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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1941 - 2013-09-26 18:48:09 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Except it's not a "100% chance of loss" when someone new enters or stays in local, is it? They might be passing through. The ones who stay might be afk. There are plenty of other possibilities, so you are not guaranteed to lose a ship. There is a chance. You make a judgement as to what that chance is, and you weigh it against the benefits. That's good.

But then you ask that those chances, those judgements, be removed, because you don't like them. That's bad.

No, it's a 100% chance of loss if I engage you in an exhumer. You are telling me I'm a carebear if I don;t engage. I get it. You want easy kills. Go find them elsewhere.
YOU want to hide behind and exploited mechanic AND you can;t even prove that that does any good! That's bad.

YOU want to change a game aspect, AND you can't even prove that it does any good! That's really bad.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1942 - 2013-09-26 18:48:13 UTC
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Any way that was well off-topic but thought it good to address. Nice points brought up above though but still doesn't matter as some Null systems can be choaked and it's not always down to the size of the ship. The problem as you identified is the hot-drop.

This was introduced because Local give you 100% accurate intelligence on who is in system before they even load grid. You no doubt check local, notice all the people who just landed are in the same Corp\Alliance and it's a fleet looking for a fight.

Cyno Up > Fleet in without that intel giving you the heads-up. Again it's to balance out Local. I'm really sorry to keep bringing this around to Local I don't want to but I'm stuck in a mechanic loop without an end clause except: Change Local and watch Hot Drops fall off (I imagine).
How can null be choked? You can monitor every gate and scan for every wormhole but it only takes a second for a cloakers to slip by and then you are screwed. Local provides the only protection from that, and even then it only tells you someone's there, it doesn't tell you what their intentions are. Without local they get a massive buff.

Hot drops would occur MORE without local. as you wouldn't see a local spike, you'd be more vulnerable to them, and cloakers can slip in even easier and soon disappear, so defense fleets would have to actively search everywhere for them, and null is not a small place.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1943 - 2013-09-26 18:49:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
I had to make a very important change to my previous post from "with" to "without" because the intent was to show what would happen if stealth bombers could operate without being seen in local. Please update your posts to reflect this substantial error. My apologies.

PS: And to Nick, the anology to gatecamps is a solid one. I do not see how your argument disputes this. You say:
Nick wrote:
Watching local can be done in a POS, or docked in a station.
Gatecamping requires more effort, by virtue of needing to be on grid with the gate itself.

To be honest, sitting at a POS (minus fighter assignments) cannot bring in ISK, nor can being docked at a station, even though it does allow you to see local. Similarly, sitting on a gate perch cannot allow you to engage the targets which pass through (minus bubbles, to a degree), even though it does allow you to see the gate.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1944 - 2013-09-26 18:49:14 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Except it's not a "100% chance of loss" when someone new enters or stays in local, is it? They might be passing through. The ones who stay might be afk. There are plenty of other possibilities, so you are not guaranteed to lose a ship. There is a chance. You make a judgement as to what that chance is, and you weigh it against the benefits. That's good.

But then you ask that those chances, those judgements, be removed, because you don't like them. That's bad.

No, it's a 100% chance of loss if I engage you in an exhumer. You are telling me I'm a carebear if I don;t engage. I get it. You want easy kills. Go find them elsewhere.
YOU want to hide behind and exploited mechanic AND you can;t even prove that that does any good! That's bad.

YOU want to change a game aspect, AND you can't even prove that it does any good! That's really bad.
Sure I can...
There's no dispute that null seccers move and dock up due to AFK cloakers. Remove the cloakers = healthier null.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1945 - 2013-09-26 18:53:26 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
I am also not asking for easy kills. I am asking that my current abilities not be mechanically removed simply because you don't like the fact that there is currently a level of uncertainty and risk in nullsec and that you have to make your own personal judgements about them.

PS: If you're now arguing that the mechanic does not have any effect, why are you so desperately trying to have it removed? That doesn't make sense at all, bro.
What uncertainty? I am certain that seeing anyone null or red in local will cause me to move to one of my alternate systems. No uncertainty there, regardless of your state.

It does have an effect of content denial, removing null systems from play. It's boring not just for the owners, but for anyone roaming through too. An empty null is a bad null.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

All Web Investigations
#1946 - 2013-09-26 18:53:53 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Sure I can...
There's no dispute that null seccers move and dock up due to AFK cloakers. Remove the cloakers = healthier null.

