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Miner Bumping: Discussion & Questions Thread

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Sixx Spades
Republic Military School
Minmatar Republic
#481 - 2012-12-03 00:38:08 UTC
Sephiroth CloneIIV wrote:
Agreed this 'problem' is much about nothing, I had to go out of my way to call them to me while in the one system they were in, logged out, came back a bit latter and they left.

I just bumped this guy on my alt. Look how well he's taking it. Look and hopefully learn.

Using a weapon as a deterrent in a diplomatic situation is only viable when you have proven that you have deployed it in the past and are willing to use it in the future.

Sir Marksalot
Gallente Federation
#482 - 2012-12-03 04:01:59 UTC
Sephiroth CloneIIV wrote:
Sir Marksalot wrote:
Sephiroth CloneIIV wrote:
This bumping being a problem is a joke, so far I found the easyst way is to avoid the one or so systems they are in. Having gone to the one system they are in, orbiting a roid at 500m is a sure way to make it hard, orbiting a large roid in the middle of other ones at 500m so far as warded away all attempts from multiple people in navy thrashers and whatnot. With new minning ships revision like retriever and mak you get a super large orehold, you are free to move without any care for the hour or half it takes to fill your hold.

Thats right, dedicated effort thwarted by a autopilot around a asteroid, I can read a book while evading this 'pandemic'

I think the trouble with doing this is that if someone tells their mining bot to orbit asteroids there's a really good chance of being stuck on a rock for half an hour trying to warp out.

I could be wrong but I'm becoming more and more convinced that this whole thing is a giant pile of "a bloo bloo those mean people are harassing me and making it hard to profit from miner bots. I AM A CUSTOMER THE CUSTOMER IS ALWAYS RIGHT BAN THEM"

true, I am not a botter, and more of a hobbyist miner. So it might affect botters most (or the easily intimidated/stupid). But thinking about it, most of what is lost for botters, is what, part of one day of mining on a few chars, if they have allot of chars (whole fleet like I hear some people do) over all they will either outlast the bumpers or outnumber them. If they are botting, unlikely they will pay isk or notice, or look at local chat.

Agreed this 'problem' is much about nothing, I had to go out of my way to call them to me while in the one system they were in, logged out, came back a bit latter and they left.

Yeah, I doubt there's any people with legit large scale botting operations complaining about it. I'm thinking it's probably more just dudes with 1 or 2 accounts getting mad because they lose hours at a time when they get stuck in rocks/the program panics and logs them out.
Trin Again
Goonswarm Federation
#483 - 2012-12-03 06:17:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Trin Again
Solarius Elrond wrote:

You miss the point. Most miners want to mine when they are mining. Not be forced to engage in pvp. Your actions and suggestions make mining unprofitable and unenjoyable for the class of player who want to mine. So don't be surprised if mining dimiinishes so drastically there is no economy of supply.You have no idea what skyrocketing prices can do to an economy, especially one dependent on a single source of base supply. People buying ships is not bad for the economy except when they are being used to strangle the source of raw materials. Would you be ablle to afford a thrasher if it cost several billions to buy? How many new players would that drive away? Your attitude would destroy the game you claim you are preserving. Your improvements would be an eventual disaster.

Mining looks to be more unattractive each day so I'll keep my mining characters, unsubbed during the ganking epidemic, offline for now.

Time to run missions.

YOU misunderstand what I'm saying. You suggested that there would be massive amounts of people trying to bump miners. Which means there would be at least two bumping groups, independent of the miners. I said that in that event, Bumping groups A and B would have to fight it out over the miners, not the miners having to fight at all. How you jumped from "bumpers bumping bumpers" to "miners have to engage in PVP" is beyond me.

However, the most distressing and concerning of your points is that you are encouraging the elimination of non-consensual player interaction, which is what the game of EVE is based off of. It's number one selling point, the thing that makes EVE be EVE, is that anything can happen, to anyone, anywhere, at anytime. Even in your missions you keep threatening to run.
Sir Marksalot
Gallente Federation
#484 - 2012-12-03 06:32:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Sir Marksalot
I just want to add something that I've found interesting. I'm not exactly sure of what causes this, so maybe someone here can help me. Sorry for the uncharacteristically long and terrible post.

