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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2181 - 2013-10-04 20:45:08 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Lol just because you call everything a straw man argument doesn't make it the case. That seems to be the latest go-to insult on the forums.
What are nona hacs?

Well any other intel mechanic in the game surely is the same. The guest window in a station for example. The overview takes no effort yet tells you alliance tag, standing shiptype, all automatically without any effort.
At the end of the day it's all beside the point. It was not added by accident, it was designed to show you who is in system with you. the fact that you don't like it doesn't make it automatically wrong and everything you say automatically right. Stop being so arrogant.
Present me an unbiased solution that doesn't turn covops ships into the best ships in the game while simultaneously shitting on all other ships, and I'll take it on board. But keep thrusting the same used up idea at me and you can expect the same response.

Saying you are making a strawman argument is not an insult.

Sorry, it was a typo, I mean nano HACs. If you don't know what those are, that shows your age. A nano HAC is....err was a heavy assualt cruiser that was fit with various speed modules such as nonafiber hull upgrades, polycarbon engine housings, and a MWD, the idea was you'd be super goddamn ******* fast. So fast, you'd out run missile explosions. You'd basically speed tank your opponents. A gang of these was the (roaming) gang de jour way back....until they got nerfed. Now do we see nano HACs? No, not really.

I find your list of other mechanics that offer similar benefits as local rather unimpressive.

If it weren't for the high likelihood that removing/nerfing local would likely adversely impact null, it would have gone the way of nano HACs and tracking titans.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2182 - 2013-10-04 20:50:50 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
I wish to point out this, which I consider a key point:
Andy Landen wrote:
The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

But it brings back the key point of the whole thing.

You cannot successfully attack someone who knows about you, when combined with their having time to react to this information before you can act.

If they see you as a threat, and they can warp to safety before you can stop them, the encounter is over before it began.

Claims are made that you cannot fool local residents, with long term presence in local.
But, here are new claims being made about other ways to fool local, by having the blue listed entries be enabling the hostiles, if not being the actual real threat itself.

It is all coming back to ways of fooling local. Why? because local is reporting everyone in the system, immediately and completely, so it is necessary to get around this.

I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling local" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

Must a magician reveal all his tricks? Since you did consider the idea, I will be more specific without using local OR AWOXing.

You enter system in any ship with a bubble in the cargohold. You note the anomalies of interest that were abandoned and anchor a small bubble to a key location at the anomaly. You leave system and head away two systems (enough time for residents to see you are leaving and to return to their ops) and then return to check on your bubble(s) and whoever might be caught there. No local, no AWOX. One example. Much less time and more interesting than several weeks of afk cloaking for no effect.

Killing idiots is never hard. P

If a person can't be arsed to at least use the d-scan when undocking, they deserve every bad thing that happens to them as a result.

In fact, they should be petitionable where we get to change their in game name to IRDumm.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2183 - 2013-10-04 20:58:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Andy Landen wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling local" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

Must a magician reveal all his tricks? Since you did consider the idea, I will be more specific without using local OR AWOXing.

You enter system in any ship with a bubble in the cargohold. You note the anomalies of interest that were abandoned and anchor a small bubble to a key location at the anomaly. You leave system and head away two systems (enough time for residents to see you are leaving and to return to their ops) and then return to check on your bubble(s) and whoever might be caught there. No local, no AWOX. One example. Much less time and more interesting than several weeks of afk cloaking for no effect.

You are almost describing a crab trap, used by fisherman.

It has two flaws in it's premise:
1 The intended target can simply turn around and leave. You ARE two systems away, having left this at a location noone was using, for all you know. Unless you saw them as they left grid, you are guessing.
2 How do you KNOW when to return? Unless they are in an amazingly slow to align ship, you are guessing that they will be both active and unguarded, at a specific and limited window of opportunity.

Yep. If I was daft enough to not use d-scan before warping, and landed in a bubble, I'd turn right around an align out. Once out of the bubble, I'd stat shooting the bubble. I'd stay aligned as well so that if the person who anchored it comes back, zooom, off I go to a safe spot, tower, or station.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2184 - 2013-10-04 21:05:45 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Mag's wrote:
I've actually enjoyed reading the last few pages.

Can I just interject with why I believe an AFK timer wouldn't work, there are two reasons.

Firstly, they are just too easy to circumvent and done without breaking the EULA.

Secondly, have you even considered whether CCP even want this? Not in relation to AFKing, but simply as part of their business strategy. Numbers on the server are important and AFK players are actually a boon in this regard. I just cannot see them removing low load numbers, just to make some feel safer in null.

