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Live Events Discussion

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Probably the WORST event I've wasted my time on in my 10 years of EVE ...

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Maximus Aerelius
#1121 - 2013-11-13 14:01:57 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
I mean telling thousands of players to travel 20jumps over unhardened nodes. what the heck did you THINK was going to happen? That is what I'd like an answer to.

This was posted up on Twitter:

‏@CCP_Eterne wrote:
7 Nov

Apologies for all the lag and tidi guys. We have tons of systems reinforced, including Sarum Prime and other systems. #tweefleet

It's more of a "time allowed to complete" issue or in IT speak TTL AKA Time To Live (ha ha) and co-ordination, communication, organisation and -insertword-tion that we are waiting to hear about.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1122 - 2013-11-13 14:03:19 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia

Not to mention gagging comms in an event seems counter-intuitive to the spirit of eve's freedom of action.


It is of course possible to have both.
A seperate read only event channel plus normal local.

Something for everyone,

Sometimes it is necessary for a gardener to prune a plant, to remove animal droppings, for a garden to be beautiful.
Agreed eve is a sandbox, but it is everyones sandbox. sometimes it needs a little cleaning.

An assumption has developed where certain groups believe that EvE is only for them.
Everyone must be converted to their view of EvE or leave.

Things like EvE is hard HTFU go play WOW carebear. It's a sandbox we will crap in it if we want.
Read these a lot the last few days

Fun phrases, but remember the phrase We are one We are EvE ! for example and many many others that do not say that the whole point of the game is to make others miserable??

Sure chest beating and verbal warpaint is appropriate for certain warrior aspects of the game, but is damn silly on a market trader for example

People have come to believe their own propaganda is EvE.

This is the toxic culture we are referring to.
The problem is that they believe this is company policy.
It is time to correct this misunderstanding and make clear our values.
This thread has done that. We look forward to CCP reminding us of their values.

Eve is a place we all live some to build and some to dream.

Let us all share eve and make it a place where we truly can reach for the stars


I could only wish that there were more people with this view.

Thankfully,the thousands of posts show that the majority of EvE does.

This may turn into the best thing that could have happened as our voices have been heard.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1123 - 2013-11-13 14:21:07 UTC
The fact that it's taking a week for them to come out and say anything tells me all i need to know.

If they accepted the fact that it was a total screw up they would have been more responsive, but other then Goliaths political comments of "we're looking into the situation" we've heard nothing. Meaning that CCP doesn't really consider the situation all that bad.

I think that this is the beginning of whats to come, the loss of customer confidence in the midst of a number of other upcoming games that will threaten the carebear accounts. I mean isn't x-rebirth launch soon? that's a great game that would appeal to many of the carebears and there is no monthly fee. Also what about Star Citizen when it comes out in a year or two? If you look at the gaming market there are a lot of new space games coming out and yes none of them are eve. But eve is attractive to different people for different reasons.

Most carebear folks enjoy creating empires,making ships,killing NPC pirates, playing the market, trading, or the whole lore and RPG behind the game. All of which can be done in x-rebirth or star citizen without a monthly fee.

Despite what many pvpers want to think, it's the carebear accounts that make up the bulk of the eve player base and you'll never get rid of that fact. they are as needed in the game as anything else. Remove all of today's carebears and you'll have a number of pvpers stop fighting and fill that role and then you have the carebears again. the industry is the heart of eve, without it there is no pvp since there is no ships. you can have industry without pvp just not a very big one lol. (yes i'm sure i'll get flamed for pointing out what many people hate to admit)

So in the long run this is going to hurt CCP. It's a shame that they don't understand the level of screw up that happened here. Wounds heal but scars never let you forget. From reading all the comments on the different threads about this whole debacle it sounds like many folks wont be forgetting this one for a while.

So hats off to your backfired live event CCP. You've managed to screw up on a grand scale this time.
Anize Oramara
#1124 - 2013-11-13 14:25:51 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
I mean telling thousands of players to travel 20jumps over unhardened nodes. what the heck did you THINK was going to happen? That is what I'd like an answer to.

This was posted up on Twitter:

‏@CCP_Eterne wrote:
7 Nov

Apologies for all the lag and tidi guys. We have tons of systems reinforced, including Sarum Prime and other systems. #tweefleet

It's more of a "time allowed to complete" issue or in IT speak TTL AKA Time To Live (ha ha) and co-ordination, communication, organisation and -insertword-tion that we are waiting to hear about.

I heard that there was no tidi in sarum but the systems they were told to travel along had as bad as 10%tidi. somewhere they misjudged horribly.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Von Neumann Industries
#1125 - 2013-11-13 14:28:08 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Thankfully,the thousands of posts show that the majority of EvE does.

This may turn into the best thing that could have happened as our voices have been heard.

Epicurus, the speed with which you turned around makes me dizzy ;)

While we've got an answer finally, this isn't over. We haven't been appeased, made happy and that's it. We've been told we'll have an answer, eventually - which is perfectly fine on the first or second day, but on the sixth day it's only worth something if the follow up is quick. Which doesn't seem to be the case, so far - business day is almost over again.

I'm not less annoyed - I'm just waiting for CCP to finally make a long overdue statement on what they were thinking.
In my personal view, they can get out of this in two ways: either by assuming full responsibility for an event that seemed to have been planned by drunken monkeys (see and admit they just did not think of consequences; or by explaining what they had in mind and then accpet responsibility for those parts of it that did not work out - including original design if needed.

I'd also like to understand clearly what the plans are for us carebears since all points in the direction octoven made so clear: "You could've choosen to side with the pirates and profit, don't complain if you've made another choice". Aka, real game is null, hisec is a commodity we've provided but don't get too cozy.

Yes, I love eve, it's the best game I've ever played in my long gamer life, hands down; and CCP has - so far - been _by far_ the best company I've had the misfortune to have contact with, in normal situations - when some guy hacked the client to have the Capt.Quarters TV show porn most companies would've made a fuss - what did CCP do? Tell all others how to do the same. If THAT is not GREAT customer relationships, I've never seen any.
When they do make a mistake though, it's a beauty. I don't have to bring up the T2 lottery scandal, jita burning, or any such pearl I suppose. This is just one more in the number - it's high time CCP plans for the next one, since it WILL happen, and they WILL mess it up like this time and the other times... unless they prepare.

This is a game, and while I've spent lots of time and money on it till now (haven't ever plexed, all my gametime has been paid for in euro so far), I can just as well bring my money elsewhere. Yeah, capsuleer, carebear, whatever.... I'm still a 38 years old person with a job, a kid, and not as much free time as I'd like; and much to my dismay, without a spaceship.
My choices are made as such.
Dinsdale Pirannha
Pirannha Corp
#1126 - 2013-11-13 14:31:53 UTC
Optimus Junkis wrote:
The fact that it's taking a week for them to come out and say anything tells me all i need to know.

If they accepted the fact that it was a total screw up they would have been more responsive, but other then Goliaths political comments of "we're looking into the situation" we've heard nothing. Meaning that CCP doesn't really consider the situation all that bad.

I think that this is the beginning of whats to come, the loss of customer confidence in the midst of a number of other upcoming games that will threaten the carebear accounts. I mean isn't x-rebirth launch soon? that's a great game that would appeal to many of the carebears and there is no monthly fee. Also what about Star Citizen when it comes out in a year or two? If you look at the gaming market there are a lot of new space games coming out and yes none of them are eve. But eve is attractive to different people for different reasons.

Most carebear folks enjoy creating empires,making ships,killing NPC pirates, playing the market, trading, or the whole lore and RPG behind the game. All of which can be done in x-rebirth or star citizen without a monthly fee.

Despite what many pvpers want to think, it's the carebear accounts that make up the bulk of the eve player base and you'll never get rid of that fact. they are as needed in the game as anything else. Remove all of today's carebears and you'll have a number of pvpers stop fighting and fill that role and then you have the carebears again. the industry is the heart of eve, without it there is no pvp since there is no ships. you can have industry without pvp just not a very big one lol. (yes i'm sure i'll get flamed for pointing out what many people hate to admit)

So in the long run this is going to hurt CCP. It's a shame that they don't understand the level of screw up that happened here. Wounds heal but scars never let you forget. From reading all the comments on the different threads about this whole debacle it sounds like many folks wont be forgetting this one for a while.

So hats off to your backfired live event CCP. You've managed to screw up on a grand scale this time.

A couple things:

1. Totally agree that CCP has shown its sentiment, again, about high sec players.
2. But disagree about high sec players always being the backbone of their subscription base.
CCP has also made it clear that they think they can indeed survive, even flourish, without the casual high sec player. They are wrong of course. But that does not change the fact that it is full steam ahead to overhaul high sec into something that is more player-controllable, which means the null sec cartels taking over, and Concord being weakened/removed, and high sec income being all but wiped out.

If You don't believe me, watch the Twitch TV thread tomorrow where the person that CCP has entrusted the direction of Eve to, describes what she plans on doing longterm.
Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1127 - 2013-11-13 14:43:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Optimus Junkis
Dinsdale Pirannha wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
The fact that it's taking a week for them to come out and say anything tells me all i need to know.

If they accepted the fact that it was a total screw up they would have been more responsive, but other then Goliaths political comments of "we're looking into the situation" we've heard nothing. Meaning that CCP doesn't really consider the situation all that bad.

I think that this is the beginning of whats to come, the loss of customer confidence in the midst of a number of other upcoming games that will threaten the carebear accounts. I mean isn't x-rebirth launch soon? that's a great game that would appeal to many of the carebears and there is no monthly fee. Also what about Star Citizen when it comes out in a year or two? If you look at the gaming market there are a lot of new space games coming out and yes none of them are eve. But eve is attractive to different people for different reasons.

Most carebear folks enjoy creating empires,making ships,killing NPC pirates, playing the market, trading, or the whole lore and RPG behind the game. All of which can be done in x-rebirth or star citizen without a monthly fee.

Despite what many pvpers want to think, it's the carebear accounts that make up the bulk of the eve player base and you'll never get rid of that fact. they are as needed in the game as anything else. Remove all of today's carebears and you'll have a number of pvpers stop fighting and fill that role and then you have the carebears again. the industry is the heart of eve, without it there is no pvp since there is no ships. you can have industry without pvp just not a very big one lol. (yes i'm sure i'll get flamed for pointing out what many people hate to admit)

So in the long run this is going to hurt CCP. It's a shame that they don't understand the level of screw up that happened here. Wounds heal but scars never let you forget. From reading all the comments on the different threads about this whole debacle it sounds like many folks wont be forgetting this one for a while.

So hats off to your backfired live event CCP. You've managed to screw up on a grand scale this time.

A couple things:

1. Totally agree that CCP has shown its sentiment, again, about high sec players.
2. But disagree about high sec players always being the backbone of their subscription base.
CCP has also made it clear that they think they can indeed survive, even flourish, without the casual high sec player. They are wrong of course. But that does not change the fact that it is full steam ahead to overhaul high sec into something that is more player-controllable, which means the null sec cartels taking over, and Concord being weakened/removed, and high sec income being all but wiped out.

If You don't believe me, watch the Twitch TV thread tomorrow where the person that CCP has entrusted the direction of Eve to, describes what she plans on doing longterm.

Ok if thats the case i can see that working as you described, moving the trade and transactions (bulk of which are in highsec) from high sec to be scattered around low/null. But that transformation of a game will have huge effects on player base. Many players don't pvp. Those players will leave and although that might be fine and yes CCP will take a financial hit. It wont close it's doors or anything don't get crazy. But it will become a much smaller community of players.

It wasn't to long ago that CCP tried to appeal to a larger group of players, now they're trying to reduce the number of players?

x-rebirth is out this friday. if you haven't looked at it, i would suggest doing so. I have 4 accounts total, 2 carebear accounts, 1 pvp account and one i use for anything and everything. that's $60 a month. many carebear folks have multiple accounts and i wouldn't be surprised if there was a tenancy to have more than one account if you were a carebear in this game. Many of which don't like nor want to be pushed into pvp. that's not whats appealing to them. So for those people, x-rebirth or star citizen is going to be a far more attractive game, assuming CCP doesn't acknowledge the massive screw up and do something to address customer confidence.
Maximus Aerelius
#1128 - 2013-11-13 14:53:18 UTC
The communication level that this threadnaught should've received and deserved can be found on the link below (Posts 1 & 2). What's more astonishing is that this also relates to both IG and IRL along with the ethics employed by CCP:

Ishukone Ships and Surrounding issues... Coming SOON (TM)

I really do hope that the impending Dev Blog is cleared, published very soon and reassures the customer base that CCP will not in future just ignore an out cry or protest from their customers (whatever their play style choice) who have genuine grievances, complaints and concerns to the point of cancelling subscriptions awaiting outcomes, resorting to social media to get an answer or other insidious acts to vent their outrage or be noticed and taken seriously.

