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AFK Cloaking Collection Thread

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Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2121 - 2013-10-02 15:32:13 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

Teckos Pech wrote:
And they all build off of the time between a hostile has between showing up in local and when that hostile is able to do anything. That is a free mechanical benefit you get. For example, if I'm in a ratting domi with a MJD and using sentries, if a hostile showed up, I'd hit the MJD button, scoop drones, and when I jump I'd be 180-200 km from the warp in of the anomaly I had just been farming. And as soon as I landed, align out to my safe. Unless I was really not paying attention you'd never, ever catch me...unless you used a blue to AWOX me. P
Of course. If I've set my ship up to be able to MJD, I'm watching my available intel like a hawk, and I'm prepared to leave the moment I'm at risk, of course I'll get away. If I couldn't then there would be a serious balance issue there. If no matter what I did, I had to get caught, then the only method of escaping would be the overuse of warp stabs and an agile ship. That shouldn't be required on every fit, as it would destroy diversity.
Enough people die every day in null to show there's not a problem catching targets. You can put every single one down to user error and ignore it, but when will you be happy? Seems to me you'll only be happy when you can guarantee your ability to catch ships in null, which would mean you are heavily overpowered.

No, there is a serious balance issue that you could get away every single time. Heck with the domi setup, you could even possibly cloak after that MJD so long as it breaks the target lock of the rats. No need to even warp then.

And with that set up you wouldn't even have to be watching local that closely. After all, you are going to be around 100km from the warp in, and that will add to the time you have to react. And you are assuming the interceptor has warped to the right anomaly. If the system has several of them, he might not even hit the one I'm in. This would add even more time and increase my chances of escape.

And you are making yet another strawman argument. Nowhere have I argued that "If no matter what I did, I had to get caught...."

And I find it curious, that if the following occurs:

No matter what I escape.

There is no balance issue, it is tough for those looking to disrupt an alliances resource acquistion. But when the shoe is on the other foot and we have,

No matter what I get caught.

Why it is a serious imbalance.

Seems like a bit of a disconnect there to me.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2122 - 2013-10-02 15:34:18 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Equal effort in what way? Its currently equal. You jump in, we both see each other. If you jump in and can automatically see me, since d-scan would show me, but I can't see you except for the brief second that your gate cloak turns into your modules cloak, how is that fair?
You have time during your gate cloak to d-scan me out, knowing I cant be cloaked as I'm doing other things.
If you said "OK, add a module or a pos mod to find cloakers", then I STILL would be able to see you the moment you entered local, I STILL would be able to escape. So null sec fleet fights would be broken and smaller groups would have to pay out for all this extra scanning gear, while nothing would change for us. Then you'd be back crying about how the intel tool needs a delay so you can catch us.

Ok, lets move forward one agreement at a time then.

It has been established, that outside of extraordinary circumstances, the current automatic listing by local normally results in a PvE pilot having the opportunity to get safe before a hostile can act.

Nothing implied beyond this, a simple question: Do you agree with that statement?
Not always gets safe as an absolute, but with planning and being alert to changes in local, that they can do this under normal circumstances.
Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2123 - 2013-10-02 15:35:00 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:
I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling locla" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

WOW. All this and you still miss the point.
WE DON'T DISAGREE that local is used for intel.
What we are saying is that REMOVING LOCAL gives cloakers TOO MUCH BENEFIT. I don't know how that's so hard to understand. Yo uare saying that right now, if we pay attention, and are quick on the buttons, we can escape due to local. Your solution is to stop us doing that, meaning that regardless of if we are or are not paying attention, we must die if you use a cloaked ship.
How can you POSSIBLY suggest that and be completely blind to how it would make all other combat vessels entirely pointless in roaming PvP?

And the counter to this alleged too much benefit is simply limiting the benefit.

Give defense pilots a way to use effort equal to the efforts being made against them, and have the better effort win.

Would you accept that as a starting point?

Nothing else assumed or implied, simply: would you accept that?

