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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Battle Cube
Cube Collective
#7061 - 2013-10-31 21:14:55 UTC
Debora Tsung wrote:
Battle Cube wrote:
And my god i wanted to like the new marauder, i really did, i want to fly them.,...theres just no situation where it would be better to use these marauders over a small gang of different ships. (as i dont solo )

A small gang of ships is better than a single T2 Battleship... My god, who would have thought. Shocked

perhaps i should clarify - i meant an equal number of marauders vs an equal number of other ships like a group of 5 marauders vs a group of 5 ships which are not marauders
Synth Tech
#7062 - 2013-10-31 21:49:50 UTC
zbaaca wrote:
chaosgrimm wrote:

My question relates to the synergy of target painters, bastion, and the range of cruise missiles in lvl 4s. It is my understanding that the further you are from a target, the higher the chance your tp will not have an effect.

i guess u want numbers. here you go from eft
at 68km 98% chance 80km/90% 87km/85% 102km/75% 118km/65% . so cruise will be fine

exactly what I was looking for xD. Tyvm. Agreed cruise missiles look to be fine.
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#7063 - 2013-10-31 22:11:17 UTC
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

So far, we prefer the TP bonus - but that's debatable. The other Marauders don't rely on specific tackling / EW modules anymore (web bonus removed), thus it could make sense to remove it as well.

1. Its not debatable, its just wrong. Remove tracking bonuses from all marauders and force them to use Target Painters by wasting med slots, or delete target painter bonus on Golem to place this ship in line with others.

2. Golem got cap intensive shield tank which uses.. med slots, and if u equip MJD, cap injector/recharge and TP in very same med slots, u got only 4 slots left for tanking mods. Compare this to other marauders who can use their ship bonuses and have 7 slots tank in same time.

3. Kronos, Paladin and Vargur got additional damage bonus (5% to damage or 5% to rof) while Golem is the only one who doesnt got damage bonus. Argument that Golem can choose damage is false since Vargur can do it too and he got that bonus. Not to mention fact that all other marauders deals insta damage, while Golem missiles need to fly to target (target which can just warp off). Thats why Golem should be on prefered status in case of ship bonuses, not the opposite. Lets face it, Golem is the last ship in case of PVP.

4. Last but not least. Since bastion module will make them immune to tracking disruptors (in favour of 3 marauders using turrets), will bastion module make Golem immune from defender missiles too? How many times people need to ask this question for u to answerQuestionQuestionQuestion
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7064 - 2013-10-31 22:20:58 UTC
try to shoot cruise missiles at rats 100km + away and most likely you be doing less than 50% of damage due to velocity of npc on top of that , the tp wont even work most likely.

anyway with bastion on, you can basically get away with using T2 rof rig and a t1 slight time rig and still have the exact same range of TQ golem with 2 x t2 range rigs. Torp golem gonna be beast for close range angel missions. For serp missions, fury cruise might be better unless you give up the rof rig.

overall bastion is great for torpedo while only having slight benefit to cruise missiles.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7065 - 2013-10-31 22:27:11 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
CCP Ytterbium wrote:

So far, we prefer the TP bonus - but that's debatable. The other Marauders don't rely on specific tackling / EW modules anymore (web bonus removed), thus it could make sense to remove it as well.

1. Its not debatable, its just wrong. Remove tracking bonuses from all marauders and force them to use Target Painters by wasting med slots, or delete target painter bonus on Golem to place this ship in line with others.

2. Golem got cap intensive shield tank which uses.. med slots, and if u equip MJD, cap injector/recharge and TP in very same med slots, u got only 4 slots left for tanking mods. Compare this to other marauders who can use their ship bonuses and have 7 slots tank in same time.

3. Kronos, Paladin and Vargur got additional damage bonus (5% to damage or 5% to rof) while Golem is the only one who doesnt got damage bonus. Argument that Golem can choose damage is false since Vargur can do it too and he got that bonus. Not to mention fact that all other marauders deals insta damage, while Golem missiles need to fly to target (target which can just warp off). Thats why Golem should be on prefered status in case of ship bonuses, not the opposite. Lets face it, Golem is the last ship in case of PVP.

