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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Anize Oramara
#6081 - 2013-10-17 11:17:58 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
baltec1 wrote:
Its not ment to out damage the pirate shipBlink

this is very true. what a lot of eft warriors dont get, and is evident from the fits they post, is that we fly the marauder because it can loot and salvage AT THE SAME TIME!

doing 10% less damage is acceptable if we make double the isk in the same amount of time.

What an idiotic comment. I skilled to my marauders, golem and vargur, from the beginning. I use a tractor beam only if i need a mission objective. If i want to loot i use a dedicated alt-char with a noctis simultaneously.

I like to fly into enemies and do massive damage. Your proposed fittings with reduced tank and bastion forces me to change the style I like and to negate close range high dps.

this makes no sense, why then fly a ship that is inferior to a mach in the every way if you are not going to use the one thing that makes it better than a mach?

irony calling my comment idiotic hahaha.

Finally you get it. Why fly a vargur if a low skill pirate BS with the same price does everything better?

Now i am trying a 1400 fit on sisi. it is quite acceptable but the 101km lockrange in combination with MJD and the necessary anc rig makes it somehow hard to use full potential.

so close and yet do far. my point was althouh the vargur doesnt do as much damage as a mach, it can make more isk by salvaging. if you do not use that mechanic then you shouldnt be using a vargur in the first place! and you sure as hek shoulnt be complaining about vargur dps, respectfull as it is.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6082 - 2013-10-17 11:18:25 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Jacob Bok'Kila wrote:
TP bonus can be removed but only with consideration of a new bonus to help balaced topredo damage application.
However cruise missiles have no issue with this.

Thats the whole point, to build-in ship bonus into Golem that will replace target painter, so u will have same efficency but without need of wasting additional med slot for non-tanking module.

Maybe its a bit hard to understand if someone is not using Golem, but lets increase sig of all close range turrets and make TP a low slot module. Then change tracking bonuses on other marauders to target painting efficency, and u will see amount of rage from players that need to drop EANM or other hardener for Target Painter to make ther ship deal some damage.
Anize Oramara
#6083 - 2013-10-17 11:21:30 UTC
SOL Ranger wrote:
marVLs wrote:
Lina Theist wrote:

Perhaps the scorch issue lies not with the modules but with the ammo?

Well nope. Scorch is the only thing that keeps peoples from abandoning amarr. Don't forget that for good DPS and range You pay with cap consumption, tracking and damage type compared to other races.

Someone here suggest to buff falloff ranges in bastion, that's a good idea.

The problems lay in scorch and barrage, there is no question about it, CCP knows it, most players suspect it, you know it.

We've even experienced a TE nerf largely because of barrage and I dare say much crying about projectile ships are directly related to it; The reason beams are less popular is because of scorch, there is little reason to fit beams, beams are less versatile and forgiving than pulse with scorch, which invalidates the whole idea of beams to a significant degree, artillery at least has alpha as a defining trait.

We're now close in experiencing a similar effect in the range bonus in bastion being stacking penalized just because of short range weaponry easily hitting at long ranges, the ammo used when CCP decided this? Lets all take a wild guess.

Until the ammo is balanced everything else will keep getting nerfed and moaned about, often without the complaints even recognizing the problem being in the ammunition, instead directing proposed nerfs to hull bonuses and other factors if possible, screaming how 'OP' autocannons are, possibly resulting in nerfing TE's even further.

You and others saying the problem doesn't lay in the ammunition makes it all worse, the longer the ammo remains as is the more erroneous balancing choices will go through the cracks, effectively eliminating all other ammunition as anything viable in the end.
The ammunition are used in every balancing situation involving guns, we're not gaining anything good from keeping them as they are currently, let alone from denying the problem to begin with.

you know hpw often I use barrage on my vargur?


