which one do you see as perhaps a bit of a slacker or ineffective or perhaps not matching up to their platform?

Oooooh, that's a good question.

Ripard Teg does a great job of keeping the public informed through his blog post and should be commended for that. However, I personally know the lengths and effort that Ali Aras has put into CSM8, and she has done an amazing job getting things done and getting involved with the community. It's a toss up between those two for being MVP on the current council.

As for slacker or ineffective members? This is a really hard one to answer as an outsider, but the two names that come to mind would be Sort Dragon and PGL. I'd like to tag a huge disclaimer on this saying that I have no experience or knowledge of each individual's activity level or various contributions to the council. However, the combination of being a nullsec block candidate and having never heard anything about what they do in their role as a CSM makes me very wary of their intentions for having run for council, and their effectiveness in helping CCP create a better game.

Could I be off the mark? I could be way off the mark, and I hope I am.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#69 - 2014-02-19 09:27:27 UTC
Holly Hauler wrote:

You are literally one thing, the CSM candidate with the least respect and worst attitude I have ever seen.

Hey! X

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

Anna niedostepny
The Terrifying League Of Dog Fort
Deepwater Hooligans
#70 - 2014-02-19 09:53:18 UTC
Do you have any opinions on current null sec sovereignty mechanics? If so what are they?
Heinrich Rotwang
Spectre Fleet Corporation
#71 - 2014-02-19 10:25:20 UTC
Ripard Teg wrote:
... Ship balancing in EVE is primarily in the hands of three devs and as a result so far you wouldn't have much to say to the other several dozen devs. Blink

So, with Jayne in the CSM, we would then have 4 people in total who focus on ship balancing? I can see how that will affect my vote.
Jayne Fillon
#72 - 2014-02-19 22:51:31 UTC
Anna niedostepny wrote:
Do you have any opinions on current null sec sovereignty mechanics? If so what are they?

I have many opinions on the matter, in fact too many to share at once simply due to your question being so broad.

My main sentiment towards sov mechanics is shaped by the vast majority of space nearly completely empty, which is a direct consequence of the Dominion sov system since owners don't actually have to live in their "homes" to protect it or benefit from it. This leads to the vast majority of space being boring and devoid of content (read: player interaction) with only few hotspots in the entire universe enjoying PvP, but even then only on a scale inaccessible to those not involved with major coalitions.

I am a supporter of the "farms and fields" sovereignty model for Eve.

Further reading can be found here and here.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Mike Azariah
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#73 - 2014-02-20 00:32:04 UTC
Malcanis wrote:
Holly Hauler wrote:

You are literally one thing, the CSM candidate with the least respect and worst attitude I have ever seen.

Hey! X

Now now, Malc. You arent a candidate . . .you are the CSM MEMBER with the least etc etc

Jayne, yer fielding questions well so far. Do not slip into the dark side like some before you ^^


Mike Azariah  ┬──┬ ¯|(ツ)

June Ting
Nobody in Local
Deepwater Hooligans
#74 - 2014-02-20 17:49:58 UTC
Anyone who hasn't yet read is doing themselves a disservice.

This kind of high-quality data-driven research and neutral perspective would make Jayne extremely valuable to have on the CSM.

I fight for the freedom of my people.

Three Planets Descended
#75 - 2014-02-20 19:03:13 UTC
Jayne would be a wonderful addition. Anything less is a disservice to the game.
Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#76 - 2014-02-22 03:16:21 UTC

first of all let me thank you for your fantastic analyses of game mechanics.

I share your 'eft warrioring' passion and all your posts have been a truly great read.

What's your take on capital/supercapital force projection? Do you think a nerf would improve EVE gameplay in general? If you do, is there a specific mechanic, among the many being discussed (jump range/bridging capability/cooldown timers, cyno spool-ups, etc.), that you would support?

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Jayne Fillon
#77 - 2014-02-22 12:25:53 UTC
Gully Alex Foyle wrote:

first of all let me thank you for your fantastic analyses of game mechanics.

I share your 'eft warrioring' passion and all your posts have been a truly great read.

What's your take on capital/supercapital force projection? Do you think a nerf would improve EVE gameplay in general? If you do, is there a specific mechanic, among the many being discussed (jump range/bridging capability/cooldown timers, cyno spool-ups, etc.), that you would support?

If you haven't read it yet, I just released an article covering the use of carriers and supercarries in nullsec warfare. Although it is focused on the Archon and the Aeon specifically due to the political debates that have been swirling, I touch on other topics as well. I bring this up, because after discussing the topic with Grath Telkin of Pandemic Legion, this same topic that you ask now was raised.

"Any [power projection] nerf must ensure it isn't just a new mechanic that restricts players arbitrarily. Making this game more frustrating and painful to do the same things we could yesterday is not the right way to start balancing. Beyond that, I am in total agreement. When you're able to teleport thousands of battleships wherever you wish, that's the only way that battles are going to be fought. Can you blame them? It just makes sense."

This is to say that I believe a power projection nerf, or alteration, would be a good for the game. However, I am in no way of supporting a change that imposes arbitrary restrictions on players; a better path would be to encourage the use of fast warping or more maneuverable ships, to pick two examples from many. However, to change this would require a complete overhaul of the sov system, which some argue is already overdue.

Some people see the ability to move entire fleet of capitals across the universe as a problem. I see it as a symptom of a much greater problem, and that problem comes in the form of sovereignty mechanics. So to answer your question if I agree with any of the proposed fixes, the answer is no, I do not.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#78 - 2014-02-22 12:28:14 UTC
I'm an idiot and forgot to link the article

It's long, about 8000 words, but if you're a theorycrafter or interested in the mechanics of large fleet fights you will probably find it interesting. Again, I have no coalition or alliance affiliations, so although it was published on TMC you don't have to worry about it being some random propaganda piece.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Gully Alex Foyle
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#79 - 2014-02-22 15:32:42 UTC
Thanks for reply, I appreciate the fact that you're giving clear and detailed answers to all questions in this thread.

I am a theorycrafter, but still quite small-time Big smile mostly for my solo endeavours atm. But I'll certainly read your latest article.

BTW, I'm one of the rational people that aknowledges that TMC overall simply has the best quality EVE articles, regardless of any bias of the 'publisher'.

Make space glamorous! Is EVE dying or not? Ask the EVE-O Death-o-meter!

Billius Zabub
Beelzebub Corp
#80 - 2014-02-22 15:55:51 UTC
I've been in some fleets Jayne has FC'd for Bomber's Bar and Spectre Fleet. I've learned something from him every time. He's been calm, focused and successful. When we have suffered defeats, he has taken it well. Jayne is a clear communicator who works well with others.

I appreciate his efforts to innovate with new ship fits, fleet doctrines and tactics. You get the sense that he wants to explore and exploit as much of EVE as possible. Since the groups he's involved with are open, this allows many players like myself to come along for the ride. I've had some great fun. I'm appreciative of all the effort he has made.

Jayne Fillon is a great choice for CSM 9.