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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1781 - 2013-09-24 05:53:38 UTC
Vas Eldryn wrote:
LOL Lucas, I just realized you are in SMA, which I was part of a couple of years ago... I remember how badly that alliance was AFK cyno camped! Is it still continuing? If so I feel for you man.

Unfortunately my new alliance, being a small alliance like SMA, has developed the same problem... They demand 100million a day per system for the right to mine and PVE (not that they have been paid yet).... they are quite effective too, being active 5% of the time AFK 95%, anyone daring to mine gets pounced from time to time. This causing the systems to be closed to everything but PVP.

unfortunately these new guys are rough, as they are a merc corp without a home system, so its very hard to take the fight to them, reportedly being paid to keep it up by an unnamed larger alliance (yes they confirmed it themselves in local).

All Web Investigations
#1782 - 2013-09-24 07:48:00 UTC
How come none of you anti-cloakers have addressed a point I brought up a few pages ago, and has been brought up countless times before:

These ideas are a massive nerf to active players, far more than they are to afk ones. The active players, who are active, can no longer attempt to trick you, as the mechanics would provide you absolute certainty about them. Your side gain an extreme advantage with zero effort, and give up nothing. No balance is maintained, and risk is reduced as you now have perfect intel on an active player

How can you people claim this is only about "AFK cloakers" when every idea you guys come up with is a massive nerf to ACTIVE players? How come you NEVER address the fact that it's a massive nerf to active players? How come you NEVER attempt to maintain balance?

Methinks it's because you're not interested in balance or even "AFK players". I think it's because you just want a perfect little farmzone in null
All Web Investigations
#1783 - 2013-09-24 07:56:41 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
You guys really do have to decide if the afk cloaky really presents a risk or not. The auto-logoff would only take those afk longer than 1 hour out of space. And if those players are thought to project no risk to anyone, then the auto-logoff has ZERO effect on risk for anyone. I agree that an afk player projects zero risk while he is afk, so an auto logoff does NOTHING to risk. But regardless, if a player doesn't want to play the game, I believe that he should be logged off after an hour. And if he wants to create a script to automate clicks in the client, then so be it; scripts (though against EULA) do NOT bother me one bit even if they are designed to undermine the auto-logoff mechanic.

If they present zero risk why do you so desperately need them removed from the game?

Also, if you remove the zero risk entities such as afk players, then by definition the only ones remaining are real, active threats.

So by definition, whenever you see someone in local you would know, for certain, that they are a threat. You would never, ever accidentally interpret an afk players a threat, and you would never, ever accidentally interpret a real threat as afk. It would be mechanically impossible - it is effectively removing all uncertainty and as a result risk. You would never, ever be subject to mistakes, as you would know with perfect surety what something was. How can you claim that isn't a reduction of risk?

And as I've said, it also removes my ability - the active player - from tricking you into thinking I'm not a threat. The mechanics would flat out tell you, for ZERO EFFORT, whether I was or not. This means that no matter how much effort I put in, I can't do anything to influence my appearance to you.

It is very, very clearly a sharp reduction in uncertainty and risk, and you're either incredibly naive or purposefully dishonest if you claim it isn't.
Vas Eldryn
#1784 - 2013-09-24 08:42:23 UTC  |  Edited by: Vas Eldryn
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How come none of you anti-cloakers have addressed a point I brought up a few pages ago, and has been brought up countless times before:

These ideas are a massive nerf to active players, far more than they are to afk ones. The active players, who are active, can no longer attempt to trick you, as the mechanics would provide you absolute certainty about them. Your side gain an extreme advantage with zero effort, and give up nothing. No balance is maintained, and risk is reduced as you now have perfect intel on an active player

How can you people claim this is only about "AFK cloakers" when every idea you guys come up with is a massive nerf to ACTIVE players? How come you NEVER address the fact that it's a massive nerf to active players? How come you NEVER attempt to maintain balance?

Methinks it's because you're not interested in balance or even "AFK players". I think it's because you just want a perfect little farmzone in null

I don't endorse a lot of these idea's either, but I am strongly against AFK cyno cloaking... but seriously I'll endorse any idea that breaks the lockdown of systems inflicted from this mechanic. You can make outrageous quotes like if AFK cyno cloaking is removed that it makes PVE ships 100% safe all you like.... however the killboards prove you 100% wrong.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1785 - 2013-09-24 08:43:26 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
My risk, since a hostile can no longer fool me into operating in their presence, drops. Maybe not for me specifically, but for miners like myself, statistically speaking.
Ratters and mission runners too.
Prove that this happens, as I don;t believe it does. I don't believe that a measurable amount of population simply get desensitised to a random local.
AFK cloakers operate to cause people to move on, lowering the index of the system. They don't do it for anything as complex as goading people into taking risks.