Internet spaceships are serious business...I agree...until you damage your reputation with your customers so much that you are no longer in business.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1129 - 2013-11-13 14:53:48 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Rather than quoting all the above posts, I will try to respond to all as best I can in 1?

There have been thousands of people reading and posting and tens of thousands reading with great interest.

It is clear beyond doubt that a large part of the fury unleashed relates to the propaganda that had been evident for a while, regarding the choice for the majority of EvE's players to "convert" or leave.
The propaganda was that the "EvE for everyone we all have a place "values were dead, replaced with EvE is Hard! HTFU.Die carebear Die.

This had been claimed by them to be company policy and they had been feeding the poison of suspicion and distrust of CCP.

The live event mistakenly appeared to reinforce this position and the storm of fury that occurred was more than anyone could have anticipated. We felt Betrayed!

The initial silence from CCP was a mistake, however they have started to respond and the slow final response is encouraging, they are clearly doing a root cause analysis they are considering a response.

This can only mean they have heard us.
This can only mean they are questioning those who advised them.
This can only mean they are reexamining their values,and wish to make them clear.

My turn around is that this was such a clear voice, such a clear message,people believed in EvE and we were not alone.
They cannot fail to have heard, and we can return to the values where "there is a place for everyone" "we are all valued" "we can reach for the stars together"

Welcome to EvE

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Maximus Aerelius
#1130 - 2013-11-13 15:05:02 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
There have been thousands of people reading and posting and tens of thousands reading with great interest.

A few actual hard stats:

Replies: 1,128
Unique Thread Views: 24,151
Likes: 2,312 (Not that this one is important)

I believe we have joined our voices and risen above the abuse we initially received and have been heard by CCP. I also believe that CCP are responding, albeit, in a rather delayed fashion but that would lend me to think that they are ensuring they address all our concerns and that we will have to wait for the Dev Blog to really appraise the situation post 07-11.

I do know that people have noted this thread in and outside of EVE and that 24,151 people have dipped in or read the threadnaught in it's entirety. That's 24,151 customers...let that sink in a little while.

This was never a "bash CCP" exercise for me or a popularity contest but I will not stand idly by while I see others being set upon by people who enjoy a different play style or who abuse people similar to myself and who chose to voice their concerns. Nor will I be silenced or ignored by a company that I have paid hard earned money to for the last ten years when it's clearly obvious that there were and are issues to be addressed.


Vote Maximus Aerelius for CSM9! < Like I wish I had the time, I honestly do but I'd be more of a liability than an asset ShockedBlink
Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1131 - 2013-11-13 15:10:57 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Rather than quoting all the above posts, I will try to respond to all as best I can in 1?

There have been thousands of people reading and posting and tens of thousands reading with great interest.

It is clear beyond doubt that a large part of the fury unleashed relates to the propaganda that had been evident for a while, regarding the choice for the majority of EvE's players to "convert" or leave.
The propaganda was that the "EvE for everyone we all have a place "values were dead, replaced with EvE is Hard! HTFU.Die carebear Die.

This had been claimed by them to be company policy and they had been feeding the poison of suspicion and distrust of CCP.

The live event mistakenly appeared to reinforce this position and the storm of fury that occurred was more than anyone could have anticipated. We felt Betrayed!

The initial silence from CCP was a mistake, however they have started to respond and the slow final response is encouraging, they are clearly doing a root cause analysis they are considering a response.

This can only mean they have heard us.
This can only mean they are questioning those who advised them.
This can only mean they are reexamining their values,and wish to make them clear.

My turn around is that this was such a clear voice, such a clear message,people believed in EvE and we were not alone.
They cannot fail to have heard, and we can return to the values where "there is a place for everyone" "we are all valued" "we can reach for the stars together"

Welcome to EvE

Yes i agree that they heard the people, power to the people! But don't let that cloud your view... just because they hear the people doesn't mean they care about the people.

if what people are saying is true than CCP doesn't want to lose the player base but the wants to transform the game. Which is fine, it's there game if they want to change it's direction by all means do so. So what they're going to do if they're smart and yes they are smart. they're try and convert as many of the players as they can in the process of transforming the game. Make the transformation slow get people involved using 'live events' which will result in pvp and whatever else they can think of.

