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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1721 - 2013-09-23 13:35:57 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
I suppose to be fair, the pve player should only have to be vulnerable if they were not active. Is that what you are saying? PVE players should remain unscannable unless they are not active, same as the proposal for cloakies. And they should not be visible on the cloaky's local until after 10s also, same as the proposal for cloakies. Is that what you are saying? Fairness? Or just some kind of lopsided advantage for cloakies? Because I didn't see any willingness to accept the rest of the wh conditions mentioned in my previous post. Are we talking fairness for all or just more buffs for cloakies?

PvE players being undetectable "like cloakies"


Just so long as "the cloakies" get an ISK income like the PvE players.

Quid pro quo
That's fine, but the benefit of covert cynos also needs to be shared, and cloakers only get income if they have a PVE capable fit. Oh and covops ships need to cost like 200m.

EDIT: The thing is, what you are arguing for here already exists. If you want to make isk, make isk. There's a whole exploration profession devoted to covops ships. You want a covops to have no nerfs, but get buffed into being more viable at PvP that a combat ship. Use it for it's purpose and you can stop being so sad about how bad it is to be a cloaker.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1722 - 2013-09-23 13:38:30 UTC  |  Edited by: JIeoH Mocc
Lucas Kell wrote:
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
It's you're reaction, why don't you change it? (I know why, you couldn't be bothered, that's why)
But since you won't change the reaction you simply demand to remove the stimulus of the reaction, which is absurd.
My options being?
1. Risk my ship, thus making any isk I gain pointelss. since between ops my only aim is to make isk so I can go to ops, that seems counter productive.
2. Try for hours to bait out someone that will not be baited out. Been there, done that, It's a waste of time. Also, see #1, counter productive.
3. Log off. See #1, counter productive.

Exactly. Anything but making ISK is counterproductive to you, so you want changes to allow you to constantly do what you want.
But nullsec is not about doing only what you want all the time, you see?
Ridiculous to ask for mechanics changes basing on that, i think you ruin your own case without even understanding that.

Lucas Kell wrote:

Sure. But it will be against the EULA, and so plenty of people simply won't do it out of principle. I doubt very much botting and buying from RMT sites is anything more than simple, yet people still don;t do it. Why? Because some of us have moral standards and refuse to cheat to get ahead.

Do spare me the moral argument, since it's not about that. If you don't realize that making a rule you can't enforce without relying on various peoples various morale will only make things worse for you, i don't know what to say really. It's rather basic. BOTS and RMT are both traceable since they cant' be detached from your PC/account logs. This thing - can and will.
So maybe there will be slightly less cloakies, but they will have a greater effect on you, and you won't have any fix to whine for =)
Lucas Kell wrote:

Having a subscribed account is not effort. And "he" doesn't have to "sit there". his character does. He can be doing anything he wants. He doesn't even need to be in the same building as his PC.

Obviously i meant the character, not the operator.
But he chooses to invest the characters time there, instead of doing it elsewhere. Your arguments regarding what the operator does or thinks on the other side of his screen are invalid - since you can only guess what ever goes on there.
Sick to the things you can directly observe, like his character being committed to camp you.
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1723 - 2013-09-23 13:42:39 UTC  |  Edited by: JIeoH Mocc
Lucas Kell wrote:
Null markets stock themselves do they?
And I have PvP and PVE/mining ships. The difference being if I moved isk making to high sec, I'd only keep one PvP guy and my logi guy in null, and purely for CTAs.

I like this idea that because I'm and industry guy, I don't fight. I'm happy to engage if the target is able to be engaged. I even engage when the odds are massively against me. What I don't do is sit in space begging a cloaker to fight. Since it's entirely his choice, I will not waste my time trying to bait him out. A lot of people are the same.

I wouldn't know, since (well it's something i can't prove by showing you charts) the markets of the region i dwell in are completely delivered from Jita. Meaning that such "indies" as yourself will have little to none impact on that aspect of my play.
I order couriers 1-2 time/week, get anything i need form BattleShips to ammo, pay my corpmate that runs them, and thank him.
So i think you do give yourself a bit too much value as a "bolt in the machine", and in addition to the fact that you won't put out to roams - that makes you negligible content-wise.

Could you show me some killmails from such engagements you describe? Not as part of a CTA/some organized ops but rather as some one who puts out to those who roam him, hom-def or whatever? I mean such a scenario where you mine, see a gang, re-ship and fight? Cause you kind of said that it's counterproductive for your ISK making between ops, so ... I dunno - you contradict yourself again...
All Web Investigations
#1724 - 2013-09-23 13:45:19 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Lucas Kell wrote:
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort. Since they know this, and they know the reaction, they use that to purposely affect null. Thus, they put in zero effort and get the outcome they want. Even if all they had to do was click once on the screen every half hour, that's still effort, and so fine in my books.

Whether you think the reaction is needed or not is up to you. Losing a hulk is quite a blow to isk, so risking that for a few minutes mining (a few minutes being how long it takes to move) is not a very smart thing to do. Since I have only limited time between ops, I like to make my isk gaining as efficient as possible. Losing 200m+ because I couldn't be bothered to take a few jumps to an alternate location is plain silly.

So then it really comes down to player intention - you don't mind if something appears to be a risk when it's not, and causes you to react in a way you perhaps dont want to if the person is doing something else like I suggested, but if their intent is to fake you out, then you want it to be removed.

Well, I disagree with that for a lot of reasons. I don't see a problem with their intention being trying to trick you, and I don't think mechanics should be implemented to prevent that. Even if I didn't agree with the player intention, trying to build mechanics around what the player behind the keyboard intends is incredibly problematic, and can't be done.

The entire reason prolonged cloaking exists is because players want to try and trick others into thinking it's safe. It is simply not reasonable to ask for mechanics that remove that ability - it is a massive nerf to ACTIVE players, and ONLY to active players, as AFK players aren't tricking anyone because there is no trick: they really AREN'T a threat
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1725 - 2013-09-23 13:47:42 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Exactly. Anything but making ISK is counterproductive to you, so you want changes to allow you to constantly do what you want.
But nullsec is not about doing only what you want all the time, you see?
Ridiculous to ask for mechanics changes basing on that, i think you ruin your own case without even understanding that.
How do I? I want changes that mean you have to put effort in, even minimal effort, to stop me making isk. That's all. I at no point state that I want to constantly do what I want, that's you misinterpreting my words.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Do spare me the moral argument, since it's not about that. If you don't realize that making a rule you can't enforce without relying on various peoples various morale will only make things worse for you, i don't know what to say really. It's rather basic. BOTS and RMT are both traceable since they cant' be detached from your PC/account logs. This thing - can and will.
So maybe there will be slightly less cloakies, but they will have a greater effect on you, and you won't have any fix to whine for =)
A bot that clicks your screen once every half hour is no different from a bot that clicks every few minutes, except of course the number of clicks. The simple act of making something against the EULA does make the majority of people not do that thing, regardless of whether you would or not.
I have NO ISSUE with active cloakers, so no fix would be required.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Obviously i meant the character, not the operator.
But he chooses to invest the characters time there, instead of doing it elsewhere. Your arguments regarding what the operator does on the other side of his screen are invalid - since you can only guess what ever goes on there.
Sick to the things you can directly observe, like his character being committed to camp you.
That's not effort though. If that's the case, why aren't mining bots built in? The character must be logged in so surely I should be able to autogenerate income.
I draw the line at NO AFK ACTIVITY should be beneficial. You simply chose to draw the line beyond there.
It doesn't matter to him where his character is, since he's probably at work or out, or any number of other activities that don't combine with anyone else's ability to play EVE.
I get it though, you think AFK cloakers are fine, even though they are benefiting while AFK. I don't. I probably won't change your mind, and you definitely won't change mine. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with either side, so why do we need to continue this?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1726 - 2013-09-23 13:51:47 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
So then it really comes down to player intention - you don't mind if something appears to be a risk when it's not, and causes you to react in a way you perhaps dont want to if the person is doing something else like I suggested, but if their intent is to fake you out, then you want it to be removed.

Well, I disagree with that for a lot of reasons. I don't see a problem with their intention being trying to trick you, and I don't think mechanics should be implemented to prevent that. Even if I didn't agree with the player intention, trying to build mechanics around what the player behind the keyboard intends is incredibly problematic, and can't be done.

The entire reason prolonged cloaking exists is because players want to try and trick others into thinking it's safe. It is simply not reasonable to ask for mechanics that remove that ability - it is a massive nerf to ACTIVE players, and ONLY to active players, as AFK players aren't tricking anyone because there is no trick: they really AREN'T a threat
No, how did you even get to this conlusion?
I stated it plainly in the very post you quote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort.

So To clarify - I feel that any activity you wish to undertake to affect other players should require client interaction. That's it. That's my WHOLE belief. So stop adding to and amending what I am saying with your ridiculous interpretations.

You are free to "prolonged cloak" to trick me out, but YOU must be there to do it. YOU. Not YOUR CHARACTER. But YOU. Do you understand?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1727 - 2013-09-23 13:53:43 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
How do I? I want changes that mean you have to put effort in, even minimal effort, to stop me making isk. That's all. I at no point state that I want to constantly do what I want, that's you misinterpreting my words.

Thus removing the last 1% risk you have remained?

Lucas Kell wrote:
A bot that clicks your screen once every half hour is no different from a bot that clicks every few minutes, except of course the number of clicks. The simple act of making something against the EULA does make the majority of people not do that thing, regardless of whether you would or not.
I have NO ISSUE with active cloakers, so no fix would be required.

Oh, but it is. Strange you don't see that, as a programmer you said you are.
I am not as sure about the integrity of the general human population, as you are... And you didn't understand what i said -
There will be cloakies that workaround this ridiculous fix, thus seeming NON-AFK, while being AFK, POST FIX.
So you'll be in even worse state that you're now, you'll have to THINK that they are not AFK...
Lucas Kell wrote:

[That's not effort though. If that's the case, why aren't mining bots built in? The character must be logged in so surely I should be able to autogenerate income.
I draw the line at NO AFK ACTIVITY should be beneficial. You simply chose to draw the line beyond there.
It doesn't matter to him where his character is, since he's probably at work or out, or any number of other activities that don't combine with anyone else's ability to play EVE.
I get it though, you think AFK cloakers are fine, even though they are benefiting while AFK. I don't. I probably won't change your mind, and you definitely won't change mine. There's nothing fundamentally wrong with either side, so why do we need to continue this?

But he isn't active while being AFK, he's just cloaked somewhere, come on now. If he's AFK, how can he be benefiting?
I don't know, why do you continue this =) ?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1728 - 2013-09-23 13:56:26 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
I wouldn't know, since (well it's something i can't prove by showing you charts) the markets of the region i dwell in are completely delivered from Jita. Meaning that such "indies" as yourself will have little to none impact on that aspect of my play.
I order couriers 1-2 time/week, get anything i need form BattleShips to ammo, pay my corpmate that runs them, and thank him.
So i think you do give yourself a bit too much value as a "bolt in the machine", and in addition to the fact that you won't put out to roams - that makes you negligible content-wise.

Could you show me some killmails from such engagements you describe? Not as part of a CTA/some organized ops but rather as some one who puts out to those who roam him, hom-def or whatever? I mean such a scenario where you mine, see a gang, re-ship and fight? Cause you kind of said that it's counterproductive for your ISK making between ops, so ... I dunno - you contradict yourself again...
Well as an industrialist and a trader, I can tell you the where I am that's not the case. The fact that battleships are 1/7th of a JF, makes them pretty bad for fuel efficiency, and so that nudges the cost up considerably for freighted ships. Not to mention that the majority of nocx, megacyte and zydrine come from null, so even those built in high sec will have had a null player at some point along the industry chain.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1729 - 2013-09-23 13:58:10 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

So To clarify - I feel that any activity you wish to undertake to affect other players should require client interaction. That's it. That's my WHOLE belief. So stop adding to and amending what I am saying with your ridiculous interpretations.

You are free to "prolonged cloak" to trick me out, but YOU must be there to do it. YOU. Not YOUR CHARACTER. But YOU. Do you understand?

Of course, that's what people been laughing about all along. You just overthink everything, pretending to know when someone is there and when he's not, the quantity of time the guy is AFK vs. the time he's actually there...
All your case is built on your fantasy, no other way to put it. It would be a shame to devoid your fantasy of stimuli, i think.
It's on the end of your client buddy, and i really think you could deal with this without touching the mechanics, which was pretty much what CCP said, didn't they - they won't touch it ...
All Web Investigations
#1730 - 2013-09-23 14:01:58 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, how did you even get to this conlusion?
I stated it plainly in the very post you quote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort.

So To clarify - I feel that any activity you wish to undertake to affect other players should require client interaction. That's it. That's my WHOLE belief. So stop adding to and amending what I am saying with your ridiculous interpretations.

You are free to "prolonged cloak" to trick me out, but YOU must be there to do it. YOU. Not YOUR CHARACTER. But YOU. Do you understand?

Except with the proposed changes I CAN NOT trick you. If I were there cloaked you would be told, with perfect accuracy, whether I was active or not. There would literally be no way for me to trick you into thinking I weren't, no matter how much effort I put in.

That's why I have a problem with these ideas, they hinder active players and remove the abilities of active players to influence things, and there is no trade off at all.

PS hitting warp the second local changes takes zero effort too, I don't see you asking for that to be changed. Why not?
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1731 - 2013-09-23 14:02:50 UTC
JIeoH Mocc wrote:
Oh, but it is. Strange you don't see that, as a programmer you said you are.
I am not as sure about the integrity of the general human population, as you are... And you didn't understand what i said -
There will be cloakies that workaround this ridiculous fix, thus seeming NON-AFK, while being AFK, POST FIX.
So you'll be in even worse state that you're now, you'll have to THINK that they are not AFK...
No, it's no different. a click is a click. Most bots will simply click in certain places at certain times, or click drag in others.
sure, there are people out there using advanced bots that do all sorts of stuff, bot most are simple. They will do nothing beyond clicking and dragging in specific locations, relying on your client being set up with the right overview settings.
And I understand what you are saying, I just believe most people would not break the EULA on purpose.

JIeoH Mocc wrote:
But he isn't active while being AFK, he's just cloaked somewhere, come on now. If he's AFK, how can he be benefiting?
I don't know, why do you continue this =) ?
If an AFK cloaker ISN'T BENEFITING, why does he do it?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1732 - 2013-09-23 14:07:11 UTC
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, how did you even get to this conlusion?
I stated it plainly in the very post you quote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort.

So To clarify - I feel that any activity you wish to undertake to affect other players should require client interaction. That's it. That's my WHOLE belief. So stop adding to and amending what I am saying with your ridiculous interpretations.

You are free to "prolonged cloak" to trick me out, but YOU must be there to do it. YOU. Not YOUR CHARACTER. But YOU. Do you understand?

Except with the proposed changes I CAN NOT trick you. If I were there cloaked you would be told, with perfect accuracy, whether I was active or not. There would literally be no way for me to trick you into thinking I weren't, no matter how much effort I put in.

That's why I have a problem with these ideas, they hinder active players and remove the abilities of active players to influence things, and there is no trade off at all.

PS hitting warp the second local changes takes zero effort too, I don't see you asking for that to be changed. Why not?
You are trying to benefit from people putting in zero effort. From your complaints though, it doesn't work right? You aren't getting any kills from it right? That's what you are saying, so removing AFK players shouldn't affect you AT ALL.

And clicking warp takes more effort than what I am asking to be done for AFK cloakers. All you have to do is click once every half hour.

I'm not going to repeat myself over and over.
If you think it's fine, that's alright, but I think it's disgraceful to support AFK play.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1733 - 2013-09-23 14:08:59 UTC
I'm going to go do other stuff for a bit. I may or may not be back later depending on whether I begin to care.
Please, by all means continue to troll.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

All Web Investigations
#1734 - 2013-09-23 14:09:20 UTC
mechanisms to detect inactivity are trivial to bypass, and doing so could easily be achieved in a way which isn't a violation of the EULA. You can hope all you want, but that isn't going to happen
All Web Investigations
#1735 - 2013-09-23 14:11:00 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
TheGunslinger42 wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, how did you even get to this conlusion?
I stated it plainly in the very post you quote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
The issue is that an AFK player has to put in zero effort.

So To clarify - I feel that any activity you wish to undertake to affect other players should require client interaction. That's it. That's my WHOLE belief. So stop adding to and amending what I am saying with your ridiculous interpretations.

You are free to "prolonged cloak" to trick me out, but YOU must be there to do it. YOU. Not YOUR CHARACTER. But YOU. Do you understand?

Except with the proposed changes I CAN NOT trick you. If I were there cloaked you would be told, with perfect accuracy, whether I was active or not. There would literally be no way for me to trick you into thinking I weren't, no matter how much effort I put in.

That's why I have a problem with these ideas, they hinder active players and remove the abilities of active players to influence things, and there is no trade off at all.

PS hitting warp the second local changes takes zero effort too, I don't see you asking for that to be changed. Why not?
You are trying to benefit from people putting in zero effort. From your complaints though, it doesn't work right? You aren't getting any kills from it right? That's what you are saying, so removing AFK players shouldn't affect you AT ALL.

And clicking warp takes more effort than what I am asking to be done for AFK cloakers. All you have to do is click once every half hour.

I'm not going to repeat myself over and over.
If you think it's fine, that's alright, but I think it's disgraceful to support AFK play.

And from your own posts you've admitted that you react the same way regardless of whether they're AFK or not, and that you can escape 99% of the time (the 1% being glitches or physics engine 'fun')

So why are you asking for changes to be made when it makes no difference to you? Especially changes that are demonstrably unbalanced, and act as punishments/nerfs to active players?
JIeoH Mocc
brotherhood of desman
#1736 - 2013-09-23 14:11:42 UTC  |  Edited by: JIeoH Mocc
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, it's no different. a click is a click. Most bots will simply click in certain places at certain times, or click drag in others.
sure, there are people out there using advanced bots that do all sorts of stuff, bot most are simple. They will do nothing beyond clicking and dragging in specific locations, relying on your client being set up with the right overview settings.
And I understand what you are saying, I just believe most people would not break the EULA on purpose.

you failed to read "autonomic from your PC" in my posts, haven't you. UNDETECTABLE.
Accept the fact that you propose a really bad fix, think of another one.

Lucas Kell wrote:

If an AFK cloaker ISN'T BENEFITING, why does he do it?

I wouldn't know, but i bet you have it all figured out already ... Perhaps he is satisfied with the cease of your activities ... And it's fine i think, if one cloaky deters you from doing your thing in a system you presume to call your own - he just shames you, that's benefit enough. See nothing wrong about that, actually - it's a good thing.

It's funny how you yourself said that you have to assume that the AFK cloaky is always a threat, yet you don't assume that its owner, the person is always there. How can it be separated? He's either a threat and the person is there, or it's not and he's not.

On another note, i do plenty of stuff in EvE (and probably outside it) that i am not benefiting from (immediately or at all). Strange thing, that ... human behaviour, no?
All Web Investigations
#1737 - 2013-09-23 14:21:32 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Bonus round:
Lucas, this entire page you have discussed the "benefits" and effects afk cloaked players have. Obviously, the benefits and effect you are talking about is that as a result of their presence, people dock up (and therefore their profits, industry, etc are negatively impacted) or if they undock they run the risk of being killed.

So obviously, removing afk cloaked players remove these risks. The risk of losing income or losing a ship is reduced as a result.

So it is very, very clear that the proposed changes result in reduced risk for nullbears. This kind of destroys your whole "there isn't less risk" statement from a page or so ago. Admit that the proposals reduce risk.

hope this helps
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1738 - 2013-09-23 14:22:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
And yet still, I question why covops cloaking ships should be boosted in combat. I'm happy for covops to be buffed as long as to compensate they remove their combat ability, so no guns or cynos. If they are a pure scout ship, sure they should be invisible everywhere. But while they hold combat ability, they can;t be pushed to being that undetectable.

I love this. The cov ops has to give up something, but the PvE pilot give up something? OMG no!!!!! That is totally outrageous!!!!

Why they have it so tough already with local giving them advanced warning.

(BTW, in case anyone misses it, that is called sarcasm.)
The covops is giving up nothing. It's a token gesture that in reality gives up nothing, but is clearly designed to give the appearance of balance. See above. No amount of probes will give you any realistic chance of finding the cloaker. Since the covops is a scout vessel making it more viable than a regular combat ship for combat makes no sense whatsoever. You will kill off the use of regular combat ships and kill off null industry, and in return, if you sit perfectly still cloaked, there's a small chance somebody will have a probe launcher and bother to probe you out.

I did not write that. You messed up the attribution quoting function Lucas.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#1739 - 2013-09-23 14:28:20 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
I did not write that. You messed up the attribution quoting function Lucas.
My bad, now fixed.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#1740 - 2013-09-23 14:31:25 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Was the proposal that the ship disappears from local when it cloaks or just that it does not appear in local when it has a cloak fitted? Because if it were the latter, you know that cloaks would be standard fit for all pve ships and perhaps all ships. If it was the former, even cloaky ships would be visible in local during gate jumps as the decloak.

I seriously doubt cloaks would become the norm on PvP ships. After all they come with a substantial nerf to targeting times, or did you conveniently forget about that?
For starters, bombers don't get a delay. Secondly, any competent covops pilot will deactivate cloak while in warp so they can target when they've landed, giving the target the minimal time to react.

Gee, since I was talking about ships that are not designed for the cov-ops cloak I suppose this post is a complete non-sequitur.

Better luck next time.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online