A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Daishan Auergni
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#6084 - 2013-10-17 11:23:53 UTC
Kagura Nikon wrote:
CCP how about you give paladin a REAL bonus in place of the capacitor one? Even if weak. IT feel REALLY like a "we dont care" when you leave fake bonuses like those in hulls. Any bonsu that applies to base hull stas and matched to the T1 ship skill are effectively fake bonuses :/

But. I LIKE the capacitor bonus. Makes solo tanking vanguard sites ezpz.
Anize Oramara
#6085 - 2013-10-17 11:24:04 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Jacob Bok'Kila wrote:
TP bonus can be removed but only with consideration of a new bonus to help balaced topredo damage application.
However cruise missiles have no issue with this.

Thats the whole point, to build-in ship bonus into Golem that will replace target painter, so u will have same efficency but without need of wasting additional med slot for non-tanking module.

Maybe its a bit hard to understand if someone is not using Golem, but lets make TP a low slot module and change tracking bonuses on other ships to target painting efficency, and u will see amount of rage from players that need to drop EANM or other hardener for this to make your ship usefull.

I used to fly a 5 module tank. with bastion I only need a 2 module tank. your argument is invalid.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Brib Vogt
#6086 - 2013-10-17 11:25:12 UTC
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
my bla

that vargur is overtanked and you completely missed the point of the mjd! drop the 2nd invul, get a gist large b-type and replace mwd with mjd. fit sebo/3rd TC to taste and proceed to kick some faces in.

Are you even reading the other posts. its not a MWD its an afterburner. and it is not overtanked because i am on the move and not in bastion. And gist booster are a reason to gank me again.

it doesnt matter what it is, you are trying to fit a vargur as if it was a mach and youre surprised it's not working. thats like eve 101 hahaha!

While I was flying vargur that style your account wasn't even created. Please go to TQ and try it. Blitzing lvl4s with a fast vargur gives me more ISK then doing a combination of ratting and salvaging. Also, my loot goes mostly to a new char who earns quite some ISK by salvaging my missions.

Thats the biggest reason i am flying highsec lvl4s. To help newbies getting standing and earning some ISK.

0.0 gives me something between 28-40 mio tics without salvaging.
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6087 - 2013-10-17 11:27:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Anize Oramara wrote:

I used to fly a 5 module tank. with bastion I only need a 2 module tank. your argument is invalid.

How fast u will gonna make a typical L4 missions that have 2 gates each at 60km from warping point with bastion module ON (which prevents you from moving)?. And why i am asking about L4 missions? Because probably 95% of marauders, at least Golems, are used for PVE.

Bastion module have no point in most PVE situations, since u need to move to another warpgate and shoot in same time, to make it worthwhile. Ability to sit and tank with 2 mods then wasting 10 minutes to get to other warpgate is rather pointless idea and will take alot more time than doing same thing with bastion module off.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#6088 - 2013-10-17 11:30:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Debora Tsung
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:

I prefer the TP bonus to better apply my torp damage tbh.

U can allways use TP even without bonus, and if they change it to 25% reduction of all missiles sig radius, u wont need to use this module just as other marauders lost his EW in favour of tracking bonuses.

Yeah, but as someone else stated before, that would be quite a bit OP.

Bastion mod frees up up to 3 med slots previously used for tank, 25% bonus to missile explosion radius would free up another 1 - 2 slots (dependig on the setup)...

So you'd basically left with the following mandatory stuff in your mids:

1TP (none if cruise missile),
1 invul mod,
1 SB,
1 Cap booster
(optional) 1 MJD

And (in average) 3 - 4 Slots to do with as you like... In a Highsec PVE setup.

Somehow that looks hilariously powerfull.

So I really think, the TP bonus is fine as it is.

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Anize Oramara
#6089 - 2013-10-17 11:30:45 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
my bla

that vargur is overtanked and you completely missed the point of the mjd! drop the 2nd invul, get a gist large b-type and replace mwd with mjd. fit sebo/3rd TC to taste and proceed to kick some faces in.

Are you even reading the other posts. its not a MWD its an afterburner. and it is not overtanked because i am on the move and not in bastion. And gist booster are a reason to gank me again.

ah missed this little todbit. a gist b type large is a whopping 250mill. people are free to try and gank me for the one single module (that may not even drop) I have on my ship worth more than 10mill. I will laugh at them.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6090 - 2013-10-17 11:35:35 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Debora Tsung wrote:

Yeah, but as someone else stated before, that would be quite a bit OP.

Bastion mod frees up up to 3 med slots previously used for tank, 25% bonus to missile explosion radius would free up another 1 - 2 slots (dependig on the setup)...

Every marauders can use target painters with same efficency as golem since golem torpedoes got higher base torpedo radius than turrets, so if TP would be OP on golem, then it would be OP on any other marauder.

Not to mention fact that missiles have no falloff and stationary ship that uses close range missiles can be killed very easily. Just put your orbit at 1km higher than torpedo range, and Golem wont make any damage to anyone. Can u avoid damage on any other marauders like that? NO.
Anize Oramara
#6091 - 2013-10-17 11:36:23 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

I used to fly a 5 module tank. with bastion I only need a 2 module tank. your argument is invalid.

How fast u will gonna make a typical L4 missions that have 2 gates each at 60km from warping point with bastion module ON (which prevents you from moving)?. And why i am asking about L4 missions? Because probably 95% of marauders, at least Golems, are used for PVE.

Bastion module have no point in most PVE situations, since u need to move to another warpgate and shoot in same time, to make it worthwhile. Ability to sit and tank with 2 mods then wasting 10 minutes to get to other warpgate is rather pointless idea and will take alot more time than doing same thing with bastion module off.

pfffft easy. mjd to a mid point 100km away from gate/ starting point. bastion up for 1min, blap all the frigs and some bcs/cruisers, mjd to gate after bastion cycles and commence bs slaughter and salvage.


A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

TransMine Group
Gluten Free Cartel
#6092 - 2013-10-17 11:36:43 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
How fast u will gonna make a typical L4 missions that have 2 gates each at 60km from warping point with bastion module ON (which prevents you from moving)?. And why i am asking about L4 missions? Because probably 95% of marauders, at least Golems, are used for PVE.

Bastion module have no point in most PVE situations, since u need to move to another warpgate and shoot in same time, to make it worthwhile. Ability to sit and tank with 2 mods then wasting 10 minutes to get to other warpgate is rather pointless idea and will take alot more time than doing same thing with bastion module off.

Are you aware it takes 1 minute to triangle jump to ANY point within 200km sphere? Make it 2 minutes for the next room since you can be already under cooldown timer. Hint: you can jump between bastion cycles.
Jacob Bok'Kila
Logrotate Inc.
#6093 - 2013-10-17 11:38:54 UTC  |  Edited by: Jacob Bok'Kila
Debora Tsung wrote:
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:

I prefer the TP bonus to better apply my torp damage tbh.

U can allways use TP even without bonus, and if they change it to 25% reduction of all missiles sig radius, u wont need to use this module just as other marauders lost his EW in favour of tracking bonuses.

Yeah, but as someone else stated before, that would be quite a bit OP.

Bastion mod frees up up to 3 med slots previously used for tank, 25% bonus to missile explosion radius would free up another 1 - 2 slots (dependig on the setup)...

So you'd basically left with the following mandatory stuff in your mids:

1TP (none if cruise missile),
1 invul mod,
1 SB,
1 Cap booster
(optional) 1 MJD

And (in average) 3 - 4 Slots to do with as you like... In a Highsec PVE setup.

Somehow that looks hilariously powerfull.

So I really think, the TP bonus is fine as it is.

With the current state, you can fit 0-1 or more depending on the setup you wish (cruise or torp).
4 empty slots and it could have the buffer in theory as none from the other three. And that is not the goal here.
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6094 - 2013-10-17 11:39:46 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Anize Oramara wrote:

pfffft easy. mjd to a mid point 100km away from gate/ starting point

Whats the point of mjd if warpgate is at half of mjd range?, u will jump it over and end on other side as far as u was before. learn math mate

Besides half missions got npcs between your warpingpoint and warpgate, and some got npcs at warpgate, so juimping around in random directions wont help at all.
Anize Oramara
#6095 - 2013-10-17 11:40:11 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Debora Tsung wrote:

Yeah, but as someone else stated before, that would be quite a bit OP.

Bastion mod frees up up to 3 med slots previously used for tank, 25% bonus to missile explosion radius would free up another 1 - 2 slots (dependig on the setup)...

Every marauders can use target painters with same efficency as golem since golem torpedoes got higher base torpedo radius than turrets, so if TP would be OP on golem, then it would be OP on any other marauder.

Not to mention fact that missiles have no falloff and stationary ship that uses close range missiles can be killed very easily. Just put your orbit at 1km higher than torpedo range, and Golem wont make any damage to anyone. Can u avoid damage on any other marauders like that? NO.

what you are missing though is that torps have higher base damage and that means because tps increase sig size by % they are far more eficient for torps than they are for guns.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#6096 - 2013-10-17 11:43:05 UTC
the people who wants to remove tp from golem are cruise missile users i promise you. They are not torp user. Since ccp buff the cruise missiles they see no point to use torps so the tp bonus is unneeded. Well we can fix this by buffing torps or nerfing cruise.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#6097 - 2013-10-17 11:44:24 UTC
Mer88 wrote:
the people who wants to remove tp from golem are cruise missile users i promise you. They are not torp user. Since ccp buff the cruise missiles they see no point to use torps so the tp bonus is unneeded. Well we can fix this by buffing torps or nerfing cruise.


Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Anize Oramara
#6098 - 2013-10-17 11:47:01 UTC
Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:

pfffft easy. mjd to a mid point 100km away from gate/ starting point

Whats the point of mjd if warpgate is at half of mjd range?, u will jump it over and end on other side as far as u was before. learn math mate

Besides half missions got npcs between your warpingpoint and warpgate, and some got npcs at warpgate, so juimping around in random directions wont help at all.


learn math?

Hahahaha omg I cant breathe!

pythagoras would like to have a word with you, as would your primary school math teacher.

Ive tested this on sissi. it works. your theory crafting means nothing in the face of actual expetience.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Anize Oramara
#6099 - 2013-10-17 11:51:50 UTC
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
Anize Oramara wrote:
Brib Vogt wrote:
my bla

that vargur is overtanked and you completely missed the point of the mjd! drop the 2nd invul, get a gist large b-type and replace mwd with mjd. fit sebo/3rd TC to taste and proceed to kick some faces in.

Are you even reading the other posts. its not a MWD its an afterburner. and it is not overtanked because i am on the move and not in bastion. And gist booster are a reason to gank me again.

it doesnt matter what it is, you are trying to fit a vargur as if it was a mach and youre surprised it's not working. thats like eve 101 hahaha!

While I was flying vargur that style your account wasn't even created. Please go to TQ and try it. Blitzing lvl4s with a fast vargur gives me more ISK then doing a combination of ratting and salvaging. Also, my loot goes mostly to a new char who earns quite some ISK by salvaging my missions.

Thats the biggest reason i am flying highsec lvl4s. To help newbies getting standing and earning some ISK.

0.0 gives me something between 28-40 mio tics without salvaging.

the point is, you can do it better with a mach, or so people say.

A guide (Google Doc) to Hi-Sec blitzing and breaking the 200mill ISK/H barrier v1.2.3

Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Brutor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6100 - 2013-10-17 12:03:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Xqpvqsvs Qr'atyuqink
Anize Oramara wrote:

what you are missing though is that torps have higher base damage and that means because tps increase sig size by % they are far more eficient for torps than they are for guns.

Im not missing it, its just that this doesnt change anything. U can orbit torpedo ship without tank 1 meter beyond his optimal and he wont harm u even with 10000% damage bonus. Same thing if u are fast - u can outrun torpedoes, many ways of dealing with them.

Npcs doesnt do such things thats why Golem is mainly a hisec pve ship and things like mjd or bastion module which preventing you from moving to other gate are preety much useless here. As of 0.0 pve, roamers will love u for warping your marauder to anom and making yourself stationary.