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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2261 - 2013-10-09 16:06:49 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
I feel that decoupling AFK cloaking from local is a good start with an immediate benefit and no negative effects to active players.

I grabbed this, as it was not context sensitive.

It is short sighted, and assumes that active players all use direct frontal assault, and have no grasp of tactics beyond having more ships winning.

Your pretending to see no value in counter intelligence tactics is a farce, and you really need to admit you just want easy PvE in null.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2262 - 2013-10-09 16:13:31 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Judith Frozenvoid wrote:
"AFK players being able to shut down whole sections of space."

AFK players are not "shutting down space". This is in your mind. If they are truly AFK they can do nothing to you.. You are allowing them to have control over you through your fear. CCP should REMOVE them from Local Chat so you don't see them.. then only the active players will "shut down your efforts"

you'll still complain but at least you'll be more honest about your motives.
We've covered this. So many times.
You can't know they are truly AFK can you? Which is my WHOLE point. I don't even want to KILL afk cloakers, I just want them marked afk and warped to deadspace cloaked while AFK.

Once they are no longer visible in local they can no longer have the threat effect because you don't know they are there. We have gone over this too. AFK cloaking works because of local. This what makes AFK cloaking and local as an intel tool inextricable linked.

Wow, how do you even manage to get dressed on your own?

Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2263 - 2013-10-09 18:03:43 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
1. Uncertainty. Like in poker, the tactic is a bluff. You don't know what they will play, and you either call their bluff or fold.
By refusing to play, you fold every time. This can be disappointing to those actually seeking combat, but is perfect for those actively supporting opposing powers, intent on harming your alliance on a different level.

2. Why do we care if any game element is removed? It removes options for play, and fewer options means less interesting interaction for all involved.

Your desire to absolutely protect your PvE assets, in a game where they have value based on how much risk they possess, is contradictory.

It's nothing like poker. In poker you don;t have some people simply not being there's, but appearing to be the same as everyone else. The bluffs is around the cards you are playing, not about whether or not you are there to play them. With the SOE ships, there are going to be a myriad of possibilities for covops cloakers to be in. If you can;t use that to bluff, and have to rely on AFK players (which you can provide no evidence is having the bluffing effect of causing kills) then you are doing it wrong.

Well I think removing local would be removing a huge amount of options for play, while removing AFK cloaking gives null players more options for location, while only stopping people who are NOT playing.
If you just want to shut down some null systems permanently, then why not petition for that instead. I'd back an idea to shrink null down by a few regions.

It's like you don't read a damn word. I literally could not give a **** if you want to AFK cloak me all day long, I have plenty of places to go, and even if the whole of null is camped, I have a full high sec fleet. The fact STILL REMAINS that there is a portion of systems in null out of use for no ******* reason. That's moronic. Either close it properly, or take away the mechanic for people to shut it with zero effort.

See what I mean though, about you misquoting and misrepresenting people? Further proof that you are unable to flesh out your idea to a workable state, so instead attack my reasoning.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2264 - 2013-10-09 18:05:43 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I feel that decoupling AFK cloaking from local is a good start with an immediate benefit and no negative effects to active players.

I grabbed this, as it was not context sensitive.

It is short sighted, and assumes that active players all use direct frontal assault, and have no grasp of tactics beyond having more ships winning.

Your pretending to see no value in counter intelligence tactics is a farce, and you really need to admit you just want easy PvE in null.

Utter BS. Provide evidence that AFK cloaking is used as a tactics for securing kills or space. It's not. It's a grief tactic, mainly used against smaller null groups who have limited options on where to go.
This does not affect MY level of PVE in null. So stop making **** up to try to validate your flawed points.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2265 - 2013-10-09 18:09:52 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2266 - 2013-10-09 18:38:21 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I feel that decoupling AFK cloaking from local is a good start with an immediate benefit and no negative effects to active players.

I grabbed this, as it was not context sensitive.

It is short sighted, and assumes that active players all use direct frontal assault, and have no grasp of tactics beyond having more ships winning.