I honestly don't know what you mean by equal effort though. I've used covops many times, they are one of the simplest ships to use. They are easy to afk with and nearly impossible to catch. Then if i feel the urge to go afk, I can just fly in a random direction and hold cloak. I'd honestly say that all other ships take considerably more effort to use.
As for other ships, If I don't put 100% of my attention on the screen in null, then I can easily be killed. Whether I have to click a button, look at local, or sing some kind of weird chant into a new intel tool is beside the point. The amount of effort would remain unchanged. It's still 100% of my time it is occupying.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2124 - 2013-10-02 15:40:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Lucas Kell
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Equal effort in what way? Its currently equal. You jump in, we both see each other. If you jump in and can automatically see me, since d-scan would show me, but I can't see you except for the brief second that your gate cloak turns into your modules cloak, how is that fair?
You have time during your gate cloak to d-scan me out, knowing I cant be cloaked as I'm doing other things.
If you said "OK, add a module or a pos mod to find cloakers", then I STILL would be able to see you the moment you entered local, I STILL would be able to escape. So null sec fleet fights would be broken and smaller groups would have to pay out for all this extra scanning gear, while nothing would change for us. Then you'd be back crying about how the intel tool needs a delay so you can catch us.

Ok, lets move forward one agreement at a time then.

It has been established, that outside of extraordinary circumstances, the current automatic listing by local normally results in a PvE pilot having the opportunity to get safe before a hostile can act.

Nothing implied beyond this, a simple question: Do you agree with that statement?
Not always gets safe as an absolute, but with planning and being alert to changes in local, that they can do this under normal circumstances.
Not entirely no. That depends on ship, build and player skill. Under any circumstances even without local a player could be safe from an attacker. If I was aligned to a pos, with warp stabs in a low sig ship, I'd be safe even if a ship landed on grid.
I'm not really sure what constitutes "extraordinary" circumstances. If I warp my orca to a belt to grab some cans, that's hardly extraordinary, yet if a ship jumped in as i was entering warp I've got about 60 seconds before I'm going to be in a position of being aligned back out.
If I'm in a PVE anom, being pointed by an NPC is not extraordinary, but that easily gives enough time for a warp in.

EDIT: What I can add though is that I take steps to ensure my safety. I hit pointing ships first, and keep a small ship on an alt in case I need to jump in and blitz them to save me. I scout surrounding systems when I deploy my orca to ensure I have a healthy amount of time.
This is not effortless. Even keeping an eye on local is no more effortless than when I'm camping inside a wormhole in my cloaked ship staring at my overview for any appearing ships.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2125 - 2013-10-02 15:58:01 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:

Ok, lets move forward one agreement at a time then.

It has been established, that outside of extraordinary circumstances, the current automatic listing by local normally results in a PvE pilot having the opportunity to get safe before a hostile can act.

Nothing implied beyond this, a simple question: Do you agree with that statement?
Not always gets safe as an absolute, but with planning and being alert to changes in local, that they can do this under normal circumstances.
Not entirely no. That depends on ship, build and player skill. Under any circumstances even without local a player could be safe from an attacker. If I was aligned to a pos, with warp stabs in a low sig ship, I'd be safe even if a ship landed on grid.
I'm not really sure what constitutes "extraordinary" circumstances. If I warp my orca to a belt to grab some cans, that's hardly extraordinary, yet if a ship jumped in as i was entering warp I've got about 60 seconds before I'm going to be in a position of being aligned back out.
If I'm in a PVE anom, being pointed by an NPC is not extraordinary, but that easily gives enough time for a warp in.

EDIT: What I can add though is that I take steps to ensure my safety. I hit pointing ships first, and keep a small ship on an alt in case I need to jump in and blitz them to save me. I scout surrounding systems when I deploy my orca to ensure I have a healthy amount of time.
This is not effortless. Even keeping an eye on local is no more effortless than when I'm camping inside a wormhole in my cloaked ship staring at my overview for any appearing ships.

Ok, by extraordinary I am eliminating luck, and aspects we have no control over, such as internet connection being lagged, etc.
An example where you happen to already be in warp to a belt when a hostile is listed in local, would be extraordinary in being unlucky. It is possible they may warp directly to your location before you are able to align and warp out first. Is it likely? No.
The probability of them guessing your correct location out of several possibilities makes this improbable.
Even D-Scan normally picks up multiple choices where a target could be.

This specified, can we accept local grants a pilot the choice to operate in a manner that allows them to evade hostiles?
They may choose to use a carrier to rat in, but they could have also chosen a less efficient ISK harvesting means that offered better chances of survival, to the point where a hostile needs extraordinary means to catch them.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2126 - 2013-10-02 16:06:23 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:

The only "nerf cloaks" I've seen is the part that allows cloaks to be scannable, which would be pointless if cloakers simply kept moving. Even AFK cloakers you'd not be able to find if they set themselves moving. It's a one sided change and only the cloakers would benefit. You can bang on about how much intel they'd lose if you want, but we all know it's rubbish. cloakers don't use local until they arrive in system, and even that tells them nothing about where their targets are located. d-scan tells them that.

