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CCP! Please clarify the future plans for WiS!

First post
Issler Dainze
Tadakastu-Obata Corporation
The Honda Accord
#1 - 2011-10-24 19:51:29 UTC  |  Edited by: Issler Dainze
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

I don't agree, we certainly do want FiS but that doesn't mean we don't wasn more WiS. I think a lot of us do! And leaving WiS as single player prison cell CQ is a reminder that CCP can't keep its promises. The interview makes it clear there is no plan in the works or even being discussed to take WiS beyond the prison cell.

So if you wanted WiS please post in this thread because I think a lot of us want CCP to deliver more of what they have promised use for years now.


Estrale Frontiers
#2 - 2011-10-24 19:54:15 UTC
Abandon WiS.


Montevius Williams
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2011-10-24 19:55:54 UTC
I think most people DO want walking in stations, just not the way it was implemented.

"The American Government indoctrination system known as public education has been relentlessly churning out socialists for over 20 years". - TravisWB

CoLe Blackblood
the united
#4 - 2011-10-24 19:59:12 UTC
I like the idea of Walking in Stations. The scope of what CCP is trying to do with their space game is quite impressive...rather than being like every other nub on here and saying GTFO, I will say that we need more spaceships way before we need to go to the cantina.
Avila Cracko
#5 - 2011-10-24 19:59:23 UTC
i want it.

like for you!

truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

Jill Xelitras
Xeltec services
#6 - 2011-10-24 20:05:18 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

No Hilmar, we don't want more spaceships. We want you to fix the current ones ! You may even want to release the promised ones.

And then we want you to walk over to your marketing department and tell them to stop telling everybody that "walking in stations" has been finally released until it really is ready to be released on TQ.

I saw Torfi walking a character through a bar and playing a cool game ... Now go and make that happen ! That's when you should start marketing WIS.

Also, I'm very surprised (although I shouldn't be) that it took you until NOW to figure out that PI could be used to make low-sec interesting ... really CCP ? After all those years ?

I wonder why I keep paying.

Don't anger the forum gods.

ISD Buldath:

> I Saw, I came, I Frowned, I locked, I posted, and I left.

Paragon Renegade
Sebiestor Tribe
#7 - 2011-10-24 20:05:47 UTC  |  Edited by: Paragon Renegade
Tristan North wrote:
mkint wrote:
hooray, yet another thread about how "I want EVE to die, so I can Barbie!"

edit: and depending on how you interpret the pacing of that interview, it could very easily be that Hilmar's intention is "I am working on FiS because players are making me. Once we've done that with a halfassed winter expansion, the summer is going to be an Apocrypha-sized WIS expansion." And gawd, I hope that's not true, but I have the horrible horrible feeling that it prove to be, and that it will be the final end of EVE.

Hooray, yet another post about how "I want just play with colored squares!"
Get out? Hooray!

Eve is a game about spaceships & explosions.

Unless WiS suddenly becomes a TPS/FPS with pulse-pounding action & buttloads of explosions for hours on end, flying around in a spaceship is going to take more priority in a game set in space featuring spaceships.

The pie is a tautology

War Kitten
Panda McLegion
#8 - 2011-10-24 20:11:12 UTC
Tell us, exactly what is it you want from WiS that you thought you were going to get? More hallways to walk in? Fancier stations to look at?

Many of us want it, eventually.

What we don't want is CCP to ignore the real game for 36 months (because it took 18+ just to produce one CQ) before they even figure out how WiS improves the gameplay.

Space-barbie is neat looking, but adds 0 gameplay.
Walking around typing /dance, /emote and other /animate_my_barbie commands is also neat, but adds 0 gameplay.
Having "establishments" is just sounding like a pretty graphical interface for the market at best.

Granted CCP is bad at communicating, but it seems to me that all WiS is is yet another nifty tech demo of how to animate a person.

I'd rather have something useful to the gameplay like engine trails tbh.

I don't judge people by their race, religion, color, size, age, gender, or ethnicity. I judge them by their grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation, clarity of expression, and logical consistency.

#9 - 2011-10-24 20:11:35 UTC  |  Edited by: bornaa
Morganta wrote:
2 out of 10 for Wis

a clear majority 20%....

look at likes OP got... some ppl dont want to fight with ppl that just know to say "go back to wow" so they only like...

i would like WiS too but I do not like the way CCP started to implement it the first time...

to CCP: less errors with customer relations!
[Yes, I'm an Amateur](
Blue Nine Industries
#10 - 2011-10-24 20:12:20 UTC
When blowing up someone's stuff just isn't enough it would be nice to shoot them in the face.

In game.

#11 - 2011-10-24 20:13:16 UTC
You know, if all you barbie rookies were to post in the same threads rather than make a 1-off post in a 1-off thread, you'd look more like an involved part of EVE that has some understanding about the realities of EVE and it's future. All these anti-WIS posters could be completely outnumbered by the barbie-ites, but it won't look that way because the barbie-ites never post in eachothers' threads. All the thread is 1 pro barbie, and dozens of anti-barbie. And over and over and over, because you people spam the same goddamned thread over and over again.

Maxim 6. If violence wasn’t your last resort, you failed to resort to enough of it.

Jada Maroo
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#12 - 2011-10-24 20:13:36 UTC
I want WiS, and had been looking forward to it ever since I heard about it, but I didn't know they were gonna let the game fall to **** to do it. If the price of WiS is FiS has to suffer, I'm not willing to pay that price.
Brainless in Space
#13 - 2011-10-24 20:14:07 UTC
eve online has had Warping In Space since for ever!
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#14 - 2011-10-24 20:14:29 UTC
The vast majority of the player base does still want WIS, there has been increasing demand for some years now.


They want it implemented in the way that was outlined in the beginning, with engaging game play that made sense to take place in that environment.

They want it developed to the point that it is worthwhile before it is released.

They want it developed with a REASONABLE percentage of Dev resources devoted to it, not most of them.

They want it to be tech stable before it is released, and running smoothly.

They want it to be optional.

They want it to compliment and enhance FIS content.

They want any items produced by/for Incarna to be produced by the community and tie directly into the existing industry infra structure.

Simply put, they want it to be worth while, fun, and have a point.

Until they get a handle on how to do this, further development is pointless.

Work on the plan, not the product at this point.

View the latest EVE Online developments and other game related news and gameplay by visiting Ranger 1 Presents: Virtual Realms.

Myfanwy Heimdal
Heimdal Freight and Manufacture Inc
#15 - 2011-10-24 20:16:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Myfanwy Heimdal
Walking in Stations is a huge task and one which really hadn't been thought out properly.

We're talking stations of over 20 km in size. How are we going to walk around that lot? What are we going to do in there? In fact, what is in all those thousands of miles of corridors and how are we going to interact?

I've seen other games where we've had taverns in towns where players could meet and, always, they're empty. So, if we're wanting an Eve version of Mallory's Bar (The Gap) or that bar from Total Recall then we're going to have to have something worth our while going around walking in stations.

When I was playing other games I never once saw the point of towns or cities where we could meet other players. Not once did I say I'll spend the evening playing BadgerQuest or whatever and spend the time sitting around in a town. And neither did I once run into any players who were hanging around like extras in Westerns lounging around on the boardwalks.

In every MMO that I have played, players would come into town - because they had to - get whatever it was they had to have done done as fast as they could - and then beetle off to do some whatever they did out of the towns.

So, please tell me, and I mean this most sincerely, what possibly could CCP do to make walking in stations interesting or purposeful to the majority of players? I have, at the moment no interest in WiS and I can't see me every having any interest in doing so. CCP would have to pull a massive rabbit out of a hat to make me interested. And if they tried to force us to leave the pod to find an agent/repairshop/refinery then the recent rage would be nothing compared to that storm.

Walking In Stations/ It's not going to work.

Pam:  I wonder what my name means in Welsh?Nessa: Why?

Skunk Gracklaw
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#16 - 2011-10-24 20:16:38 UTC
Jada Maroo wrote:
I want WiS, and had been looking forward to it ever since I heard about it, but I didn't know they were gonna let the game fall to **** to do it. If the price of WiS is FiS has to suffer, I'm not willing to pay that price.

This is a Good Post.
Hans Jagerblitzen
Ice Fire Warriors
#17 - 2011-10-24 20:16:42 UTC
Sadly, this is exactly why a lot of game developers don't promise to implement whatever the players demand.

For the record, Incarna/WiS was lusted after for years, it was very popular and used to be know as Ambulation back when everyone wanted it.