Your pretending to see no value in counter intelligence tactics is a farce, and you really need to admit you just want easy PvE in null.

Utter BS. Provide evidence that AFK cloaking is used as a tactics for securing kills or space. It's not. It's a grief tactic, mainly used against smaller null groups who have limited options on where to go.
This does not affect MY level of PVE in null. So stop making **** up to try to validate your flawed points.

You just killed your argument.

Having no value beyond grief play, your path is to contact CCP to inform them of this.

Many do not agree with you, but your view is not open to reconsideration.

If you should develop an open mind, debate is an option.
Otherwise, you are just ranting, or trying to convince others to adopt your view.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2267 - 2013-10-09 18:47:29 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

Lucas Kell wrote:

And removing local would do this, obviously, because you declared this to be true.

Repeating that local is a sacred cow over and over does not make it true.
The simple truth is, we just need a viable intel tool, so we don't leave a vacuum behind by removing it.

Something that makes sense, instead of a chat channel.
And seriously, the story explanations are touching, but suggesting we are all cross connected by superior gate technology, when we can't even get our d-scan to auto repeat itself, kinda lop-sided. A back story can be made to explain nearly anything, the notable exception being items with no known history.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2268 - 2013-10-09 19:13:42 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

What other mechanics?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2269 - 2013-10-09 19:17:54 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
I feel that decoupling AFK cloaking from local is a good start with an immediate benefit and no negative effects to active players.

I grabbed this, as it was not context sensitive.

It is short sighted, and assumes that active players all use direct frontal assault, and have no grasp of tactics beyond having more ships winning.

Your pretending to see no value in counter intelligence tactics is a farce, and you really need to admit you just want easy PvE in null.

Utter BS. Provide evidence that AFK cloaking is used as a tactics for securing kills or space. It's not. It's a grief tactic, mainly used against smaller null groups who have limited options on where to go.
This does not affect MY level of PVE in null. So stop making **** up to try to validate your flawed points.

You just killed your argument.

Having no value beyond grief play, your path is to contact CCP to inform them of this.

Many do not agree with you, but your view is not open to reconsideration.

If you should develop an open mind, debate is an option.
Otherwise, you are just ranting, or trying to convince others to adopt your view.


Oh never mind
I remember now, your standard response is to tell me I've someone gone against myself, make up some nonsense about how that is the case, and leave us to try to pick through your lack of English. Try again.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2270 - 2013-10-09 19:18:48 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

What other mechanics?
Fleet combat for one. Practically the whole sov system would fall down if only one side of the fight had intel.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2271 - 2013-10-09 19:21:58 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

Lucas Kell wrote:

And removing local would do this, obviously, because you declared this to be true.

Repeating that local is a sacred cow over and over does not make it true.
The simple truth is, we just need a viable intel tool, so we don't leave a vacuum behind by removing it.

Something that makes sense, instead of a chat channel.
And seriously, the story explanations are touching, but suggesting we are all cross connected by superior gate technology, when we can't even get our d-scan to auto repeat itself, kinda lop-sided. A back story can be made to explain nearly anything, the notable exception being items with no known history.

Yes, removing local would, BUT IT WOULD BREAK TOO MANY OTHER MECHANICS. Maybe you missed that part somehow?

If you think its should be removed, present a balanced idea for a replacement. Now your same flawed idea over and over.
honestly though, if it's removed as intel, it may as well be removed as a chat channel. Who is going to chat over it knowing it gives them away?

And I'm not saying its a sacred cow, I'm saying you can;t offer a solution in its place, CCP have made it clear its not even remotely a priority to them, and there are a whole heap of threads of people arguing against it. What is the point of simply chucking down "remove local" into other threads to derail them?

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2272 - 2013-10-09 19:28:53 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
What other mechanics?

Fleet combat for one. Practically the whole sov system would fall down if only one side of the fight had intel.

So, you can't even conceive of sources of intel besides local.

Let's just think a moment about fleet combat.

