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EVE Fiction

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Priscilla Project
#1181 - 2014-09-25 08:57:59 UTC
and bodily pleasures.
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Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#1182 - 2014-11-06 20:42:13 UTC
I have returned!


Fal Shepard
#1183 - 2014-11-06 23:07:12 UTC
to failing miserably

From the ashes of our defeat, we will be reborn. With these chains with which we are bound, we will become indivisible. To those who showed us no mercy, we will give no sympathy. For the flames that burn our cities, we will douse in injustice's blood

Telegram Sam
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#1184 - 2014-11-07 01:36:02 UTC
at my attempt
Fal Shepard
#1185 - 2014-11-07 01:47:02 UTC
Telegram Sam wrote:
at Eli's attempt

To get laid

From the ashes of our defeat, we will be reborn. With these chains with which we are bound, we will become indivisible. To those who showed us no mercy, we will give no sympathy. For the flames that burn our cities, we will douse in injustice's blood

Eli Green
The Arrow Project
#1186 - 2014-11-09 03:00:49 UTC
Fal Shepard wrote:
Telegram Sam wrote:
at Eli's attempt

To get laid

which caused laughter