Vas Eldryn wrote:
LOL Lucas, I just realized you are in SMA, which I was part of a couple of years ago... I remember how badly that alliance was AFK cyno camped! Is it still continuing? If so I feel for you man.

Unfortunately my new alliance, being a small alliance like SMA, has developed the same problem... They demand 100million a day per system for the right to mine and PVE (not that they have been paid yet).... they are quite effective too, being active 5% of the time AFK 95%, anyone daring to mine gets pounced from time to time. This causing the systems to be closed to everything but PVP.

unfortunately these new guys are rough, as they are a merc corp without a home system, so its very hard to take the fight to them, reportedly being paid to keep it up by an unnamed larger alliance (yes they confirmed it themselves in local).
We've not been cyno camped at least not at my end. We had a week or so that a couple of systems got camped, but they don't get anything from us so they moved on.

Are you sov holders or NPC null?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Vas Eldryn
#1786 - 2013-09-24 08:58:44 UTC
I can say exactly where I am ATM, I don't post on my main.... lets just say I am in the south somewhere, last time I gave away my mains position on the forums we got a cyno camper we still have, that was 7-8months ago. But our alliance are sov holders.

I play in High atm, due to camping. but my PVP and main account is in null.
All Web Investigations
#1787 - 2013-09-24 10:26:46 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Vas Eldryn wrote:
I don't endorse a lot of these idea's either, but I am strongly against AFK cyno cloaking... but seriously I'll endorse any idea that breaks the lockdown of systems inflicted from this mechanic. You can make outrageous quotes like if AFK cyno cloaking is removed that it makes PVE ships 100% safe all you like.... however the killboards prove you 100% wrong.

How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change? The killboards only reflect current mechanics (which include prolonged cloaking, and the ability to trick some players into thinking there isn't a threat), not the proposed future mechanics (in which prolonged cloaking and the ability to trick people would not exist).

Additionally, killboards are a very broad metric - they represent the entirety of nullsec, which has many, many different forms of PVP. You can't take those extremely broad results and use them as a result against this single, very specific instance. As an example to demonstrate why that kind of response is wrong, lets consider this: Every single human being who has ever lived has died or will die. 100% of people die. Now lets consider a particular cause of death, lets say falling down the stairs. If we were discussing falling down the stairs, and the outcomes, waltzing in and saying "BUT 100% OF PEOPLE DIE, LOOK AT THE STATS" would be utterly meaningless. The scope of that statistic is too broad, and counts things that kill (old age, choking on a burger, getting hit by a car) that are irrelevant to the death statistics of those who fall down stairs
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1788 - 2013-09-24 10:43:24 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change?
The killboards show that PVE players don't ONLY get killed by cyno campers, thus the removal of cyno campers can't make PVE players 100% safe.

TheGunslinger42 wrote:
The killboards only reflect current mechanics (which include prolonged cloaking, and the ability to trick some players into thinking there isn't a threat), not the proposed future mechanics (in which prolonged cloaking and the ability to trick people would not exist).
Prove this. I have seen no evidence that this actually happens. The only thing AFK cloakers aim to do is degrade the index through area denial.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1789 - 2013-09-24 10:54:44 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Andy Landen wrote:
I just realized that those against local may not understand the basis for local. Let me enlighten you on Eve mechanics:

Local is a creation of the gate system. The stargates of Eve communicate with the ships in system and create a directory of ships to aid in ship communications. Those ships which leave known space into wormhole space lack the gate system and therefore are not linked to the gate system directories. Local is empty in wh space because there are no gates in those systems. When a ship broadcasts a message in local, all ships in the system detect the presence of that ship but again the lack of stargates prevents the ships in system from knowing when that ship leaves the system. The idea to remove local is the proposal to remove stargates. The suggestion to remove cloaked vessels is the idea to prevent stargates from detecting when a gate-cloaked vessel (that just jumped into system breaks its gate cloak prior to activating its cloaking module. Even cloaked vessels entering known space systems from wh space must break their wh cloak before engaging their cloaking modules. That moment while uncloaked in a known space system with the gate system in place allows the gate system to detect them and register them in the system directory.