Ahh, now the truth finally rears it's head. You want to nerf cloaks in general. That is how I read that Lucas. Scan probes are no good because, why an "active cloaker could avoid them". Yeah...that was the point so that it would kill off AFK cloaking permanently. And if the probes are good enough so that they can get you close enough, you can decloak even a moving AFK cloaker.

And if scan probes alone aren't sufficient than possible look at another mechanic.

By the way Lucas, are you recanting this post now? And this one?

I want to be able to separate the AFK cloakers from active cloakers and remove the AFK ones. Active cloakers can proceed to do whatever they want. If you want to actively increase our risk, that's fine, but being able to do it just after downtime then head of to work is not what I would consider fair play. Since we don;t know if or when you will return, we have to assume you are a danger at all time's while you have to do nothing to hold that status. It's as bad as bot mining as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, I want to "remove local"--i.e. turn it into a chat channel.

Yes, I want a new intel system, one that for the effort and certain trade offs is pretty good. But is destructable (even by small gangs--i.e. not alot of HP) and possibly hackable.

And for this make sure AFK cloaking is dead, dead, dead. If scan probes are not sufficient, then add on another mechanic. But ideally it would have minimal impact on active cloakers. And of course, with no sov in WHs, they'd be left as is.

Would I want this put in place without extensive testing? **** no! Test it to death first. If a player can come up with a way to break it, throw them a BIG bone for their efforts and creativity (e.g. 5 billion isk would cost CCP very little, but for a creative player would be a nice incentive).

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2127 - 2013-10-02 16:08:15 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
An example where you happen to already be in warp to a belt when a hostile is listed in local, would be extraordinary in being unlucky. It is possible they may warp directly to your location before you are able to align and warp out first. Is it likely? No.
The probability of them guessing your correct location out of several possibilities makes this improbable.
Even D-Scan normally picks up multiple choices where a target could be.
Ever warped out an orca? using the tracking cam and the probe scanner you should be able to d-scan an orca in a grav in under half the orcasalign time.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
This specified, can we accept local grants a pilot the choice to operate in a manner that allows them to evade hostiles?
They may choose to use a carrier to rat in, but they could have also chosen a less efficient ISK harvesting means that offered better chances of survival, to the point where a hostile needs extraordinary means to catch them.

I'll agree that it is there source of information that allows them to identify a hostile is now present. The choice of acting in a manner that allows you to evade hostiles is independent of local. I took precautions when I lived in a wormhole too, it's just instead of a local window was a client on my 2nd monitor in the form of a covops cloaked alt with his overview set to make all ships not in corp blink red.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2128 - 2013-10-02 16:16:04 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Equal effort in what way? Its currently equal. You jump in, we both see each other. If you jump in and can automatically see me, since d-scan would show me, but I can't see you except for the brief second that your gate cloak turns into your modules cloak, how is that fair?
You have time during your gate cloak to d-scan me out, knowing I cant be cloaked as I'm doing other things.
If you said "OK, add a module or a pos mod to find cloakers", then I STILL would be able to see you the moment you entered local, I STILL would be able to escape. So null sec fleet fights would be broken and smaller groups would have to pay out for all this extra scanning gear, while nothing would change for us. Then you'd be back crying about how the intel tool needs a delay so you can catch us.

Ok, lets move forward one agreement at a time then.

It has been established, that outside of extraordinary circumstances, the current automatic listing by local normally results in a PvE pilot having the opportunity to get safe before a hostile can act.

Nothing implied beyond this, a simple question: Do you agree with that statement?
Not always gets safe as an absolute, but with planning and being alert to changes in local, that they can do this under normal circumstances.
Not entirely no. That depends on ship, build and player skill. Under any circumstances even without local a player could be safe from an attacker. If I was aligned to a pos, with warp stabs in a low sig ship, I'd be safe even if a ship landed on grid.
I'm not really sure what constitutes "extraordinary" circumstances. If I warp my orca to a belt to grab some cans, that's hardly extraordinary, yet if a ship jumped in as i was entering warp I've got about 60 seconds before I'm going to be in a position of being aligned back out.
If I'm in a PVE anom, being pointed by an NPC is not extraordinary, but that easily gives enough time for a warp in.

