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New dev blog: Introducing New Nebulae into EVE

First post
Moonshine Industries
#81 - 2011-11-03 18:45:04 UTC
Obsidian Hawk wrote:
CAN you make the original nebulae available as backgrounds for our desktops?

+1, C'mon CCP, tht would be awsome, surly you can agree? Blink
Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#82 - 2011-11-03 18:45:55 UTC
YAY you mean the trinity expansion is finally done?

If you guys can get the backgrounds looking so pretty, you an get the emotacons to animate?

But seriously, good job. I remember when trinity came out and you promised to finish trinitying the whole game within the year. Thanks for finally focusing on feature abandonment, and getting trinity finally out the door.

Illectroculus Defined
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#83 - 2011-11-03 18:47:23 UTC
Komen wrote:
Destination SkillQueue wrote:
Dark space in my EVE, I approve whole heartedly. Now all that remains is for you to make it so, that the star significantly dims when you get further away from it within a system. I'd like to feel that I'm flying inside an actual star system at great speeds and moving large distances, instead of moving within a small room with a single static lightbulb in the middle of it.

Yeah, solar intensity reducing as distance to star increases.

Make the out-system really dark and lonely. Then add more glow to all those windows (viewports, energy channels, whatever they are) on the ships.

At 40 AU my Megathron oughta look like something out of the deep sea, glowy highlights picking out a dark mass.

Well if I were to put on my hardcore astronomer hat (which is a heavy woolen balaclava because of the cold nights) I'd like to see proper HDR environments. When you're in close to the star you wouldn't be able to see other stars or nebulae, and as you go further out the stars become visible, and then the nebulae. You can move your ship into the shadow behind a planet and reveal the heavens in all their glory should you desire.
#84 - 2011-11-03 18:50:52 UTC
As always, I'm concerned about bloat, and prioritizing shiny of substance, but I figure in this case, there's not much to do about it. So, how much bloat are we getting?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Valeroth Kyarmentari
Verdant Rampart
#85 - 2011-11-03 18:51:28 UTC
Looks and sounds awesome. Can't wait to check it out.
Katrina Oniseki
Oniseki-Raata Internal Watch
Ishuk-Raata Enforcement Directive
#86 - 2011-11-03 18:52:29 UTC
Boltorano wrote:
Komen wrote:

At 40 AU my Megathron oughta look like something out of the deep sea, glowy highlights picking out a dark mass.

But there's no dust out that far for your light glow to reflect off of.

I think what he's saying is that there should be far less reflection off his ship from the sun at 40AU away from the system star. His ship should not be illuminated, except for the running lights and windows.

Katrina Oniseki

Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#87 - 2011-11-03 18:55:30 UTC
Katrina Oniseki wrote:

I think what he's saying is that there should be far less reflection off his ship from the sun at 40AU away from the system star. His ship should not be illuminated, except for the running lights and windows.

Ahh, okay, I thought he was describing a searchlight-in-fog type effect.
Otherworld Enterprises
Otherworld Empire
#88 - 2011-11-03 18:57:57 UTC

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Akrasjel Lanate
Immemorial Coalescence Administration
Immemorial Coalescence
#89 - 2011-11-03 18:59:18 UTC  |  Edited by: Akrasjel Lanate
Nebulae Cool

PS. Posting after Chribba is legit.

CEO of Lanate Industries

Citizen of Solitude

Matheus Esp
EVE University
Ivy League
#90 - 2011-11-03 18:59:53 UTC
Yes. I'm liking this. It's not groundbreaking, but I'm liking this.
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#91 - 2011-11-03 19:00:29 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
CCP t0rfifrans tells us all about the new nebulae in his latest dev blog. And he's got amazing pictures to go along with it!


Please give Torfi a sharp rap across the knuckles and advise him the the plural of "forum" is "fora", not "forii"

Also those new nebulae (not "nebulii" btw) look purty!

"Just remember later that I warned against any change to jump ranges or fatigue. You earned whats coming."

Grath Telkin, 11.10.2016

#92 - 2011-11-03 19:02:50 UTC  |  Edited by: mkint
CCP t0rfifrans wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Hiram Alexander wrote:
Grukni wrote:
Great Job!

I'm somewhat and somehow disappointed of the granularity chosen for each unique backdrop. Region based granularity seems too big for my taste. At first I thought you would notice the changes in the position of nebulae at a solar system basis, each time you jump from an stargate to an other.

Yeah. Me too, though I can understand...

I guess for 'granularity' reasons, as they put it - an even better 'xmas' present would have been Constellation, rather than Region...

Yep, but I think those images are generated procedurally, so no much man work involved I hope. I really wonder if the real problem is that those images are too fat (in Megabytes) for the client to have too many of them.

The cube maps ( that's the technical term for the nebula textures ) are actually hand crafted, starting with 3d generated clouds, then color-corrected and touched up by artists to remove rendering artifacts and add extra "oomhp" to the renders. Each cube map sees a considerable amount of work. So if we would have wanted more, they would have looked less cool or taken longer to produce, meaning that the artists would be tied up painting nebulas and not fixing lag.... It's always a balancing act. That said, the system we developed alongside rendering the nebulas does allow us to customize each solarsystem, and we will be making use of that in the future, for lore and such.

I am concerned with tying new nebulae strictly to regions. Some regions are misshapen and intertwine. As an example, I believe it's Tenerifis that's a long thin tendril of a boarder between several other more roundish regions. Seems to me, immersion would be better if instead of tying it to regions, the map was divided into geographical quadrants and the skyboxes applied according to that, ignoring regions altogether.

Or perhaps, pick a geographically central "capital" system in every region, and apply skyboxes based on distance from those centers. That could provide the happy coincidences of some deadend systems near another region maybe having more backwater feels to them.

edit: also, is jove space getting new nebulae?

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Ryunosuke Kusanagi
#93 - 2011-11-03 19:03:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryunosuke Kusanagi
A few questions on the new Nebulae and space in general.

1) Places like Myridian Strip, will they represent in space, what is on the info card? Also, will more info card pictures be introduced for most of the landmarks that don't have them?

2) Cord of the Elements, and other Null Sec Landmarks: Will these be ... darker to represent sparser space or more ... populated (with stars and other cosmic nebulae) to represent more active areas of space?

3) Divinity's Edge, "Ginnungagap", and "Point of No Return": These three "landmarks" are a space of no stellar activity (Divinity's Edge) and two Black Holes. How or will these be represented?

4) EVE Gate (not the site, the system): Due to logic, which I expect ZERO logic when it comes to video games in general, I would surmise that a system that is enveloped in a cosmic Anomaly would thus be visible OUTSIDE said anomaly? Would this be the correct assumption?

5) Some regions of space are, on the star map, appear to be more populated than Empire space. See: Curse and Wicked Creek vs Khanid and Kor-Azor. How will these systems be represented?

6) Will more landmarks be introduced into the Star Map?
Asayanami Dei
Adhocracy Incorporated
#94 - 2011-11-03 19:06:50 UTC
W-Space is not getting the new nebulas?

I'm a leaf on the wind, watch how I--THE CAPACITOR IS EMPTY

Youtube: /asayanami

Twitter: @asayanami

Project Compass Holdings
#95 - 2011-11-03 19:07:05 UTC
Ryunosuke Kusanagi wrote:
A few questions on the new Nebulae and space in general.

1) Places like Myridian Strip, will they represent in space, what is on the info card? Also, will more info card pictures be introduced for most of the landmarks that don't have them?

2) Cord of the Elements, and other Null Sec Landmarks: Will these be ... darker to represent sparser space or more ... populated (with stars and other cosmic nebulae) to represent more active areas of space?

3) Divinity's Edge, "Ginnungagap", and "Point of No Return": These three "landmarks" are a space of no stellar activity (Divinity's Edge) and two Black Holes. How or will these be represented?

4) EVE Gate (not the site, the system): Due to logic, which I expect ZERO logic when it comes to video games in general, I would surmise that a system that is enveloped in a cosmic Anomaly would thus be visible OUTSIDE said anomaly? Would this be the correct assumption?

5) Some regions of space are, on the star map, appear to be more populated than Empire space. See: Curse and Wicked Creek vs Khanid and Kor-Azor. How will these systems be represented?

6) Will more landmarks be introduced into the Star Map?

+1, especially for 3 and 6. I can always new things to review.

Looking forward to seeing it in action, regardless.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#96 - 2011-11-03 19:08:04 UTC
Can we get the green swirls back in part 3 of Recon Cry
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#97 - 2011-11-03 19:08:51 UTC
Ryunosuke Kusanagi wrote:
4) EVE Gate (not the site, the system): Due to logic, which I expect ZERO logic when it comes to video games in general, I would surmise that a system that is enveloped in a cosmic Anomaly would thus be visible OUTSIDE said anomaly? Would this be the correct assumption?

5) Some regions of space are, on the star map, appear to be more populated than Empire space. See: Curse and Wicked Creek vs Khanid and Kor-Azor. How will these systems be represented?

The EVE Gate is located on the far edge of the New Eden solar system, not in the EVE Gate system, just to be pedantic here.

As for #5, are you trying to suggest that nebula are actually caused by human activity and thus there should be logically be more in more populated areas as a result? It's not spaceship smog, this stuff was there long before we were and will remain long after we're gone.

Also, Kor-Azor in particular probably has TRILLIONS of more people than Curse, in terms of population down on the planets.
#98 - 2011-11-03 19:08:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Raid'En
when will we know more about the POS and FW changes for winter ?
still haven't heard any word about these, don't even know what will change :/
Gavin Kruise
Fuse Robotics
#99 - 2011-11-03 19:11:00 UTC

Now, please fix the glaring (I mean that literally) inaccuracies of suns and I promise I'll buy something from NEX.

Ryunosuke Kusanagi
#100 - 2011-11-03 19:12:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Ryunosuke Kusanagi
Boltorano wrote:
Ryunosuke Kusanagi wrote:
4) EVE Gate (not the site, the system): Due to logic, which I expect ZERO logic when it comes to video games in general, I would surmise that a system that is enveloped in a cosmic Anomaly would thus be visible OUTSIDE said anomaly? Would this be the correct assumption?

5) Some regions of space are, on the star map, appear to be more populated than Empire space. See: Curse and Wicked Creek vs Khanid and Kor-Azor. How will these systems be represented?

The EVE Gate is located on the far edge of the New Eden solar system, not in the EVE Gate system, just to be pedantic here.

As for #5, are you trying to suggest that nebula are actually caused by human activity and thus there should be logically be more in more populated areas as a result? It's not spaceship smog, this stuff was there long before we were and will remain long after we're gone.

Also, Kor-Azor in particular probably has TRILLIONS of more people than Curse, in terms of population down on the planets.

nono, I meant in terms of stellar activity not human population.

also, iirc, the entire system of New Eden is a cosmic hazard zone, so thus it would be visible from outside of the system if it is visible INSIDE the system.