I'm one of those assholes who kills freighters with the Ministry of Love. Hi. I've helped abort more capital ships than most alliances will ever hope to kill.

Now, I'll come to a point eventually, but I feel the need to explain myself fully before I do so.
I used to mostly play the role of a guy in a Machariel that would pin down freighters that really, really need to die.
For those of you who are averse to clicking boring links to killmails (not that I blame you), that was me suiciding a 1.4 billion isk Machariel on the largest freighter kill I had seen at the time. I can afford to do dumb things since I make about 350m/hr ratting with 8 nagas, isboxer, terrible skills, and T1 guns. Arab money y'all.

Now, I want to build a small sense of scale here. According to our semi-private KB, we as a group have murdered about 2.8 Trillion Isk worth of ships. This includes Freighters, 76 pods, and a few dozen misc. things that don't include the miniature ice interdiction we did. But most of it is the value is in the 282 freighters. I've only been on 28 actual freighter killmails, but the closest number I can find regarding actual ganks that I've been on from the records we have is 64. They weren't easy kills. None of them are.
64 out of 282 freighters is 22.7%. 22.7% of 2.8 trillion isk would be 635.6 billion isk. Obviously that number will be slightly smaller because I had nothing to do with those podmails, most orca kills, etc.

I was also a part of our somewhat short lived Ministry of Love brand Ice Interdiction!!! I really didn't accomplish much though. I had just installed isboxer a week or two before so I was very busily screwing up ganks and wasting lots and lots of T1 catalysts because I was still trying to figure it all out back then. The uncertainty of it all made it slightly stressing, but quite fun. I didn't kill terribly many miners and orcas though. I mostly just managed to make people think that their civilian shield boosted mackinaw fit was good, while managing to mostly just target my own ships (I am an idiot), and causing the whole lot shot by concord anyways. Overall, I was terrible at killing miners, and hardly got anyone because of it. If I had to guess I would say I shot maybe 3-4 billion isk worth of crap, and that was mostly because I helped kill some Orcas and Orca pods with sweet sweet billion isk mining implants in them.

Rejoice, for here is the part of this post where I get to the damned point and stop talking about ~stats~

The biggest thing I've noticed between when I killed freighters and when I killed miners was the attitude. Also the bots. But mainly the attitude.

Never once have I had a freighter pilot scream at me. I haven't gotten any death threats, and no one has called me any racial slurs or questioned my sexuality. The worst I ever get is people blocking me when I try to PM them for a ransom. Or a couple unlucky people who claimed to have reported us all to the GMs for various reasons. I even asked one of our customers just what the hell he was planning to do with some really oddly fit ships he dropped once. We ended up talking about incursions for a little bit. He ended up being pretty chill for a guy who just lost 10b+ worth of ships to us.
I'm not exaggerating. I have killed hundreds of billions of isk, yet not a single person has flipped out on us. I'm sure at least one of the 282 dead spacetrucks has, but I wasn't there for it.

But when I went miner popping? Jesus Christ. I barely killed anyone during that, but I got plenty of death threats over the few that I did. There were significantly more of them that would just scream at us about e-honor, or about how we're only there because clearly NCdot kicked us out of our space and now we're killing ice miners for money(This was during the war, mind you. But we all more or less live in highsec), or that people like us ruined/are ruining the eve economy, or that we're exploiting/harassing/going to get banned, or that mittani is a drunk nerd, whatever.
Dudes who lost 25m isk retreivers or 250m mackinaws going absolutely spastic over us. It was really more depressing than it was funny.
Granted, most ice miners were smart and just went to another system/region to do their thing. Some even committed the greatest sin by buying a skiff and fitting a damned tank for once. And good on them for it.

So, why is this? Why is there such a difference in attitudes between such a large amount of miners and almost literally everyone else? Is it just because terrible people are attracted by the most anti-social, boring, and unprofitable activity in eve? The worst I ever see from the legions of ~elite PvP~ and space-bushido that everyone makes fun of is just really bad trolling in local and red pen CTA ops.

Fake edit: I made it 65 kills while typing this post. Just for you guys. - Obelisk

real edit: I forgot to mention something. We haven't even really had any effect on the economy of eve, despite all the freighters we've popped.
Edam Maulerant
KarmaFleet University
#485 - 2012-12-03 09:04:15 UTC
It sounds to me like an exploitation of game mechanics, to control systems you don't actually control. CONCORD controls highsec, extorting miners while hiding behind CONCORDs protection is unfortunate abuse of... how to say it, 'simply designed' game mechanics.