EDIT: What I can add though is that I take steps to ensure my safety. I hit pointing ships first, and keep a small ship on an alt in case I need to jump in and blitz them to save me. I scout surrounding systems when I deploy my orca to ensure I have a healthy amount of time.
This is not effortless. Even keeping an eye on local is no more effortless than when I'm camping inside a wormhole in my cloaked ship staring at my overview for any appearing ships.


Lucas, it is simply true. The current mechanic for local is such that you have an opportunity to try and get safe before the new pilot is system has a chance to do anything. Of course, that opportunity might be insufficient.

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2129 - 2013-10-02 16:22:48 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:

Lucas, it is simply true. The current mechanic for local is such that you have an opportunity to try and get safe before the new pilot is system has a chance to do anything. Of course, that opportunity might be insufficient.
But the same can be said for ANY mechanic if you are speaking that broadly, so why the urge to push me into saying it? Because then that quote can be taken out of context as me saying local is some miracle cure-all that should be annihilated, which I do not believe is the case.
Local is a by-design mechanic which some people think is too powerful. The thing is those people want to strip the mechanic to the point where the game would be shockingly imbalanced and painful to play.
I'm not opposed to the idea of an alternate intel solution, but to this date nobody has presented anything I would consider to be a viable alternative.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2130 - 2013-10-02 17:00:54 UTC
I have two Orcas. Quite familiar with them.
In defense of my point, they fit entirely under the heading of bad choice, if you are wrong about hostiles being an imminent threat.
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
An example where you happen to already be in warp to a belt when a hostile is listed in local, would be extraordinary in being unlucky. It is possible they may warp directly to your location before you are able to align and warp out first. Is it likely? No.
The probability of them guessing your correct location out of several possibilities makes this improbable.
Even D-Scan normally picks up multiple choices where a target could be.
Ever warped out an orca? using the tracking cam and the probe scanner you should be able to d-scan an orca in a grav in under half the orcasalign time.

Nikk Narrel wrote:
This specified, can we accept local grants a pilot the choice to operate in a manner that allows them to evade hostiles?
They may choose to use a carrier to rat in, but they could have also chosen a less efficient ISK harvesting means that offered better chances of survival, to the point where a hostile needs extraordinary means to catch them.

I'll agree that it is there source of information that allows them to identify a hostile is now present. The choice of acting in a manner that allows you to evade hostiles is independent of local. I took precautions when I lived in a wormhole too, it's just instead of a local window was a client on my 2nd monitor in the form of a covops cloaked alt with his overview set to make all ships not in corp blink red.

And taking precautions, quite reasonably, deserves recognition.

This game rewards the better player with success, and if your precautions are better than the preparations of a hostile pilot, you deserve to evade them.

Now, for perhaps a surprising admission: I find AFK Cloaking to be very frustrating, and diminishing to my gameplay options.
We are in a position where this frequently generates a stalemate, with both sides staring at the listed names in chat as a rather boring substitute for gameplay.
As a miner, I want to resolve this issue, and move on.

As a player in general, I must also respect that the situation, maddening as it is, also has balance that CCP put in place.
I don't have to like it. My opinion about it has no meaning outside of ranting here.

But it does mean that in order to respect and maintain the balance CCP established, for everything we take from cloaking, we must replace or balance from the other game aspects.

I don't think I wrote anything controversial here, but I would appreciate it if you would confirm this.
Teckos Pech
Goonswarm Federation
#2131 - 2013-10-02 17:29:27 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

Lucas, it is simply true. The current mechanic for local is such that you have an opportunity to try and get safe before the new pilot is system has a chance to do anything. Of course, that opportunity might be insufficient.
But the same can be said for ANY mechanic if you are speaking that broadly, so why the urge to push me into saying it? Because then that quote can be taken out of context as me saying local is some miracle cure-all that should be annihilated, which I do not believe is the case.
Local is a by-design mechanic which some people think is too powerful. The thing is those people want to strip the mechanic to the point where the game would be shockingly imbalanced and painful to play.
I'm not opposed to the idea of an alternate intel solution, but to this date nobody has presented anything I would consider to be a viable alternative.

Same can be said for nona hacs, and where are they now?