Fleet A, decides it is time to finish off structures that have been on a timer.
They already know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Fleet B, knowing the timer is expiring, has had time to pull together their defense fleet.
Amazingly, they also happen to know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Local did not contribute to either side of this, while in the planning stage.
Until they are actually both in the same system, neither side can even use local to know about the other.

Will one side call for reinforcements if they see more names in local? Well, there it is, the value to fleet combat.
Extra names inspires panic, and desperate cries for assistance.

Sorry Lucas, I am just not seeing this fleet combat issue needing local as a crutch here.
Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2273 - 2013-10-09 19:41:41 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Which is why intel would need a new mechanic. You know that. Are we back to you saying "Leave Local Brit....errr Local ALONE!!!!"?
Please read the thread. I can only assume you haven't bothered, or you have a memory loss problem.
So there's no point discussing it, since you can;t come up with a coherent, workable, balanced solution for local intel. Not to mention that this thread is NOT ABOUT LOCAL, it's about AFK CLOAKING, NOTHING MORE.

Let's face it though, you don't give a **** about ideas, you are just here to troll everyone who disagrees with you. It's clear there are a lot more people on the remove AFK cloak side, which is why there's only been ~4 characters campaigning for your side, with countless others wanting it removed (as highlighted by you in your MASSIVE list of threads asking for it's removal). This threatens you, so you feel the need to repeat the same thing over and over, ignoring what others say in some places and twisting their words in others.

Lucas Kell wrote:

And removing local would do this, obviously, because you declared this to be true.

Repeating that local is a sacred cow over and over does not make it true.
The simple truth is, we just need a viable intel tool, so we don't leave a vacuum behind by removing it.

Something that makes sense, instead of a chat channel.
And seriously, the story explanations are touching, but suggesting we are all cross connected by superior gate technology, when we can't even get our d-scan to auto repeat itself, kinda lop-sided. A back story can be made to explain nearly anything, the notable exception being items with no known history.

Yes, removing local would, BUT IT WOULD BREAK TOO MANY OTHER MECHANICS. Maybe you missed that part somehow?

If you think its should be removed, present a balanced idea for a replacement. Now your same flawed idea over and over.
honestly though, if it's removed as intel, it may as well be removed as a chat channel. Who is going to chat over it knowing it gives them away?

And I'm not saying its a sacred cow, I'm saying you can;t offer a solution in its place, CCP have made it clear its not even remotely a priority to them, and there are a whole heap of threads of people arguing against it. What is the point of simply chucking down "remove local" into other threads to derail them?

A balanced idea for it's replacement.

Ok, by the numbers for this concept:
Point 1: It needs to require effort.
WHY?: So that way you can put in more effort and get better results, not the same flat data handed out to everyone.

Point 2: If it exposes cloaked vessels, becoming aware of them to be hunted must require effort.
WHY?: If you are effortlessly told a stealth ship is present, then giving you the choice as to whether to hunt it, it trivializes cloaking. You can't have the free warning, as well as the hunting tools.

Point 3: You don't want a click fest, it needs to be toggled at least.
WHY?: Local proved that you could be told intel, and have it update automatically. This would drop the amount and type by filtering through your ships hardware and your skills. As a benefit, when you filter results, you can focus them to where it matters to you.

Point 4: Actively gathering intel is a trade off
WHY?: In many ways, your ship must have special hardware, either fitted or inherent to it's hull, to produce above average results. Also, it should be a tactical trade off, in that other ships in range can detect your actions under the right conditions. Broadcasting sensor energy is visible to your own sensors for feedback, others also knowing it is in the area should not be surprising.

Ok, how would you craft the mechanic?
I can easily justify any of the above points, if you like.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2274 - 2013-10-09 20:25:44 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
What other mechanics?

Fleet combat for one. Practically the whole sov system would fall down if only one side of the fight had intel.

So, you can't even conceive of sources of intel besides local.

Let's just think a moment about fleet combat.

Fleet A, decides it is time to finish off structures that have been on a timer.
They already know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Fleet B, knowing the timer is expiring, has had time to pull together their defense fleet.
Amazingly, they also happen to know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Local did not contribute to either side of this, while in the planning stage.
Until they are actually both in the same system, neither side can even use local to know about the other.

