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Balancing Feedback: Capital Ships

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Michael Harari
Genos Occidere
#281 - 2011-11-15 01:59:22 UTC
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.
Draconus Lofwyr
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#282 - 2011-11-15 03:16:44 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.

I am actually kind of lucky in that regard, i was just getting an alt toon trained up for holding a supercarrier, and setting the isk aside, now i can stop that account before i spent any large amount of money and spend it on something else. I am just getting tired of the nerfs just before i reach a ship. I bought my first carrier right after the original carrier cargo nerf hit, now i was about to buy a supercarrier, now this, guess i will just keep my isk to myself till something else becomes the fotm and see where that goes.
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#283 - 2011-11-15 04:55:02 UTC
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.

I am actually kind of lucky in that regard, i was just getting an alt toon trained up for holding a supercarrier, and setting the isk aside, now i can stop that account before i spent any large amount of money and spend it on something else. I am just getting tired of the nerfs just before i reach a ship. I bought my first carrier right after the original carrier cargo nerf hit, now i was about to buy a supercarrier, now this, guess i will just keep my isk to myself till something else becomes the fotm and see where that goes.

Quit chasing the fotm and fly what you want to.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

#284 - 2011-11-15 09:47:27 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Mioelnir wrote:
So, just toyed a bit on Sisi.

- the -10% shield HP instead of -20%, which I assume to have been balanced around the wyvern, did very little for the Hel.
- the cap situation got a bit better assuming you start the fight with full cap
- Hel vs 2 "regular (t2)" TQ Naglfars, all 3 ships with regular +10% gangbonus and starting at full shields, the Hel was at 61% shields after both Nagls were down (Hel doing bugger all, Nagls boosting and overheating hardeners). So, extrapolating from that, Hel vs 3 of them would have ended with the Hel at 22% shields, and Hel vs 4 of them with 3 dead dreads and a dead Hel (Hel fitting was 7 hardeners, dc II, t2 rigs and 4 PDU). Not sure what I expected, but considering dreads are easily replaceable due to station manufacturing and well below a billion in cost after insurance, a bit more / something else / not 4.
This is, after all, the weightclass it is now supposed to fight in.

So, my resume, after creating and dedicating an account to a Hel pilot purpose-skilled from day 1 for over 3.5 years now, I am happy with my decision from a few weeks ago to move the better parts of the hel's fitting to highsec for sale and train a parking-char to store the ship until there is a market for it again. It's just not worth wasting a 70m SP character on it.

Apart from the new builtin breakage points, the crotches may have gotten overall better, but the three primary roles of a hel on the field - meatshield, good looks and enemy confusion (why did they bring a hel?) - remain unchanged.

Great, so you proved that the supercarrier isnt able to solo multiple dreadnaughts. Now take into account actual fleet conditions, where the dreadnaughts cant get any RR and the supercarrier can be repped all day long.

exactly . . . run that same fight but now with three Hels RRing eachother and doing DPS, how many nags does it take to kill them now?

see the problem is that the nag's tank doesnt get any better, so where one super carrier is only just able to break its tank, two supers take it down > 2x as fast and can still provide unjammable RR support to eachother. what about 2 Hels and 5 carriers RRing eachother? i'd bet it would take more than 20 dreads to take them out . . . especially considering that in the amount of time it would take them to down that kind of tank, they could probably just slow boat out of range anyway.

The point is that supercarriers scale better than dreads because they can receive RR support while they do damage and dreads cant.
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#285 - 2011-11-15 12:36:19 UTC
I do my work and try new Hel bonus on SISI...

-With combat Fit (2 RR, 2 invu caldari +5 pithx+4 caldari diag + dmgII+energy implants) + energy tranfer net I can operate both reps, 4k hp each 5 sec.

-With suicide Fit (only 2 invus caldaris) + energy tranfer net you can fit 4 RR but you lost any chance to be cap estable, 8k Hp transfered x 5 sec. Probably with Avatar bonus you can optimice recharge.