I hope the explanation of the local connection to the gate system clarifies the reasons behind the local mechanics and resolves any further desires to change local. The gate system is a foundation of Eve itself and changing it rocks the core of Eve.

No Andy that is not the mechanic, that is called the lore--i.e. the back story used to justify the mechanic. And if you've paid attention to what others have posted, you'd know we are aware of it.

It is a fine back story for high sec. Where things are supposed to be safer, than in null. Although ironically the number of people in high sec, in a way, render local less useful at enhancing a pilots safety than in null. The lack of pilots and the use of standings in null make local even more efficient at improving one's safety.

Oh, and it is my understanding that way back in the day local did not show standings. That you had to click on the pilot's name to see standings. That is back then you had to work a bit more for the intel than you do now.

And lastly, the changes I'm in favor of would still work with the above lore with slight changes. Instead of broadcasting the information gained by a pilot jumping into the system for all to see, it is broadcast only to those who have sov and have certain security upgrades. In other words, various sov upgrades while less...perfect than the intel you'd get now, it would also cease to be a double edged sword--i.e. AFK cyno camping would be a thing of the past. An active ship with a cyno on the other hand would still be a threat...just like it is now and as it should be.

I think it also makes more sense as a back story too. It is your space, so why shouldn't you be able to take advantage of gates communicate while preventing those who don't own the space for gaining the same information?

Oh, and the proposal to remove local is not a proposal to remove stargates. It is a proposal to change how the back story works. The mechanic is how things actually work in game and the back story is there just to provide a filler as to "why it works that way". Much like when sov mechanics used to be based on POS and moon percentages--i.e. if you had a POS on 50% + 1 of the moons you controlled the system. CCP did not like that mechanic and despite any official or unofficial back story they changed it to something they'd hoped would be better. And the back story doesn't fit with local being present at all in WH space. Granted it is just a chat channel, but with no stargates why is that even there? Why isn't everything done via private chats like you are hailing individual ships?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1790 - 2013-09-24 11:04:46 UTC
Vas Eldryn wrote:
LOL Lucas, I just realized you are in SMA, which I was part of a couple of years ago... I remember how badly that alliance was AFK cyno camped! Is it still continuing? If so I feel for you man.

Unfortunately my new alliance, being a small alliance like SMA, has developed the same problem... They demand 100million a day per system for the right to mine and PVE (not that they have been paid yet).... they are quite effective too, being active 5% of the time AFK 95%, anyone daring to mine gets pounced from time to time. This causing the systems to be closed to everything but PVP.

unfortunately these new guys are rough, as they are a merc corp without a home system, so its very hard to take the fight to them, reportedly being paid to keep it up by an unnamed larger alliance (yes they confirmed it themselves in local).

I too believe unverified enemy communications too. Roll

Why don't you guys start doing stuff in groups, and try different ship types. Yeah mining is probably out, well unless maybe you have a group of guys ratting in PvP ships in the same system. Maybe tanked procurors along with a group of 4-5 guys in PvP ships ratting they might decide that engaging you is then too risky for them.

Or why not go camp the systems for the larger alliance that is supposedly hiring these guys.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1791 - 2013-09-24 11:26:45 UTC
Vas Eldryn wrote:

I don't endorse a lot of these idea's either, but I am strongly against AFK cyno cloaking... but seriously I'll endorse any idea that breaks the lockdown of systems inflicted from this mechanic.

You do realize that you just contradicted yourself. I don't support most of these ideas...but I do support them, so long as they give me the advantage I want.

Look, it would be great to have cloaked ships buffed to where I can fly around and lock and shoot targets and not lose the cloak. I also realize that such a change would mean an even more dead null in regards to average system population. That is it would be great for about a day.

You can make outrageous quotes like if AFK cyno cloaking is removed that it makes PVE ships 100% safe all you like.... however the killboards prove you 100% wrong.

It makes null safer though. Sure travelling and new guys would still allow for some kills, which is what you see on the KBs by the way.

Half assed fit exhumers fit for max yield, crap tank (even against rats in null those tanks wouldn't last long). Hell, alot of those kills don't utilize all their slots? Why? Probably because they loaded up their lows with the mining upgrades making it hard to fit what they'd consider useful modules in the mid slots. Most PvPers would disparagingly call these pilots idiots, nubs, morons, etc. For example, it is possible to get a procuror near 100,000 ehp with the right fit. Will you get as much ore? No. But if you have a merc alliance camping your system and you want to mine and have enough time for the guys ratting in a gang in PvP ships to get to you in case these campers engage....