Will one side call for reinforcements if they see more names in local? Well, there it is, the value to fleet combat.
Extra names inspires panic, and desperate cries for assistance.

Sorry Lucas, I am just not seeing this fleet combat issue needing local as a crutch here.
OK, so Offending side A, turns up in defender Bs space.
B sees a massive spike, since they have intel. A sees nothing because the opposing fleet is docked. How do A know whether or not to commit or to withdraw? Answer is, they won't know until they are already committed.
This is a MASSIVE boost to a defender.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2275 - 2013-10-09 20:30:18 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
A balanced idea for it's replacement.

Ok, by the numbers for this concept:
Point 1: It needs to require effort.
WHY?: So that way you can put in more effort and get better results, not the same flat data handed out to everyone.

Point 2: If it exposes cloaked vessels, becoming aware of them to be hunted must require effort.
WHY?: If you are effortlessly told a stealth ship is present, then giving you the choice as to whether to hunt it, it trivializes cloaking. You can't have the free warning, as well as the hunting tools.

Point 3: You don't want a click fest, it needs to be toggled at least.
WHY?: Local proved that you could be told intel, and have it update automatically. This would drop the amount and type by filtering through your ships hardware and your skills. As a benefit, when you filter results, you can focus them to where it matters to you.

Point 4: Actively gathering intel is a trade off
WHY?: In many ways, your ship must have special hardware, either fitted or inherent to it's hull, to produce above average results. Also, it should be a tactical trade off, in that other ships in range can detect your actions under the right conditions. Broadcasting sensor energy is visible to your own sensors for feedback, others also knowing it is in the area should not be surprising.

Ok, how would you craft the mechanic?
I can easily justify any of the above points, if you like.
Honestly, I can't think of a mechanic that would elegantly fit that criteria without causing a huge imbalance elsewhere.
That's pretty much my issue here. You and Teckos are pushing for a solution which to this date, nobody has been able to suggest an elegant solution. This puts all other discussions around it to a halt. This is why my suggestion is to resolve each of the issues around it first, then tackle it when it is not a requirement.
Solve AFK cloaking, then solve sov mechanics and guerilla warfare. Then look at cloaks in general. Then look at a replacement intel solution which is preferable to local, then at that point, consider how to drop local from the picture.
Trying to tackle it now is like trying to figure out how to take the legs off of a table while the table is full of stuff.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2276 - 2013-10-09 20:56:30 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
What other mechanics?

Fleet combat for one. Practically the whole sov system would fall down if only one side of the fight had intel.

So, you can't even conceive of sources of intel besides local.

Let's just think a moment about fleet combat.

Fleet A, decides it is time to finish off structures that have been on a timer.
They already know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Fleet B, knowing the timer is expiring, has had time to pull together their defense fleet.
Amazingly, they also happen to know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Local did not contribute to either side of this, while in the planning stage.
Until they are actually both in the same system, neither side can even use local to know about the other.

Will one side call for reinforcements if they see more names in local? Well, there it is, the value to fleet combat.
Extra names inspires panic, and desperate cries for assistance.

Sorry Lucas, I am just not seeing this fleet combat issue needing local as a crutch here.
OK, so Offending side A, turns up in defender Bs space.
B sees a massive spike, since they have intel. A sees nothing because the opposing fleet is docked. How do A know whether or not to commit or to withdraw? Answer is, they won't know until they are already committed.
This is a MASSIVE boost to a defender.


If they are using local to determine whether to commit, you can get the same effect by having your reserves one system over.
Any ship that can reach the combat area in less than 5 minutes is significant.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2277 - 2013-10-09 21:21:19 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
What other mechanics?

Fleet combat for one. Practically the whole sov system would fall down if only one side of the fight had intel.

So, you can't even conceive of sources of intel besides local.

Let's just think a moment about fleet combat.

Fleet A, decides it is time to finish off structures that have been on a timer.
They already know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Fleet B, knowing the timer is expiring, has had time to pull together their defense fleet.
Amazingly, they also happen to know where they are going, and how many they are bringing in.