This is a bad argument.

And name another mechanic that gives such a mechanistic benefit?

And can you make a post that isn't a straw man argument?

"The curious task of economics is to demonstrate to men how little they really know about what they imagine they can design."--Friedrich August von Hayek

8 Golden Rules for EVE Online

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2132 - 2013-10-02 18:07:05 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Lucas Kell wrote:
Teckos Pech wrote:

Lucas, it is simply true. The current mechanic for local is such that you have an opportunity to try and get safe before the new pilot is system has a chance to do anything. Of course, that opportunity might be insufficient.
But the same can be said for ANY mechanic if you are speaking that broadly, so why the urge to push me into saying it? Because then that quote can be taken out of context as me saying local is some miracle cure-all that should be annihilated, which I do not believe is the case.
Local is a by-design mechanic which some people think is too powerful. The thing is those people want to strip the mechanic to the point where the game would be shockingly imbalanced and painful to play.
I'm not opposed to the idea of an alternate intel solution, but to this date nobody has presented anything I would consider to be a viable alternative.

Same can be said for nona hacs, and where are they now?

This is a bad argument.

And name another mechanic that gives such a mechanistic benefit?

And can you make a post that isn't a straw man argument?
Lol just because you call everything a straw man argument doesn't make it the case. That seems to be the latest go-to insult on the forums.
What are nona hacs?

Well any other intel mechanic in the game surely is the same. The guest window in a station for example. The overview takes no effort yet tells you alliance tag, standing shiptype, all automatically without any effort.
At the end of the day it's all beside the point. It was not added by accident, it was designed to show you who is in system with you. the fact that you don't like it doesn't make it automatically wrong and everything you say automatically right. Stop being so arrogant.
Present me an unbiased solution that doesn't turn covops ships into the best ships in the game while simultaneously shitting on all other ships, and I'll take it on board. But keep thrusting the same used up idea at me and you can expect the same response.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Lucas Kell
Solitude Trading
#2133 - 2013-10-02 18:10:24 UTC
Nikk Narrel wrote:
And taking precautions, quite reasonably, deserves recognition.

This game rewards the better player with success, and if your precautions are better than the preparations of a hostile pilot, you deserve to evade them.

Now, for perhaps a surprising admission: I find AFK Cloaking to be very frustrating, and diminishing to my gameplay options.
We are in a position where this frequently generates a stalemate, with both sides staring at the listed names in chat as a rather boring substitute for gameplay.
As a miner, I want to resolve this issue, and move on.

As a player in general, I must also respect that the situation, maddening as it is, also has balance that CCP put in place.
I don't have to like it. My opinion about it has no meaning outside of ranting here.

But it does mean that in order to respect and maintain the balance CCP established, for everything we take from cloaking, we must replace or balance from the other game aspects.

I don't think I wrote anything controversial here, but I would appreciate it if you would confirm this.
I don;t disagree that changes need to be made, and I don't disagree that balance needs to be maintained.
But I don;t think changing local will give balance, I think it will heavily favor one side, to the point that the only way to remove that imbalance is either the removal of cloaks, or the removal of all offensive modules from cloakers.
A cloaker without local is way too powerful.

The Indecisive Noob - EVE fan blog.

Wholesale Trading - The new bulk trading mailing list.

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2134 - 2013-10-02 18:30:18 UTC
Lucas Kell wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
And taking precautions, quite reasonably, deserves recognition.

This game rewards the better player with success, and if your precautions are better than the preparations of a hostile pilot, you deserve to evade them.

Now, for perhaps a surprising admission: I find AFK Cloaking to be very frustrating, and diminishing to my gameplay options.
We are in a position where this frequently generates a stalemate, with both sides staring at the listed names in chat as a rather boring substitute for gameplay.
As a miner, I want to resolve this issue, and move on.

As a player in general, I must also respect that the situation, maddening as it is, also has balance that CCP put in place.
I don't have to like it. My opinion about it has no meaning outside of ranting here.

But it does mean that in order to respect and maintain the balance CCP established, for everything we take from cloaking, we must replace or balance from the other game aspects.

I don't think I wrote anything controversial here, but I would appreciate it if you would confirm this.

I don;t disagree that changes need to be made, and I don't disagree that balance needs to be maintained.
But I don;t think changing local will give balance, I think it will heavily favor one side, to the point that the only way to remove that imbalance is either the removal of cloaks, or the removal of all offensive modules from cloakers.
A cloaker without local is way too powerful.