But what do I know, maximizing isk/hour but sitting with your butt in an outpost, now that's smart!

Oh, my favorite, the fits with 1-2 shield mods ore scanner. Really, you're going to give up tank so you can scan asteroids in null? Okay. I too like to spend time looking over low value intel vs. watching local. Roll

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1792 - 2013-09-24 13:06:06 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
I just realized that those against local may not understand the basis for local. Let me enlighten you on Eve mechanics:

Local is a creation of the gate system. The stargates of Eve communicate with the ships in system and create a directory of ships to aid in ship communications. Those ships which leave known space into wormhole space lack the gate system and therefore are not linked to the gate system directories. Local is empty in wh space because there are no gates in those systems. When a ship broadcasts a message in local, all ships in the system detect the presence of that ship but again the lack of stargates prevents the ships in system from knowing when that ship leaves the system. The idea to remove local is the proposal to remove stargates. The suggestion to remove cloaked vessels is the idea to prevent stargates from detecting when a gate-cloaked vessel (that just jumped into system breaks its gate cloak prior to activating its cloaking module. Even cloaked vessels entering known space systems from wh space must break their wh cloak before engaging their cloaking modules. That moment while uncloaked in a known space system with the gate system in place allows the gate system to detect them and register them in the system directory.

I hope the explanation of the local connection to the gate system clarifies the reasons behind the local mechanics and resolves any further desires to change local. The gate system is a foundation of Eve itself and changing it rocks the core of Eve.

That is called a storyline.

You could write a storyline to explain random colonoscopies too. It would make for interesting gameplay for a few, I am sure.

As to it creating a foundation that cannot be changed, no.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1793 - 2013-09-24 13:11:27 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
I just realized that those against local may not understand the basis for local. Let me enlighten you on Eve mechanics:

Local is a creation of the gate system. The stargates of Eve communicate with the ships in system and create a directory of ships to aid in ship communications. Those ships which leave known space into wormhole space lack the gate system and therefore are not linked to the gate system directories. Local is empty in wh space because there are no gates in those systems. When a ship broadcasts a message in local, all ships in the system detect the presence of that ship but again the lack of stargates prevents the ships in system from knowing when that ship leaves the system. The idea to remove local is the proposal to remove stargates. The suggestion to remove cloaked vessels is the idea to prevent stargates from detecting when a gate-cloaked vessel (that just jumped into system breaks its gate cloak prior to activating its cloaking module. Even cloaked vessels entering known space systems from wh space must break their wh cloak before engaging their cloaking modules. That moment while uncloaked in a known space system with the gate system in place allows the gate system to detect them and register them in the system directory.

I hope the explanation of the local connection to the gate system clarifies the reasons behind the local mechanics and resolves any further desires to change local. The gate system is a foundation of Eve itself and changing it rocks the core of Eve.

That is called a storyline.

You could write a storyline to explain random colonoscopies too. It would make for interesting gameplay for a few, I am sure.

As to it creating a foundation that cannot be changed, no.


I'll pass Nikk, knowing what those are like...well okay, I'll take the drugs they give for those. Damn fine stuff. Actually the drugs are so good the colonoscopy isn't bad (actually you don't remember it) its that goddamn prep for the colonoscopy.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1794 - 2013-09-24 13:12:41 UTC
Clean your boots, my friend, I think you may have stepped in it.

Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
My risk, since a hostile can no longer fool me into operating in their presence, drops. Maybe not for me specifically, but for miners like myself, statistically speaking.
Ratters and mission runners too.

Prove that this happens, as I don;t believe it does. I don't believe that a measurable amount of population simply get desensitised to a random local.
AFK cloakers operate to cause people to move on, lowering the index of the system. They don't do it for anything as complex as goading people into taking risks.

In which case, there is no reason to pay any attention to them, they represent a false threat.

If only idiots are undocking, and not pilots who are making a calculated risk on the possibility the cloaked vessel is not alert, then we have no problem.
As many point out, idiots are not an issue that can be fixed here.

Removing them produces no value, so why pursue it?