You think having 100% risk free isk/materials generation in nullsec is "healthier"?

Um I've got some unfortunate news for you, Mr Kell...
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1947 - 2013-09-26 18:58:11 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
I had to make a very important change to my previous post from "with" to "without" because the intent was to show what would happen if stealth bombers could operate without being seen in local. Please update your posts to reflect this substantial error. My apologies.

PS: And to Nick, the anology to gatecamps is a solid one. I do not see how your argument disputes this.

A player monitoring system from a gate camp must be on grid to the gate, and visually watching the screen carefully.

The noise or other visual cue may warn them when to pay more attention, but not reliably so. The gate cloak effect is often held long enough to instill the consideration that a ship may have been missed. Especially if multiple activations occur in a short period.

A player monitoring local, can be in their captains quarters, with a browser window open to crudely drawn images of ponies.

It is unreasonable to claim they share the same level of risk and effort, considering the differences between what can happen to them.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1948 - 2013-09-26 18:58:13 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Sure I can...
There's no dispute that null seccers move and dock up due to AFK cloakers. Remove the cloakers = healthier null.

You think having 100% risk free isk/materials generation in nullsec is "healthier"?

Um I've got some unfortunate news for you, Mr Kell...
It's not 100% risk free though. I've covered this. Because you choose one section on it's own off and say 100% risk free doesn't make it the case. If it does, then every activity could be declared as 100% risk free.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Maximus Aerelius
#1949 - 2013-09-26 19:03:58 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Maximus Aerelius wrote:
Well I'm sure he wasn't twitching his mouse every 15 minutes waiting for someone to show up...was he at his keyboard? Quite possibly. Does AFK mean Away From Keyboard or not interacting with EVE as the definitions have been greatly merged in what you have said. If not interacting this does not indicate AFK. And herein lies your problem...

Now he was active the moment he engaged...OFC...was he active prior to that? Who knows as I don't know the guy but if he was PAK (Present At Keyboard) but but active he would've been logged out should he have missed a "are you active" timer and possible stopped this content from happening.

Nice try at try to get me future banned for a non-functioning IG mechanic.
The story is actually here:

He was in system early to remain cloaked so they wouldn't see him specifically for this kill. It was a timer, so he wouldn't have had to be on all day, just in advance of the enemy form up. Also, the mechanic I've requested would have simply warped him to a deadspace pocket, still cloaked, and warped him back on return to his keyboard, still cloaked, so this would have been unaffected. So no, this kill is entirely beside the point.

Ah thanks for the link. I read this today (at work, oh the shame) and then couldn't find it again. All right I misread the form up part "They had already set-up themselves in the system earlier that day. In a nearby station lay a battleship-heavy fleet in waiting." but if that had been an Cloaker just waiting it wouldn't have happened as it did and this the player made content that was wouldn't have been.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1950 - 2013-09-26 19:05:37 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The whole concept of logic, you are not too strong at grasping it.

Provide evidence that a pilot logging in could not get the same kill.... and you call ME a troll?

It has been established and accepted that a pilot entering a system, be that through a gate or logging in followed by the warp to being active again, will be outed by local.
The denial of pre-warning the cloaked pilot has alone should tell you they are not evenly matched probabilities of success.
The cloaked pilot can show up on grid, with no additional warning, while the returning pilot cannot.

I need prove nothing. You want the timer for log-off, you need to prove he WOULD get the kill by just logging in.

Justifying the change you seek is paid for by proving it is needed, and you have failed at that repeatedly.
You want local removed. So you will cry your way through anything I say as long as it suits your needs. I've read other threads you are in trolling other people in the same way. I'm trying to present a solution in a way that only AFK cloakers are affected but because I don;t want to nuke local you will restructure and reword anything I say to troll me.
Plain and simple: Make sense, present proper arguments and counter productively. If not, for all intents and purposes, you are dead to me on this thread.

Your skill in trolling is spectacular.

I give you perfectly logical arguments:
You want a change, then demonstrate it improves overall gameplay.
You simply demonstrate how it improves your gameplay style, and that in a manner which is not sustainable over long term.
You repeatedly imply we do not have balance, by requesting a change that would fix the game by changing the existing balance.