One step at a time please.
Drawing a conclusion at this point skips a few steps, and I think we may reach an accord if we work together.

I would start with what we need from our intel, dividing meaningless and free, from valued and worthy of effort to acquire.

Step one: Defining what intel should require effort, and what can be safely exposed as already obvious for social purposes.
You want to protect local, in that it provides you with information.
I find this quite reasonable, with a few limited exceptions.

I want to respect pilots desires for privacy, socially and tactically.

Version 1: When I am docked in an outpost, being able to see local, and be seen in local, does not entirely make sense.
I would like to have the option to opt out of this, so that I could not see the list of pilots or be seen in that list, while I was docked. An argument could be made that I should not be able to see the pilot listing at all, but leaving this optional seems reasonable at this point.

I would enact the same logic to being behind the shields of a POS, or being cloaked.

I specify that I would agree this meets conditions to have a functioning method to hunt cloaked vessels in exchange.

I welcome comments, and point out this is not a complete resolution, just the side dealing with local intel itself.
The price to cloaked ships, ease of effort based intel gathering, and cyno usage, are all remaining.

I further acknowledge that acceptance at this point is contingent upon approval of those aspects, as they will be the balance points. You are not expected to grant blanket approval of these unseen.

In short, could you accept a version of local where only ships in open space were reliably displayed?
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#2135 - 2013-10-02 19:29:54 UTC
Changing local actually makes ALOT more problems than it fixes problems.

So no, it's not a solution to do anything with that at this time.

The only easy solution to keep those who are afk to be afk for real, is to use an afk timer like i have said. Because if the cloakers or anyone else actually are active, nothing will change for them.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Nikk Narrel
Moonlit Bonsai
#2136 - 2013-10-02 19:39:21 UTC
NightmareX wrote:
Changing local actually makes ALOT more problems than it fixes problems.

So no, it's not a solution to do anything with that at this time.

The only easy solution to keep those who are afk to be afk for real, is to use an afk timer like i have said. Because if the cloakers or anyone else actually are active, nothing will change for them.

Except the possibility that they might not be known as active.

While some claim that no pilot ever falls for that trick, they cannot help but make the claim supporting the idea that they are then being blocked by the same pilot as a result.
Only by risking activity does a PvE pilot overcome this block, but by so doing, exposes them to the cloaked pilot.
Are they AFK or not?

This is not a resolved issue, as many cloak using pilots claim this tactic works.
If both are to be believed, the pilots who they engaged are not posting here.

Adding a timer would resolve the issue, undeniably, but in the favor of the PvE pilots. Any solution that favors one side is not balanced.
Pandemic Horde High Sec Division
#2137 - 2013-10-02 20:38:49 UTC  |  Edited by: NightmareX
Nikk Narrel wrote:
NightmareX wrote:
Changing local actually makes ALOT more problems than it fixes problems.

So no, it's not a solution to do anything with that at this time.

The only easy solution to keep those who are afk to be afk for real, is to use an afk timer like i have said. Because if the cloakers or anyone else actually are active, nothing will change for them.

Except the possibility that they might not be known as active.

While some claim that no pilot ever falls for that trick, they cannot help but make the claim supporting the idea that they are then being blocked by the same pilot as a result.
Only by risking activity does a PvE pilot overcome this block, but by so doing, exposes them to the cloaked pilot.
Are they AFK or not?

This is not a resolved issue, as many cloak using pilots claim this tactic works.
If both are to be believed, the pilots who they engaged are not posting here.

Adding a timer would resolve the issue, undeniably, but in the favor of the PvE pilots. Any solution that favors one side is not balanced.

You are wrong in every points here. I wont say anything more than that.

I will rather let you find out your self where you own problems is with your arguments.

Again, active players wont be affected by anything with an afk timer. It will only affect those who actually are afk. And those who are afk should gain no benefits or advantages with zero efforts over others ingame at all. PERIOD.

Those who disagree to that are peoples who promotes for zero effort gaming with benefits while being afk. Witch is not the purpose of an MMO game to begin with.