AND, if they represent an effort at a larger strategic goal, such as lowering an index in a system, WHY are you arguing against warfare on this scale?
Will you argue against towers and Outposts being attacked by fleets next?
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1795 - 2013-09-24 13:18:21 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
How can the killboards prove me wrong if we're discussing the results of a proposed change?
The killboards show that PVE players don't ONLY get killed by cyno campers, thus the removal of cyno campers can't make PVE players 100% safe.

Why are we going off topic, and suddenly referring to kill boards that depict meaningless information?

The context of this is AFK Cloaking. I have yet to see an official kill board entry that specified that as a contributing factor on a kill mail.

(Pilot was fooled into undocking, possibly was AFK using toilet when ganking occurred)
Ahhh... the toilet kill mails we would see....
All Web Investigations
#1796 - 2013-09-24 13:21:30 UTC
Which brings me back to a question Lucas & co. have refused to answer:

If they are a real threat, then removing them reduces threat. How can you simultaneously claim that they are a real threat to you, but also that removing them would not reduce the threat and make you safer (safer than the 99% you already state you have)?

If they are no threat, why are you so hellbent on removing them?
Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#1797 - 2013-09-24 13:35:22 UTC  |  Edited by: Andy Landen
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
I just realized that those against local may not understand the basis for local. Let me enlighten you on Eve mechanics:

Local is a creation of the gate system. The stargates of Eve communicate with the ships in system and create a directory of ships to aid in ship communications. Those ships which leave known space into wormhole space lack the gate system and therefore are not linked to the gate system directories. Local is empty in wh space because there are no gates in those systems. When a ship broadcasts a message in local, all ships in the system detect the presence of that ship but again the lack of stargates prevents the ships in system from knowing when that ship leaves the system. The idea to remove local is the proposal to remove stargates. The suggestion to remove cloaked vessels is the idea to prevent stargates from detecting when a gate-cloaked vessel (that just jumped into system breaks its gate cloak prior to activating its cloaking module. Even cloaked vessels entering known space systems from wh space must break their wh cloak before engaging their cloaking modules. That moment while uncloaked in a known space system with the gate system in place allows the gate system to detect them and register them in the system directory.

I hope the explanation of the local connection to the gate system clarifies the reasons behind the local mechanics and resolves any further desires to change local. The gate system is a foundation of Eve itself and changing it rocks the core of Eve.

That is called a storyline.

You could write a storyline to explain random colonoscopies too. It would make for interesting gameplay for a few, I am sure.

As to it creating a foundation that cannot be changed, no.

I am just saying that changes are not just about balance. They have to make sense and fit with the story we call Eve, because if you change that story enough, it would cease to be Eve, except by name only. As I recall, CCP created that story (not me) so you'd have to take it up with them (not with me). The addition of standings in local represents an upgrade in the stargate communications network that CCP (not I) decided to implement; take it up with them. PS: I already explained that the local in wormhole exists simply as receipt of system-wide broadcasts and does not accurately track the presence of ships in the system because there is no stargate network there.

Added: I'll answer the next question,
If they are a real threat, then removing them reduces threat. How can you simultaneously claim that they are a real threat to you, but also that removing them would not reduce the threat and make you safer (safer than the 99% you already state you have)?

If they are no threat, why are you so hellbent on removing them?

Since we cannot say if any ship is afk, we cannot identify any ship as no threat; to do so requires that we call the ship afk, which we cannot afford to do. But the afk ship is in reality zero threat, so an auto-logoff removes no threat. At best, it removes a ship which we previous considered a possible threat. Scripts can continue the false perception, but again they are against EULA, so until CCP cracks down on them, they may continue false threats. False threats also continue normally up to an hour before the auto-logoff. So false threats are treated like full threats, until they auto-logoff, or can be engaged.

PS: That 99% figure is completely wrong. Just because one person has a high confidence in their abilities does not mean that it is 99% for even that person, let alone for everyone. This discussion should be more about mechanics that make sense, work, and fit the Eve story than about who is how safe and why, etc.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1798 - 2013-09-24 13:50:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Andy Landen wrote:

I am just saying that changes are not just about balance. They have to make sense and fit with the story we call Eve, because if you change that story enough, it would cease to be Eve, except by name only.

Keep reducing uncertainty and risk and it will cease to be Eve too.

Oh, and FYI, we have on Dev saying that the issue of local and intel should also include ideas from the community.