A proper argument is not defined by whether it agrees with your views.
Despite your implied claims otherwise, I have explained cause and effect, in simple logical terms.

Your refusal to accept them does not equate to my being a troll, but does cast suspicion on your status as one.
Invaluable Fleet Services LTD
#1951 - 2013-09-26 19:07:32 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

It was in reference to your comment you want to force AFK cloakers to fight. Forcing one side to fight in this game is not usually an option. Each side in many fights has a choice to engage or not, to take on risk or not. Carebear corps in empire may tell pilots, "Don't undock, blue ball them, they'll move on." An alliance may decide not to take an engagement in a sov war. PvE players almost always never choose to fight and instead will safe up. And yes...cloaked players can pick and choose their fights too, that is how cloaks work. And that may mean PvE players. Is that unfair? Yeah, could very well be. And I don't care.

Ok, you convinced me and I have to take back my words about being able to force AFK cloakers to fight :)
On the other hand, the cloak mechanics is designed in such a way that I cannot tell what the cloaked guy is doing (unless he has probes launched on dscan).
So, if he attacked me first time, then I can expect him to do the same second time. If he tricked me once then shame on him, but if he tricked me twice then shame on me :)
So, if I seeing him in local, I have to assume he is watching me and seeking opportunity for attack all the time.
The problem is that I see him 24/7 over a month now.

If I want to counter the threat, I have to gather a fleet, make them sit near me and do nothing, waiting for him to attack.
If he wants to arrange a threat, he only has to sit in a cloak somewhere in a system and do nothing.

I think that efforts that each side makes in this situation are way not equal. I want the mechanics to be changed in that way, than cloaker should make serious efforts to cause constant threat in 24/7 mode, or we should have the opportunity to see whether the cloaker is causing threat now or he just went to sleep.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1952 - 2013-09-26 19:14:10 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
The whole concept of logic, you are not too strong at grasping it.

Provide evidence that a pilot logging in could not get the same kill.... and you call ME a troll?

It has been established and accepted that a pilot entering a system, be that through a gate or logging in followed by the warp to being active again, will be outed by local.
The denial of pre-warning the cloaked pilot has alone should tell you they are not evenly matched probabilities of success.
The cloaked pilot can show up on grid, with no additional warning, while the returning pilot cannot.

I need prove nothing. You want the timer for log-off, you need to prove he WOULD get the kill by just logging in.

Justifying the change you seek is paid for by proving it is needed, and you have failed at that repeatedly.
You want local removed. So you will cry your way through anything I say as long as it suits your needs. I've read other threads you are in trolling other people in the same way. I'm trying to present a solution in a way that only AFK cloakers are affected but because I don;t want to nuke local you will restructure and reword anything I say to troll me.
Plain and simple: Make sense, present proper arguments and counter productively. If not, for all intents and purposes, you are dead to me on this thread.

Your skill in trolling is spectacular.

I give you perfectly logical arguments:
You want a change, then demonstrate it improves overall gameplay.
You simply demonstrate how it improves your gameplay style, and that in a manner which is not sustainable over long term.
You repeatedly imply we do not have balance, by requesting a change that would fix the game by changing the existing balance.

A proper argument is not defined by whether it agrees with your views.
Despite your implied claims otherwise, I have explained cause and effect, in simple logical terms.

Your refusal to accept them does not equate to my being a troll, but does cast suspicion on your status as one.
How is anything you say logical? You contradict anything said against you leading us back round in big circles all the way back to "remove local" every single time. It's a chore to respond to you, since I already know as I'm writing that you are going to ignore anything I've said and write up your own weird interpretation.
It's not hard.
AFKers do nothing but deny content.
AFKers should have to be there to accomplish this.
End of argument.

It changes no kills, it changes no risk. You are up in arms acting like I'm asking them to cause anyone that uses a cloak to explode and spray their wallets all over the place.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1953 - 2013-09-26 19:23:51 UTC
Solerin wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

It was in reference to your comment you want to force AFK cloakers to fight. Forcing one side to fight in this game is not usually an option. Each side in many fights has a choice to engage or not, to take on risk or not. Carebear corps in empire may tell pilots, "Don't undock, blue ball them, they'll move on." An alliance may decide not to take an engagement in a sov war. PvE players almost always never choose to fight and instead will safe up. And yes...cloaked players can pick and choose their fights too, that is how cloaks work. And that may mean PvE players. Is that unfair? Yeah, could very well be. And I don't care.

