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[Rubicon] Marauder rebalancing

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Ravasta Helugo
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#3921 - 2013-09-20 17:59:21 UTC
Mournful Conciousness wrote:
In the light of this thread I have tried some missions with an MJD and/or MWD fitted (in the past I often didn't fit a prop mod at all).
On balance, the MWD is a great deal more useful for these reasons.
1. You are never in a position of having to travel 100km in a mission site.
2. An MWD will get you to a mid-range (say < 70km) position much faster than an MJD triangle.
3. It gives the ability to dictate range to rats precisely, maximising outgoing DPS while minimising incoming damage.

I would say that an MJD bonus on a marauder is un-necessary and could be more usefully replaced with something else (base speed, salvage chance, tractor beam range for example...)

I've leaned towards opposition to the MJD for missions as well.

Increase fittings to accommodate MWD fitting (which wasn't feasible when these ships were released because "deadspace.")
TheFace Asano
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3922 - 2013-09-20 18:51:53 UTC  |  Edited by: TheFace Asano
Cade Windstalker wrote:
TheFace Asano wrote:
It is stationary in bastion mode. You cannot dock for 60 seconds after the mode is over. You have horrible speed and horrible sensor strength outside of Bastion. Give it more drawbacks if need be. I am just saying the module is pretty useless if it doesn't increase performance by a great deal. It locks you in place. As of now I will probably just use the CNR or a Mach, they both do more dps. You don't need much tank to clear pve sites and they are too expensive to pvp in.

Pretty awesome tank though, and if I can tank your Mach's DPS better than you can tank mine then my ship wins. DPS is not the end-all of everything in this game.

How often is this going to be 1v1? The local tank won't mean much when the ship is completely neuted and can't receive RR. Dual XLASB fits are going to be harder to crack but not impossible. PVP is rarely fought evenly in this game so you can't balance on 1v1 only.

In PVE you barely need a tank once your dps is high enough. When your energy skills are high enough even cap boosters start becoming less necessary as well (or cap re-chargers). All the battleships dps cap at around 1 -1.2k (minus the Gallente ships). Your not going to get more performance out of tank at this point, your performance is limited by DPS. I can't personally get better isk / hour than in a cruise CNR with Fury / Precisions. 1x Rigor rig and a single TP on a BS and your pretty much maxed on applied damage. A second TP only helps with Frigs / Cruisers, and then its really not a big difference. The Golem is not going to do more damage than the CNR within either of these proposals without using torps and increasing rigor rigs and using multiple tps. There is no Pirate ship that will do more dps either, unlike the Mach within the Minmatar lines Tempest Fleet and Maelstrom. Most of the other BS in Faction and Pirate can field 3-5 Sentry drones, which will increase damage over the currently proposed Marauders because of their direct lack of BS sized drone bays. I really don't personally like drones, so make the racial weapon system higher damage than the rest of the BS while keeping drone damage low or utility based and keeping a focused difference in what the ship is. They should be the gunships (or missile) of sub-cap ships, owning damage, application and projection, and let the faction / pirate ships be faster and more drones / options for fitting / better buffer setups.

I don't know what direction CCP is going take past this, but I bet they are testing both on the internal servers and maybe a few other ideas. Maybe there is something else going on with the winter expansion that these marauders mesh well with we don't know about. Maybe we will find out next week.
#3923 - 2013-09-20 19:01:33 UTC  |  Edited by: Shivanthar
"funny how many people are complaining at ccp to check the definition of a marauder. Did you do this yourself before you posted or just trolling?"

Trying to nullify my point won't affect anyone in a good way. You clearly don't see my point in this.

Want a raider ship that can become stationary 100km away? Go ahead with dominix and sentry drones already. Same barn, different color.

Want to snipe in a stationary Marauder? How unique it is... *Claps* There is a maelstrom for that, put 8x1400, mjd away, done.

