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[Discussion] - New POS system ( SAND CASTLES - Blackbuilt)

First post
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#1 - 2012-08-13 23:15:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
First of all, We are in a sand box! just give us tools to build our castles!!!!

Inspered by the CSM7 Meeting Minutes:

Since CCP and the CSM are still on the planning phase of the new POS system, posting some ideas about it may help them (not necessarily the whole design, bot some parts may be good), so here it goes my concept for a new awesome "Construction block" pos system!

Basically, the new Starbase system would looks like an Starbase-LEGO (Starbase - Construction block game), or a Starbase "Mincraft", where you would join the blocks to build your own custom starbase. IN ANY SHAPE YOU WANT.
So players could build their on Sand Castles, the way they want.


GeeShizzle MacCloud wrote:

Off course people would pay bilions of isk to build a dream starbase and this would be a big resources sink...

So, in the package comes some new concepts that will make the player life easier and more exciting! I will explain them on the building list below


Construction Base - It is the seed of the starbase, the starting point of its construction, there is one of it for every faction, and it will change how the other buildings will look like as they are built. it comes with some nice features:
- they are built on stations and outposts, and then, carried and deployed using a industrial ship.
- Once deployed and anchored it can be assembled, making it unnanchorable and unscopable, in this point is born the starbase.
- The ownership can be transferred to other players/corporations/aliances
- On start, have a small fuel bay and a small fuel consumption
- Provides a small amount of powergrid
- Have a smal cargohold space where Blueprints can be placed.
- Have a nice cargohold space where materials or building packs can be placed.
- Have 1 Industrial Ship Mooring Aray.( See what is Mooring below)
- Have the Starbase planning function. ( See what is Starbase planning below )
- Have different item management features, but starts with 0 space for most of them (See Item management below)

Mooring: the ship is linked to the building with a bridge and the building shield covers it making it invulnerable, whille moored the pilot can spin the ship while somewhat secure or "Enter Starbase" and WiS, Also this will allow the player to use the starbase features, including item transfer, "Starbase planning feature", clone services etc... As if it was docked. And if the pilot log-off the ship will not disapear. There are different ways to moor the ship, while there are different sizes of mooring arays that allow from shuttles to capitals to be moored.
In case of the starbase is destroyed all moored ships will unmoorow, if the pilot is logged off inside the ship it will warp away, if the pillot is inside the starbase he will go out in a pod.

Item mangement: To access items stored in the POS, and all the other divisions like corporate hangar, fuel bay, strontium bay, construction material cargohold (assuming he have the roles ) etc... the pilot need to dock on the starbase or to moore the ship to it. Notice that most of the different hangars start with 0 space, but can be upgraded adding buildings to the starbase.

Starbase Planning: Clicking this button while on the starbase (or moored) will open the planner UI, where you can set the position and the queue for the construction/placement/removal of the buildings of the starbase. Placing construction packages (like the actual POS system where modules are pre-built and just anchored and onlined) would shorter the construction time removing the need of the blueprints and materials for the building. Also there should be Upgrade options where the players could upgrade some buildings, giving them additional bonuses. And to build the structures in the Star-base you will also need some skills. Also in this point there is a possibility to set up a ISK sink, like in PI, a small tax to build each building. The Construction base can build 3 different groups of buildings: Infrastructure, Planned and Special (see description below)
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#2 - 2012-08-13 23:15:17 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
Infrastructure buildings does not need BPO nor construction packages for its construction, as this information comes along with the Construction Base, so it will need only the materials.

Each structure increase the starbase structural hitpoints. And have a progressive cost (to prevent hull tanking and unplanned building), this is more noticed in Platforms then in links.



Platform - Comes in different sizes ( Small/ Medium/ Large/ Capital), these sizes can be achieved upgrading the Construction base to higher tiers. Planned buildings are built over them, and each building have a size to match a platform.