4. Last but not least. Since bastion module will make them immune to tracking disruptors (in favour of 3 marauders using turrets), will bastion module make Golem immune from defender missiles too? How many times people need to ask this question for u to answerQuestionQuestionQuestion

so removing tp for golem is great for cruise missiles but what will happen to torpedos? or do you ignore torp users since everyone seems to favor cruise.

also, you cant compare golem to vargur. yes both can select damage. but vargur damage is crap pass 40kms while cruise missiles do 100% damage at 100km+. i think cruise got the better deal for a few seconds of delay damage.

4. i could agree with this but then again, all npc types use defenders but only amar npc use tracking disruptors so it might seem unfair to get such a bonus.
Arthur Aihaken
#7066 - 2013-11-01 00:52:53 UTC
You'd have to have a death wish to use torpedoes on a Golem. Between the extra fitting requirements and lackluster range compared to cruise missiles, you'd have to be crazy. As has been pointed out, the DPS difference is anemic and there's a huge travel time for missiles in general. Sure, Bastion speeds that up (somewhat) - but who's really going to use their 2 rig slots for hydraulics? Now if there was a ballistics enhancer (low) or ballistics computer (mid) which would bonus the explosion velocity, missile speed and missile flight time… well, different story.

Truthfully, the Golem should gain a +5% explosion radius bonus instead of the 10% target painter bonus.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

#7067 - 2013-11-01 01:56:16 UTC
Mer88 wrote:
try to shoot cruise missiles at rats 100km + away and most likely you be doing less than 50% of damage due to velocity of npc on top of that , the tp wont even work most likely.

Eh? At that range they have their pseudo-MWDs on and are suffering from huge sig bloom.

anyway with bastion on, you can basically get away with using T2 rof rig and a t1 slight time rig and still have the exact same range of TQ golem with 2 x t2 range rigs. Torp golem gonna be beast for close range angel missions.

And what Angel missions are actually close range missions? It seems like there's always one spawn that's waaaay out there. And since Javelins can't compare to Fury Cruise, there's not much point in using torps on a Golem anymore.

overall bastion is great for torpedo while only having slight benefit to cruise missiles.

Quite the opposite. In terms of level 4s, Bastion means you can mount a one slot tank (Pithum C-Type MSB,) 4-5 TPs, and a prop mod or two. You'll have a ~400+ perma-ish tank against most enemies in Bastion. For, Sansha/BR or Mercs, fit an Invul II.

Slap on some speed rigs and those cruise missiles can go up 18km/s (no more volley counting.) 4-5TPs will make up for not having Rigors. Or mount Rigors, b/c even at 13km/s volley counting isn't a problem.

Rubicon Marauders are now insanely easy mode for level 4s due to the Bastion module. A scorch Paladin can effectively perma-run a MARII (with 2xEANMIIs for tank) and 4 Pulses with Scorch with 95km optimal. A Cruise Golem is probably the laziest thing to fly (or would be if you could group TPs.) A Vargur can mount 4 Gyros, a DCU, 3x TCs, MJD, MWD and Pithum C MSB for 74km of falloff (however, it's the only one that actually needs the MJD to minimize DPS loss to falloff) and ~480 perma-ish tank against Angels.

And as for the deployable tractor, there's a 45 second activation delay. And I'm willing to bet they just tractor the nearest thing, i.e. firgates, instead of cherry-picking the more valuable, larger ship wrecks.

Seriously, can we quit whining about Rubicon Marauders in level 4s? The only people who have valid complaints are those can afford losing a billion isk hull in PvP, and those who need the webs for Incursions, WHs, and similar.

Pon Farr Memorial: once every 7 years, all the carebears in high-sec must PvP or they will be temp-banned.

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7068 - 2013-11-01 02:34:57 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Mer88 wrote:
try to shoot cruise missiles at rats 100km + away and most likely you be doing less than 50% of damage due to velocity of npc on top of that , the tp wont even work most likely.