Which is why a constructive discussion is probably better. You stated this isn't a negotiation...true. But it is about balance. And balance isn't simply making changes on on side. Right now local works more for the resident of a system than the interloper. That is how the mechanic is. It is a fact. That doesn't mean local doesn't help the interloper, just that the person already in system gets the better deal.

A symptom of this better deal and how local works is AFK cloaking. Since local is infallible it allows the interloper to adversely impact the residents of a given system. And I've stated I don't like this. But I also see that since local as benefits the locals slightly more than an interloper, removing AFK cloaking could be unbalancing.

So, if you want to remove something that is helping to balance things out, despite being sub-optimal game play, it stands to reason that something else has to go.

Then there are cynos. Cynos are another way to bypass the problem of local and intel channels. A gang running around in your systems is more likely to be reported than if they just hole up in one of the back water systems and wait to see if their hunter can catch something and pop the covert cyno. And if you looked at Rhavas' write up he even has something about covert cynos:


  • Cynosural System Jammer: This nullsec POS module blocks normal cynos from being lit in system. This proposal is that it should also create an intel capability to deal with covert cynos (which it cannot block).

  • At high levels of sovereignty, the cyno jammer gains a “black ops pulse” capability.

  • Black Ops Pulse has a one-hour spool-up time and a two-hour refresh time. This means that from the time an appropriately-skilled POS gunner clicks the “go” button until the pulse occurs is one hour, and a minimum of two hours is required between pulses. This timer is visible in system to everyone, along with the standard aggression timers.

  • Any affectable ship hit by the Black Ops Pulse is decloaked and cannot re-engage cloak for five minutes.

This strikes me as far more balanced than your solution of ruining black ops. This will discourage the AFK cyno camper. It will even make active players with covert ops cloaks and cynos work a bit harder, but not terribly so. And you'll have to work for it in that you'll have to have sov, have a held that system long enough, spend isk to get this kind of option....and you'll have to keep paying for it--i.e. you'll have to go out and rat, mine or find some income source at the alliance level.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1799 - 2013-09-24 14:10:57 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:

PS: That 99% figure is completely wrong. Just because one person has a high confidence in their abilities does not mean that it is 99% for even that person, let alone for everyone. This discussion should be more about mechanics that make sense, work, and fit the Eve story than about who is how safe and why, etc.

Still a good indication of mindset - the person believes he has 99% safety with his current modus operandi, and yet he wants more risks to be removed. That's the point actually, behind all this "AFK Cloakies ruin nullsec" campaign.
That and, as it was mentioned in an adjacent topic - botting is impossible while there's a cloaky camper in the system.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#1800 - 2013-09-24 14:15:23 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
That is called a storyline.

You could write a storyline to explain random colonoscopies too. It would make for interesting gameplay for a few, I am sure.

As to it creating a foundation that cannot be changed, no.

I am just saying that changes are not just about balance. They have to make sense and fit with the story we call Eve, because if you change that story enough, it would cease to be Eve, except by name only. As I recall, CCP created that story (not me) so you'd have to take it up with them (not with me). The addition of standings in local represents an upgrade in the stargate communications network that CCP (not I) decided to implement; take it up with them. PS: I already explained that the local in wormhole exists simply as receipt of system-wide broadcasts and does not accurately track the presence of ships in the system because there is no stargate network there.

The story was written to explain and justify the game mechanics, not the other way around.

To use an old expression, you are putting the cart before the horse.

Effort is only possible when opportunity is presented.
For every item handled by the game directly, one less opportunity exists. Sometimes more than one type of effort is blocked when an opportunity is canceled.

For opportunity to exist, it must be possible to make an effort that exceeds the default possessed by your competition. This places the burden upon them to match or exceed your effort, or have less future opportunity.

That is called competition.

A cloaked ship sits hidden, because it is not balanced to remove or counter it, without it's choosing. It CAN be fooled into this choice, which is sometimes associated with baiting.
That is due to the next aspect.

A PvE ship can evade all ships while operating with no current hostiles, because no mechanic exists that can interrupt the chain of events possible to get it safe. This is because the intel needed to make the choice to escape is free from effort, and therefore failure from lack of effort.

When you kill competition on one level, it needs a balance on another point. If we had three way fights, that might spin things further, but right now in this context the third party and the first party are really on the same team.
The third party being friends, or PvE pilots who reshipped, in PvP ships wanting to evict the cloaked vessels.

If this confused you, you are not qualified to participate in a cloaking debate like this.