What I simply proposed is, when changed, it is much unique for a marauder to be able to go faster. There is no BS for this, as far as I know. A group of Marauders with this bonus will become *much* unique than any other thing.
People really want stationary sniper as a T2 unique role? *Sigh*

Well, I've been using marauders for missioning. I also have Typhoon fleet issue where I can put some sentries, mjd away and do my mission. What will be the unique difference between these two? Let me tell you, since my TFI is AT, I can easly fit it with a mwd or AB, which lets me salvage faster than a marauder (supported with salvage drones).

Edit: Not only this idea supports pvp, it will also make pve very enjoying.

Anyone can see my point? Someone?

_Half _the lies they tell about me **aren't **true.

Musca Sklir
#3924 - 2013-09-20 19:52:55 UTC
i would find if neat if the bastion module was designed to absorb heat and would thus allow you to perma overheat.
Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#3925 - 2013-09-20 20:38:00 UTC
Musca Sklir wrote:
i would find if neat if the bastion module was designed to absorb heat and would thus allow you to perma overheat.

how about bastion modules when turn on will repair any damaged modules and drones after the 1min cycle is over.

while bastion module is cycliing,

ship repairs 50% more to shield and armor
does 20% less damage
cannot overheat
ewar immune
cannot move

Minmatar Munitions
Electus Matari
#3926 - 2013-09-20 20:53:48 UTC
The only thing that concerns me with any change in ship ability, Is whether or not it can still be used as it was before it was "rebalanced." To have spent 1.5bil+ on a ship that is central to my gameplay, and then one day it can no longer be used as such is at the very least frustrating.

The proposed changes sound interesting as long as they don't require me to radically change my style of play, or drop another 1.5bil on a ship that will do what my Maurader used to do.
Vivi Udan
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#3927 - 2013-09-20 21:34:51 UTC
Maataak wrote:
The only thing that concerns me with any change in ship ability, Is whether or not it can still be used as it was before it was "rebalanced." To have spent 1.5bil+ on a ship that is central to my gameplay, and then one day it can no longer be used as such is at the very least frustrating.

(cough) sentry ratting in Super Caps (cough)

Didn't work out well for the Super Cap pilots so it doesn't mean CCP will make it work well for mission running.
I'm not saying it's right or fair, but CCP is responsible for looking at the big picture.

As players we tend to want what's best for us, but I'm sure all Marauder pilots can agree, we spent WAY too much time training to get into a Marauder so CCP needs to be careful about their final iteration for this re-balance.

The Mittani of House GoonWaffe, First of His name, King of the Goons and VFK, Master of griefing, Lord of the CFC, Warden of the West, and Protector of Deklein.

Joe Risalo
State War Academy
Caldari State
#3928 - 2013-09-20 21:52:48 UTC
Vivi Udan wrote:
Maataak wrote:
The only thing that concerns me with any change in ship ability, Is whether or not it can still be used as it was before it was "rebalanced." To have spent 1.5bil+ on a ship that is central to my gameplay, and then one day it can no longer be used as such is at the very least frustrating.

(cough) sentry ratting in Super Caps (cough)

Didn't work out well for the Super Cap pilots so it doesn't mean CCP will make it work well for mission running.
I'm not saying it's right or fair, but CCP is responsible for looking at the big picture.

As players we tend to want what's best for us, but I'm sure all Marauder pilots can agree, we spent WAY too much time training to get into a Marauder so CCP needs to be careful about their final iteration for this re-balance.

That is completely different.
Super carriers were never intended to be that powerful back then.

However, Marauders have always been intended for pve, even if they sucked at it.

You should know this is a bad comparison..
Shame on you
Cade Windstalker
#3929 - 2013-09-20 22:56:54 UTC
Cassius Invictus wrote:
Personally I'm against your proposal. The differences between shield and armor resists and between the different factions make for more interesting gameplay and I'd just as soon not see them removed.

Also your proposed resists are, just from the look of things, not balanced compared to current resists. Never mind that you actually end up with a nerf to certain resists which throws things off rather badly. Some quick calculations though say that your proposed resists are a nerf over any of the current T2 resists in terms of total % increase and therefore total EHP.

True. This is why the base omni resists should be higher. Sleipnir shields resists profile: EM 62,5/ Exp 50 / Kin 40% / Th 50. This what should be implemented on maraduers. Overopowered? Then reduce active tank to 50-75%. This is the crown jewel of the sub-cap ships. Give it something to shine with. Better and more balanced resists make those ships more potent at lvl4, incursions, wh sleepers, pvp. And make everyone happy.[/quote]

Except that, as we've already established, none of these resist profiles is bad across the board. The Caldari and Gallente profiles are fantastic against a large number of different rat types. The issue is more the loss of the local repair bonus on the hull which forces you to fit the Bastion mod for tank.

To reiterate, I am not a fan of giving all of these ships flat omni resist profiles for both shields and armor. It removes faction flavor and promotes simplifying the game. People talk about UI changes dumbing down the game when they're not, this actually IS dumbing down the game.

Xequecal wrote:
Paladin - Same role bonus and slot layout. 5% laser damage, 7.5% laser tracking, 7.5% laser optimal range, 20% energy vampire (not neutralizer) transfer amount and range per level. In PvE, that means you can essentially mount +25 cap/sec rechargers in your highslots, as rats can be infinitely nossed. That frees up all your slots for damage/tracking/tank mods. Also, since it's nos only, it's not overpowered in PvP like neuts would be, but still has a niche use, like draining capitals.

Actually rats can no-longer be infinitely NOSed. There was an update to the NOS thread a week before it was un-pinned stating that NOS now affects rats the same way it does PvP ships but that rats have a higher than average capacitor value.

Xequecal wrote:
Kronos - Make a drone boat out of this, because let's face it, hybrid guns suck for PvE, especially on an immobile platform like these. You can't select damage type, blasters have no range, and railguns have no damage. So, same slot layout as now, but no turret or launcher hardpoints. Instead, replace the current role bonus with one that reduces the fitting of Drone Control Units by enough that the ship can fit them. 10% drone hp/damage, 7.5% drone range, 7.5% drone speed/tracking, +1 drone control unit per level. The ship has plenty of high slots left over to fit remote reps to RR sentry drones to maintain aggro if rat aggro on drones is a problem. Also has a niche use in a sentry drone PvP doctrine. In exchange for flying a 1bil hull, you can bring 2 players' worth of sentries. Probably not worth it, but could be.

I'm against this for two reasons. One it leaves the Marauder hull without a Hybrids platform for any race and there are a fair number of people who do use hybrids for PvE. Second we already have the Dominix and Navy Dominix as missioning drone platforms and these are currently two of the best performing mission ships. This also proves that a drone ship doesn't need extra drones to perform well and what you're talking about would essentially be a 100% bonus to drone damage.

The "can't select damage type" argument is erroneous because Gallente drones do enough extra damage to make it almost never worth it to go with another race's drone type and Sentry's are selected based on other attributes besides damage type as well.

Also Large Railguns do plenty of damage they just have fairly poor tracking, thankfully the Kronos gets a tracking bonus and can fit a couple of Tracking Computers quite easily. It can then pop frigs at range while they come in or it can use its drones on the ones it misses. For a Blaster boat the combination of the Falloff bonus and the range bonus on Bastion make that something of a moot point since you'll be able to apply quite good damage within the orbit range of every type of mission rat.

Xequecal wrote:
Vargur - This ship would get the web bonus because it's thematically appropriate for Minmatar. Same role bonus/slot/turret layout. 5% RoF, 7.5% projectile tracking, 10% projectile falloff, 10% web strength per level. Give it more drone bandwidth than Paladin/Golem because autocannons have low dps.