Eh? At that range they have their pseudo-MWDs on and are suffering from huge sig bloom.

anyway with bastion on, you can basically get away with using T2 rof rig and a t1 slight time rig and still have the exact same range of TQ golem with 2 x t2 range rigs. Torp golem gonna be beast for close range angel missions.

And what Angel missions are actually close range missions? It seems like there's always one spawn that's waaaay out there. And since Javelins can't compare to Fury Cruise, there's not much point in using torps on a Golem anymore.

overall bastion is great for torpedo while only having slight benefit to cruise missiles.

Quite the opposite. In terms of level 4s, Bastion means you can mount a one slot tank (Pithum C-Type MSB,) 4-5 TPs, and a prop mod or two. You'll have a ~400+ perma-ish tank against most enemies in Bastion. For, Sansha/BR or Mercs, fit an Invul II.

Slap on some speed rigs and those cruise missiles can go up 18km/s (no more volley counting.) 4-5TPs will make up for not having Rigors. Or mount Rigors, b/c even at 13km/s volley counting isn't a problem.

Rubicon Marauders are now insanely easy mode for level 4s due to the Bastion module. A scorch Paladin can effectively perma-run a MARII (with 2xEANMIIs for tank) and 4 Pulses with Scorch with 95km optimal. A Cruise Golem is probably the laziest thing to fly (or would be if you could group TPs.) A Vargur can mount 4 Gyros, a DCU, 3x TCs, MJD, MWD and Pithum C MSB for 74km of falloff (however, it's the only one that actually needs the MJD to minimize DPS loss to falloff) and ~480 perma-ish tank against Angels.

And as for the deployable tractor, there's a 45 second activation delay. And I'm willing to bet they just tractor the nearest thing, i.e. firgates, instead of cherry-picking the more valuable, larger ship wrecks.

Seriously, can we quit whining about Rubicon Marauders in level 4s? The only people who have valid complaints are those can afford losing a billion isk hull in PvP, and those who need the webs for Incursions, WHs, and similar.

the increased sig is cancel by the huge velocity gain. from my observations, having a smaller radius explosion than ships sig radius doesnt increase dps pass the maximum allowed at the npc velocity. the limiting factor has always been velocity on almost all cruise and torpedo BS imo.

At first i thought it was defenders killing off my dps then i noticed my torps are doing the same thing shooting BS far away. Then i realized it was their velocity when trying to get into orbiting range.

unless you can tell me that you can do full damage on a BS traveling at 275m/s consistently i think still have to say cruise missiles range is not as good as everyone thinks.

maybe this is why missiles are bad for pvp . if you turn your target turns on mwd, then your cruise missiles will do almost no damage.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#7069 - 2013-11-01 02:43:49 UTC
i think the people who will be benefited the most are null sec anomalies runners. The massive tank + stationary nature of the bastion is perfect for such activity.
Republic Military Tax Avoiders
#7070 - 2013-11-01 04:11:50 UTC  |  Edited by: zbaaca
Mer88 wrote:

1 the increased sig is cancel by the huge velocity gain.
2 unless you can tell me that you can do full damage on a BS traveling at 275m/s consistently i think still have to say cruise missiles range is not as good as everyone thinks.

3 maybe this is why missiles are bad for pvp . if you turn your target turns on mwd, then your cruise missiles will do almost no damage.

1 wrong. signature in damage formula have larger impact then every thing else. to if we talkin' about rats and their mwd they have only slightest speed addition compared to their sig bloom. examples. elite frig from tengu dies about 6 volleys when orbiting and only from 2 when on mwd. cruise 1shots them
2 wrong again. so every thing about sig again. especially on golem that can light up target. is applyes 83%(867 from 1045) from fury to BC with 400 m\s.(im talkin about 2 tp 2x t2 rigors fit )
3 and wrong again. they are not bad just too specific. and it's different terms.

