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Faction Warfare: Moving Forward.....
Cosmic signature detected. . . . I got 99 likes, and this post aint one.
CPM0 Chairman / CSM7 Vice Secretary
Make faction war occupancy pvp instead of pve
High Five. Yeah! C'est La Eve .
Member, Fighter and FC for The Great Harmon Institute of Technology
I wanted to paint my space ship red, but I couldn't find enough goats.
- [img][/img] [yellow]English only please. Zymurgist[/yellow]
Dolce et decorum est pro Imperium mori
Sourem Itharen > Congratulations Lady Kadesh, you have been selected by trial of fire and blood, under the watchful eyes of God, to represent Lord Khanid as his champion in the Imperial Succession trials -YC117
ICRS - Intergalactic Certified Rocket Surgeon