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Insurance and Loss due to criminal activity

First post
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#41 - 2011-10-22 20:38:15 UTC
Motog Suffin wrote:
I believe it has been said before. Concord is not there to prevent people from being sucide ganked. They are there to provide punishment.

Was it ever mentioned that Concord and the insurance companies are in any way related?

Insurance is here to mitigate the risk of the accidental loss of your ship. Not to mitigate the loss of your ship from actions of law enforcement. Same connection as in the real world. Insurance will not pay for behavior that is considered unethical or reckless, neither should it pay here. Life insurance will not pay if the insured party has committed suicide.

I am not against suicide ganking, I am against providing suicide gankers and self-destructors with loss mitigation. Do what you want with your ship, but don't expect to get paid by insurance for it.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#42 - 2011-10-22 20:42:09 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Adunh Slavy wrote:
So your argument fails as the removal of all insurance is not the position proposed by the OP.
And your counter-argument fails because you're not addressing the point. I never said that it had anything to do with all insurance. I said that insurance is there to incentivise ship destruction.

But sure. My assumption here is that people want to remove insurance because that way, gankers will have lowered incentives to gank. That is why I'm asking: why? Why should it be disincentivised? Or do you want to claim that it doesn't incentivise ship destruction? If so, what difference does it make? Why should it be removed?

By the way, you didn't answer the question: why?
Why should gankers be smacked in the face, financially?
Why should ship destruction be disincentivised?

Because the purpose of insurance is to mitigate the loss from accidental loss. You should be able to do whatever you want with your ship, but don't expect insurance to pay for anything but accidental loss.

This is a nice and clear distinction. Did you directly cause your ship to be blown up by CONCORD or through self-destruction? Yes, then do not pass go and do not collect your insurance payout.
#43 - 2011-10-22 20:43:17 UTC
When somebody makes a real life comparison to make a point about an internet space ship game I have to pause and consider the psychology that may be motivating them:

1) Perhaps our original poster believes there should be *truly* safe places outside of station for pilots to go about their business and paying out insurance on criminal actions makes these places practically nonexistent. I can only reply that a safe game like that might wonderful but it wouldn’t be EvE.

2) Perhaps our original poster finds Pend’s enthusiastic willingness to pay out on criminal action ship loss a mechanic that breaks her fragile feeling of immersion. “This is absurd,” she proclaims, “No insurance company would do this!” I can only reply that this is a failure of imagination on our poster’s part. Perhaps Pend has crunched the numbers and discovered that the well publicized menace created by the occasional suicide gank has so many little carebears insuring their boats (never to collect) that paying out to criminals makes superb business sense.

3) Perhaps our original poster believes payouts to criminals is a game breaking mechanic since it incentives criminal actions. “Darling,” I must reply, “You may be a law abiding citizen of EvE but many of us are criminals.” In the dark cold universe that is EvE we criminals get a sporting chance to ply our dastardly trade. Wicked corporations like Pend collude. If this aspect of EvE disturbs you it may be time to move on to a different game.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#44 - 2011-10-22 20:48:10 UTC
Tarkoauc wrote:
[Insurance is here to mitigate the risk of the accidental loss of your ship.
No. It's there to mitigate the cost of ship loss. “Accidental” is not a factor. “The real world” is not a factor.

You're confusing a real-world business model with an in-game mechanic. The former is about earning money by leveraging statistics of payout costs against insurance premiums. The latter is about reducing the cost of ship loss and giving minerals value. The two are not related.

If you want to use real life as a basis, then you agree that CONCORD should be removed. Is that really a price you're willing to pay for gankers not getting any insurance payouts?
Willco Inc.
#45 - 2011-10-22 20:48:42 UTC
Actually I have to agree with the OP. I know insurance payouts to gankers has always (as far as I know) been done, and I know the gankers want it to continue this way.

However Eve, as ridiculous as it may sound when talking about an internet spaceship game, has always been great because of it's realistic game rules.

War by a larger enemy on a smaller/weaker - allowed because it happens in real life.

Market scams - allowed because it happens in real life.

Ganking/Bullying/Stealing - allowed because it happens in real life.

However - getting an insurance payment because you crash your car running from the police after slamming into someone elses vehicle????? NO WAY. Nothing real about it.

I am sure my opinion isn't popular, but it's real.
Willco Inc.
#46 - 2011-10-22 21:01:44 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Regardless though, a criminal expecting a payout from their insurance company while committing a crime, ridiculous.

Edit: Off topic part removed, CCP Phantom.
Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#47 - 2011-10-22 21:06:29 UTC
It would make more sense for CCP to change the name to what it really is. Its a mineral refund service, not insurance (as its based on the mineral cost, not the ship cost).

Sunshine and Lollipops
#48 - 2011-10-22 21:13:15 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
Regardless though, a criminal expecting a payout from their insurance company while committing a crime, ridiculous.
Just as ridiculous as having an insta-teleporting, insta-gibbing, omniscient, unkillable, unavoidable police force. What's good for the goose is good for the gander — remove one, and the other should go as well.

Edit: Off topic part removed, CCP Phantom.
Rhaegor Stormborn
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#49 - 2011-10-22 23:05:24 UTC
I think this would be okay tbh.
Mercantile and Stuff
#50 - 2011-10-22 23:08:02 UTC
Tippia wrote:
Tarkoauc wrote:
Insurance should not pay out if CONCORD kills your ship because of your criminal actions. Insurance should not pay if you self-destruct your ship.

How about if I take out insurance on drones and hybrid ammo then?

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Ruah Piskonit
PIE Inc.
Khimi Harar
#51 - 2011-10-22 23:12:48 UTC
ok, so you are going to hear this from an RPer so listin closely:

Compairing Eve to the real world is doomed to fail. what you see as common sense may not make good game sense.

ok now that that is out of the way.

high sec is already as safe as anything short of not undocking should be. stop playing the game afk, and you will live.

Mercantile and Stuff
#52 - 2011-10-22 23:14:13 UTC
Tippia wrote:
[quote=Adunh Slavy]You risk not finding a suitable target. You risk finding an intelligent target (so your gank failes)… granted, that risk is very tiny because gank victims are stupid as hell, but still…. You risk angering the Randum Number God and get a T2 Suitcase out of the whole deal. Assuming you do it legally, you either risk missing the juicy targets while you grind your sec status back up, or you risk being shot down while travelling to the target.

Respectfully tippia.....bullshit. It is a zero risk proposition. And your constant arguments to the contrary are ridiculous.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Corina Jarr
en Welle Shipping Inc.
#53 - 2011-10-22 23:16:38 UTC  |  Edited by: Corina Jarr
At least I have tonight's entertainment.

But really, why should not-really-insurance in a game set in space where it is acceptable to randomly shoot someone in a low sec system and then move into a high sec system and no one (including the cops) cares be modeled after RL insurance?

Because the only possible connection to RL insurance I can find is that they pay you (sometimes).

They don't revoke insurance for self destructing (ie damaging your own stuff).
They don't revoke insurance for illegal acts.
They don't revoke insurance for flying in a warzone.
They don't increase rates proportional to the number of times you have required their service.
It is not required to purchase in order to receive payout.
They don't charge you before you can pay (ie, bills).
They don't ever run out of money.

They are quite unlike any RL insurance company I have ever heard of.

However, if you want all of those things added too (along with a contract that has so many terms and limitations and voidings that it makes your brain hurt) then sure, remove "insurance" for criminal acts.

Otherwise, live with it.

Oh and:
Btw disincentivised doesn't bring up hits in Google.

Yes it does. It also suggests the correct spelling.
#54 - 2011-10-22 23:27:34 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Tippia wrote:
Tarkoauc wrote:
Insurance should not pay out if CONCORD kills your ship because of your criminal actions. Insurance should not pay if you self-destruct your ship.

How about if I take out insurance on drones and hybrid ammo then?

Clever and perceptive comment.

Drones: As pilots don't usually plan to lose these I suppose Pend could develop a viable policy offering to the business benefit of all.

Ammo: Don't see how Pend could develop an appealing policy for pilots. As all ammo will be expended the policy cost would have to include 100% payout plus overhead and that would cost the pilot more than simply replacing their ammo on the open market.

My point, of course, is it's really a question of what breaks immersion. What breaks immersion often has more to do with the position of the individual player rather than the game itself. Ammo insurance breaks immersion for me. Drone insurance and payouts to criminals does not.

Sunshine and Lollipops
#55 - 2011-10-22 23:27:49 UTC
MeestaPenni wrote:
Respectfully tippia.....bullshit. It is a zero risk proposition. And your constant arguments to the contrary are ridiculous.
Like I said, it's zero risk if you ignore the risks.

But please, explain why the risk of failure is zero. Why the risk of wasting time is zero. Why the risk of a horrid drop is zero. Why the risk of losing your ship is zero. Why the risk of not even getting to your target is zero (which, granted, only happens for career gankers).

And when you're done with that, explain why any of that is a problem and how it is solved by removing insurance.
Corina Jarr wrote:
Yes it does. It also suggests the correct spelling.
Nah. It suggests the incorrect (aka U.S.) spelling… Blink
Motog Suffin
North Snow Reactions
#56 - 2011-10-23 03:01:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Motog Suffin
Tarkoauc wrote:
Motog Suffin wrote:
I believe it has been said before. Concord is not there to prevent people from being sucide ganked. They are there to provide punishment.

Was it ever mentioned that Concord and the insurance companies are in any way related?

Insurance is here to mitigate the risk of the accidental loss of your ship. Not to mitigate the loss of your ship from actions of law enforcement. Same connection as in the real world. Insurance will not pay for behavior that is considered unethical or reckless, neither should it pay here. Life insurance will not pay if the insured party has committed suicide.

I am not against suicide ganking, I am against providing suicide gankers and self-destructors with loss mitigation. Do what you want with your ship, but don't expect to get paid by insurance for it.

Sorry miss, here in the online universe which is eve online, insurance exists to compensate the loss of your ship, accidental or not.

Think of it as a reward for smart players who realize that you don't fly what they aren't willing to lose.
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#57 - 2011-10-23 03:25:40 UTC
Corina Jarr wrote:
At least I have tonight's entertainment.

But really, why should not-really-insurance in a game set in space where it is acceptable to randomly shoot someone in a low sec system and then move into a high sec system and no one (including the cops) cares be modeled after RL insurance?

Because the only possible connection to RL insurance I can find is that they pay you (sometimes).

They don't revoke insurance for self destructing (ie damaging your own stuff).
They don't revoke insurance for illegal acts.
They don't revoke insurance for flying in a warzone.
They don't increase rates proportional to the number of times you have required their service.
It is not required to purchase in order to receive payout.
They don't charge you before you can pay (ie, bills).
They don't ever run out of money.

They are quite unlike any RL insurance company I have ever heard of.

However, if you want all of those things added too (along with a contract that has so many terms and limitations and voidings that it makes your brain hurt) then sure, remove "insurance" for criminal acts.

Otherwise, live with it.

Oh and:
Btw disincentivised doesn't bring up hits in Google.

Yes it does. It also suggests the correct spelling.

I am actually okay with what you propose. Nobody is reading the T&Cs anyway for insurances anyway, since they are non-negotiable.
Mercantile and Stuff
#58 - 2011-10-23 03:58:14 UTC  |  Edited by: MeestaPenni
Tippia wrote:

But please, explain why the risk of failure is zero. Why the risk of wasting time is zero. Why the risk of a horrid drop is zero. Why the risk of losing your ship is zero. Why the risk of not even getting to your target is zero

I have seen some excellent trolls on the Internet....and you rank very highly.

The last time I did this you abandoned the thread like it was poison.....

Cost of ship = a

Cost of modules = b

Cost of ammo = c

Cost of insurance = d

Insurance payout = e

a + b + c + d = x

x - e = y

y = expected loss

Not a risk. A cost of doing business.

You keep pushing this weird "risk" **** and it makes you look stoopid.

I am not Prencleeve Grothsmore.

Jhagiti Tyran
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#59 - 2011-10-23 03:59:01 UTC
I like the idea of realistic insurance in return for realistic police.
Adunh Slavy
#60 - 2011-10-23 07:02:06 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Phantom
It should be removed because it distorts behaviors outside what humans would other wise conclude as a reasonable action. It distorts Eve's sandbox as a crucible of human nature into the realms of the frivolous.

Edit: Off topic parts removed, CCP Phantom.

Necessity is the plea for every infringement of human freedom. It is the argument of tyrants; it is the creed of slaves.  - William Pitt