Even more hilarious is that hundreds of players unsubbed over that time because CCP hadn't delivered Ambulation yet, and they were all waiting.

Than, CCP finally gets to it, calls it Incarna, and every cries foul and wants their spaceships back.

CCP promises to give spaceships more attention, and people start unsubbing again because they've stopped work on Incarna.

Its almost comical, but the lesson to be learned is that player demand/feedback is only worth so much. Apparently, the player base has no patience when it comes to having a company develop custom technologies to suit their every whim.

No matter what CCP does, they are "screwing over" someone. No matter what they announce, people will unsub over it.

CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary

Kengutsi Akira
#18 - 2011-10-24 20:17:39 UTC
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Tristan North wrote:
mkint wrote:
hooray, yet another thread about how "I want EVE to die, so I can Barbie!"

edit: and depending on how you interpret the pacing of that interview, it could very easily be that Hilmar's intention is "I am working on FiS because players are making me. Once we've done that with a halfassed winter expansion, the summer is going to be an Apocrypha-sized WIS expansion." And gawd, I hope that's not true, but I have the horrible horrible feeling that it prove to be, and that it will be the final end of EVE.

Hooray, yet another post about how "I want just play with colored squares!"
Get out? Hooray!

Eve is a game about spaceships & explosions.

Unless WiS suddenly becomes a TPS/FPS with pules-pounding action & buttloads of explosions for hours on end, flying around in a spaceship is going to take more priority in a game set in space featuring spaceships.

Every time I see WiS people crying about their side game getting cancelled, I start hearing Charlie Sheen quotes. CCP deciding to work on WiS at this point is about as realistic as his claims.

Look, I know you all arent gonna realize this, but Ill take another stab at it anyways.



Its NOT a gigantic logical leap here guys n gals. WiS was Beta for WoD.

Check this out, I even have LINKS that support that claim
Incarna is actually considered a prototype, the rendering engine that will ship with the MMO will be much more advanced

They felt there was a reason to REASSURE THE WoD ppl that the engine in Incarna WASNT what was gonna ship with THEIR MMO

Now that WoD isnt coming out any time soon theyre not working on WiS. Hell they announced the "back burner"ing of both projects on the same day. They could have at least pretended there wasnt a connection but they didnt lol

Now I get that a lot of this delusional WiS crowd hasnt been in EVE long as they "Just signed up for WiS", but CCP has a track record. When they stop work on a feature. They dont go back to it. See Faction Warfare and a slew of others.
WiS will be worked on again when WoD is being worked on again, and not before.

"Is it fair that CCP can get away with..." :: checks ownership on the box ::


Tribal Liberation Force
Minmatar Republic
#19 - 2011-10-24 20:17:58 UTC
Issler Dainze wrote:
Reading the CCP CEO interview I was taken by this comment.

"but the voice of the community is quite clear. People want more spaceships, and more flying in space features. That's very much what we are responding to. "

I don't agree, we certainly do want FiS but that doesn't mean we don't wasn more WiS. I think a lot of us do! And leaving WiS as single player prison cell CQ is a reminder that CCP can't keep its promises. The interview makes it clear there is no plan in the works or even being discussed to take WiS beyond the prison cell.

So if you wanted WiS please post in this thread because I think a lot of us want CCP to deliver more of what they have promised use for years now.




Tristan North
The Scope
#20 - 2011-10-24 20:20:46 UTC
Paragon Renegade wrote:
Tristan North wrote:
mkint wrote:
hooray, yet another thread about how "I want EVE to die, so I can Barbie!"

edit: and depending on how you interpret the pacing of that interview, it could very easily be that Hilmar's intention is "I am working on FiS because players are making me. Once we've done that with a halfassed winter expansion, the summer is going to be an Apocrypha-sized WIS expansion." And gawd, I hope that's not true, but I have the horrible horrible feeling that it prove to be, and that it will be the final end of EVE.

Hooray, yet another post about how "I want just play with colored squares!"
Get out? Hooray!

Eve is a game about spaceships & explosions.

Unless WiS suddenly becomes a TPS/FPS with pules-pounding action & buttloads of explosions for hours on end, flying around in a spaceship is going to take more priority in a game set in space featuring spaceships.

More priority, agree, where did i say stop FiS for WiS?
I want a game that have both, but the FiS trolls prefer a game that will never see any improvement/change that is not in their interest.
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