Local did not contribute to either side of this, while in the planning stage.
Until they are actually both in the same system, neither side can even use local to know about the other.

Will one side call for reinforcements if they see more names in local? Well, there it is, the value to fleet combat.
Extra names inspires panic, and desperate cries for assistance.

Sorry Lucas, I am just not seeing this fleet combat issue needing local as a crutch here.
OK, so Offending side A, turns up in defender Bs space.
B sees a massive spike, since they have intel. A sees nothing because the opposing fleet is docked. How do A know whether or not to commit or to withdraw? Answer is, they won't know until they are already committed.
This is a MASSIVE boost to a defender.


If they are using local to determine whether to commit, you can get the same effect by having your reserves one system over.
Any ship that can reach the combat area in less than 5 minutes is significant.

Do you have much experience with fleet battles? With tidi, by the time a fleet from one systems over manages to get into system through the traffic control, that is if they don't hit system cap, your fleet could be in serious trouble.
If an aggressor committed, but the defender had a fleet twice the size sitting in station, the aggressor would not know until too late that they were screwed, while the defender would easily know what they were getting into due to their intel.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2278 - 2013-10-09 21:29:41 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

If they are using local to determine whether to commit, you can get the same effect by having your reserves one system over.
Any ship that can reach the combat area in less than 5 minutes is significant.

Do you have much experience with fleet battles? With tidi, by the time a fleet from one systems over manages to get into system through the traffic control, that is if they don't hit system cap, your fleet could be in serious trouble.
If an aggressor committed, but the defender had a fleet twice the size sitting in station, the aggressor would not know until too late that they were screwed, while the defender would easily know what they were getting into due to their intel.

Then they already have this issue, if tidi is going to block new entries to system.

A first come first served battle system, or worse, limited below the number of probable expected players, is something that needs to be fixed on it's own, as a separate issue.

Let's not second guess server loads or capabilities for this. I will give CCP credit for handling this as needed, and I hope you will consider that in the same light.

Otherwise, why bother, if the game can't be fixed correctly.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2279 - 2013-10-09 22:44:06 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

If they are using local to determine whether to commit, you can get the same effect by having your reserves one system over.
Any ship that can reach the combat area in less than 5 minutes is significant.

Do you have much experience with fleet battles? With tidi, by the time a fleet from one systems over manages to get into system through the traffic control, that is if they don't hit system cap, your fleet could be in serious trouble.
If an aggressor committed, but the defender had a fleet twice the size sitting in station, the aggressor would not know until too late that they were screwed, while the defender would easily know what they were getting into due to their intel.

Then they already have this issue, if tidi is going to block new entries to system.

A first come first served battle system, or worse, limited below the number of probable expected players, is something that needs to be fixed on it's own, as a separate issue.

Let's not second guess server loads or capabilities for this. I will give CCP credit for handling this as needed, and I hope you will consider that in the same light.

Otherwise, why bother, if the game can't be fixed correctly.

Well no, because right now we can see how many people are on each side.
And the cap is just over 4k characters. It's a well known limit.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2280 - 2013-10-10 03:29:47 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:


If they are using local to determine whether to commit, you can get the same effect by having your reserves one system over.
Any ship that can reach the combat area in less than 5 minutes is significant.

Come on Nick. Lucas has done a tireless and great job at explaining these concepts. We both know that the defending fleet knows exactly how many ships are committed to the attack because the attackers are in a certain place at a certain time. The defenders may be in the system but they can afford to sit back and watch a little before committing. It IS ALWAYS the side which engages PLAYERS first that has the advantage. While escalations will still be common when big stuff is brought out, both sides will engage equally in this tactic thus cancelling its effect.

The fact remains that no local works in wormholes for two primary reasons: 1) No cynos, and 2) Limited mass and random connections through wormholes. No change to local in known space can be proposed on the basis that it works in unknown space unless those two conditions are applied to known space as well. Thus changes to local which limit intel cannot happen without severe restrictions to travel as well (similar to wh space).

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein