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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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#7701 - 2013-11-15 20:22:33 UTC
Patch notes are up. Looks like there won't be any more tweaking of the stats. That's just sad
#7702 - 2013-11-15 20:27:40 UTC
Endaashi wrote:
Patch notes are up. Looks like there won't be any more tweaking of the stats. That's just sad

they are playing the wait and see game.

expect if there are any changes by 1.1 release

personally i am more disapointed about the SOA ships having terrible fittings and lackluster dps all in the name of cloaks.

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Tyrfing Industries
#7703 - 2013-11-15 21:17:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Doed
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Doed wrote:

Bastion bonuses are GARBAGE for Vargur and Golem, most lame crap to be changed in the last year or so. Missile velocity bonus needs to be alot higher or not stacking penalized, Vargur doesn't benefit from bastion falloff anyway as you already fit 3 tcs (yeah ok, it gains 6.5% more falloff, woo!!)

Well we dont even have range mods for missiles.

I was thinking dual Hydraulic Bay Thrusters and Torps, only 56% benefit from bastion on top of that yielding you about 46km range with navy torps... which is just lame when you're "rooted" in place.

Obv derp edit : Use 1 Rocket Fuel rig... but will it be able to hit BS oribting at 51km? sort of doubt it.
Arthur Aihaken
#7704 - 2013-11-15 21:30:14 UTC
Endaashi wrote:
Patch notes are up. Looks like there won't be any more tweaking of the stats. That's just sad

Wasn't that obvious last week already...?

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#7705 - 2013-11-15 21:35:00 UTC
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Endaashi wrote:
Patch notes are up. Looks like there won't be any more tweaking of the stats. That's just sad

Wasn't that obvious last week already...?

Only obvious to you because you're delirious from all your time traveling
#7706 - 2013-11-15 21:52:33 UTC
Endaashi wrote:
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
Endaashi wrote:
Patch notes are up. Looks like there won't be any more tweaking of the stats. That's just sad

Wasn't that obvious last week already...?

Only obvious to you because you're delirious from all your time traveling

Are you Sarah Conor?

There are no stupid Questions... just stupid people... CCP Goliath wrote:

Ugh ti-di pooping makes me sad.

Arthur Aihaken
#7707 - 2013-11-15 22:02:04 UTC
Endaashi wrote:
Only obvious to you because you're delirious from all your time traveling

I'll be back. Last week. Lol

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

Maxxor Brutor
Borderline Procurements
#7708 - 2013-11-16 00:21:54 UTC
Nothing in the patch log about the target painter cycle changes, hope it's still on (posted here since it was weasled into the marauder changes).
Brib Vogt
#7709 - 2013-11-16 10:22:18 UTC
The questions are coming from Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink. Awesome name by the way. I hope there is another char on your acount with a short name. Loggin in and to be forst to type in the nam of this one would be so awefull

1. Why Golem doesn't have build in bonus from EW module and is forced to waste med/tank slot to be usefull?

Nobody forces you. Golem is a good pve ship and it becomes better with tp bonus.

2. Why Bastion module got double range bonus on turrets (25% to optimal and 25% to falloff) while only 25% to missile speed (why its not 50% or at least 37,5% since missiles doesn't have falloff)?

Those questions mostly come from people with no idea of guns in the game. in the end it would be fair if it would be like 25% optimal 25% missile speed and 50% fall off. You know that the Golem is the only marauder with selectable t2 damage types. Even vargur is then stuck in explosive.

Vargur has high damage loss over distance.
Paladin is stuck in EM.
Kronos in thermal kinetik.
Golem sucks with torps but out ranges everything with damage changing cruise missiles.

3. Does Bastion module makes Golem invulnerable against defender missiles same as makes rest marauders invulnerable against tracking disruptors?

I used a cruise/bastion golem in around 10 missions on sissi and the damage loss through defenders is negligible. You do the same dps to all npcs and over all distances. If this is not a big advantage.

4. Why Golem is the only marauder who doesnt have damage bonus or rof bonus

Because you can use all T2 damage types to increase damage to the lowest resist.
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7710 - 2013-11-16 11:31:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brib Vogt wrote:

Nobody forces you. Golem is a good pve ship and it becomes better with tp bonus.

because we dont really need ship bonuses right

>>> Those questions mostly come [...] *stuff* >>>
U really dont know what u are saying dont you?. Because otherwise u would know that every turret can damage stuff beyond optimal range and boosting both optimal and fallof increases effective range such ship can deal damage far beyond any missile ship. Having 8km optimal and 8km falloff more on turrets is allways better than just 8km optimal on missiles since in case of short range missiles like torpedoes your enemy can just set orbit at 1km beyond your missile optimal and u are dead. Doing same thing against turreted ship wont help u at all since he will catch u anyway (since being slightly beyond optimal still makes u deal for example 90% of your dps (and with increasing falloff, dps also increases on same distances). Thats why missiles are so easy avoidable (even long range ones since at some point u can just warp away before they will hit u).

>>> Vargur has high damage loss over distance. >>>
do u even know how projectiles work? also its better to have damage loss across 60km than no damage at all

>>> Paladin is stuck in EM >>>
Paladin have considerably better dps than other ships

>>> Kronos in thermal kinetik >>>
and its... bad? have u ever played Kronos?

>>> Golem sucks with torps but out ranges everything with damage changing cruise missiles >>>
Sniping with cruise missiles? really?
another hint for u: check how long cruise missiles will fly to target 200k away and then check how fast this target will warp away. No one is using cruises in pvp and even for pve at certain distance u will launch another wave of cruises while previous is still flying to target and its a matter of how much of them will be destroyed by defender missiles. After this sometimes u will loose dps since previous wave was enought, and sometimes u wont since next wave was needed. Not even talking about fact that Bastion Module isnt making your weapons invulnerable to defenders but makes turreted marauders invulnerable to tracking disruptors.

>>> I used a cruise/bastion golem in around 10 missions on sissi and the damage loss through defenders is negligible. You do the same dps to all npcs and over all distances. If this is not a big advantage. >>>
How did u managed that? watching missiles explosions in space?

Try doing 10 same missions in Golem and Kronos, Vargur or Paladin and check time then. If u have basic knowledge then every turreted marauder will be better, for example most small stuff is dead before they will get into orbit and start shooting u, with turrets u can instapop alot of npcs, try doing this with missiles.

>>> Because you can use all T2 damage types to increase damage to the lowest resist >>>
??? Are u serious?. Do u really think that people are flying with holes in their resists?. Shooting armor ships with for example Kinetic or Thermal is most of time far more viable since they got Explo hole plugged well. Also u failed to realize that switching damage types makes your ship not dps at all for 10 seconds, and even if u change damage type u still dont know if u choose right. If u really want that explosion damage on Kronos u can allways grab explo drones.
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#7711 - 2013-11-16 13:52:41 UTC  |  Edited by: hmskrecik
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
2. Why Bastion module got double range bonus on turrets (25% to optimal and 25% to falloff) while only 25% to missile speed (why its not 50% or at least 37,5% since missiles doesnt have falloff)?

Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
U really dont know what u are saying dont you?. Because otherwise u would know that every turret can damage stuff beyond optimal range and boosting both optimal and fallof increases effective range such ship can deal damage far beyond any missile ship. Having 8km optimal and 8km falloff more on turrets is allways better than just 8km optimal on missiles[....]

It seems you not only didn't complete your math lessons but also don't know your ships and weapons. We're not talking about turret's 8km optimal + 8km falloff vs. 8km of missile range. Comparing blasters with torps, before any bonuses are applied it's 4.5km + 12.5km vs. 19.4km (according to PYFA, blasters with antimatter). Going long range we have 36+30 vs. with rails (with antimatter again) vs. 148km with cruises. Now apply those respective 25% bonuses and then go back here to discuss whether bastion bonuses are fair or not.
Pirsu Malami
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7712 - 2013-11-16 14:48:23 UTC
About the paladin animation... disappointing, I would have expected the top plates to fold out and make it look like it was anchoring, not just the bottom open a bit... i'm sad Ugh
Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#7713 - 2013-11-16 17:03:26 UTC
Pirsu Malami wrote:
About the paladin animation... disappointing, I would have expected the top plates to fold out and make it look like it was anchoring, not just the bottom open a bit... i'm sad Ugh

Golem is pretty disappointing as well..
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7714 - 2013-11-16 18:01:33 UTC
if golem is so disappointing then why the hell are the prices for one so high? it is 1.4 billion at rens and 1.2 at jita. the other marauders are around 1b. i think golem will be the strongest marauder with bastion mode. it is the only marader that doesnt lose dps due to being stationary. people who are complaintin just dont know how to fly a missile boat
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7715 - 2013-11-16 18:28:58 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
hmskrecik wrote:

Idk if u are trolling or just made a reply in wrong topic mate. We were not talking about blasters at all. There is also no logic behind comparing railguns with short range ammo and cruise missiles. One of biggest difference in missiles is that they need time to reach their target (while turrets are dealing damage with no delay). You could very well compare Rails with Spike (130km optimal + 30km falloff) and Torps, there is no logic behind such comparsion also. Every weapon systems got different optimals, damage, tracking or explosion velocity. Whats same is the environment u are, in case of marauders - mainly pve activities. Now find whats the average orbit of typical npcs and u will have your answer why we were talking about weapon systems with at least 30km optimal. In case u were thinking about pvp - try finding single battle from last.. 5 years where fleet setup was mainly ravens with cruise missiles. You wont find anything. Then check popularity of ships like Talos or Rokh, and then check their hi slot fittings. If u are asking why no one is using cruise missiles in pvp while railguns are a very viable weapon systems, answer lies here

Dont get me wrong mate but if 3 kills and 9 looses is all what u achieved in EvE then u should really undock and check some of your ideas in space (not saying they are all wrong)

If u want u can see my setups too
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#7716 - 2013-11-16 18:48:25 UTC  |  Edited by: hmskrecik
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:

Idk if u are trolling or just made a reply in wrong topic mate. We were not talking about blasters at all. There is also no logic behind comparing railguns with short range ammo and cruise missiles.

I'm not comparing performance of weapons. I just used them as an example of effective range. The point is, both in case of guns and of missile bastion gives 25% bonus to range. So if you keep talking about "double bonus" to guns then either you are trolling or you're just confused.

Edit: I can't care less about KB stats (should be 0 vs. 9 but my friend submitted those kills before I could protest). If you think that whatever position you hold there gives you more merit regarding simple math then... well... think again.
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7717 - 2013-11-16 20:00:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Well if u would press the undock button from time to time, u would know that some ships are operating mainly in their optimals and some are relying on their falloff. Some guns got plenty of optimal and not really much of falloff, some got not bad optimal and decent falloff. U are saying alot about percentages, but u are forgeting that 25% from A is not equal to 25% of B (one ship will gain 8km while other will gain 20km of their operating range). Also not every weapon systems is viable on marauders even if your EFT says otherwise. Some of them can have viable results in short and long range weapon systems, but some dont. One of such ship is the Golem with reasons pointed earlier. No one (or almost no one) uses Cruise Missiles in pvp, and Golem in general was created for flying with Torpedoes (but u dont know this since u never flew the Golem or missile ship in general), thats why they put target painter bonus in first place. Maybe its not the best way of balancing stuff but we dont even have range mods for missiles (like low slot tracking enhancer) only rigs. Thats why thoose numbers in Bastion module ccp thinks we should grab and go pew pew, are really important in Golem case (but i dont think this ship will be viable at anything more than is now, maybe except of shooting hi sec unmanaged poss). As of turrets, there is plenty of areas where for example 1400mm howies are viable but Cruise missiles are not. Try shooting inty moving towards u from like 50k with cruises, gl with that, but with howies u can pop him in one volley.

p.s regarding your theories in open space, trying to pvp with 3 cap rechargers or mixing shield flux coils with blasters and no prop mods is not the smartest way you know.
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#7718 - 2013-11-16 21:10:26 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
[wall of text]

I do happen to press undock button from time to time.

To keep ourselves focused, I'm discussing only about your remarks regarding bastion range bonuses. Bastion adds 25% effective range to ALL weapons, whether you admit this fact or not. Missiles have increased speed, which means that despite longer range the flight time is not increased.

And regarding your comments about guns, I used all of them so I know a bit or two about both optimal and falloff, that's why I understand why bastion had to apply bonus to both attributes.

p.s regarding your theories in open space, trying to pvp with 3 cap rechargers or mixing shield flux coils with blasters and no prop mods is not the smartest way you know.

Honestly I have no idea what are you referring to but whatever. No matter how much I suck at PVP won't change a bit the fact how much you did not get simple calculations.
M1k3y Koontz
House of Musashi
Stay Feral
#7719 - 2013-11-17 02:04:11 UTC
Mer88 wrote:
[The Golem] is the only marader that doesnt lose dps due to being stationary.

Wait, what?

No ship LOSES DPS because it isn't moving... are you referring to how gun ships can mitigate transversal by moving in line with its target? Cause BSs have about zero chance of being able to do that.

Golem will be the best because it will be an ECM immune NRaven. Because **** ECM RATS!!!
(I haven't done any Guristas ratting in over a YEAR and those things are still the single most annoying thing I've ever dealt with in EVE... other than "solo" players who bring a falcon alt, but that's a rant for another thread.)

How much herp could a herp derp derp if a herp derp could herp derp.

#7720 - 2013-11-17 07:03:56 UTC
M1k3y Koontz wrote:

... are you referring to how gun ships can mitigate transversal by moving in line with its target? Cause BSs have about zero chance of being able to do that...

Shhhh! There are angry Vargur pilots around here, who're about to loose this ability at some degree in Rubicon.

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.