For most other intents and purposes, ship collision mechanics, while simplified, are adequate for what they need to accomplish.
In my opinion this should be handled harshly and decisively, even to the point of making barges immune to collision.

No risk mining is it's own issue that should be dealt with seperately, but bumping is obvious abuse of a bad mechanic.
Bearerofthe GoldenPenos Andomer
#486 - 2012-12-03 09:47:00 UTC  |  Edited by: Bearerofthe GoldenPenos Andomer
This game often reminds me of the repetitive behavior of some individuals with autism.

When their repetitive action is tapping a pencil eraser, and you take the pencil from them, they freak the **** out and go bat**** crazy, but when they get the pencil back they are instantly calm.

Keep taking the pencil, guys. The reactions are a great read.
All Web Investigations
#487 - 2012-12-03 10:25:45 UTC  |  Edited by: TheGunslinger42
Edam Maulerant wrote:
It sounds to me like an exploitation of game mechanics, to control systems you don't actually control. CONCORD controls highsec, extorting miners while hiding behind CONCORDs protection is unfortunate abuse of... how to say it, 'simply designed' game mechanics.

For most other intents and purposes, ship collision mechanics, while simplified, are adequate for what they need to accomplish.
In my opinion this should be handled harshly and decisively, even to the point of making barges immune to collision.

No risk mining is it's own issue that should be dealt with seperately, but bumping is obvious abuse of a bad mechanic.

GMs and devs have repeatedly said it is not an exploit or abuse of the mechanic. You also don't understand highsec because it has never ever been an area of space in which players are not allowed to exert control over weaker players. There are highsec mechanics designed specifically to allow just that, after all.
Shylari Avada
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#488 - 2012-12-03 10:29:42 UTC  |  Edited by: Shylari Avada
Edam Maulerant wrote:
It sounds to me like an exploitation of game mechanics, to control systems you don't actually control. CONCORD controls highsec, extorting miners while hiding behind CONCORDs protection is unfortunate abuse of... how to say it, 'simply designed' game mechanics.

No, No, No...

CONCORD isn't there to protect you... CONCORD is there to avenge you.

Also- it's not extortion if you plan to kill them anyway.
Immediate Success
#489 - 2012-12-03 11:30:46 UTC
I want to apologize on behalf of all fellow miners. They didn't realize this was EVE Online they were playing and not hello kitty in space.

If bumping someones ship is harrasment. Then what is can flipping? Suicide Ganking and war deccing? Scamming? AFK Cloaking or awoxing?
Eve is a sandbox game where everyone makes their own way. A game of risk management and risk handling.
A game where you can spend your time playing the game and making sound decisions or be exploited and whine on the forums.

It is your job as a capsuleer to do something to fix your own problems. It's what the game is all about.
If you get bumped? Set keep at range and reactivate once you get in range. Get a orca, find a new belt, go to 0.0 and become a dumb null bear. There is plenty of ways to not make yourself a target, being at the keyboard and responding to the situation as it occurs is usually a very good way.

If you want to play eve without not actually doing playing it? I suggest you unsub, cause clearly this game isn't for you!

Harrasment is a part of eve, get over it
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#490 - 2012-12-03 11:35:48 UTC
Razesdark wrote:
I want to apologize on behalf of all fellow miners. They didn't realize this was EVE Online they were playing and not hello kitty in space.

If bumping someones ship is harrasment. Then what is can flipping? Suicide Ganking and war deccing? Scamming? AFK Cloaking or awoxing?
Eve is a sandbox game where everyone makes their own way. A game of risk management and risk handling.
A game where you can spend your time playing the game and making sound decisions or be exploited and whine on the forums.

It is your job as a capsuleer to do something to fix your own problems. It's what the game is all about.
If you get bumped? Set keep at range and reactivate once you get in range. Get a orca, find a new belt, go to 0.0 and become a dumb null bear. There is plenty of ways to not make yourself a target, being at the keyboard and responding to the situation as it occurs is usually a very good way.

If you want to play eve without not actually doing playing it? I suggest you unsub, cause clearly this game isn't for you!

Harrasment is a part of eve, get over it

This is the kind of miner that the New Order approves of.
King Potato
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#491 - 2012-12-03 12:31:04 UTC
I've read as many entries as I could.

Speaking as a miner who has been the victim of greifing bumpers and extortionists all I can say is, it sucks. When a group of 15 or more wont leave you alone for hours, when you get ganked, when you can't earn ISK for days, it sucks to be a miner.

But I think nothing should be changed.

One of the biggest allures of Eve is the general Chaos created in the universe. True, in High sec things are pretty safe. So what's with a little harassment? Besides what happens to ore prices when mining has even less risk than it already does?

That's my 1 1/2 cents.
Kainotomiu Ronuken
#492 - 2012-12-03 12:50:17 UTC
King Potato wrote:
I've read as many entries as I could.

Speaking as a miner who has been the victim of greifing bumpers and extortionists all I can say is, it sucks. When a group of 15 or more wont leave you alone for hours, when you get ganked, when you can't earn ISK for days, it sucks to be a miner.

But I think nothing should be changed.

One of the biggest allures of Eve is the general Chaos created in the universe. True, in High sec things are pretty safe. So what's with a little harassment? Besides what happens to ore prices when mining has even less risk than it already does?

That's my 1 1/2 cents.

In general, we also approve of this kind of miner.
Jonah Gravenstein
Machiavellian Space Bastards
#493 - 2012-12-03 16:01:53 UTC  |  Edited by: Jonah Gravenstein
Unfortunately the attempts by CCP to widen the appeal of Eve appears to be attracting people who are used to being mollycoddled by some of the other MMOs, this particular group need to realise that Eve is quite unlike any other game out there, we don't have an equivalent to a PvE only area, everything here is PvP in one form or another. Pretty much everything that is classified as an exploit by other game companies is normal gameplay within Eve, there are very few rules & very little PvE content and these are the main reasons many of us give CCP our money, if we wanted to play a purely PvE game, we wouldn't be playing Eve.

The attraction of the game, and what keeps many of us here, is that everything we do can and does affect other people, because it's a persistent universe, where everybody is on the same playing field, every player interaction adds a little more colour to Eve, whether it be extorting miners, killing other pilots or helping out a newb with advice, ships, and iskies to get them started and hopefully become long term residents of New Eden. New players are welcome, as long as they can accept that if they do get given cookies, someone else is allowed to try and steal them, and vice versa, newbs are totally allowed to try and steal other peoples cookies, they'll even get recognition for it regardless of whether of not they succeed in the attempt.

All we ask is that they don't try and make Eve a fluffy lala land like a lot of other games, it's not, and it should never become one.

Edit: There's a reason why Eve makes more international headlines than any other MMO, it's brutal, encourages players to be devious & underhanded, to enforce our will on others via any means necessary, and above all, to produce our own content, it's our own content and the ways in which we produce it that makes the headlines, not the PvE content.

In the beginning there was nothing, which exploded.

New Player FAQ

Feyd's Survival Pack

Shylari Avada
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#494 - 2012-12-03 16:09:32 UTC
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Unfortunately the attempts by CCP to widen the appeal of Eve appears to be attracting people who are used to being mollycoddled by some of the other MMOs, this particular group need to realise that Eve is quite unlike any other game out there, we don't have an equivalent to a PvE only area, everything here is PvP in one form or another. Pretty much everything that is classified as an exploit by other game companies is normal gameplay within Eve, there are very few rules, very little PvE content and these are the main reasons many of us give CCP our money, if we wanted to play a purely PvE game, we wouldn't be playing Eve.

Pretty much this.

I'm all for fixing things to make them more exciting, things that are broken, and things to draw people in.

Making changes to think for those that won't think for themselves goes against pretty much everyone who is willing to play and adapt; and all this for something so simple as a swathe of players who refuse to push an orbit button.

Of all the people, proposing feasible and intelligent ideas/changes it's far beyond pathetic that 'Miner Bumping' is what the Community Reps are choosing to focus on.

Fixing Null Sec Industry? Nope.
Fixing Mineral Compression? Nope.
Balancing Risk vs. Reward? Nope.
Tiericide? Nope

Let's talk about Miner Bumping.

