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Jayne Fillon for CSM9

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Jayne Fillon
#1 - 2014-02-17 04:39:42 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Dolan
Greetings All!

I come to you today, on my second anniversary in Eve, to formally announce my candidacy for CSM 9.

In game, my passion is PvP.

I started fleet commanding while still very new to the game, not for any major alliances or coalitions, but with the various open communities that taught me not only how to play the game but how to enjoy it. The people from Bombers Bar and RvB Ganked taught me about the game, and inspired me to create "Spectre Fleet" - the most active and rapidly growing open PvP community in New Eden.

Beyond my love for everything PvP, I am a self proclaimed theorycrafter - an "EFT Warrior" if you prefer. The complexities and endless challenges of Eve intrigue and motivate me to learn everything about the universe. Hours of preparation being reduced to split second decisions makes preparing and maneuvering a successful fleet the most rewarding experience of any game I've ever played. With two years of dedication to this game I still have much to learn, not just in terms of PvP mechanics, but in all the facets of this game.

If elected to the CSM, how will I attempt to improve the game?

I understand that the CSM is a player representative group, and promising specific nerfs to the players or demanding specific changes from the developers is not the purpose of the council. While I may not be a game developer by training, my experience and understanding of certain aspects in the game means that I can and will provide feedback or input for future expansions to Eve.

Even without being a member of the CSM I've been attempting to do exactly this, informing not only the developers but the players about how future expansions will affect them. An example of this would be my articles published to TMC, where I use my experience as a trained engineer to analyze current and future updates.

This is most easily demonstrated by my analysis of the then-unreleased RHMLs, which was read and commented on by CCP Rise, before the final iteration was announced.

Beyond helping with mechanics of future updates and current designs, I am a firm supporter of and believer in the communities of Eve. In game and out, these various entities make this game unique and exciting, helping newbies and veterans alike to better themselves within the game. The learning curve or Eve, as with the entire new player experience, is notoriously challenging and is no harder than when attempted alone. The communities of Eve are the driving force behind new players, ensuring their development into long term prospering capsuleers.

Eve is over ten years old, and I have only been playing for a fraction of that time. Had I not found the community within Bombers Bar I would have quit the game long ago. I have met many others on the verge of quitting, who would have done so had they not found groups such as Eve University, RvB or Brave Newbies. From highsec industrialists and incursion runners, to lowsec pirates and nullsec residents, Eve is strongest when there is a passionate and involved community - a community that I would be proud to represent on CSM 9.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Jayne Fillon
#2 - 2014-02-17 04:40:27 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
If you'd like to ask me a question or just chat, don't be a stranger! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread, or alternatively you can come and join us in the "Spectre Fleet" channel - meet people, hang out, join fleets, and have fun!


Seraph IX Barasab posted this article on the 26th of February, regarding an alleged EULA and TOS violation. In the pursuit of neutrality, I recommend you read it and all accompanying logs, however I will not be fielding questions on the subject. To provide context for this article, Seraph was previously my CEO in the corporation "Hades Effect" before a successful coup d'etat and removal of all remaining and inactive members. His article on EN24 is a continuation in his many attempts at slander, after his defamation efforts failed in this very thread when ISD purged his numerous posts here and again here. Furthermore, before the article on EN24 was published, he tried one last time at drumming up controversy in the General Discussion section of the forums here. Seraph is on a personal vendetta and is using EN24 as his last available mouthpiece to perpetuate this "scandal". If this is how you arrived at my thread, I hope as a result you stay a while and read some of what has already been posted. My goal to be elected to the CSM is legitimate, and if you have any questions relevant to the CSM or the future of Eve itself, I will more than happily answer them.


CCP Eterne posted a community spotlight on Spectre Fleet, showcasing our history, the community, and explaining what we do and who we are. It's a great read if you're not familiar with the NPSI community and would like to know more. The official Spectre Fleet forum thread can be found here, but I highly recommend joining the channel and saying hello!

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2014-02-17 04:41:16 UTC
First to support Jayne. Eat it.

Vote Jayne.
Ezek Price
Beyond Divinity Inc
Shadow Cartel
#4 - 2014-02-17 04:45:02 UTC
Vote for Jayne.

