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EVE Online: Retribution 1.1 Feedback

First post
TheMean Machine
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#541 - 2013-02-28 11:31:35 UTC
hope the people posting the patch notes aren't the same who are fixing the bugs...
Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.1.4

To be deployed on Thursday, 28th of February 2013

User Interface

An issue that increased the loading times when entering the Captain's Quarters has been fixed.
Wars that are in a cooldown period (the wars which are ending) will still be in the Ongoing Wars list in the wars section of the corporation/alliance info window.
Fixed a rare issue where the utility menu in the Info Panels would break on session change, causing the panels to become unresponsive.
When adding as a waypoint a system in your Autopilot route, we no longer change that icon incorrectly

Patch notes for EVE Online: Retribution 1.1.3

Deployed on Wednesday, 27th of February 2013

User Interface

An issue that increased the loading times when entering the Captain's Quarters has been fixed.
Wars that are in a cooldown period (the wars which are ending) will still be in the Ongoing Wars list in the wars section of the corporation/alliance info window.
Fixed a rare issue where the utility menu in the Info Panels would break on session change, causing the panels to become unresponsive.
It is now possible again to move (loot) multiple item stacks to the cargo-hold or a container, if there is only space for some of them. The item stacks with the smallest volume will be moved first.
When adding as a waypoint a system in your Autopilot route, we no longer change that icon incorrectly
Mercury Inc.
#542 - 2013-02-28 12:03:33 UTC
Chris Daugherty Daugherty wrote:
This does not seem fair and makes it very annoying for the pilot trying to have a honorable duel. Thanks for your time

You're new here, aren't you ?

Welcome to Eve.
Mercury Inc.
#543 - 2013-02-28 12:25:00 UTC
The camera shake during warp needs to be split from the shake caused by missile explosions in the options panel.

Though it is pointless posting here anymore, as it looks like the DEVS have stopped looking at this thread. There have been no responses for 8 pages, so as with all patches, they respond with non-committal answers for a while until they cannot be bothered any more. Thus leaving all the concerns people have raised going nowhere.
Roseline Penshar
Native Freshfood
Minmatar Republic
#544 - 2013-02-28 12:30:10 UTC
how can i load my captain's quarter? what should i do? when i enter my captain's quarter the screen all black, except the navigation, neocom and my chat
Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#545 - 2013-02-28 12:32:52 UTC
Hey CCP guys,

just got the 1.1.4 patch for the mac client. after logging in the UI worked fine for about 2 minutes. after openig the market window the UI is broken, i.e. mouse clicks are not working or they response to clicks is absolutely random (windows don't close, menus open or close at random, ship in hangar spins randomly when double clicking the background, double clicking neocom buttons opens the cargohold window, etc etc)
No changes after restart. Even, after typing in the username and password I have to double click all buttons (connect button and the arrowbutton on the char selection). After loading the hangar I have all this randomness going on.
However, keyboard works as it should.
Clearing cache did not change anything.

Right now, the game is un-playable Shocked

Any suggestions?


WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Mercury Inc.
#546 - 2013-02-28 12:45:22 UTC
Tass Caffington wrote:
Hey CCP guys,

just got the 1.1.4 patch for the mac client. after logging in the UI worked fine for about 2 minutes. after openig the market window the UI is broken, i.e. mouse clicks are not working or they response to clicks is absolutely random (windows don't close, menus open or close at random, ship in hangar spins randomly when double clicking the background, double clicking neocom buttons opens the cargohold window, etc etc)
No changes after restart. Even, after typing in the username and password I have to double click all buttons (connect button and the arrowbutton on the char selection). After loading the hangar I have all this randomness going on.
However, keyboard works as it should.
Clearing cache did not change anything.

Right now, the game is un-playable Shocked

Any suggestions?


Read up 2 posts
Applied Anarchy
The Initiative.
#547 - 2013-02-28 13:10:23 UTC
Rommiee wrote:
Tass Caffington wrote:
Hey CCP guys,

just got the 1.1.4 patch for the mac client. after logging in the UI worked fine for about 2 minutes. after openig the market window the UI is broken, i.e. mouse clicks are not working or they response to clicks is absolutely random (windows don't close, menus open or close at random, ship in hangar spins randomly when double clicking the background, double clicking neocom buttons opens the cargohold window, etc etc)
No changes after restart. Even, after typing in the username and password I have to double click all buttons (connect button and the arrowbutton on the char selection). After loading the hangar I have all this randomness going on.
However, keyboard works as it should.
Clearing cache did not change anything.