Except the only thing we've heard from Vargur pilots in this thread is "no, web bonus is crap, get that off my ship!". Also autocannons get lower DPS but tend to make up for it in other ways like good tracking, damage selection, and absurd falloff. Also they're not a drone focused race.
Cade Windstalker
#3930 - 2013-09-21 00:06:17 UTC
Nexumis wrote:
Um i think the guy meant enough tank to run mission, anoms, and plexs. But from a pvp perspective against a just because you can tank the machs dps doesnt mean you win, mach can always leave the fight due to bastion module rooting you in place lol. The reason i can see why ccp WILL NOT increase the dps is because they dont want people to bring more isk into the game than we currently are making because increased dps means faster missions, and more isk per hour. And then null sec anom/ratters would be making less isk then a effecient mission runner even though now i believe that is the case. EVE needs a major isk sink before ccp starts making mission, complexs, anoms more profitable then they are now. And just to prove you wrong, dps is the biggest factor with a even balance of range. As in ill still use a machariel after the bastion module, because i will still overall run missions faster, considering im just grinding for lp/bounty, no salvage but hey i can just contract those bookmarks out to a salvaging corp and make some isk with that as well : ).

This is a completely erroneous set of assumptions. First of all you can make more ISK doing Null sec anomalies than you can missioning, and null-sec rats represent a bigger ISK faucet due to their much higher bounties. Plus there are a number of other ISK faucets to be taken into account such as Incursion payouts, Blue Loot in wormholes, and Insurance payouts. There are also several major isk-sinks already present in the game and CCP has, historically, done a fairly good job of managing the relation of faucets and sinks in the game.

Also no one said these ships had to be awesome at soloing. You could probably fit up a dual web setup for fighting on undocks and hold the Mach long enough to kill him though, and if you can't then oh well he also can't kill you. Plus I never mentioned bastion mode. With a T2 tank these ships can still tank better than a Pirate Battleship even without it. There is more to game balance than raw DPS.

From a game design perspective it's pretty easy to explain why CCP don't want to make these DPS kings. T2 ships are supposed to be specialized with some form of unique bonus or benefit. DPS is not at all unique and making these ships DPS kings would mean they would need to be nerfed in other ways. Far simpler to keep Pirate ships as top tier raw DPS but give these ships better application and tank while throwing a few T2 bonuses like the MJD bonus onto the hulls.

You are, of course, free to use whatever hull you want for whatever reasons you want. Making these the penultimate mission ship for every play-style would remove choice from the game and generally be a poor move.

Nexumis wrote:
Ok but back to the main subject, this bastion module will not encourage players (smart players) to go break up camps in null/low sec, since you will be rooted in place, a seiged moros will make quick work of you no matter how good your tank, and no battleship can have enough ehp to buffer against a dread blapping them. They wont need that webbing loki anymore : ). And with that said i think the only way ccp will do a damage increase on the marauders utilizing the bastion module would be if the module could only be activated outside of empire space like null/low sec.

No one ever said that these ships are supposed to fit these specific niches. CCP gives us tools and we find uses for them. If a tool doesn't perform well enough then it gets adjusted to re-worked. The stated goal was Niche PvP application. If that niche is only really fit for a few small-gang compositions then fine.

Shivanthar wrote:
If you read my previous post (some posts up), I am here to help you CCP.

This is directly taken from merriam-webster:
MARAUD: to roam about and raid in search of plunder.
MARAUDER: somebody who is "marauding"

First Known Use: 1711

So, congrats to you guys!
You converted (or trying to convert) something that have been raiding (and for this, must be fast) for last 3 centuries into a stationary object. Or slow object if not stationary. Good work! I can maraud with this stationary object FASTER THAN EVER! YES!

I perfectly understand that you guys try to fit a pvp role for these beasts. If so, make it role-wise, speed it up in a unique way that people can "maraud" in it. MJD'ing is not marauding. A marauder is always in the heat of the battle, but it is very agile that it takes what it wants and goes away. It is no way intent to fight, instead it goes in, takes what it wants and runs out.

Please think this seriously before giving us a stationary role.

You can "Maraud" in any ship in Eve. Balance by word definition is not good balance. I would rather see them change the name of the ship line and come up with a good and balanced concept than try to meet the ridiculous requirement of fitting everyone's interpretation of a dictionary definition.

Marauders seem to have originally been called "Marauders" because they were designed to go into Deadspacee mission pockets and come back full of loot. These have never been intended to be primarily PvP ships.
Cade Windstalker
#3931 - 2013-09-21 00:18:24 UTC
TheFace Asano wrote:
How often is this going to be 1v1? The local tank won't mean much when the ship is completely neuted and can't receive RR. Dual XLASB fits are going to be harder to crack but not impossible. PVP is rarely fought evenly in this game so you can't balance on 1v1 only.

You can get around neuting with NOS in the highs and a Cap Booster. Plus, as you said, this game is rarely 1v1 only which makes the 1v1 vs a Mach example even more irrelevant.

TheFace Asano wrote:
In PVE you barely need a tank once your dps is high enough. When your energy skills are high enough even cap boosters start becoming less necessary as well (or cap re-chargers). All the battleships dps cap at around 1 -1.2k (minus the Gallente ships). Your not going to get more performance out of tank at this point, your performance is limited by DPS. I can't personally get better isk / hour than in a cruise CNR with Fury / Precisions. 1x Rigor rig and a single TP on a BS and your pretty much maxed on applied damage. A second TP only helps with Frigs / Cruisers, and then its really not a big difference. The Golem is not going to do more damage than the CNR within either of these proposals without using torps and increasing rigor rigs and using multiple tps. There is no Pirate ship that will do more dps either, unlike the Mach within the Minmatar lines Tempest Fleet and Maelstrom. Most of the other BS in Faction and Pirate can field 3-5 Sentry drones, which will increase damage over the currently proposed Marauders because of their direct lack of BS sized drone bays. I really don't personally like drones, so make the racial weapon system higher damage than the rest of the BS while keeping drone damage low or utility based and keeping a focused difference in what the ship is. They should be the gunships (or missile) of sub-cap ships, owning damage, application and projection, and let the faction / pirate ships be faster and more drones / options for fitting / better buffer setups.

This example is somewhat specific to missile ships though, which generally have better damage application in missions than turret based ships. For turreted ships how well you apply your DPS is just as important as your tank or your overall DPS is.

For example in Incursion Vanguard sites a Blaster fit Rokh actually does equal DPS to a Megathron at the ranges the incursion rats orbit at and can project its DPS much further as the ships are coming in making it an overall slightly better ship despite having lower maximum DPS.

It doesn't make sense to give Pirate Battleships more tank since these are already tank focused ships and T2 resists of any sort are going to represent a pretty big advantage in that respect. Plus a combination of top tier DPS with damage application and projection would be, to put it mildly, a bit over-powered. Every ship in Eve trades raw DPS for application in its bonuses, there's no reason that these should be an exception.

TheFace Asano wrote:
I don't know what direction CCP is going take past this, but I bet they are testing both on the internal servers and maybe a few other ideas. Maybe there is something else going on with the winter expansion that these marauders mesh well with we don't know about. Maybe we will find out next week.

Well, Black-Ops Battleships are on the block as well, as are EWar Frigates and then Pirate Ships after that. It's possible but somewhat unlikely that they may try and tackle all four (Marauders, Black-Ops, EAFs, and Pirate Ships) for the Winter expansion but it's pretty likely that they have at least some idea of where the other Battleship hulls are going that they've been balancing around.

Shivanthar wrote:
Trying to nullify my point won't affect anyone in a good way. You clearly don't see my point in this.

Want a raider ship that can become stationary 100km away? Go ahead with dominix and sentry drones already. Same barn, different color.

Want to snipe in a stationary Marauder? How unique it is... *Claps* There is a maelstrom for that, put 8x1400, mjd away, done.

What I simply proposed is, when changed, it is much unique for a marauder to be able to go faster. There is no BS for this, as far as I know. A group of Marauders with this bonus will become *much* unique than any other thing.
People really want stationary sniper as a T2 unique role? *Sigh*

Well, I've been using marauders for missioning. I also have Typhoon fleet issue where I can put some sentries, mjd away and do my mission. What will be the unique difference between these two? Let me tell you, since my TFI is AT, I can easly fit it with a mwd or AB, which lets me salvage faster than a marauder (supported with salvage drones).

Edit: Not only this idea supports pvp, it will also make pve very enjoying.

Anyone couldn't see my point? Someone?

Actually the Black Ops Battleships and the two most popular Pirate Battleships are quite fast. Black-Ops have bonuses to agility and speed already and the Macheriel and Vindicator are two of the fastest Battleships in the game and the Bhaalgorn, for an Amarr armor tanked ship, is no slouch either. It seems more likely that the Black-Ops will be faster and more maneuverable T2 Battleships and that the Pirate Battleships will end up as some sort of Attack/Combat Battleship hybrid with good all around stats.
Sobaan Tali
Caldari Quick Reaction Force
#3932 - 2013-09-21 01:07:51 UTC
Maataak wrote:
The only thing that concerns me with any change in ship ability, Is whether or not it can still be used as it was before it was "rebalanced." To have spent 1.5bil+ on a ship that is central to my gameplay, and then one day it can no longer be used as such is at the very least frustrating.

The proposed changes sound interesting as long as they don't require me to radically change my style of play, or drop another 1.5bil on a ship that will do what my Maurader used to do.

Agreed. Especially with iteration 2's changes, this is becoming less and less a "Marauder Re-balancing" and more a "Marauder Nerf, New Mod Introduction". Right now, the only advantages the marauders get compared to their current design is slightly better locking range, locking speed, some extra grid, odd T2 resists, and an eighth high slot. What they loose is their tanking bonus, a quarter of the web bonus off the two marauders that already have them (not to mention the very same bonus to the other two that don't need them), speed, agility, cap, drone bay and control range, and they retain the same ****-poor sensor strengths as before. With these changes, the only thing that stands a chance to look good at all is the bastion module itself, not the marauders.


"----in' A, right?"

"Trouble is, those things cost like a million and a half each."

"----, you pay me half that and I'll hump in some c4 and blow the ---- out of it my own damn self."

Uriel Paradisi Anteovnuecci
Itsukame-Zainou Hyperspatial Inquiries Ltd.
Arataka Research Consortium
#3933 - 2013-09-21 05:42:10 UTC
At first these changes looked really good for PVE, which is what the ship is FOR, mind you. Now, it can barely fight better than a normal BS against Amarr rats (t2 resists are useless there) and it's become a metal frankenstein...

For all the ISK and skill points you need to fly one, I thought they would be better than this.. I wanted to fly a transformer, but now it just looks useless and overpriced for a weaker ship overall for missions.

Seriously, get yourselves together, CCP. What?
Wish Kaan
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#3934 - 2013-09-21 08:59:07 UTC  |  Edited by: Wish Kaan
Here's my 2 cents:

Give the paladin a tracking bonus add the cap bonus into the hull keep the old rep amount bonus
Increase the explo velocity bonus for golem to 7.5%/lvl and leave the shield boost bonus same
Turn the kronos into a drone boat,maybe even switch hulls with the sin and give it same bonuses to drones as ishtar has now but 15% to drone dmg instead of 10%
Keep the vargur as is with a 7.5% rof bonus instead of 5%

Lastly reduce bastion rep to 75% bonus and give it a tiny dmg bonus 10% or something to keep all these ships above or in line with the buffed pirate BSs maybe even an energy neut reflect bonus instead of dmg since we are talking about a subcap size capacitor in a cap priced ship
Also increase their agility and add an MJD cycle reduction bonus(5sec?) into the role for fast redeployment
Oh yes and forget about the silly web bonus who you gona web when you cant move and cant be remote assisted?Roll
Lloyd Roses
Artificial Memories
#3935 - 2013-09-21 10:19:33 UTC
Sobaan Tali wrote:

Agreed. Especially with iteration 2's changes, this is becoming less and less a "Marauder Re-balancing" and more a "Marauder Nerf, New Mod Introduction". Right now, the only advantages the marauders get compared to their current design is slightly better locking range, locking speed, some extra grid, odd T2 resists, and an eighth high slot.

So you're receiving an extra high, basically identical rep-output (effective rep due to higher baseresists is approx. 40% superior, which is a tiny bit more compared to the old 37.5% bonus), those resists also matter for remote tanking, so something totally new here, and lastly the grid is all but irrelevant. They will be plain better at PvE as they were before, and now - thanks to the massive PG boost - even be able to be fitted for pvp.
If you see a marauder nerf here, then the phantasm is the best ship in eve.

Sobaan Tali wrote:

What they loose is their tanking bonus, a quarter of the web bonus off the two marauders that already have them (not to mention the very same bonus to the other two that don't need them), speed, agility, cap, drone bay and control range, and they retain the same ****-poor sensor strengths as before. With these changes, the only thing that stands a chance to look good at all is the bastion module itself, not the marauders.

For the rep-amount, pls use math to see how marauders will even come out on top, and how dual-LAR-setups now even make sense at all (hint: base-hp) . 90%-webs are a broken thing in this game to start with, no loss. Given how many people didn't need a web anyways, guess it's a nice throw in for the brawling application.

As far as I can see, one sort of marauder doesn't have a bastionmodule, loads 2 heavy smarts/neuts and SR guns, goes for pure Buffer and runs phased muons on some fleetmates, and the other has a MJD, local tank and use of the bastionmodule. They both look pretty viable in many spaces.
Cade Windstalker
#3936 - 2013-09-21 10:36:38 UTC
Wish Kaan wrote:
Here's my 2 cents:

Give the paladin a tracking bonus add the cap bonus into the hull keep the old rep amount bonus
Increase the explo velocity bonus for golem to 7.5%/lvl and leave the shield boost bonus same
Turn the kronos into a drone boat,maybe even switch hulls with the sin and give it same bonuses to drones as ishtar has now but 15% to drone dmg instead of 10%
Keep the vargur as is with a 7.5% rof bonus instead of 5%

The Paladin already has far and above the best cap of all of them so if the cap bonus goes it's more than likely you won't get much back on it.

Missiles already have better damage application than turrets so their bonuses tend to be smaller.

Gallente already has a drone boat for every occasion and does not need more. The Dominix is already a fantastic drone boat for missions and a replacement isn't really needed.

I have no idea what you're talking about with the Vargur, which already has a 5% bonus on TQ and the only Battleship that gets a 7.5% bonus to ROF is the Tempest which is split guns.

Wish Kaan wrote:
Lastly reduce bastion rep to 75% bonus and give it a tiny dmg bonus 10% or something to keep all these ships above or in line with the buffed pirate BSs maybe even an energy neut reflect bonus instead of dmg since we are talking about a subcap size capacitor in a cap priced ship
Also increase their agility and add an MJD cycle reduction bonus(5sec?) into the role for fast redeployment
Oh yes and forget about the silly web bonus who you gona web when you cant move and cant be remote assisted?Roll

These are not supposed to out-DPS the Pirate Battleships they are supposed to apply the damage they have better. These ships are also not supposed to be strictly cost effective, as with every T2 ship. T2 makes every individual pilot count more and lets you do things you can't always do with T1 hulls, but they are not supposed to be strictly better than T1 or Faction in every way.

The MJD cycle time is the only time these hulls are really vulnerable to tackle, so it doesn't make sense to reduce both the cycle time and the re-use time and the re-use time is a better bonus.

I agree on the web bonus, just not for the same reasons.


Seriously I don't get why everyone is so adverse to Damage Application compared to raw DPS. Go into a mission in any Battleship and you'll see that you can rather easily 1-shot Frigates provided you can get clean hits on them. This is even true with Railguns which have some of the lowest alpha of any large turret, under-cut only by Projectiles.

If you can reliably kill Frigates in 1-2 shots instead of 3-4 and Cruisers with a similarly reduced number of hits then your mission completion times go down significantly. No I am not referring to mission Blitzing but you tend to use fast ships for that anyway and often DPS is secondary to speed (depending on mission).

If you're dealing reduced damage to these smaller NPC ships then against said ships you're going to see more effective DPS out of a damage application bonus than you are out of raw DPS since the application bonus is effectively bonus DPS equal to the % of the bonus until you're doing full DPS to a target.

To illustrate this point I fitted out a bare-bones Mega and a Succubus with 2 Nanofibers. This approximates the speed of a Mordu's Katana as its bearing in on you and I picked an approach that was slightly off-center to approximate an NPC diving headlong into your guns trying to reach its orbit radius. Irridium Charges were used since they still have the potential to one-shot the Katana or at least come close and the top range was about where several of the pockets spawn in Mordu's Headhunters.

This is the base-damage with no active Tracking Computers and here's the damage increase from the first Tracking Computer. As you can see that's a fairly significant bump in damage, approximately 31% in-fact. With all four tracking computers we get all the way up to 295, which is almost a 70% increase in applied damage.

In-fact in this model the applied damage increase from the first active tracking computer is greater than the applied damage increase from the first Magnetic Field Stabilizer.

Cade Windstalker
#3937 - 2013-09-21 10:39:59 UTC
Lloyd Roses wrote:
So you're receiving an extra high, basically identical rep-output (effective rep due to higher baseresists is approx. 40% superior, which is a tiny bit more compared to the old 37.5% bonus), those resists also matter for remote tanking, so something totally new here, and lastly the grid is all but irrelevant. They will be plain better at PvE as they were before, and now - thanks to the massive PG boost - even be able to be fitted for pvp.
If you see a marauder nerf here, then the phantasm is the best ship in eve.

I'd still like to see the rep-bonus kept on the hull for people who prefer to mission without Bastion due to previously enumerated concerns about damage distribution in missions and the resist bonuses on the Vargur and Paladin, but overall you are correct that the ships are still receiving a buff compared to their current state on TQ.
Gigi Barbagrigia
Digital Oddity
#3938 - 2013-09-21 13:31:29 UTC
Cade Windstalker wrote:

Seriously I don't get why everyone is so adverse to Damage Application compared to raw DPS. Go into a mission in any Battleship and you'll see that you can rather easily 1-shot Frigates provided you can get clean hits on them. This is even true with Railguns which have some of the lowest alpha of any large turret, under-cut only by Projectiles.

Good post.

My suggestion would be to just drop Bastion idea on existing T2 BSs, fiddle with attributes a bit (plenty of good suggestions in this thread) and then take another BS hull, fit Bastion module (in preferably 2 flavours) and design new T2 BS around that. Surely art department can't be that overtaxed not to be able to slap some dark paint on 4 hulls. Thus we get "rebalanced" Marauders and new ship in winter expansion. Even if new T2 BS won't be perfect, and we all know it won't be P, the above still looks better on the PR side than leaving us with some forced hybrid nobody will be happy about.

PVE will retain its 1.5 bil toy and PVP would get possibly decent ~1 bil one. Come up with a name, an associated skill for hulls, 2 Bastion skills and you've also created some (small) additional ISK sink.
James Sunder
572 CORP
#3939 - 2013-09-21 14:55:54 UTC
Vivi Udan wrote:
I'm not saying it's right or fair, but CCP is responsible for looking at the big picture.
Yes they are responsible for looking at the "big picture" only they don't realy do this do they?

Bonuses to range on guns but no increase to tractor bonus.

Can tank the 1st wave of a vanguard incursion but what good is it after that? What about the rest of the incursions where we need rr?

High useful resists on only half the marauders. Also the replacing of the repair bonus with those resists.

Giving them a MJD bonus rather than a MWD. Where the only way the MJD would even be worth using is if you could select your jump distance.

Yep, I would definitely sya that CCP looks at the "big picture."

Be Nice Inc.
Prismatic Legion
#3940 - 2013-09-21 16:57:13 UTC
How about instead of a regular tractor beam bonus, they can fit a single capital tractor beam mod with a 99.9% reduction in powergrid cost? That means 100 CPU, 75 PG, 200 GJ Activation / 20s. Not easy to fit, but not unbearable either for a pve boat.
Can you see the rapier?:,GH6lqDE