Bugs are opportunities to cause unprecedented amounts of destruction. --Zorgn ♡♡♡

Kane Fenris
#7071 - 2013-11-01 08:22:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Kane Fenris
Mer88 wrote:

unless you can tell me that you can do full damage on a BS traveling at 275m/s consistently i think still have to say cruise missiles range is not as good as everyone thinks.

use rigor rigs.....
why rigor and not flare? figure out your self :Missile Mechanics

Ps.: donst skip the chapter about practical application and minimum velocity factor most people dont know about these...
Jacob Bok'Kila
Logrotate Inc.
#7072 - 2013-11-01 08:31:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacob Bok'Kila
Arthur Aihaken wrote:
You'd have to have a death wish to use torpedoes on a Golem. Between the extra fitting requirements and lackluster range compared to cruise missiles, you'd have to be crazy. As has been pointed out, the DPS difference is anemic and there's a huge travel time for missiles in general. Sure, Bastion speeds that up (somewhat) - but who's really going to use their 2 rig slots for hydraulics? Now if there was a ballistics enhancer (low) or ballistics computer (mid) which would bonus the explosion velocity, missile speed and missile flight time… well, different story.

Truthfully, the Golem should gain a +5% explosion radius bonus instead of the 10% target painter bonus.

That would invalidate or at least be redundant with the navy raven. I was told that by you a while back. Look it up, you said that.

If the TP bonus is removed it has to be replaced with two separate bonuses for torpedoes and cruise missiles. As you do not need equal number of TP for both the weapon systems to help damage application. Possible replacement for torps would be additional 5% explosion velocity per level for nearly the same applied effect. This for torps, cruises need an another.

If the usage of torpedoes are entirely exluded due zero application help from bonuses, why let other marauders to have their racial close range counterparts fitted? You know like blasters, pusle lasers, autocannons?

Your problem is with missiles and missile mechanics and not with the hull.
Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7073 - 2013-11-01 08:58:47 UTC
I think that bastion mode would have made way more sense if level 5's were in high sec.... (no no one will send a marauder into low sec just for a minimal increase in income compared to level 4 ś)

Overal the marauder changes failed at star, when CCP decided to not increase the damage bar, an ERROR.

THe bar is already increasded in several places and we have a HUGE gap between battleship and capital ships, while the gap between a t1 cruiser and a battleships is muuuch smaller.

Overal the whole Battleship size needs help, they do not feel battleanything. All except the pirate ones, the pirate ones are the ONLY battleship sized vessels that can really excel at their role.

An no fancy overtankign gonna make marauders copensate the MASSIVE damage difference from a vindicator for example.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Arthur Aihaken
#7074 - 2013-11-01 09:49:21 UTC
Jacob Bok'Kila wrote:
That would invalidate or at least be redundant with the navy raven. I was told that by you a while back. Look it up, you said that.

If the TP bonus is removed it has to be replaced with two separate bonuses for torpedoes and cruise missiles. As you do not need equal number of TP for both the weapon systems to help damage application. Possible replacement for torps would be additional 5% explosion velocity per level for nearly the same applied effect. This for torps, cruises need an another.

If the usage of torpedoes are entirely exluded due zero application help from bonuses, why let other marauders to have their racial close range counterparts fitted? You know like blasters, pusle lasers, autocannons?

Your problem is with missiles and missile mechanics and not with the hull.

To be sure. I'd be happy with a +5% rate of fire, but I'm not sure the TP bonus will get replaced. And yes, part of the problem is the missile mechanics with respect to torpedoes.

I am currently away, traveling through time and will be returning last week.

TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#7075 - 2013-11-01 09:53:38 UTC
stoicfaux wrote:
Seriously, can we quit whining about Rubicon Marauders in level 4s? The only people who have valid complaints are those can afford losing a billion isk hull in PvP, and those who need the webs for Incursions, WHs, and similar.

Speaking of, had any WH dweller commented on marauders' performance out there? I'm genuinely curious.
TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#7076 - 2013-11-01 09:58:53 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
[....] the pirate ones are the ONLY battleship sized vessels that can really excel at their role.

Which is what? Talking like a pirate, yarr?

New marauders have actually been given a role and they seem to be quite good at it.

An no fancy overtankign gonna make marauders copensate the MASSIVE damage difference from a vindicator for example.

Erm, when we're talking about Megathron hull, the performance gap between Kronos and Vindicator has actually narrowed. And that's not even taking into account the upcoming pirate battleship nerfrebalance.
SOL Ranger
Imperial Armed Forces
#7077 - 2013-11-01 10:05:26 UTC
hmskrecik wrote:

New marauders have actually been given a role and they seem to be quite good at it.

Face role?

The Vargur requires launcher hardpoints, following tempest tradition.

Anize Oramara
#7078 - 2013-11-01 10:18:19 UTC  |  Edited by: Anize Oramara
hmskrecik wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Seriously, can we quit whining about Rubicon Marauders in level 4s? The only people who have valid complaints are those can afford losing a billion isk hull in PvP, and those who need the webs for Incursions, WHs, and similar.

Speaking of, had any WH dweller commented on marauders' performance out there? I'm genuinely curious.

I live in a c5 and honestly I can think of a Lot of fun things to doowith the new marauders. it can probably solo c5 sites and even help clean up cruisers and the like in cap escalations. it will do great as the new c1-4 'dreads' esp to kill capshipless poses. paladins and ral kronos and even cruise golems will do very well esp in c4s and vargurs will be usefull in c5s.

note the same precautions should be taken as woth cap ships as they are expensive so lock down holes/scouts etc. they will prolly run on asbs and the armor variant. golems will also do good in c5 thinking about it now (loki support + asbs)

I actually already experimented with a rr vargur as part of a t3 fleet for c3 and c4 sites. will do decent in c4 with arties now.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7079 - 2013-11-01 10:46:13 UTC
hmskrecik wrote:
Kagura Nikon wrote:
[....] the pirate ones are the ONLY battleship sized vessels that can really excel at their role.

Which is what? Talking like a pirate, yarr?

New marauders have actually been given a role and they seem to be quite good at it.

An no fancy overtankign gonna make marauders copensate the MASSIVE damage difference from a vindicator for example.

Erm, when we're talking about Megathron hull, the performance gap between Kronos and Vindicator has actually narrowed. And that's not even taking into account the upcoming pirate battleship nerfrebalance.

A role is not somethign taht you take from your head from your desires. Is somethign you take from real world need (real world being TQ in this case)

There is no need for a ship that can tank a crapton more than any solo content PVE can dish at it. There is no role for marauders, they do not feel any NEED that players had. Using a marauder still is worse for L4 missions , because makes less isk per hour than pirate battleships, and rubicon marauders will do even less.

Incursions its not place for a ship designed to not be targeteable by remote repair.

Your wishful thinking is NOT a role! TANKING is not a role! Running level 4 better than other high end ships is a role, close support in PVP is a role, neutralizing in PVP is a role, Tackling is a role. Tanking capability is a TOOL , that can be used in a role.. but does nto make a role on its own.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"

Kagura Nikon
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#7080 - 2013-11-01 10:49:26 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
hmskrecik wrote:
stoicfaux wrote:
Seriously, can we quit whining about Rubicon Marauders in level 4s? The only people who have valid complaints are those can afford losing a billion isk hull in PvP, and those who need the webs for Incursions, WHs, and similar.

Speaking of, had any WH dweller commented on marauders' performance out there? I'm genuinely curious.

I live in a c5 and honestly I can think of a Lot of fun things to doowith the new marauders. it can probably solo c5 sites and even help clean up cruisers and the like in cap escalations. it will do great as the new c1-4 'dreads' esp to kill capshipless poses. paladins and ral kronos and even cruise golems will do very well esp in c4s and vargurs will be usefull in c5s.

note the same precautions should be taken as woth cap ships as they are expensive so lock down holes/scouts etc. they will prolly run on asbs and the armor variant. golems will also do good in c5 thinking about it now (loki support + asbs)

I actually already experimented with a rr vargur as part of a t3 fleet for c3 and c4 sites. will do decent in c4 with arties now.

Test in sisi, they blow up in between repair cycles (at least the armor tanked ones) when you get bad luck timed bursts of damage.

IF they had a much larger EHP pool, then they might indeed have a role in wormhoels as solo site runners.

"If brute force does not solve your problem....  then you are  surely not using enough!"