If ever there were a military scientist in this game, this man would be your archetype.

Devoted and a technical expert, Jayne has the brains to be on the CSM if not also the charisma to rally people behind him.

War doesn't determine who is right, only who is left.

My blog, Civire Commander:

Balthazar Lestrane
Dirt 'n' Glitter
Local Is Primary
#5 - 2014-02-17 04:46:14 UTC

I'm Super Bad At This
Domain Research and Mining Inst.
#6 - 2014-02-17 04:50:27 UTC
If Jayne becomes CSM his corpses will suddenly go up in price, right?

Jayne for CSM!
Harkin Issier
Lethal Devotion
#7 - 2014-02-17 04:51:58 UTC

Jayne knows his ****. The CSM needs people knowledgeable about combat on the board.
Shits N Giggles
#8 - 2014-02-17 04:56:43 UTC
Vote Jayne !!!!
Van Diemen's Demise
Northern Coalition.
#9 - 2014-02-17 05:18:10 UTC
+1 P
John Cadenza
#10 - 2014-02-17 05:40:53 UTC
Yaaaaaay! Jayne for CSM! Big smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smileBig smile
Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#11 - 2014-02-17 06:03:26 UTC
Are you for or against what Stealth Bomber T2 launchers do? Also, what do Stealth Bomber T2 launchers do?
Jayne Fillon
#12 - 2014-02-17 06:08:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Are you for or against what Stealth Bomber T2 launchers do? Also, what do Stealth Bomber T2 launchers do?

I have no idea wtf they do

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Seraph IX Basarab
Outer Path
Seraphim Division
#13 - 2014-02-17 06:14:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Seraph IX Basarab
Who can forget. Seriously though I was curious about what your platform was concerning some of the EULA rulings. Most recently certain rules were updated, revised or clarified depending on your perspective concerning alliance logos and the ruling on impersonating individuals and/or in game entities. What's your take on that?
Nonnak Severin
Amarr Empire
#14 - 2014-02-17 06:14:38 UTC
You have my axe and/or black ops.
Ripard Teg
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#15 - 2014-02-17 06:22:54 UTC
What recent ship balancing change did you agree with the most, and why?

What recent ship balancing change did you disagree with the most, and why?

What recent change other than ship balancing did you agree with the most, and why?

What recent change other than ship balancing did you disagree with the most, and why?

aka Jester, who apparently was once Deemed Worthy To Wield The Banhammer to good effect.

Jayne Fillon
#16 - 2014-02-17 06:37:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Jayne Fillon
Seraph IX Basarab wrote:
Who can forget. Seriously though I was curious about what your platform was concerning some of the EULA rulings. Most recently certain rules were updated, revised or clarified depending on your perspective concerning alliance logos and the ruling on impersonating individuals and/or in game entities. What's your take on that?

For those who haven't been following the changes, the dev blog regarding alliance logos can be found here.

An alliance logo remaining the intellectual property of CCP is a necessary requirement and is a consequence of eve being single-threaded. When an alliance is created, it becomes a part of Eve's history regardless of how small a role they play. This isn't something that you can take away, and if CCP is going to pursue projects such as the TV series, IP must be preserved.

It is up to CCP's benevolence for players to use Alliance logos on commercialized good. I hope it stays this way.

The dev blog regarding the ToS changes regarding impersonation can be found here.

I have very little opinion on this as a rule change itself, beyond that a person in Eve should be more creative than naming themselves "Chriba" instead of "Chribba". The great scams and thefts in Eve come from the long cons and cunning infiltrations - I hope they stay that way. If there was any issue regarding this at all, it would be asymmetric enforcement of these rules by the GM team.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Bar Hawks
Oh Shits Industries
#17 - 2014-02-17 07:02:24 UTC
Jaynes got my votePirate
Jayne Fillon
#18 - 2014-02-17 07:51:20 UTC
What recent ship balancing change did you agree with the most, and why?

Oh so many to choose from, I've been very pleased with the vast majority of balance changes being made.