All i know is that three of my accounts are going to get closed. This one i'll keep open so i can continue to post and well it is my supposed pvp account lol

El Jin'meiko
The Ascendants
#1132 - 2013-11-13 15:13:16 UTC  |  Edited by: El Jin'meiko
Or, they are simply going to tell you what they think you want to hear, from a company that encourages scamming and underhanded griefing I know where I'd put my money.

Having a game that allows these things is great, because it allows player villains and white knights to naturally form, this doesn't mean the company should act like its the coolest thing since sliced bread. Something I dislike for instance is suicide ganking for no profit i.e just to upset other players (especially new players), I wouldn't remove the ability for players to do this but I would make it more costly so that it becomes only worth doing under contract (assassination) or for profit (piracy), the latter of which I have personal experience of carrying out.
Similarly with scamming, I would never take it out of the game, but I ruddy well wouldn't act like scammers are awesome internet hero's or loveable rogues, there are no robin hoods in Eve.

The segregation of eve into lowsec, highsec, wormhole and null groups is what causes these problems, segregation caused by a very cut off point system rather than a sliding scale, sec status shows the theory works on sliding scales. Why then aren't incursions available in mixed constellations? Why aren't bombs/bubbles allowed in lowsec or at least 0.1's and carriers/dreads available in 0.5's? or Smartbombs allowed in 1.0 systems? Surely that would begin to erode the line and create more reasons for wardecs and other mechanics to be used?

Any way, bleh, just saying.

Please don't spend time on figuring out cookie cutter responses to some queries I have, I've heard them all before and they make no sense to me, nor is it worth bothering.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1133 - 2013-11-13 15:30:24 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Optimus Junkis wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Rather than quoting all the above posts, I will try to respond to all as best I can in 1?

There have been thousands of people reading and posting and tens of thousands reading with great interest.

It is clear beyond doubt that a large part of the fury unleashed relates to the propaganda that had been evident for a while, regarding the choice for the majority of EvE's players to "convert" or leave.
The propaganda was that the "EvE for everyone we all have a place "values were dead, replaced with EvE is Hard! HTFU.Die carebear Die.

This had been claimed by them to be company policy and they had been feeding the poison of suspicion and distrust of CCP.

The live event mistakenly appeared to reinforce this position and the storm of fury that occurred was more than anyone could have anticipated. We felt Betrayed!

The initial silence from CCP was a mistake, however they have started to respond and the slow final response is encouraging, they are clearly doing a root cause analysis they are considering a response.

This can only mean they have heard us.
This can only mean they are questioning those who advised them.
This can only mean they are reexamining their values,and wish to make them clear.

My turn around is that this was such a clear voice, such a clear message,people believed in EvE and we were not alone.
They cannot fail to have heard, and we can return to the values where "there is a place for everyone" "we are all valued" "we can reach for the stars together"

Welcome to EvE

Yes i agree that they heard the people, power to the people! But don't let that cloud your view... just because they hear the people doesn't mean they care about the people.

if what people are saying is true than CCP doesn't want to lose the player base but the wants to transform the game. Which is fine, it's there game if they want to change it's direction by all means do so. So what they're going to do if they're smart and yes they are smart. they're try and convert as many of the players as they can in the process of transforming the game. Make the transformation slow get people involved using 'live events' which will result in pvp and whatever else they can think of.

All i know is that three of my accounts are going to get closed. This one i'll keep open so i can continue to post and well it is my supposed pvp account lol

The good thing , no excellent thing is that this event has focused all the transformation ideas into a single burning supernova.
The issues are clear, do the values of eve stand?

There can be no drip like assimilation.

There is no way players can be led by the nose into an EvE that has disregarded and disposed of it's values and beliefs.

I personally believe it was more a case of listening to the wrong people. mistakes were made.

Hopefully the rot has been stopped before it became too late.

It either completely dispenses with a major part of it's customer base, or it reaffirms those values.

A simple choice now for CCP and it's customers.

I believe there are those who advised this course of action will now be held up in the full light of day, and asked to explain themselves.

The response from CCP does not need to share their internal struggles, it needs to reaffirm their values.

Then we can make our decision clearly and move forward, or never look back as the case shall be.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1134 - 2013-11-13 15:40:31 UTC
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
epicurus ataraxia wrote:
Rather than quoting all the above posts, I will try to respond to all as best I can in 1?

There have been thousands of people reading and posting and tens of thousands reading with great interest.

It is clear beyond doubt that a large part of the fury unleashed relates to the propaganda that had been evident for a while, regarding the choice for the majority of EvE's players to "convert" or leave.
The propaganda was that the "EvE for everyone we all have a place "values were dead, replaced with EvE is Hard! HTFU.Die carebear Die.

This had been claimed by them to be company policy and they had been feeding the poison of suspicion and distrust of CCP.

The live event mistakenly appeared to reinforce this position and the storm of fury that occurred was more than anyone could have anticipated. We felt Betrayed!

The initial silence from CCP was a mistake, however they have started to respond and the slow final response is encouraging, they are clearly doing a root cause analysis they are considering a response.

This can only mean they have heard us.
This can only mean they are questioning those who advised them.
This can only mean they are reexamining their values,and wish to make them clear.

My turn around is that this was such a clear voice, such a clear message,people believed in EvE and we were not alone.
They cannot fail to have heard, and we can return to the values where "there is a place for everyone" "we are all valued" "we can reach for the stars together"

Welcome to EvE

Yes i agree that they heard the people, power to the people! But don't let that cloud your view... just because they hear the people doesn't mean they care about the people.

if what people are saying is true than CCP doesn't want to lose the player base but the wants to transform the game. Which is fine, it's there game if they want to change it's direction by all means do so. So what they're going to do if they're smart and yes they are smart. they're try and convert as many of the players as they can in the process of transforming the game. Make the transformation slow get people involved using 'live events' which will result in pvp and whatever else they can think of.

All i know is that three of my accounts are going to get closed. This one i'll keep open so i can continue to post and well it is my supposed pvp account lol

The good thing , no excellent thing is that this event has focused all the transformation ideas into a single burning supernova.
There can be no drip like assimilation.
There is no way players can be led by the nose into an EvE that has disregarded and disposed of it's values and beliefs.

It either completely dispenses with a major part of it's customer base, or it reaffirms those values.

A simple choice now for CCP and it's customers.

I believe there are those who advised this course of action will now be held up in the full light of day, and asked to explain themselves.

The response from CCP does not need to share their internal struggles, it needs to reaffirm their values.

Then we can make our decision clearly and move forward, or never look back as the case shall be.

we all have our opinions, some optimistic some pessimistic and others realistic. i see yours as optimistic and my as realistic but you might see mine as pessimistic and yours as realistic. Thats the thing with opinion, it's why we have dozens of different views on the event and what long term (if any)effects this event will have on customer confidence. You could be right or you would be blind. I could be right or over reacting.

We'll just have to wait and see. You'll never change my opinion, i strongly think CCP intentionally did this and laughed the entire time. They don't care about the carebear, they care about the carebears money but if they've already worked out a way to run there business without it as suggested earlier in the thread than... things start to become clear.
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1135 - 2013-11-13 15:50:34 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia
Optimus Junkis wrote:

we all have our opinions, some optimistic some pessimistic and others realistic. i see yours as optimistic and my as realistic but you might see mine as pessimistic and yours as realistic. Thats the thing with opinion, it's why we have dozens of different views on the event and what long term (if any)effects this event will have on customer confidence. You could be right or you would be blind. I could be right or over reacting.

We'll just have to wait and see. You'll never change my opinion, i strongly think CCP intentionally did this and laughed the entire time. They don't care about the carebear, they care about the carebears money but if they've already worked out a way to run there business without it as suggested earlier in the thread than... things start to become clear.

I am optimistic in the sense, I hope for the best, but prepare for the worst.

The greatest disaster would have been if we had not been heard.

This is way beyond carebears, it's about values for Everyone.

Now there is no doubt, there is a simple single choice to be made by CCP and their customers, I hope that the flight ahead can be clear and bright, with my eyes hopefully on distant horizons.

but i' m bringing a parachute.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

Von Neumann Industries
#1136 - 2013-11-13 16:36:12 UTC
Optimus Junkis wrote:
You could be right or you would be blind. I could be right or over reacting.

Hey, rejoice, we got the blog!

Ah no wait, it's world news.

Beyond opinions, there's facts. And from facts you can extract meaning, and sometimes a trend.

I strongly think CCP intentionally did this and laughed the entire time. They don't care about the carebear, they care about the carebears money but if they've already worked out a way to run there business without it as suggested earlier in the thread than... things start to become clear.

I must say I'm not very optimistic either. Yeah, we can discuss about values, but the game is changing and direction is quite clear: POCOs in hisec means small and one-man enterprises like mine will have a much harder time; The Ice changes already marked a change in prices and accessibility; T2 reaction materials and morphite are already a monopoly of nullsec blocs; Planetary interaction materials will be subject to player's whims as well, reducing profits greatly - if profit will be possible for non-aligned players.

I still don't think this was deliberate - though the thought has crossed my mind - but I do think the casual playstile is being actively opposed. Which is like telling the likes of me to go play something else ;) I understand that every company has a target market, so what can I say?
Still waiting for the answers.
Optimus Junkis
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1137 - 2013-11-13 16:48:26 UTC
Killerjock wrote:
Optimus Junkis wrote:
You could be right or you would be blind. I could be right or over reacting.

Hey, rejoice, we got the blog!

Ah no wait, it's world news.

Beyond opinions, there's facts. And from facts you can extract meaning, and sometimes a trend.

I strongly think CCP intentionally did this and laughed the entire time. They don't care about the carebear, they care about the carebears money but if they've already worked out a way to run there business without it as suggested earlier in the thread than... things start to become clear.

I must say I'm not very optimistic either. Yeah, we can discuss about values, but the game is changing and direction is quite clear: POCOs in hisec means small and one-man enterprises like mine will have a much harder time; The Ice changes already marked a change in prices and accessibility; T2 reaction materials and morphite are already a monopoly of nullsec blocs; Planetary interaction materials will be subject to player's whims as well, reducing profits greatly - if profit will be possible for non-aligned players.

I still don't think this was deliberate - though the thought has crossed my mind - but I do think the casual playstile is being actively opposed. Which is like telling the likes of me to go play something else ;) I understand that every company has a target market, so what can I say?
Still waiting for the answers.

i agree.

Although we differ on one thing, i do believe this was deliberate. i do however think that they had no idea that many people would show up or that it would become this large of an ordeal. I think they assumed a FAR smaller group of people would show. How else can you have a live event in a sandbox mmo with that level of screw up? just think about it. It had to have been to some degree deliberate. they can come out and say anything they want to and it's just going to be what they think we all want to hear. It's not going to be genuine it's going to be political.

It's about 4:45 in iceland now... still now blog. 6 days after the event. If it was unintentional we would have heard something by now. but they again didn't anticipate the number of people and the large out cry. but the event went as intended i believe.

I mean really? You honestly think they can take a group of pvp noobs (for the most part) into one of the most contested regions in eve and nothing was going to happen and that was a "mistake"? lets get real here...
Maximus Aerelius
#1138 - 2013-11-13 16:49:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Maximus Aerelius
If you've not checked this article out yet it's worth a read as it mentions:

  • now the live event situation last week.

CSM8 Status Report – Week twenty-seven By Ripard Teg | Nov 13th 2013 4:06PM
epicurus ataraxia
Illusion of Solitude.
Illusion of Solitude
#1139 - 2013-11-13 17:07:22 UTC  |  Edited by: epicurus ataraxia

I mean really? You honestly think they can take a group of pvp noobs (for the most part) into one of the most contested regions in eve and nothing was going to happen and that was a "mistake"? lets get real here...

No probably not.

However, we can be sure they were not sitting in front of the owner on Monday with him saying,

"Good work"

More like

Staff..."Well that went well .... Didn't it?" Owner.....Cue sounds of bloody viking carnage............Shocked

The fact this is taking a long time pretty well shows they are aware that it brought to the fore the core issues.

That particular Pandoras box is not going to be shut, unless they reaffirm their core values and assure us that they are on track.

Not going to be quick or easy.

But I believe, EvE will come out of this stronger if they are making the right choice now.

If they do we should give them every support to lead forward the game WE love.

There is one EvE. Many people. Many lifestyles. WE are EvE

CCP Goliath
C C P Alliance
#1140 - 2013-11-13 17:12:33 UTC
Quick update folks - devblog will be going out tomorrow. Sorry for the delay!

CCP Goliath | QA Director | EVE Illuminati | @CCP_Goliath