For both reasons I cannot personally envisage them doing this and I believe they haven't so far, due in no small part to reason two.

Have a great day all. Big smile

An auto-timer would be easy to bypass, for sure. Just return to the client every hour and be a little active. Or create a script, I know.

CCP does not get paid for accounts being online. The payments come for a month's subscription.
People do not subscribe because the currently online number is high. They subscribe because of the active content (that they can access).
CCP does not get any awards or bonuses for current online numbers. Numbers on the server are not that important.
Removing afk players is not about making anyone feel safer, it is about addressing the issue of players wanting to interact with other players and not to waste time trying to interact with those who are VERY afk. Most players do not like the idea of a character remaining signed but completely afk 24/7 in the exact same system for weeks or months at a time. Especially when the character must be treated as though it were active with a cyno, and has the effect of owning a system for which it could not claim sov by forcing everyone to move to neighboring systems to continue ops of any kind.

Which do yout think it more...interesting, fun, and challenging game?

Number logged in 5,
Number logged in 500,
Number logged in 5,000,
Number logged in 5,0000?

I'm guessing the more people logged in the more interesing and fun the game can be. As such, CCP likes seeing more people logged in than not. This is why when a new record of players logged in is broken they note it. Also, how long will a game last if the numbers logged in are not increasing all the time? Sure they might be making just as much or even more money, but my guess is that seeing more and more people logged in is viewed as a good thing from a bottom line perspective.

And if I'm sitting at my computer, at my keyboard, in a system cloaked, docked, or even mining ice, but am also watching netflix on the second monitor...why should my game be nerfed with a logoff timer? Why should I have to worry about that? I'm there at my keyboard...I'm just also doing something else in between whatever it is I'm waiting for.

Oh, it upsets your game play? Welcome to the sandbox. P

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2185 - 2013-10-05 05:38:01 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I do not see the hypocrisy.
IF I was saying that the resident should be guaranteed to KILL the other player then it would be.
But there are no variable here. If BOTH SIDES do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY CORRECTLY, the outcome is GUARANTEED.

Yes, the resident will get away. Hence the balance issue.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2186 - 2013-10-05 18:39:55 UTC
Bump, before more AFK cloaking complaint threads decloak.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2187 - 2013-10-06 01:35:51 UTC

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Matthias Thullmann
Dynatron Inc.
#2188 - 2013-10-06 05:38:11 UTC
Nullsec 101:
- Stay aligned.
- Pay attention to dscan.
- Never fly something you can't afford to lose.
- Fit a point and tank, call in friendly blobs to deal with stupid reds.

The only people who get hurt by "afk cloakers" are people who are afk themselves, either afk missioning or afk mining and not paying attention. Or people who are flying ships so expensive that their own corp mates are seriously considering killing them for the drop or km bragging.

I'm not going to say the problem doesn't exist, but it's a sandbox problem that requires a sandbox solution (ie a functioning brain module). Although I will say Yolo's heat thing is neat.

Apologies if this offended anyone or if its been mentioned before.
Fascist Jockitch
#2189 - 2013-10-06 10:01:31 UTC
I am a cloaky camper and I agree, cloaky camping is seriously broken. Since CCP refuses to take action, we are going to abuse this on a huge scale until almost every occupied nullsec system is perma-camped. We are deploying cloaky alts from all of our alliance members now and will not stop until it is fixed.

I encourage all people who want this fixed to do the same. If CCP will not fix it, we need to show them just how broken it is.

Vaju Enki
Secular Wisdom
#2190 - 2013-10-06 10:45:26 UTC
You a solution for you problem, make cloaked ship invisible in local. Problem solved.

The Tears Must Flow

Alvatore DiMarco
Capricious Endeavours Ltd
#2191 - 2013-10-06 10:46:04 UTC
How timely for this thread to have been bumped just as another anti-cloaking thread has appeared.
Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#2192 - 2013-10-06 20:46:20 UTC

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#2193 - 2013-10-06 21:00:23 UTC
Bump - 1 hour cycle time on cloaks - and 2 hour auto log off

Game lag fixed

Afk cloaking fixed (Somewhat)
Azrael Dinn
Imperial Mechanics
#2194 - 2013-10-07 05:52:37 UTC
Vaju Enki wrote:
You a solution for you problem, make cloaked ship invisible in local. Problem solved.

horribly unbalanced idea if no probes or anything that will counter cloaks is introduced.

After centuries of debating and justifying... Break Cloaks tm

Debora Tsung
Caldari State
#2195 - 2013-10-07 09:30:46 UTC

Stupidity should be a bannable offense.