Ok, you convinced me and I have to take back my words about being able to force AFK cloakers to fight :)
On the other hand, the cloak mechanics is designed in such a way that I cannot tell what the cloaked guy is doing (unless he has probes launched on dscan).
So, if he attacked me first time, then I can expect him to do the same second time. If he tricked me once then shame on him, but if he tricked me twice then shame on me :)
So, if I seeing him in local, I have to assume he is watching me and seeking opportunity for attack all the time.
The problem is that I see him 24/7 over a month now.

If I want to counter the threat, I have to gather a fleet, make them sit near me and do nothing, waiting for him to attack.
If he wants to arrange a threat, he only has to sit in a cloak somewhere in a system and do nothing.

I think that efforts that each side makes in this situation are way not equal. I want the mechanics to be changed in that way, than cloaker should make serious efforts to cause constant threat in 24/7 mode, or we should have the opportunity to see whether the cloaker is causing threat now or he just went to sleep.

At the risk of being accused of telling others how to play, I would offer the following tactical advice.

If you expect to have enough backing to bait the ship, fit up something they expect to see, and hang out in a place they can find you.
Noone will believe a bait ship for a newly arrived cloaker, just too obvious. After at least an hour though, you may be able to fool them into believing that impatient pilots are taking risks by being active.

For non-bait activity, where you do not expect support enough to win a fight, fit to evade.
For ratting, pick a boat with longer range weapons, and at least one utility high for a tractor beam.
Set up two to four bookmarks, all in a straight line. These bookmarks should allow you to make your turns at a safe spot, while remaining aligned to the opposite one while ratting. Simply go back and forth, and pick up the loots that were out of range on your next pass.

For mining, and I cannot stress this enough, either use the Venture or don't undock. You can of course use a fighting ship to mine with, but that is far less efficient than is reasonable.
With high skills, the Venture has 90% of the efficiency of a comparably fitted Mack.

Your alternative to these ideas, being of course, stay docked with no income.
IF they are doing this to deny you income, then they ARE getting what they want on a larger scale. They are a pawn being used to hold you in check, while they obviously are planning a move against your group later. This strategy has no value if not followed up on, in this context.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1954 - 2013-09-26 19:32:17 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Your skill in trolling is spectacular.

I give you perfectly logical arguments:
You want a change, then demonstrate it improves overall gameplay.
You simply demonstrate how it improves your gameplay style, and that in a manner which is not sustainable over long term.
You repeatedly imply we do not have balance, by requesting a change that would fix the game by changing the existing balance.

A proper argument is not defined by whether it agrees with your views.
Despite your implied claims otherwise, I have explained cause and effect, in simple logical terms.

Your refusal to accept them does not equate to my being a troll, but does cast suspicion on your status as one.
How is anything you say logical? You contradict anything said against you leading us back round in big circles all the way back to "remove local" every single time. It's a chore to respond to you, since I already know as I'm writing that you are going to ignore anything I've said and write up your own weird interpretation.
It's not hard.
AFKers do nothing but deny content.
AFKers should have to be there to accomplish this.
End of argument.

It changes no kills, it changes no risk. You are up in arms acting like I'm asking them to cause anyone that uses a cloak to explode and spray their wallets all over the place.

Of course I contradict your arguments. This is not an improv acting class where people need to agree, and you are making claims that I can topple with logical points.

As to linking it back to local, have you even considered that I am simply reporting the reality of the situation? Are you so needing to protect local that you refuse to believe it is central to a balanced change?

As to AFKers do nothing but deny content, that is an absolute statement. It cannot be proven accurate, but the reverse is quite possible, if you accept logic.

Why are you maintaining the implied claim that AFK pilots are not normally present and paying attention? Their AFK status is being treated as false information by your argument, who is to say you don't have it right?
These are coffee junkies with an obsession of watching PvE areas non stop....
Gallente Federation
#1955 - 2013-09-26 19:42:45 UTC
Why is AFK cloaking a problem? They can't kill you either.
Gallente Federation
#1956 - 2013-09-26 19:44:58 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Except it's not a "100% chance of loss" when someone new enters or stays in local, is it? They might be passing through. The ones who stay might be afk. There are plenty of other possibilities, so you are not guaranteed to lose a ship. There is a chance. You make a judgement as to what that chance is, and you weigh it against the benefits. That's good.

But then you ask that those chances, those judgements, be removed, because you don't like them. That's bad.

No, it's a 100% chance of loss if I engage you in an exhumer. You are telling me I'm a carebear if I don;t engage. I get it. You want easy kills. Go find them elsewhere.
YOU want to hide behind and exploited mechanic AND you can;t even prove that that does any good! That's bad.

YOU want to change a game aspect, AND you can't even prove that it does any good! That's really bad.
Sure I can...
There's no dispute that null seccers move and dock up due to AFK cloakers. Remove the cloakers = healthier null.

You sound like carebears. There are reds in my corp's home system all the time and we still undock To be fair it's lowsec so they can't bubble the station, but they can still gank us in belts. Short align times are a wonderful thing.)
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1957 - 2013-09-26 19:46:57 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Your skill in trolling is spectacular.

I give you perfectly logical arguments:
You want a change, then demonstrate it improves overall gameplay.
You simply demonstrate how it improves your gameplay style, and that in a manner which is not sustainable over long term.
You repeatedly imply we do not have balance, by requesting a change that would fix the game by changing the existing balance.

A proper argument is not defined by whether it agrees with your views.
Despite your implied claims otherwise, I have explained cause and effect, in simple logical terms.

Your refusal to accept them does not equate to my being a troll, but does cast suspicion on your status as one.
How is anything you say logical? You contradict anything said against you leading us back round in big circles all the way back to "remove local" every single time. It's a chore to respond to you, since I already know as I'm writing that you are going to ignore anything I've said and write up your own weird interpretation.
It's not hard.
AFKers do nothing but deny content.
AFKers should have to be there to accomplish this.
End of argument.

It changes no kills, it changes no risk. You are up in arms acting like I'm asking them to cause anyone that uses a cloak to explode and spray their wallets all over the place.

Of course I contradict your arguments. This is not an improv acting class where people need to agree, and you are making claims that I can topple with logical points.

As to linking it back to local, have you even considered that I am simply reporting the reality of the situation? Are you so needing to protect local that you refuse to believe it is central to a balanced change?

As to AFKers do nothing but deny content, that is an absolute statement. It cannot be proven accurate, but the reverse is quite possible, if you accept logic.

Why are you maintaining the implied claim that AFK pilots are not normally present and paying attention? Their AFK status is being treated as false information by your argument, who is to say you don't have it right?
These are coffee junkies with an obsession of watching PvE areas non stop....
It comes back to local, but we all know local is a much bigger issue, to which there are no good answers other than: it works as is, and has worked all this time. I'm not discussing local again in this thread, it's counter productive to the point at hand.

And that's fine. Coffee junkies would remain unaffected. And I'm not implying anything. I'm saying the act of being AFK would prove you AFK and prevention should be put in place for AFK players to affect the game, through either action or inaction.
It's widely know why they do what they do, there's no dispute about that. They know it lowers indexes. I don;t think anyone should be able to do that 24/7 with no effort.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1958 - 2013-09-26 19:47:47 UTC
CorsairV wrote:
Why is AFK cloaking a problem? They can't kill you either.
Oh that old chestnut. You are clearly some kind of genius.
Read the thread.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1959 - 2013-09-26 20:05:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Andy Landen wrote:
Teckos wrote:
So I'd prefer to decouple local from intel. Make intel a separate mechanic, one the players have to work for. I'd even be willing to consider a mechanic where if you "work hard enough" for it, is very close or is as good as the current local mechanic. Of course it will cost you something unlike it is now where you get this advantage for free in any system you go to.

Players did have to work for sovereignty. So Local could be fixed by allowing those who worked for sov and all their blue friends (who probably helped) to have access to the intel, and those who are not blue to them to not have access to the intel. Of course, anyone who chats in local would be seen by all. I can certainly support that.


Oh and the sentry drone, bannable offense thing...give me a bit.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#1960 - 2013-09-26 20:06:20 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
CorsairV wrote:
Why is AFK cloaking a problem? They can't kill you either.

That's not the point. And that argument is out of date as it have been proved to only apply to the cloakers point of view and not to the others in local.

Why does it only apply to the cloakers POV and not everyone else in local / game?

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama