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Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of EVE ...

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Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1141 - 2013-11-13 17:16:01 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

I mean really? You honestly think they can take a group of pvp noobs (for the most part) into one of the most contested regions in eve and nothing was going to happen and that was a "mistake"? lets get real here...

No probably not.

However, we can be sure they were not sitting in front of the owner on Monday with him saying,

"Good work"

More like

Staff..."Well that went well .... Didn't it?" Owner.....Cue sounds of bloody viking carnage............Shocked

The fact this is taking a long time pretty well shows they are aware that it brought to the fore the core issues.

That particular Pandoras box is not going to be shut, unless they reaffirm their core values and assure us that they are on track.

Not going to be quick or easy.

But I believe, EvE will come out of this stronger if they are making the right choice now.

If they do we should give them every support to lead forward the game WE love.

lol you have far more trust in strangers than i do my friend. words mean nothing, i for one will not be convinced of anything until i see action that results in changes.

But now they've delayed the blog yet another day....
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1142 - 2013-11-13 17:16:05 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Quick update folks - devblog will be going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!
Thanks for keeping us in touch, I hope you are reading the forums and make sure they are reflected?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1143 - 2013-11-13 17:17:30 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Double post sorry.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Von Neumann Industries
#1144 - 2013-11-13 17:17:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Killerjock
Optimus Junkis wrote:
I mean really? You honestly think they can take a group of pvp noobs (for the most part) into one of the most contested regions in eve and nothing was going to happen and that was a "mistake"? lets get real here...

No don't get me wrong. I think they expected us to mount some kind of offensive and die. We expected this as well so why shouldn't they? The fact we died was probably expected on all sides of this - us, "them", and CCP.

I don't think they deliberately:
- made it so that we died on course;
- closed the event before most of us could get there;
- made the entire storyline of it unknown to most.

They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

After that, the big mess is about them being unable or unwilling to comment aside from same untimely and precisely directed comments from CCP_Goliath; specifically - he commented this thread mentioning they'd "correct misunderstandings" (which they did not) and gave a big ego boost to a player who individually praised CCP - him, and no one else.
The second round of comments started by commenting the second positive post; second and last I'd add. The very thoughtful and deep topic from Wedgetail, which no one in their sane mind could claim is tears, or attacks, hasn't been deigned of CCP attention.
To be honest, I believe no attention at all would've been received better than some attention directed mostly at those few who sung outside the choir.

This, along with the general disdain towards "crying carebears" from some people, and the utter lack of action from either CCP or the Moderators, to keep things in line, made tempers flare.

What they've got now is TIDI. People are waiting for the oh-so-long-overdue blog (just checked, it's not there yet), but haven't dropped pitchforks yet. One thing's for sure - we won't get to know how many are angry, infuriated, or just annoyed.
But CCP will.

EDIT - had missed the update on the blog as I was typing :P
Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1145 - 2013-11-13 17:32:09 UTC
Killerjock wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
I mean really? You honestly think they can take a group of pvp noobs (for the most part) into one of the most contested regions in eve and nothing was going to happen and that was a "mistake"? lets get real here...

No don't get me wrong. I think they expected us to mount some kind of offensive and die. We expected this as well so why shouldn't they? The fact we died was probably expected on all sides of this - us, "them", and CCP.

I don't think they deliberately:
- made it so that we died on course;
- closed the event before most of us could get there;
- made the entire storyline of it unknown to most.

They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

Yes they deliberately ran everybody into a kill zone. they can check the loads and numbers in a system before jumping into them and diverted the group to a different course or planned a little better assault but didn't. I believe the objective was to get into some pvp but make it through (my assumption) but failed in several ways. So yes i agree with you.

But you only reinforced my point which was it was deliberate. But don't get me wrong, everybody knew that there was going to be some pvp. Just nobody expected CCP to just let everybody down with it's pathetic attempt at an event.

Hasn't there been other times they crapped on carebears? like the poco that's coming out. i mean as if we didn't already have enough reasons to declare war in highsec. I mean it's all about driving out the non-pvp players.
Rekkr Nordgard
Steelforge Heavy Industries
#1146 - 2013-11-13 17:57:44 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Quick update folks - devblog will be going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

Looking forward to seeing what CCP has to say about this.

Although as a game master myself, I am shocked that you didn't have multiple blogs ready go covering the whole range of possible event outcomes. Take blog closest to how things actually turned out, tweak it and add details, and publish it within hours of the event ending. The basic game master technic of being prepared for all outcomes would have made this entire thing much better for you.
Anize Oramara
#1147 - 2013-11-13 18:05:26 UTC
Rekkr Nordgard wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Quick update folks - devblog will be going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

Looking forward to seeing what CCP has to say about this.

Although as a game master myself, I am shocked that you didn't have multiple blogs ready go covering the whole range of possible event outcomes. Take blog closest to how things actually turned out, tweak it and add details, and publish it within hours of the event ending. The basic game master technic of being prepared for all outcomes would have made this entire thing much better for you.

I'm sure they had, they just didn't have any prepared for a buck up of this magnitude.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Von Neumann Industries
#1148 - 2013-11-13 18:07:20 UTC
Rekkr Nordgard wrote:
Although as a game master myself, I am shocked that you didn't have multiple blogs ready go covering the whole range of possible event outcomes. Take blog closest to how things actually turned out, tweak it and add details, and publish it within hours of the event ending. The basic game master technic of being prepared for all outcomes would have made this entire thing much better for you.

I reckon they did not even consider it could be such an utter black hole of failure ;)

Yes they deliberately ran everybody into a kill zone. they can check the loads and numbers in a system before jumping into them and diverted the group to a different course or planned a little better assault but didn't. I believe the objective was to get into some pvp but make it through (my assumption) but failed in several ways. So yes i agree with you.

Well, traveling straight into one of the best known (according to wedgetail) chokes in eve shows either willingness or monumental stupidity....

But you only reinforced my point which was it was deliberate.

Care to explain which part? Bringing us into a killzone must've been, most likely, deliberate. But to lose people en route and fail to direct and close the event while most didn't experience it? You think those were?

Hasn't there been other times they crapped on carebears? like the poco that's coming out. i mean as if we didn't already have enough reasons to declare war in highsec. I mean it's all about driving out the non-pvp players.

Yeah, I don't like it in the least either. But what do I know. Next week we'll face it.
Evei Shard
Shard Industries
#1149 - 2013-11-13 18:11:26 UTC
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

Profit favors the prepared

Rekkr Nordgard
Steelforge Heavy Industries
#1150 - 2013-11-13 18:14:34 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Rekkr Nordgard wrote:
CCP Goliath wrote:
Quick update folks - devblog will be going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

Looking forward to seeing what CCP has to say about this.

Although as a game master myself, I am shocked that you didn't have multiple blogs ready go covering the whole range of possible event outcomes. Take blog closest to how things actually turned out, tweak it and add details, and publish it within hours of the event ending. The basic game master technic of being prepared for all outcomes would have made this entire thing much better for you.

I'm sure they had, they just didn't have any prepared for a buck up of this magnitude.

Just releasing the RP blog to explain what happened and the result with a note that a dev blog on the technical and actor failures would be forthcoming shortly would have been better the way it was handled.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1151 - 2013-11-13 18:28:27 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Evei Shard wrote:
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

Whilst it may be possible to believe that some dev's have been persuaded to believe this crazed anti carebear propaganda,and have got away with it for a while, I find it really hard to believe it spreads up to the head of the company..
That sort of suicidal tendancy and contempt for it's customers would have not let this company live as long as it has.

This whole carebears don't exist, they are mainly null/losec players alts in hisec is EXACTLY the type of propaganda that is passing unchallenged.
Well thousands of people reading and posting here disagree, the only null hisec alts posting here are trolls horrified their lies are found out and trying to silence real money paying customers.

I don't want to think of just what is happening in the offices at the moment, and we are unlikely ever to know and that is how it should be. CCP is not a democracy where we have the right to call individual people to account.

All I personally want is for CCP to reassure the playerbase that they are all valued customers, and their values stand unchanged.
It is up to them to deal with internal matters.
I hope, and wait expectantly, to be reassured.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1152 - 2013-11-13 18:47:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Optimus Junkis
Evei Shard wrote:
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

You know Evei you mentioned something that had honestly slipped my mind. Many of the toons running around in high sec are actually alts of more pvp centric players.

I agree with everything you said and believe you are right on target. as for some people who think that CCP would never change the game... trust me they can and will. I've been in meetings where the CEO was convinced that a company direction change (entertainment company NOT CCP of course) would result in short term loss but long term gain. So don't think for one minute that your account matters, they are looking at a grander picture with a very specific direction.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1153 - 2013-11-13 18:52:57 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Optimus Junkis wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

You know Evei you mentioned something that had honestly slipped my mind. Many of the toons running around in high sec are actually alts of more pvp centric players.

I agree with everything you said and believe you are right on target. as for some people who think that CCP would never change the game... trust me they can and will. I've been in meetings where the CEO was convinced that a company direction change would result in short term loss but long term gain. So don't think for one minute that your account matters, they are looking at a grander picture with a very specific direction.

Oh naturally they are a business, but after this they can no longer believe that people will meekly follow them into their own destruction.

They have a very clear business decision, is this EvE or Goonswarm vs Test online.
Theres room for them too, but if that is how they decide then......
We have a clear choice too.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1154 - 2013-11-13 18:55:30 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

You know Evei you mentioned something that had honestly slipped my mind. Many of the toons running around in high sec are actually alts of more pvp centric players.

I agree with everything you said and believe you are right on target. as for some people who think that CCP would never change the game... trust me they can and will. I've been in meetings where the CEO was convinced that a company direction change would result in short term loss but long term gain. So don't think for one minute that your account matters, they are looking at a grander picture with a very specific direction.

Oh naturally they are a business, but after this they can no longer believe that people will meekly follow them into their own destruction.

They have a very clear business decision, is this EvE or Goonswarm vs Test online.

We have a clear choice too.

We do and i'm sure we'll have to make a choice at some point. I mean if they are planning on slowly weeding out highsec players than there choice has already been made. It's a matter of execution, naturally they'd want to keep as many as they can but have accepted the idea of losing a number of players.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1155 - 2013-11-13 19:01:47 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Optimus Junkis wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
Evei Shard wrote:
Killerjock wrote:
They realized on the spot that they had no meaning to communicate effectively, so started using twitter as it's "one-way" - they published and anyone could read; only we could not be sure, the reports piled up, in-game chat flourished....
They realized quite fast they lost most of the people en route; yet they couldn't figure out how to fix it. When the wrecks started piling up they closed the event to avoid further mess.... only they communicated it in the same way and we didn't realize it till later.

As I stated several pages back: The only "failure" on CCP's part was the execution of the mass gank of carebears.

Take note: CCP was able to craft and post a fictional "news report" about what happened before they were able to explain what actually happened.

I'll stick to my guns here. CCP knew exactly what was going on, they just messed up on the delivery of carebears into null-sec hands. Any of the null-sec cartels could have organized a more effective slaughter.

As for the words being spoken at the office after the event, mentioned a few posts above? I'm pretty sure the words were more of the same you've seen in this thread. "******* carebears are so stupid!" "Moar tears!" and so on.

Also, I'm not buying the whole "carebears/casuals are the majority of players" either. Everyone knows what an "empire alt" is. This "majority" of players that people fantasize about are likely filled, in large part, by alts of null-sec players who need an isk source for their PvP.

The only way to make CCP hurt for this event would be for the casuals and carebears to unsub a lot sooner than CCP expects. if they want to ditch high-sec completely, which I suspect is the plan, they need to bleed carebears slowly so they don't get a financial shock. Thus financial shock is the only way to show them where they are wrong. Even so, they will hold to their attitude and opinions of "stupid carebears" no matter what the cost, even if it's their own jobs.

You know Evei you mentioned something that had honestly slipped my mind. Many of the toons running around in high sec are actually alts of more pvp centric players.

I agree with everything you said and believe you are right on target. as for some people who think that CCP would never change the game... trust me they can and will. I've been in meetings where the CEO was convinced that a company direction change would result in short term loss but long term gain. So don't think for one minute that your account matters, they are looking at a grander picture with a very specific direction.

Oh naturally they are a business, but after this they can no longer believe that people will meekly follow them into their own destruction.

They have a very clear business decision, is this EvE or Goonswarm vs Test online.

We have a clear choice too.

We do and i'm sure we'll have to make a choice at some point. I mean if they are planning on slowly weeding out highsec players than there choice has already been made. It's a matter of execution, naturally they'd want to keep as many as they can but have accepted the idea of losing a number of players.

Lets wait, it is easy to prejudge the result, remember this propaganda has been building for a while, we DO NOT know that CCP believe it.
It is easy to say that CCP hates carebears.. It is easy for them to say the Blocks and their alts are the real EvE and spend all the is easy for them to infiltrate and command the feedback that CCP receives.

They say it often enough that we begin to believe it and repeat it as if it is true.

Well they lost control of the feedback this time.

CCP must now realise it is a lie, people who are not meant to exist have responded with fury.
We are not organised, so are normally not heard.
I truly hope that we have been heard now.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1156 - 2013-11-13 19:06:58 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

Lets wait, it is easy to prejudge the result, remember this propaganda has been building for a while, we DO NOT know that CCP believe it.
It is easy to say that CCP hates carebears.. It is easy for them to say the Blocks are the real EvE and spend all the is easy for them to infiltrate and command the feedback that CCP recieves. It is also easy for them to say there are only alts in hisec.

They say it often enough that we begin to believe it and repeat it as if it is true.

CCP must now realise it is a lie, people who are not meant to exist have responded with fury.
We are not organised, so are normally not heard.
I truly hope that we have been heard now.

Yes it is easy to buy into words, but actions are something different. I'm not basing my opinion on just words alone CCP has done a lot of things that speak to there intentions.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1157 - 2013-11-13 19:18:29 UTC
Optimus Junkis wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:

Lets wait, it is easy to prejudge the result, remember this propaganda has been building for a while, we DO NOT know that CCP believe it.
It is easy to say that CCP hates carebears.. It is easy for them to say the Blocks are the real EvE and spend all the is easy for them to infiltrate and command the feedback that CCP recieves. It is also easy for them to say there are only alts in hisec.

They say it often enough that we begin to believe it and repeat it as if it is true.

CCP must now realise it is a lie, people who are not meant to exist have responded with fury.
We are not organised, so are normally not heard.
I truly hope that we have been heard now.

Yes it is easy to buy into words, but actions are something different. I'm not basing my opinion on just words alone CCP has done a lot of things that speak to there intentions.

Well let's see their actions will be clear shortly, either issues will be dealt with or they will not, not a lot of ambiguity here.

If they take it to heart and ensure EvE is true to it's true values then we can move forward together.
If they change values to alienate their player base and everything they have stood for then it is a different matter.

No point pre judging it.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Nevyn Auscent
Broke Sauce
#1158 - 2013-11-13 19:33:11 UTC
CCP Goliath wrote:
Octoven wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:

That is not a Dev Blog, that's a News article so I will await to hear from CCP on an actual Dev Blog:

Dev Blogs:

Did they actually say they would release a dev blog and not just a news article?

Hi! Yeah the news is not the statement I promised Lol

That's just something we tend to do post-event as a matter of course. Blog should be coming this afternoon.

Such a pity the news report got it completely wrong. The Capsuleers were not 'unable to defeat the Serpentis' in 8V. You never even gave us a chance to get fleets there, you declared the event over well before the fleets actually made it because of all the TiDi. I can't respond IC to this event because it was such an OOC mess. I literally can't, I can see no way to RP this event through that's not immersion breaking because of your failures.

Yes, the lore will move on, win or loose Ghost sites were going to happen, this isn't actually a massive lore changing event on the scale of things, but it's still a massive OOC mess & now a false news report that is editing history. Is the next blog going to be more of the same, more falsehoods except OOC this time?
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1159 - 2013-11-13 21:57:16 UTC
Now all that unpleasantness is out of the way,lets move on ISD will do their job in the morning and tidy things up.

lets assume that we get a good response tomorrow and continue our discussion on that basis.

There were some good suggestions that got buried in the flood, so I'd like to bring one up for discussion.
sorry to the original author, I thought it was great, but I couldn't find the original. sorry.

One idea related to a Titan crashing into a planet, and a great disaster occurring.
the idea suggested making a POPup mission around it where agents issued a choice of missions.this can last for a period.
These could relate to PI mining Manufacturing, Hauling, couriering, medical aid, missioning to retrieve needed materials, Exploring for lost treasures and victims etc etc. Maybe retrieving lost components from factional warfare sites to enable a PvP aspect.

All to enable the rescue efforts and rebuilding the planet.

Instead of simply doing meaningless grinds in pi/mining/industry we can make a difference.

These efforts can instead go into the rescue effort and we can see the rebirth of a Planet.
There will be a role for everyone here.
There is a role for PvP and PvE events, but an idea to step outside that box.
And we will then feel when we are there next time.
yeah I did something good that week.

Worth building on?
any other good ideas we can offer?

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Maximus Aerelius
#1160 - 2013-11-13 22:06:28 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Now all that unpleasantness is out of the way,lets move on ISD will do their job in the morning and tidy things up.

lets assume that we get a good response tomorrow and continue our discussion on that basis.

There were some good suggestions that got buried in the flood, so I'd like to bring one up for discussion.
sorry to the original author, I thought it was great, but I couldn't find the original. sorry.

One idea related to a Titan crashing into a planet, and a great disaster occurring.
the idea suggested making a POPup mission around it where agents issued a choice of missions.this can last for a period.
These could relate to PI mining Manufacturing, Hauling, couriering, medical aid, missioning to retrieve needed materials, Exploring for lost treasures and victims etc etc. Maybe retrieving lost components from factional warfare sites to enable a PvP aspect.

All to enable the rescue efforts and rebuilding the planet.

Instead of simply doing meaningless grinds in pi/mining/industry we can make a difference.

These efforts can instead go into the rescue effort and we can see the rebirth of a Planet.
There will be a role for everyone here.
There is a role for PvP and PvE events, but an idea to step outside that box.
And we will then feel when we are there next time.
yeah I did something good that week.

Worth building on?
any other good ideas we can offer?

I see where you want to go and with the best of intentions but I don't think this is the right time to be going there. A new thread in F&I or after this has been completely clarified\resolved would be a better time and place as I don't want to see this thread go off-topic and then ISD to lock it for that reason.