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What's all this Gameplay A Vs Gameplay B crap

Baron Dmitri Harkonnen
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1 - 2013-02-01 08:31:49 UTC
Seems no matter what you do someone is passionately against you, for instance nullsec vs highsec players.

Don't people realise that EVE is meant to accommodate different playstyles?

This is pre-school all over again T_T

Cannibal Kane
Amarr Empire
#2 - 2013-02-01 08:33:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Cannibal Kane
The trick is to not let the whole null > low > high thing bother you. Play the game you want to play and ignore what everybody tells you on how you should be playing it.

The issue is everybody has their twisted idea what the game should be. Then make the mistake of sharing that twisted idea on the forums.

"Kane is the End Boss of Highsec." -Psychotic Monk

#3 - 2013-02-01 08:39:04 UTC  |  Edited by: RubyPorto

And I think most people understand that.

What many people don't seem to understand is that while EVE is meant to accommodate all playstyles, but not in isoltation. That means that "using the actions within the scope of the game mechanics to mess with guys who do x*" is a perfectly valid playstyle (this can also go recursive by messing with the people who mess with the people who do x, then Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo).

So, "mining without being bothered or interrupted" might be a goal (unlikely to be achieved, but v0v), but it cannot be a supported "playstyle," the way "mining" can be**.

* for all x within the scope of the game mechanics except x = "being a newbie"
**Actually, it can be. The SISI server rules prohibit non-consensual PvP of all forms.

"It's easy to speak for the silent majority. They rarely object to what you put into their mouths." -Abrazzar "the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built" -CCP Solomon

Schmata Bastanold
In Boobiez We Trust
#4 - 2013-02-01 08:51:33 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
Seems no matter what you do someone is passionately against you, for instance nullsec vs highsec players.

That's part of that "cold harsh universe" from Eve ads. And as in all ads that too is only half true at best. At the end of a day we all just wanna hug and hot cocoa.

Invalid signature format

Tiberius Murderhorne
#5 - 2013-02-01 08:56:34 UTC
the real bummer is that CCP seem to listen to the loud ones..... so ignoring it is not always an option....

Im just going to drop this here....

1. POS's
2. Supers

that is all....

Cheers Tib

Disclaimer : My posting does not always reflect my Corps views or my allience views.... Infact sometimes it does not even reflect my views!

Hir Miriel
Elves In Space
#6 - 2013-02-01 08:58:15 UTC
That polarity exists in the real world too.

Partly I think it's media training.

Thoughtful media is boring media.

Divisive, emotional media is more fun, or as marketers call it, engaging.

So we've become used to that sort of style of thinking and debate.

There are probably other reasons but that would be too thoughtful to explore.

So stop being so wishy washy, grab an opinion and hold onto it for dear life!

Yell it in people's faces and maybe we can all make the newscast on the billboard outside.

~ ~~ Thinking inside Schrodinger's sandbox. ~~ ~

3 R Corporation
#7 - 2013-02-01 11:10:52 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:

This is pre-school all over again T_T

You have a summary of all human behaviour right there. It's no different at work, politics, religion, marriage. People behave a lot less maturely and a lot less intelligently that we actually think we do. We are in constant denial of our basic instincts which push us towards behaviours we know we're not supposed to indulge in but do it anyway. Because it feels good.

EVE is certainly no different. It's a canvas upon which we paint behaviour we'd like to imitate in real life, but can't. So you want to run a multi-billion industrial conglomerate. I bet you that you don't do that in real life. Although you'd like to. Me I like to go around building things and killing people. I can't do that in real life either. Both are valid playstyles. I don't have a problem with you and you don't have a problem with me.

Until you tell me I have to sit in front of rocks and mine or shoot red crosses, and that I'm not allowed to kill you. It's like if I told you that you have to go shoot people. No, you go your way, I'll go mine, and our paths will probably cross at the opposite ends of a gun or a trade transaction.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#8 - 2013-02-01 11:19:00 UTC
Nothing wrong with playing however you want to play just as long as you don't scream and shout for game breaking mechanic changes to facilitate your play style.

Say, you wanted to mine in 0.0 in a cruiser and not get hassled by NPC or other players.

Getting CCP to change the game to facilitate this would be oh so very wrong.

Play how you want, just don't cry when you do things badly and lose.
Solstice Project
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#9 - 2013-02-01 12:29:15 UTC  |  Edited by: Solstice Project
I agree.

Instead of using words on the forums,
people should use 1400mm ammunition.
Dave Stark
#10 - 2013-02-01 12:32:28 UTC
the entire argument is just a result of the fact that the game is a sandbox and no single feature can be considered in isolation, knock on effects to other areas of the game must be considered and hence where people come up with these "issues" against play styles, be they imaginary or real.
Vardaugas Family
#11 - 2013-02-01 12:44:05 UTC
No. No. You don't understand.

My opinion is fact and you are objectively wrong.
Kryss Darkdust
The Skulls
#12 - 2013-02-01 13:30:30 UTC
Contrary to popular "bad" translation few actually make this A vs. B argument. The majority are irritated that A mechanics are changed which affect B play style. The short sited nature historically of CCP's patching is really the root cause. They are getting better however and I think in big part thanks to a barage of overly opinionated players who engage in conversation combat on the forums and various other places of discussion.

Suffice to say if there is one truth to the argument is that play style A always negatively impacts play style B and vice versus regardless of what A and B represents. By design, there is nothing you can do in Eve without screwing someone in someway wether directly or indirectly, more often than not regardless of whether they are even aware or not that they got screwed. Something as simple as a bunch of newbies mining in high sec can have a direct impact on Null Sec warefare when you follow the various domino effects that ripple through the game. Simply by undocking, your screwing someone over and as such the vary nature of Eve is conflict and this spills out into discussions, in game politics and CCP development decesions about how to change the game.

Its a pretty complex system when you put it under a microscope.

The reality of Eve is that, if you don't love it like it is today, you should probobly go ahead and unsub. 

Jake Warbird
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#13 - 2013-02-01 13:44:11 UTC
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#14 - 2013-02-01 13:44:59 UTC
Kryss Darkdust wrote:
Its a pretty complex system when you put it under a microscope.

And sometimes it just boils down to a lot of while about the grass being greener on the other side.

I'm a relatively respectable citizen. Multiple felon perhaps, but certainly not dangerous.

3 R Corporation
#15 - 2013-02-01 13:51:08 UTC
dexington wrote:
Kryss Darkdust wrote:
Its a pretty complex system when you put it under a microscope.

And sometimes it just boils down to a lot of while about the grass being greener on the other side.

Sometimes the grass _is_ greener on the other side. Speaking as a person who has switched sides, I mean.
Infinate Horizon
#16 - 2013-02-01 13:52:28 UTC
If you read any forums for any game, you will always find people against other people's views. Conflict is a part of human nature im afraid.

The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long - and you have burned so very, very brightly..........

Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#17 - 2013-02-01 14:19:16 UTC
Becaue obviously, no one has legit issues.

It's not that a bunch of people who played in high sec and then moved to null, actually see and experience problems with game mechanics.

It's because we hate high sec.

Debate is not "preschool" but the childish "it's a personal vendetta" several of you in this thread are expressing, most certainly is.

Lot's of hypocrits around here, including the OP and his very own hypocritical thread.

Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#18 - 2013-02-01 14:25:11 UTC
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
Seems no matter what you do someone is passionately against you, for instance nullsec vs highsec players.

It's a stupid sort of argument imagined by carebears; it doesn't really exist. No one is "passionately against you", but they may have valid reasons to propose a nerf to features you use (for instance, a belief that high-sec is way too good for the risks you encounter there.)

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Jenn aSide
Worthless Carebears
The Initiative.
#19 - 2013-02-01 14:36:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Jenn aSide
Karl Hobb wrote:
Baron Dmitri Harkonnen wrote:
Seems no matter what you do someone is passionately against you, for instance nullsec vs highsec players.

It's a stupid sort of argument imagined by carebears; it doesn't really exist. No one is "passionately against you", but they may have valid reasons to propose a nerf to features you use (for instance, a belief that high-sec is way too good for the risks you encounter there.)

Bad Karl, I had to highlight an excellent post because you refused to do so, You should also use all caps, although that won't make any difference because the paranoid "they are out to get me types" won't listen to the truth no matter how you say it Lol.

But seriously, what you wrote is the gospel truth. People (like the OP) cling to such ideas because it's a defense mechanism against painful results (like the pain of being wrong lol). It's easier to think the other guy is bad/stupid/evil or has an agenda than it is to actually try to understand where they are coming from.

It's very irritating, especially when you explain to these nimrods exactly what the motivation for an idea is, only to be met with "nah, i just think you don't like my playstyle". I swear i wanna reach through the internets and choke a fool when they say that Twisted
LHA Tarawa
Pator Tech School
Minmatar Republic
#20 - 2013-02-01 14:47:15 UTC
RubyPorto wrote:

And I think most people understand that.

What many people don't seem to understand is that while EVE is meant to accommodate all playstyles, but not in isoltation. That means that "using the actions within the scope of the game mechanics to mess with guys who do x*" is a perfectly valid playstyle (this can also go recursive by messing with the people who mess with the people who do x, then Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo).

So, "mining without being bothered or interrupted" might be a goal (unlikely to be achieved, but v0v), but it cannot be a supported "playstyle," the way "mining" can be**.

* for all x within the scope of the game mechanics except x = "being a newbie"
**Actually, it can be. The SISI server rules prohibit non-consensual PvP of all forms.

It isn't those of us that want to mine without being F'd with that come to the boards demanding the game be changed to fit our playstyle. What I see are the people demanding the removal of NPC corps so that anyone can be wardec'ed at any time, the nerfing of high sec to force people out from under CONCORD protection, demanding the removal of local, demanding...., demanding... demanding...

I think the game has a great rule set right now, that allows people to be messed with, anywhere, anytime, but in most places that "messing with" is limited without consequences.

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