Fighting back is more fun than not.

Sticky: AFK Cloaking Thread It's not pretty, but it's there.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2196 - 2013-10-07 09:51:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I do not see the hypocrisy.
IF I was saying that the resident should be guaranteed to KILL the other player then it would be.
But there are no variable here. If BOTH SIDES do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY CORRECTLY, the outcome is GUARANTEED.

Yes, the resident will get away. Hence the balance issue.
So to you, balance means all null sec players are forced into combat regardless of shiptype so you can gank them, thus buffing your killboard and enlarging your epeen.
Good to know.

I kinda think balance is more about ensuring you DON'T leave some gaping hole by which someone can gain a massive advantage over others. Null players can't continue to do what they want should an enemy turn up, but are not guaranteed death if they play very well. This I consider balanced.
If local was nuked, like you so wish, cloakers would ALWAYS GET A KILL.
If you think that is balance, you are mistaken.

The short of this is, no matter how much you state you just want balance, you want easy kills, and you don't care how much of the rest of the game you destroy to get them. I'll stick with wanting whats good for the game as a whole, not for just a single ship type.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

ArkashaDoc SSK
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#2197 - 2013-10-07 12:31:49 UTC
The idea of ​​the nerf cloaking light bulbs.

Cloaking Device - it is the generator of the force field around the ship , which makes scanners and view capability to detect it.

Nerf AFK lamps - Role-based event - "А flash in the sun".
Randomly , all star systems(region?) differently, between 1 to 2 hours.

Radiation from the sun takes the field in the state of Cloaking Device of all ship in system unstable - lasting about 3-5 minute .
If during this time do not put the device in - antiphase ( simply by choosing the standard menu - Reload) - Cloaking device comes in a mode of overheating.

If the player is still missing from the computer - in accordance with the rules of the game device simply breaks down .

That is the situation in the sov system with a bulb ironed follows. Everyone is afraid of light bulbs as soon as a message arrives - "A flash in the sun" - the locals are waiting for a few minutes and start a fun game - get the AFK bot.
Because if there is no real player at the computer - Cloaking Device is burned and the ship became available to scan.

The core values ​​of CCP remain:
1. Cloaking Player can not be found by scanning.
2. CCP satisfied with the current stealth mechanics.
3. No player can influence the game world, if not in front of the computer (bots are subject to ban).
4. No need new modules, new skills or new game mechanics.

I apologize for my Russian language.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2198 - 2013-10-07 12:59:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Teckos Pech
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
No, I do not see the hypocrisy.
IF I was saying that the resident should be guaranteed to KILL the other player then it would be.
But there are no variable here. If BOTH SIDES do EVERYTHING PERFECTLY CORRECTLY, the outcome is GUARANTEED.

Yes, the resident will get away. Hence the balance issue.
So to you, balance means all null sec players are forced into combat regardless of shiptype so you can gank them, thus buffing your killboard and enlarging your epeen.
Good to know.

Ahh still flogging that straw man I see. Getting away everytime is the balance issue, you should face risk in null. So you should be able to get away...just not all the time.

I kinda think balance is more about ensuring you DON'T leave some gaping hole by which someone can gain a massive advantage over others. Null players can't continue to do what they want should an enemy turn up, but are not guaranteed death if they play very well. This I consider balanced.
If local was nuked, like you so wish, cloakers would ALWAYS GET A KILL.
If you think that is balance, you are mistaken.

We've been over this before Lucas. If there is a sov based upgradable intel mechanic if you or your alliance does leave a gaping hole, well it is your fault. In other words, you don't have to leave a gaping hole--and that means you certainly are not forced to leave a gaping hole.

The short of this is, no matter how much you state you just want balance, you want easy kills, and you don't care how much of the rest of the game you destroy to get them. I'll stick with wanting whats good for the game as a whole, not for just a single ship type.

You know Lucas, this is where you always run into trouble with other people in this debate. You are so damn conservative its ridiculous. When people say you want zero risk you get upset, but then you say everyone who disagrees with you wants easy kills. You want to be able to get away every time, as you indicate you always do under current mechanics, but should somebody say, "No, you should face some level of risk," that is totally unacceptable to you. You really come across as not only wanting to eat your cake and have it too, you want to eat everyone else's cake that doesn't agree with you. You have a truly closed mind on this subject.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2199 - 2013-10-07 13:13:46 UTC
ArkashaDoc SSK wrote:
The idea of ​​the nerf cloaking light bulbs.