In both case you never have the chance to keep reserve cap for jump or continue use of ECM and ignore Neutralizers on you, low caps when you jump in combat, etc.

The questions are:

-Its the HP tranfered suficient for heavy Sc-blob enviroment whit a decent tank??

If we see how logistic work in subcaps fleet, any scimitar/guardian can repair at least near 50% BS dps x sec and have good tank.

Hel cannot do the same work in superfleets, because your tank limited capacitor recharge dutys, and need to bring 2 types of RR, armor and shield.

If you are a Hel pilot, with new bonus, you still are useless vs Nyxs DPS ands MegatankedAeons.

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#286 - 2011-11-15 13:55:49 UTC
Mioelnir wrote:
Yes, when in doubt, bring more numbers. Best base for balancing ever.

Also, it is not a carrier. Carriers I have a few lying around all over eve, produce at will, and switch ships if I don't like it anymore.

Sir, it is a carrier. A tier 2 carrier, but a carrier nonetheless.

Also, which one is T2? The rifter or the loki? You have me confused there.

that's what happens when you change your mind halfway through a sentence. But red herring aside my point stands that comparing ship cost to effectiveness in every situation is just stupid.


And, final note, it may be a strange concept to you, but not everybody has enough accounts to simulate an entire fleetfight, so yes, testing with 3 caps is the best I could do. Which, last time I checked, was a lot more than you - if we ignore the wild frothing. All the while; my conclusions that with the +51.2% rep amount of Carrier 5 + Meta Reps over unbonused t1 reps, its tanking type, comparatively low ehp and general state of nullsec pvp it is even more of a priority target that can not be kept even remotely alive are founded on the facts I presented so everyone can weigh them and draw their own conclusions. Your so called "argument" has yet to exceed the "envy" mark.

PS: first time someone publicly called a hel overpowered.

More than me? How do you know?

I tested my Wyvern against dreads, and before that I tested dreads against SCs. Always the same result.

Yes, overpowered against any other ship in the game. Not compared to other ships in its class. 2 Hels, or even a Hel and a chimera/nid would take roughly 20 dreads to even have a CHANCE.

Solo, a couple dreads could take one out but throw in RR situations in every SMART fleet and your test fight becomes moot.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

HelPilot of20Years
#287 - 2011-11-15 16:11:14 UTC  |  Edited by: HelPilot of20Years
Post eaten.


No one is arguing that a Hel or Wyvern be solo platforms. Dreads finally got their boost, and that's great - I'd love to see them back in a useful role.

But the fact of the matter remains:

Hel/Nid still have no role. Two weeks until the patch goes live and those of us who heard the words "supercapital rebalance" assumed that the consideration of role and stats of our ships would finally see the use of a brain for more than two minutes, ended up with CCP Tallest acknowledging the deficits and then the sudden appearance of two changes recommended by a single Hel pilot.

Now, no word. As a player with two subcap accounts, I'd like to come back for the winter expansion, but not until we've either seen a serious move towards making shield caps relevant, or a reimbursement is offered.

The only reason there isn't enough noise about the shield SC issue, is that very few of us have actually refused to stop flying our preferred ship. With all that has happened in the last 8 months, I expect more.

...designed for [u]one purpose and one purpose only[/u]. ”Imagine a swarm of deadly hornets pouring from the devil’s mouth. Now imagine they have autocannons.” -Unknown Hel designer

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#288 - 2011-11-15 16:29:23 UTC
HelPilot of20Years wrote:
Post eaten.


No one is arguing that a Hel or Wyvern be solo platforms. Dreads finally got their boost, and that's great - I'd love to see them back in a useful role.

But the fact of the matter remains:

Hel/Nid still have no role. Two weeks until the patch goes live and those of us who heard the words "supercapital rebalance" assumed that the consideration of role and stats of our ships would finally see the use of a brain for more than two minutes, ended up with CCP Tallest acknowledging the deficits and then the sudden appearance of two changes recommended by a single Hel pilot.