Although not particularly recent, the overall update to T1 cruisers, beams, artillery, and especially rails did wonders to make fleet combat much more effective and accessible for lower skilled pilots. Demonstrated to be effective by groups like European Goonion and most recently BNI with their Thorax fleet (which I designed), T1 cruiser usage has spread to most groups, proving that you can make a cheap doctrine effective in medium size fleet warfare in lowsec and nullsec.

The full list of changes can be found here, here, here, and here.

The following quote from CCP Fozzie is a perfect example of what this update accomplished and why it was good for the game as a whole:

"... we've done our job right then when a newer player shows up to your Armour HAC fleet saying "I've got an Augoror how can I help?" the FC will respond with "xxxxx is our logistics channel, the guys in there will get you set up with the cap chain and anchor", rather than "LOLN00B come back with a real ship"."

Of course, the warp speed changes and interceptor balancing was a big hit with everyone, and for good reason. However, I think that the cruiser changes are the unsung heroes of Rubicon, and until people realize that a hoarde of interceptors (murderfleet) is not an unkillable doctrine, I'll be content rocking around with new players in cruisers.

What recent ship balancing change did you disagree with the most, and why?

This was a tough one.

I had to go with the Electronic Attack Ships.

My reasoning is simple - I still don't see them being utilized in fleet combat at any scale, small gang, medium gang, or large fleet fights. If I do, they are instantly going to be primaried due to the combination of fragility and force multiplication. The high training time into a deadend skill and the comparable utility and power of the T1 disruption frigates (at 2% of the cost) does nothing to justify their use.

For example, the Vigil has a a slightly lower bonus to target painters than the Hyena, at 7.5% and 10% respectively. However, the Hyena has one less midslot than the Vigil, yet bonused to webs in addition to target painters. How is this ship intended to fulfill a more meaningful role than the T1 version? It's hard to justify.

Sandwiched between the staying power of recons, and the surprisingly effective T1 disruption frigates, it seems like they've been struggling to find their niche in the current meta of Eve. Sad for such beautiful ships with awesome bonuses to be so unloved.

What recent change other than ship balancing did you agree with the most, and why?


No question in my mind about this one. I never realized just how broken they were until I analyzed the use of sentry drones on HACs and Battleships. This problem was exacerbated by the failure for them to stack with drone scope rigs (optimal range) producing absolutely insane numbers when used on ships like the Ishtar.

Bringing them more inline with the tracking computers is a great move, and the subtle change allowing for overheating and scripting naturally tends towards an active gameplay rather than the AFK nature that drone assist has become known for. Overheating when it's really needed has always been the pinnacle of edge-of-your-seat gameplay and I'm glad to see it come to drones.

What recent change other than ship balancing did you disagree with the most, and why?

Capping Drone Assist

I understand that CCP is trying to reduce the usage of sentry drones in nullsec warfare, but this does nothing to stop small gang usage in lowsec, or ignoring scan resolution in order to attack a target. It feels like a poorly thought out band-aid for a problem with much deeper problems than just "now you have to assist drones to your squad commander instead of fleet commander."

That, and it's an arbitrary limitation. I hate arbitrary mechanics and restrictions.

There are so many possibilities to change the way these fleets operate, while maintaining the reason this mechanics exists in the first place, such as lightening the load on the already hectic role logi pilots fulfill. Instead of a meaningful change, CCP elected to go for a mechanic that simply made the current iteration of a broken functionality slightly less convenient to use, and even then only on a large scale. I won't say I'm not pleased that a change was made, but I am certainly dissapointed it wasn't more creative or meaningful.

Can't shoot blues if you don't have any. Long Live NPSI.

Linus Gorp
Ministry of Propaganda and Morale
#19 - 2014-02-17 07:56:34 UTC
Voting for Jayne is the best thing one can do!

When you don't know the difference between there, their, and they're, you come across as being so uneducated that your viewpoint can be safely dismissed. The literate is unlikely to learn much from the illiterate.

Quantum Lotus
Gallente Federation
#20 - 2014-02-17 08:19:30 UTC
There is no question in my mind that Jayne will serve the players' interests to the best of his abilities.

His insightful and analytical approach will be an invaluable asset to the EVE community.

Vote for Jayne for CSM!
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