Cloaking Device - it is the generator of the force field around the ship , which makes scanners and view capability to detect it.

Nerf AFK lamps - Role-based event - "А flash in the sun".
Randomly , all star systems(region?) differently, between 1 to 2 hours.

Radiation from the sun takes the field in the state of Cloaking Device of all ship in system unstable - lasting about 3-5 minute .
If during this time do not put the device in - antiphase ( simply by choosing the standard menu - Reload) - Cloaking device comes in a mode of overheating.

If the player is still missing from the computer - in accordance with the rules of the game device simply breaks down .

That is the situation in the sov system with a bulb ironed follows. Everyone is afraid of light bulbs as soon as a message arrives - "A flash in the sun" - the locals are waiting for a few minutes and start a fun game - get the AFK bot.
Because if there is no real player at the computer - Cloaking Device is burned and the ship became available to scan.

The core values ​​of CCP remain:
1. Cloaking Player can not be found by scanning.
2. CCP satisfied with the current stealth mechanics.
3. No player can influence the game world, if not in front of the computer (bots are subject to ban).
4. No need new modules, new skills or new game mechanics.

I apologize for my Russian language.

Look, this is a balance issue, not a lore/backstory issue. We don't need some good story to solve this problem, we need to separate local and intel. That is what causes AFK cloaking, AWOXing and log on traps. Separating local and intel wont kill AWOXing or logon traps 100%, but it sure will kill AFK cloaking. So the real issue is finding a balanced way to separate local and intel, and then make cloaked ships (in K-space) somehow dectectable--i.e. scanner probes, a new ship, a new POS module, something, maybe several somethings. And not nerf active cloaking too hard.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2200 - 2013-10-07 14:29:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Ahh still flogging that straw man I see. Getting away everytime is the balance issue, you should face risk in null. So you should be able to get away...just not all the time.
What VARIABLE will you add to change this then? Any mechanic will result in both side mastering it, thus resulting in a single outcome every time. The same as now, if I'm in an orca in a system, I won't get out in the same time as a frigate, So I need to get at least +1 intel. If I'm in a freighter I need +2. as long as I always do my job right, I'll always get out. HOW will this be different if there's is simply another mechanic in place for me to get intel?
If there isn't a mechanic for me to get intel, then you will kill me every time as I will NEVER be able to get out.
The think you seem to NOT understand EVERY TIME is that without adding a variable to the scenario, you can't expect a variable outcome, yet you continuously bang on about this "not all the time" thing. What you are asking for is simply not possible, and nuking local won't change that.

Teckos Pech wrote:
We've been over this before Lucas. If there is a sov based upgradable intel mechanic if you or your alliance does leave a gaping hole, well it is your fault. In other words, you don't have to leave a gaping hole--and that means you certainly are not forced to leave a gaping hole.
But then NOTHING IS DIFFERENT FOR SOLO PVP. The ONLY thing this does is mean that fleet battles are completely ******. If I can still get my intel, then you'll still be crying about how I get away every time. See above.
So why break a mechanic for thousands of people to CHANGE NOTHING for your target group?

Teckos Pech wrote:
You know Lucas, this is where you always run into trouble with other people in this debate. You are so damn conservative its ridiculous. When people say you want zero risk you get upset, but then you say everyone who disagrees with you wants easy kills. You want to be able to get away every time, as you indicate you always do under current mechanics, but should somebody say, "No, you should face some level of risk," that is totally unacceptable to you. You really come across as not only wanting to eat your cake and have it too, you want to eat everyone else's cake that doesn't agree with you. You have a truly closed mind on this subject.
I want the opportunity to get away when I put the effort in. YOU want me to sometimes die, no matter how hard I try to get away. How exactly are you going to get that in without making my intel flawed to the point you could abuse it to kill me EVERY TIME?

And what you are asking for is the ability to sneak up on miners and point them before they can see you and respond. How can you suggest that is NOT an EASY KILL? It's an unarmed ship that you want to take away any chance of escape from.

Simply put, If you can come up with a way to chuck in a variable to the intel system that doesn't break everything, I'm happy for your "sometimes" solution, but the only solutions to removal local either result in no change (I always escape), or an imbalanced cloaker, (I always die).

Oh and side note: me escaping STILL TAKES EFFORT, and STILL MEANS I CANT MINE/RAT in the system. So it's not like I get to simply ignore the threat and carry on. You are acting like I get to continue to do whatever I want while you are unable to act. See you don;t want to have an effect on me, you want the kill. Well tough luck buddy, ganking unarmed miners in null is not and should never be a simple task. Grow up and PvP properly.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.