Now, no word. As a player with two subcap accounts, I'd like to come back for the winter expansion, but not until we've either seen a serious move towards making shield caps relevant, or a reimbursement is offered.

The only reason there isn't enough noise about the shield SC issue, is that very few of us have actually refused to stop flying our preferred ship. With all that has happened in the last 8 months, I expect more.

I understand your plight, mind you I was a Wyvern pilot and if I go back into a super it'll be a Nyx instead. I know the pain of flying shield caps in general.

Hey look a cap fleet... I'll bring my chimera... nope, only wanted for POS/station repairs. Remember the Phoenix before *finally* getting citadel cruise?

The Hel/Nid need work. But that's a different issue. Right now CCP is looking to balance SCs in general, not the specifics. They've thrown out changes but I believe first on their mind is to stop the proliferation and use in EVERYTHING.

And to be honest, if you're a minnie specced subcap pilot you should be happy as hell right now...

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#289 - 2011-11-15 17:45:06 UTC  |  Edited by: Mauryce
Vincent Gaines wrote:
...I understand your plight, mind you I was a Wyvern pilot and if I go back into a super it'll be a Nyx instead. I know the pain of flying shield caps in general. (.....) And to be honest, if you're a minnie specced subcap pilot you should be happy as hell right now...

Feedback Thread: "Capital Ships": thats the topic. I dont care about happy subcaps Minnmatar pilots.

If one use years of skills to fligh a Hel, now its time to rework useless bonus...
Dar Inc.
#290 - 2011-11-15 19:07:35 UTC
@Vincent Gaines,

why this nerf? people say, supers are overpowered. in many things, there are right. but they are overpowered only because there were in supercarrierfleets. Why is it that supers are concentrate in (more or less) one big powerblock and not evenly distributed over the universe. Does this the problem of this shiptype or the people/politics/fleetdoctrines

You need an example for fielding supers? Ok, RF-time of an i-hub (pos-shooting isn't avaiable without fielding dreads *g*). Bring 20 supers, how many support you would field? You can't not only field carriers for support. You need massive support from subcaps. In my opinion you need way more support fielding 20 supers than fielding 40 dreadnoughts (cheaper, insurable, ect.). but you make more damage with your 40 dreadnoughts.

Dreads are not anti-ship dps platforms? You are right with anti subcap, but there works fine against capitals. Can you remember DK-FXK? Yes, it was a funny old capital battle (before apogrypha I think). (oh and I miss this time). This battle was last man standing and pure fun. I hope, after this patch there will be some battles like that.

@Iam Widdershins,

I try to understand the opposing position. With some arguments I can agree, with some I can't. I'm ok with -20% ehp, with logoffski, with some t2-modules such like the siege and also the warp disruption field generator with now 24km. There are a lot of changes with this patch. They will replace old fleetdoctrines, of course. But I don't want chars with useless ships like pre-apogrypha.

And NO, I don't want to fly an "I-Win-Button"-ship. With Titans there are unique in usability. You can't dock them, you are ecm-invulnerable and in price there are exobitant (in relation to all other ships). I don't want the actually supercarrier back, a nerf was neseccary. But I don't want the pre-apogrypha supercarrier too. Today you can carry 48 fighter/fighter bomber (Nyx) with a decent count of standard drones, After this nerf you can carry 30 fighter/fighter bomber without any standard drones. Fighter bomber are complete useless against subcaps, fighter are useless against frig/cruiser and nearly useless against bc. What do You carry in Your supercarrier? Without DCU you can field 20 drones. Some player ask for an separatly dronebay of 125-150 m³ for a slightly defence against subcaps. Is this a I-Win-Button? Is it a I-Win-Button asking for an role there are slightly better than other ships in this one role? Is it a I-Win-button asking for an jumprange-change between carrier and supercarrier? Going for more logistics
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#291 - 2011-11-15 20:24:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Vincent Gaines
oh my god.