Right now, the game is un-playable Shocked

Any suggestions?


Read up 2 posts

Or ... maybe people should report ISSUES with the patch in the ISSUE thread! They have a list of common known issues there, along with all those that have been fixed. It also helps if you actually post a bug report saying whats wrong etc
Tass Caffington
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#548 - 2013-02-28 14:06:07 UTC
MainDrain wrote:
Rommiee wrote:
Tass Caffington wrote:
Hey CCP guys,

just got the 1.1.4 patch for the mac client. after logging in the UI worked fine for about 2 minutes. after openig the market window the UI is broken, i.e. mouse clicks are not working or they response to clicks is absolutely random (windows don't close, menus open or close at random, ship in hangar spins randomly when double clicking the background, double clicking neocom buttons opens the cargohold window, etc etc)
No changes after restart. Even, after typing in the username and password I have to double click all buttons (connect button and the arrowbutton on the char selection). After loading the hangar I have all this randomness going on.
However, keyboard works as it should.
Clearing cache did not change anything.

Right now, the game is un-playable Shocked

Any suggestions?


Read up 2 posts

Or ... maybe people should report ISSUES with the patch in the ISSUE thread! They have a list of common known issues there, along with all those that have been fixed. It also helps if you actually post a bug report saying whats wrong etc

Well, the in-game link for feedback dropped me here. So blame it on Kaine...
However, after rebooting the whole computer shabang did the trick.


WiNGSPAN Delivery Services

"We're not happy until you're content!"

Ferox Inc
#549 - 2013-02-28 14:11:55 UTC
the route lines in the sky were cool for 3 mins, then it made it look too gamey all of a sudden, and I had to get rid of them P
Oriens Vis
#550 - 2013-02-28 16:00:25 UTC
Scuzzy Logic wrote:
Knowledgeminer wrote:
First off, I'm mostly interested in PvE, not really interested in (and don't have time for) PvP at the moment. I usually do L4 missions, but also like to do L3 missions from time to time for a change and to try ships.

Missiles were my first weapon of choice, mainly for the theoretical ability to choose damage type. It was frustrating to realize all (Caldari) missile boats except the Raven had a bonus for kinetic damage only, effectively defeating the very reason I wanted to fly those ships and use that weapon.

I've been flying mostly ships with projectile weapons for a long time now. True damage type selection and better DPS than missiles. This (that in practice one had to use projectile weapons to have true damage type selection and would get better base DPS in return) never made sense to me, but it's how things are, so that's what I fly most of the time.

I'm glad the Caracal has a ROF bonus now. Haven't tried it since cruisers were rebalanced but looks good on paper, certainly much better than it was before. The fact that there is no battlecruiser that can do better DPS with missiles for all damage types than the Caracal, however, is plain wrong IMO. The Drake does actually less DPS than the Caracal for all non-kinetic damage types, and that's not even taking into consideration that the Caracal can project that DPS at a 50% greater range. I think there should be at least one battlecruiser capable of dealing more DPS with missiles than the Caracal for all damage types, at the cost of shorter range, less mobility and whatnot if you want...

Not that it matters much to me, I'd like to fly missile boats but will simply adapt and fly something else if there is no good missile boat for my purposes. I can only imagine, however, that the current situation must be quite frustrating for any low skilled pilot that has focused on missiles and cannot effectively use anything else...

People who keep complaining about the drake should really take a look at the minmatar BCs before they open their trap. The fact the skills are still merged makes it even more inexcusable.

Obviously you didn't read the post you replied to... As I said, not only did I take a look at Minmatar BCs, but precisely because I did I've been using them instead of a Drake for a long time now, even though in theory missiles would be my preferred weapon and the first I trained for...

Just to be clear, I'm not saying that BCs aren't well balanced (which I honestly don't really know) or that Minmatar BCs are better than Caldari in general. They're much better for me, but the Drake may be better for someone with different priorities and/or preferences than mine (e.g. someone wanting a ship with a good tank and easy to train for).

I think it's bad design, however, that there is no clear upgrade path for a pilot wanting to do PvE with missiles, because the next logical step after the Caracal, which would be the Drake, is actually worse in every aspect other than tank (slower, less range, and less DPS for everything but kinetic).
Chokichi Ozuwara
Caldari State
#551 - 2013-02-28 16:11:11 UTC
Is it too much to ask CCP to fix the damn salvage drones before they go helping the Russians and the Germans out with language content?

I mean seriously folks, who won the second world war anyway?

Tears will be shed and pants will need to be changed all round.

BugraT WarheaD
#552 - 2013-02-28 16:19:19 UTC
Chokichi Ozuwara wrote:
I mean seriously folks, who won the second world war anyway?

Hum ... Russians ? Pirate
Fox Clan
#553 - 2013-02-28 20:50:25 UTC
BugraT WarheaD wrote:
Chokichi Ozuwara wrote:
I mean seriously folks, who won the second world war anyway?

Hum ... Russians ? Pirate

I just L O Led :)
Celly Smunt
Neutin Local LLC
#554 - 2013-02-28 21:41:26 UTC
Android Destructoid wrote:
Active armor hardeners and shield hardeners no longer give a passive resistance bonus when not active.
Armor and shield compensation skills no longer give any bonus to active armor or shield hardeners.

^ this is really silly, if you think a little bit harder about current mods that are available to armor and shield ships you will realise that this put all shield ships at huge disadvantage when compared to armor ships. now when you neut shield ships they will have way less resistances than armour ships in a similar scenario. this coupled with honeycombing skill makes armor ships the only ships of choice for pvp. are you sure you want to rule out a huge portion of player base out of pvp? especially the new players? silly and not well thought out change in my opinion. strong words for a big mistake.

and they are still required skills to get your defense certificate, so now 4 skills to lvl 5 for what? nothing?
or are they about to release some new passive resist mods for shield to compensate people for millions of useless sp now?

idk, rather silly i think.
unless there's something worthwhile that I'm missing somewhere?


Don't mistake fact for arrogance, supposition for fact, or disagreement for dismissal. Perception is unique in that it can be shared or singular. Run with the pack if you wish, but think for yourself. A sandwich can be a great motivator.

KIller Wabbit
MEME Thoughts
#555 - 2013-02-28 21:59:30 UTC
Last two point patches show that CQ still does nothing but waste resources. Turn it off already.
Mea Culpa.
Shadow Cartel
#556 - 2013-03-01 00:42:12 UTC
Celly Smunt wrote:
Android Destructoid wrote:
Active armor hardeners and shield hardeners no longer give a passive resistance bonus when not active.
Armor and shield compensation skills no longer give any bonus to active armor or shield hardeners.

^ this is really silly, if you think a little bit harder about current mods that are available to armor and shield ships you will realise that this put all shield ships at huge disadvantage when compared to armor ships. now when you neut shield ships they will have way less resistances than armour ships in a similar scenario. this coupled with honeycombing skill makes armor ships the only ships of choice for pvp. are you sure you want to rule out a huge portion of player base out of pvp? especially the new players? silly and not well thought out change in my opinion. strong words for a big mistake.

and they are still required skills to get your defense certificate, so now 4 skills to lvl 5 for what? nothing?
or are they about to release some new passive resist mods for shield to compensate people for millions of useless sp now?

idk, rather silly i think.
unless there's something worthwhile that I'm missing somewhere?


What's wrong with the passive ones?


Militia Federation
#557 - 2013-03-01 04:37:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Bubbleboylol
FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
you want feed back in your feed back thread?
i fully expect to get banned for this because thats how you Russians, and FM's operate.

you broke the ferox and a number of other ships, shield taking is worse now. and its been weaker then armor and unbalanced for awhile now, they have 2x the number of hp given from their extenders, and they generally have better resists.. cut the asb reload time to 45 seconds, or give it back 1 or 2 more space for cap charges.

listening to a miss guided or PMSing few on the forums has been a lot of games downfalls, and when the changes hit the game, and the normal players see what just happened, they get pissed and leave.

i dont speak for everyone, but i do speak for some.

give the ferox its missiles back,
add 5% damage and 7.5% range back to heavy missiles. (by default.) its pathetic that a Rapid light missile drake can out damage a heavy missile drake.
give torpedoes a 25% over all range increase (by default.) battleships are large slow targets, the range on torps is so pore its a joke, infact increase all of the short range weapons.

speaking of range, whats up with this 100 km sniping range nonsense???
ive played games where the CWIS and Point defense guns, the point blank weapons, begin interception fire at 36 Km... most heavy weapons engaged at 800-1150 km, and very long range weapons could reach out to 1,600-2,400 km.
now that may be extreme for this game, but do you see the point im trying to make?

double the damage of rail guns or give caldari ships a rate of fire or damage bonus, because they are a JOKE. their is a reason hardly anyone uses them. throw those USELESS range bonuses out the window. they are WAY to slow to keep and hold range, so that TOTALLY negates any kind of advantage range bonuses could of offered.. if you want to "bring missiles in line" and "balance the weapons", THEN BUFF THE WEAK / BROKEN ONES!!!! UH DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

add mine layers and mines back into the game.
it will have a ripple effect, on the economy, and in game politics/combat, it also adds a strategic layer back into the game that it lost. and will make combat more fun.

let carriers use warp gates in level 5 missions.

make battleships and battle cruisers 2x and 1.5x (respectively) as effective as they are now against smaller vessels, its ridiculous that you get punished for advancing in ship class, theirs little to NO incentive to move out of anything larger then a cruiser or battlecruiser.

make frigates ACTUALLY FRIGATES, and not fighters. which is what they are now....
and a piloting a fighter/fighter bomber might not be a bad idea.

add PDS, CWIS, AoE, anti shield and anti hull weapons to the game. TOTALLY rework the combat aspect of the game to reflect an actual navy game. use [nexus the Jupiter incident] as a model for this, and a proper navy space game.. eve is a really, really, bad and sad joke in my books.

give caldari ships slightly larger drone bays, give the standard stabber its drone bay back.

speaking of drone bays, the larger the ship, the larger the bay. makes sense doesn't it? DO IT.
1 kilometer long battleship, drone bay of 50m3.... 60 meter long frigate, with a 50m3 or higher drone bay, or 200-300 meter long cruiser with a 200m3 or 300 m3 bay.... WHAT???? ^.0??

if you want to mess with battlecruisers, add faction Bcs. ied love to see a gurista ferox or rokh, with missiles as its weapons and swarms of drones. ied cream my self.

your game has been on a decline for a long time now eve, and their are many reasons for that, so go ahead ban me or what ever, i barely touched the surface, but theirs your feedback, for the off and improbable chance some of what i said actually helps better the game..

i dont really care what you do, because i quit this game. its gotten extremely boring and im done with it. if things improve and some one tells me, i might come back.

oh and UBER long training times to do ANYTHING remotely new or fun dont help either, but their are far more important things to worry about, like a decent combat system,.

I agree with some of what you wrote for sure! But that does not mean change the entire game again. Of all the people that post on here i prob have the most negative to say so far, I agree with Ferox and the reworking that they are doing is simplifying the game tremendously....

"listening to a miss guided or PMSing few on the forums has been a lot of games downfalls, and when the changes hit the game, and the normal players see what just happened, they get pissed and leave. "

I also agree with that. You do have to listen to what players want but as people do one thing be it anything, from normal life things to EvE over and over they will get lazy and want it easier when it was that same thing that was hard that brought them to this game. You can never make anything less ( Hard ) or (New) without change the very fabric of what the game is.

Although i agree and disagree with other points you have made they are my own choices as some may think it is good or bad choice.

You can not change EvE to suit everyone. There are just to many people with different opinions and what they think.

So what i recommend is that CCP make the game how they intended it. Not how they intended it now but how they intended it back when they started it. I know employees and company is growing so what happens is they get said amount of people well now they have to keep that amount to keep everyone paid etc that's the nature of a growing business and that is why so many games like these get ruined as they get to caught up on trying to increase revenue. That is what it will always come down to. Why did they make it so much easier for players to advance?

For the same reason.

I do strongly disagree with you on one point that I will write bellow.

Never take training away. If anything add.

Asking to have more then one ( Option From CCP is like asking a chicken to cook it-self. )

Lord Thingol
#558 - 2013-03-01 14:28:19 UTC
FleetAdmiralHarper wrote:
you want feed back in your feed back thread?
oh and UBER long training times to do ANYTHING remotely new or fun dont help either, but their are far more important things to worry about, like a decent combat system,.

Except the last thing (I think the demanding timeline is ok for the game mechanics) I FULLY and TOTALLY agree with you, hope the CCP will read your post, and at least try to understand our point.
Picentaur Janaki
#559 - 2013-03-01 19:13:48 UTC
One word


Why oh why did you ever take it away

( streaming bit rate i know )


Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy wahahhahahahawah
Sanctum Infinitas
#560 - 2013-03-02 05:46:59 UTC
I personally feel CCP wants EVE to be the new WOW!!

Make everything simple for the non-thinking masses to be able to get it!