All Web Investigations
#495 - 2012-12-03 16:56:03 UTC
Shylari Avada wrote:
Jonah Gravenstein wrote:
Unfortunately the attempts by CCP to widen the appeal of Eve appears to be attracting people who are used to being mollycoddled by some of the other MMOs, this particular group need to realise that Eve is quite unlike any other game out there, we don't have an equivalent to a PvE only area, everything here is PvP in one form or another. Pretty much everything that is classified as an exploit by other game companies is normal gameplay within Eve, there are very few rules, very little PvE content and these are the main reasons many of us give CCP our money, if we wanted to play a purely PvE game, we wouldn't be playing Eve.

Pretty much this.

I'm all for fixing things to make them more exciting, things that are broken, and things to draw people in.

Making changes to think for those that won't think for themselves goes against pretty much everyone who is willing to play and adapt; and all this for something so simple as a swathe of players who refuse to push an orbit button.

Of all the people, proposing feasible and intelligent ideas/changes it's far beyond pathetic that 'Miner Bumping' is what the Community Reps are choosing to focus on.

Fixing Null Sec Industry? Nope.
Fixing Mineral Compression? Nope.
Balancing Risk vs. Reward? Nope.
Tiericide? Nope

Let's talk about Miner Bumping.


The things you mentioned, and other similar things like POS mechanics, moon goo balance, etc currently effect literally thousands of players

and we have this thread here, as a result of around a dozen players causing another dozen or so players in a total of 3 systems to cry

What hope is there for EVE at this point
Fat Angry Toe Tappin Inbreds
#496 - 2012-12-03 17:29:10 UTC
I'm with the posters directly above me. Everything in Eve that needs to be looked at and this is a focus?
Shisha Edkaan
Garoun Investment Bank
Gallente Federation
#497 - 2012-12-03 17:30:01 UTC
I'm with these guys. This whole thread is ridiculously pointless.
Tusen Takk
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#498 - 2012-12-03 17:43:57 UTC
Shylari Avada wrote:

Fixing Null Sec Industry? Nope.
Fixing Mineral Compression? Nope.
Balancing Risk vs. Reward? Nope.
Tiericide? Nope

Let's talk about Miner Bumping.


Obviously for the dozen or so miners to have their demands pushed through before these fixes listed here, they must be the 0.5%. People whine about how rich Goonswarm is and WAHHHH THEY CONTROL ALL THE TECH IT'S NOT FAIR >:( >:( yet somehow our issues are never pushed through nor considered more important than these seemingly harmless cry-tit miners.

In spite of the fact that there are thousands of players crying out for fixing Nullsec industry and balancing the risk/reward ratio, we have this here thread. :ccp:
Shylari Avada
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#499 - 2012-12-03 17:50:14 UTC
Tusen Takk wrote:
Obviously for the dozen or so miners to have their demands pushed through before these fixes listed here, they must be the 0.5%. People whine about how rich Goonswarm is and WAHHHH THEY CONTROL ALL THE TECH IT'S NOT FAIR >:( >:( yet somehow our issues are never pushed through nor considered more important than these seemingly harmless cry-tit miners.

In spite of the fact that there are thousands of players crying out for fixing Nullsec industry and balancing the risk/reward ratio, we have this here thread. :ccp:

And sadly, that's just the brief list of things I could pull from my over-exhausted memory of what is currently 'wrong' with EVE, a few months ago it was CSM Voting Reform, and now were talking about bumping. Well not just bumping as a whole, just bumping when it happens to miners.

Excuse me, I'm going to go start a thread about being unable to effectively PvP while playing solitaire, manipulating market orders and watching some random b-movie with other Goons (i.e. generally not watching my active screen). That's literally how pointless this entire discussion about Miner Bumping is.

CCP already said it wasn't an exploit.
It isn't harassment.
It isn't griefing.

Why are we still talking about this?

Why is this still stickied?

Why are we still talking about this?
Scope Works
#500 - 2012-12-03 18:07:45 UTC  |  Edited by: Anslo
It may not be an issue for you, but for others it is. Otherwise, it wouldn't be here. Attempting to discredit it by repeating "why is this here" and "this is a none-issue" will not make it go away. People do not like it. Just because they aren't posting here does not mean everyone in the galaxy like this. Smile

[center]-_For the Proveldtariat_/-[/center]