Forget this bullshit.

I had a huge post showing killboard examples and everything and it just vanished.

I hate, HATE these forums.

Just search Raiden on killboards. Search by towers. See how many are taken down by supers. see how many logis (subcaps) are taken out by supers. Just look.

I'm too pissed to hold anyone's hand and go again on eve kill which is slow as balls right now.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Drakko Mussua
NGA Inc.
#292 - 2011-11-15 20:54:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Drakko Mussua
Any chance we get Supercarriers dockable until you guys buff them against sicne at this time they lack any kind of rol or effective/cost use?

Wish CCP developers had a clue what they are doing, and didnt do stupid sweeping balance changes every 2 years in roder to say hey we got the XXth's FREE (you wish) expansion!! You dont do 2 years balance you do very small tweaks eveyr month instead tos ee how the game evovle instead of putting everything into chaos because Mittani tells you what to do.

Thank you
Decisive Persuits
#293 - 2011-11-15 21:21:55 UTC
Michael Harari wrote:
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.

Well trying to get fair value for them at this time might prevent selling. Let them dock!
Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#294 - 2011-11-15 21:41:45 UTC
ogletorp wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
Draconus Lofwyr wrote:
and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.

Well trying to get fair value for them at this time might prevent selling. Let them dock!

Fair value as determined by the market. I see many in denial trying to sell them for several billion more than they are worth.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.

Decisive Persuits
#295 - 2011-11-15 22:12:55 UTC
Vincent Gaines wrote:
ogletorp wrote:
Michael Harari wrote:
[quote=Draconus Lofwyr]and now the "final" changes are on SISI for testing with narry a word in the last few weeks about any further changes or something to compensate the super pilots for the now practically worthless E-Peen they are permanently stuck in again. The sup[per buff was meant as a way to make these ships useful, and now this is returning them to worthlessness. If the updates go through as currently on SISI, can they all be allowed to dock once so they can be permanently mothballed?

Nothing prevents you from selling your supercarrier if you dont want it anymore.

Well trying to get fair value for them at this time might prevent selling. Let them dock! [/ quote]
Fair value as determined by the market. I see many in denial trying to sell them for several billion more than they are worth.

Yet another reason to let them dock so they can be bought and sold in an environment in game rather than the forums! Also then those that keep them aren't stuck having to haul fighters/fighter bombers back out to them.
I see no valid reason they should not ne allowed to dock.
John Hand
#296 - 2011-11-15 22:44:58 UTC
ok so here is a few things CCP needs to do with this nerf while still adding it to the game.

1. Launch the expansion WITHOUT the nerf at first, with all these new ships and T2 mods coming to the game the super will have some real fights on there hands. Many supers will die not knowing how to handle themselves against the new Tier 3's and the new T2 siege modes for dreads and new T2 triage for carriers. If all of that doesn't prove to be enough in killing sufficient numbers of supers, after 2 mos, then you move on to stage 2.

2. At stage 2 you put in the first nerf, the drone bay size nerf and EHP nerf but you still allow normal drones to be used, just make the bay smaller and increase the corp hanger or ship hanger to compensate (or even the cargo hold itself *GASP*). With less HP supers should die a bit faster, if they aren't dieing fast enough already that is. After a month, if this again doesn't seem to be enough, move on to stage 3.

3. At stage 3 the final nerf is added. The bonus to deploying additional drones per a level is limited to Fighters and Fighter bombers ONLY. This makes the super able to only put out 5 normal drones (or 10 if fitted with DCU's). This brings a fitting delema to super pilots, do you fit yourself for spider-tanking or do you fit no RR and go with a more generalized fit?

If CCP adds in the nerf SLOWLY and not all at once, people can digest and swallow it better then taking it all in one big gulp. With the new ships and mods coming to this expansion, the options for super killing will open more so then any nerf ever could do.
Sir HappyPants
Caldari Innovations and Research
#297 - 2011-11-16 00:19:19 UTC
If I remove all but fighters and bombers from my Nyx's drone bay before xpac hits in a couple weeks, will my drone bay still be cleaned out? On SiSi my entire dronebay was dumped into hisec. -_-
Member of the #TweetFleet   @thisurlnotfound
Disneys Empire
#298 - 2011-11-16 00:58:21 UTC
John Hand wrote:
ok so here is a few things CCP needs to do with this nerf while still adding it to the game.

1. Launch the expansion WITHOUT the nerf at first, with all these new ships and T2 mods coming to the game the super will have some real fights on there hands. Many supers will die not knowing how to handle themselves against the new Tier 3's and the new T2 siege modes for dreads and new T2 triage for carriers. If all of that doesn't prove to be enough in killing sufficient numbers of supers, after 2 mos, then you move on to stage 2.

2. At stage 2 you put in the first nerf, the drone bay size nerf and EHP nerf but you still allow normal drones to be used, just make the bay smaller and increase the corp hanger or ship hanger to compensate (or even the cargo hold itself *GASP*). With less HP supers should die a bit faster, if they aren't dieing fast enough already that is. After a month, if this again doesn't seem to be enough, move on to stage 3.

3. At stage 3 the final nerf is added. The bonus to deploying additional drones per a level is limited to Fighters and Fighter bombers ONLY. This makes the super able to only put out 5 normal drones (or 10 if fitted with DCU's). This brings a fitting delema to super pilots, do you fit yourself for spider-tanking or do you fit no RR and go with a more generalized fit?

If CCP adds in the nerf SLOWLY and not all at once, people can digest and swallow it better then taking it all in one big gulp. With the new ships and mods coming to this expansion, the options for super killing will open more so then any nerf ever could do.

Or stop the nerf after step 1 / 2 / 3 if you think and we say it's enough and you will see it on the killboards..

Jita is a very dangoures place - concord killed me like 15 times today!

Iam Widdershins
Project Nemesis
#299 - 2011-11-16 04:11:38 UTC
Gol'dar wrote:
@Iam Widdershins,

I try to understand the opposing position. With some arguments I can agree, with some I can't. I'm ok with -20% ehp, with logoffski, with some t2-modules such like the siege and also the warp disruption field generator with now 24km. There are a lot of changes with this patch. They will replace old fleetdoctrines, of course. But I don't want chars with useless ships like pre-apogrypha.

And NO, I don't want to fly an "I-Win-Button"-ship. With Titans there are unique in usability. You can't dock them, you are ecm-invulnerable and in price there are exobitant (in relation to all other ships). I don't want the actually supercarrier back, a nerf was neseccary. But I don't want the pre-apogrypha supercarrier too. Today you can carry 48 fighter/fighter bomber (Nyx) with a decent count of standard drones, After this nerf you can carry 30 fighter/fighter bomber without any standard drones. Fighter bomber are complete useless against subcaps, fighter are useless against frig/cruiser and nearly useless against bc. What do You carry in Your supercarrier? Without DCU you can field 20 drones. Some player ask for an separatly dronebay of 125-150 m³ for a slightly defence against subcaps. Is this a I-Win-Button? Is it a I-Win-Button asking for an role there are slightly better than other ships in this one role? Is it a I-Win-button asking for an jumprange-change between carrier and supercarrier? Going for more logistics

ITT people ask for a 100% bonus to Small weapons on their Abaddons because currently they are almost completely defenseless against frigates.

If you want to kill frigates, cruisers, and BCs... maybe you should fly something else.

Lobbying for your right to delete your signature

Vincent Gaines
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#300 - 2011-11-16 04:53:01 UTC
Has anyone tested sieging dreads against supers yet? I'll try to tomorrow but I have a feeling they are still able to be speedtanked.

Not a diplo. 

The above post was edited for spelling.