Here is a list of my current EVE / PVP videos:

1: Asteroid Madness

2: Clash of the Empires

3: Suddenly Spaceships fighting in Tama

Dalto Bane
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2138 - 2013-10-02 22:23:41 UTC
Stand back, I am about to fix the AFK Cloaking issue, botting, sitting docked all day, reduce strain on server, and a ton of other things in one go-- introduce timing out after input has not been broadcast every hour or so with a window pop up so an actual mouse-over would be required. Ahhh, who am I kidding? That would drive me nuts, and God forbid, a Captcha be introduced..Ugh

Drops Mic

Andy Landen
Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#2139 - 2013-10-03 00:10:54 UTC
Teckos Pech wrote:
Nikk Narrel wrote:
I wish to point out this, which I consider a key point:
Andy Landen wrote:
The example I cited can be done WITHOUT AWOX, but you have to be really smart in order to see any of those methods.

But it brings back the key point of the whole thing.

You cannot successfully attack someone who knows about you, when combined with their having time to react to this information before you can act.

If they see you as a threat, and they can warp to safety before you can stop them, the encounter is over before it began.

Claims are made that you cannot fool local residents, with long term presence in local.
But, here are new claims being made about other ways to fool local, by having the blue listed entries be enabling the hostiles, if not being the actual real threat itself.

It is all coming back to ways of fooling local. Why? because local is reporting everyone in the system, immediately and completely, so it is necessary to get around this.

I'd like to see this non-AWOXing, non-cloaking, non-logon trap method. For the life of me I can't see it. It can't just be, bunch o'people jump in system and then bum rush the belts and anomalies because you still have that gap between jump in and loading grid (not to mention, things like clicking on a belt, then hitting warp, or even looking at the list anomalies). Sure it could work if the person is not paying attention and you have enough people, but the bigger the local spike the more likely the resident is to spot it, IMO.

And yeah, alot of these ideas boil down to "fooling local" somehow....which leads us right back to....Local. Which many in the anti-AFK cloaking group say is not the problem. Most curious. Lol

Must a magician reveal all his tricks? Since you did consider the idea, I will be more specific without using local OR AWOXing.

You enter system in any ship with a bubble in the cargohold. You note the anomalies of interest that were abandoned and anchor a small bubble to a key location at the anomaly. You leave system and head away two systems (enough time for residents to see you are leaving and to return to their ops) and then return to check on your bubble(s) and whoever might be caught there. No local, no AWOX. One example. Much less time and more interesting than several weeks of afk cloaking for no effect.

"We cannot solve our problems with the same thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein 

Vas Eldryn
#2140 - 2013-10-03 00:17:39 UTC
Andy Landen wrote:
Vas Eldryn wrote:
Just a thought I had that may not have been put forward yet... Not that I've seen anyway?

How about a carrier only scanning module that can scan for cloaked ships with say a 10-15 minute scan (with the same drawbacks of lighting a cyno, the carrier becomes immobile for the scan and puts a message in local when scan starts), if the cloaked pilot warps during the scan, it comes back inconclusive. Surely an active player can avoid this.

I thought this could work as it would be restricted to low / null and would be very, very risky to use against an active target as it puts a capital ship on the line if you screw it up... Although I'm not a wormhole player I don't know if this would be detrimental to that area of the game?

Just an idea I thought I'd throw out there... to see if it has any potential.

As a carrier pilot, I will tell you right now that no carrier would ever do this. Here are some questions and considerations for you on this idea:

Why a carrier and not some other ship? Do you see carriers as having some kind of special scanning ability role stronger than other ships?

Carriers only go into triage when they are sacrificing themselves to save a super. Or they are with a large support fleet and are willing to gamble that the other side will not escalate the engagement beyond what the tank can handle for their 5 min triage timer. You are asking a carrier to consider sacrificing itself for 2-3x the duration of triage just so the hostile (~30 mil ISK) can know that it is being scanned and that there is a carrier (~2 bil ISK) ready to be hotdropped. Unless you are thinking to allow the carrier to do this while within a forcefield (pos), it is foolish for any carrier to attempt this. But if you are thinking to allow the carrier to scan from within the pos, then why not just let the pos do it with a covert scanning array? And why broadcast in local when you are operating with covert mechanics. The whole point of covert is that everything is hidden; even covert cynos are hidden.

yeah it was just a thought... I only mentioned carriers as it would restrict it to low / null, I initially thought of recon ships... as its... well recon...

I was just trying to come up with a way... albeit risky, to put a seed of doubt into an AFK players mind... you may be right, carriers would be excessive... I'm just thinking out loud I guess