Link - It is a connective structure, the placement of these allow the player to shape its starbase and keep desired distance between buildings and platforms. Some special buildings must be constructed on links, since they are not suited to be built on platforms because of function size or accessibility. these links can be placed in different formations, like "-" or "+" or "T"

Decorative - No function, but some people like shinning lights spinning things and whatever. In this group some decorative WiS buildings could be placed, like Casinos, Gardens or Trophy room for your frozen friends Pirate.

Planned Structures must be built over platforms, they consume/produces power, and they give the starbase different capabilities. Also they may have different sizes, what change the size of the bonus given by this structures. Also these structures can be upgraded increasing efficiency. although the higher the level of the upgrade the more exotic becomes the upgrade materials, and expensive.


Planned Structures:

Power-plant - Increases the consumption of Fuel-blocks and generates power.

Fuel Storage - Increase Starbase fuel capacity (Fuel blocks)

Jump Fuel Storage - Stores Ice products used as fuel in some special buildings operations, like liquid ozone and isotopes.

Ore Storage - Gives a Special Ore storage, much more capacity compared to the conventional Storage of the same size.

Conventional Storage - Increases the conventional Storage space for the pilots ( modules, commodities, ore etc...)

Ship Hangar - Increase Starbase Ships storage capacity

Hangar gate - Allow ships to enter the starbase docking on it (must be built on a platform border and near a ship hangar)

Laboratory - Gives research slots to the starbase ( Upgrading allow more difficult researchs like invention and reverse e.)

Factory - Gives construction jobs slots to the starbase. ( the size and the level influences what can be built on these)

Processing Array - Gives refining and reprocess jobs slots.( the size affect the speed and the level the quality) ( And yes, a better way to track the refining operations, and a easy way to take players skills in the equation for POS refining)

Reactors - Gives reactions jobs slots ( The size affect the number of slots an the level the reactions available)

Starbase Defense Core - Gives a strontium bay ( depending on its size ) and allow to fit some deffensive modules on it ( have a fitting screen like ships does ) like shield hardners and shield rechargers, also on WiS allow to manage the Battlestations and to take control of them.

Medical Center - Alow the use of clones and jump clones ( The bigger and higher the level, the higher the number of clones)

Concord Office - allow to ensure docked and moored ships

Trade Office -Work as a market for the starbase, allowing players to set buy orders and sell orders, using the items on the personal tab ( Sell orders still counts as volume in the storage).

Special structures can be built on the lose tip of links, or other places depending on what they are, some of them can be targeted individually ( apart from the starbase ), and some of them have special functions and consumes Jump Fuel when activated:


Special Structures:

Mooring Aray - Allow to moor a ship on it, depending on it's size. ( small/ medium/ large/ capital), note that the bigger it is the more expensive... Supercapitals and titans can't moor on them...

Supercapital Yard - Allow to build and to moor a supercapitals or a titan in it. Ship can be seen under construction, and can be seen whille moored. Also this consumes allot of power from the starbase, So it is wise to have a good capital size powerplant and maybe a capital size fuel storage.

Jump bridge Generator - Just dial to the friendly starbase using some isotopes in your Jump Fuel Storange.

Cynosural field Jammer - Prevents cynos to be oppen in the system.

Cynosural Field Generator - Lights a Cyno using liquid ozone in the Jump Fuel Storange, may be used whille its Cynosural field jammer is active.

Energy Harvester - Decreases the powergrid consumption of nearby buildings. (may look like solar collectors)

Starbase Jump Drive - This can Jump the whole starbase and ships attached to it, but will consume allot of isotopes in the process, so it would be wise to have a big Jump Fuel storage for the trip, the consume is based on the distance and the maximum of structural hitpoints of the starbase plus the mass of the ships attached. Also there must be an allied Cynosural Rift generator anchored on target location for the jump drive to lock and then start the loading process that will energize the whole starbase structure for the massive jump. The Cynosural rift generator is destroyed with the arrival of the starbase. (And all nearby ships are bumped away =D )

Starbase Cloak Device - Prevent it and nearby ships to be probed, but consumes alllot of power.

Battlestations - continue.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#3 - 2012-08-13 23:15:26 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
Battlestations are the offensive and defensive structures of the starbase, they can be upgraded manny times giving them extra bonus and extra slots, also they vary from small to capital sized. They can be targeted and shot individually.
They can't shot trough the starbase, so it would be wise to use the links to place them strategically.



Offensive Battlestation - Hi-slots for guns ,missles, energy neutralizers and mid-slots and low-slots for ECM and weapons upgrades.

Defensive Battlestation - No hi-slots, but can be fitted with Shield Extenders, Hardners and rechargers as long as they are passive. The Shield bonus hitpoints are multiplied and aplied to the starbase maximum and partially for the other battlestations. And the resistence bonus are also shared. When its becomes incapacitated, most part of the bonuses are removed.

Logistic Battlestation - Can fit Remote Repairs, energy transfers, and ECCM. they target and aid nearby ally ships and battlestations. Including friendly battlestations.

I hope that someone from CCP or CSM can see this topic and take some ideas from here.

Discussions :what do you think about it? What should be add or removed!?
XS Tech
#4 - 2012-08-14 02:22:02 UTC
some of it's alright ... other bits are just daft (e.g. the usage of extra isotopes for some things).

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#5 - 2012-08-14 14:00:17 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
some of it's alright ... other bits are just daft (e.g. the usage of extra isotopes for some things).

fixed some drafts
Selak Zorander
#6 - 2012-08-14 19:01:13 UTC
I like the idea you have but it sort of glosses over one of the desired goals of the ccp starbase re-work.

They want the POS to scale between personal, corporation, and alliance sizes. A system where it all starts with the same thing and its only a matter of proviing some amount of resources allows for expanded functioning but not true scaling.

I think a better idea is to to do something very similar to what you suggest with the starbase core but merge it closer with the tech 3 subsystem idea.

basically there should be three generic starbase core structures. One personal sized, one corporation sized, and one alliance sized. You can put basic restrictions on the cores based on that size (like alliance one is 0.0 only and requires launching corp to be in an alliance). You can also then give varied benefits based on the orginal size as well like different amounts of dock volume and item storage space.

In order to get the core ready for launch though it would need some number of sub-systems that would define its powergrid, cpu, bonuses, type of fuel usage, hitpoints, and fitting. This sub-systems would be racially based but work with each other. For example: Each race would make a racial personal starbase powercore and that would define powergrid and fuel usage and some of the fitting slots. then may the Defensive sub-system would grant a racial weapon bonus and add further fitting slots. These subsystems could partly define the appearance of the starbase.

The final fitting would be like the modules on a ship but would grant the various functions one might need or want like refining, manufacturing, weapons, ewar, laboratories, and other things that current starbases can do. These fitting items could be broken up into 3 different levels (like high, mid, and low power slots on a ship) and grouped so that you can not have everything you want but must pick and choose what to fit. Certain modules that get added through this fitting style inteface could then further alter the appearance of the starbase allowing further customization.

I have a long idea on stabases (following what I posted above) but also covering much of your ideas, as well as ideas on how to handle distruction and reinforcement of these starbases. Even included is ways to allow public docking should you desire to do that.

I think the true beauty of a system like i have thought of is that it is easily expandable. you want starbases to have a possible new function, all you have to do is make a new module for it. What to have a starbase provide a new bonus for some activity? Design new racial sub-systems around the idea. I would have posted what i have but i have not fully finished what i wanted to have finished before posting, and its currently at about 15,000 characters or so of just high level ideas. I have not even gotten into looking at specific functions other than having them granted through the fitting choosen.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#7 - 2012-08-14 20:52:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Alx Warlord
Selak Zorander wrote:

I think a better idea is to to do something very similar to what you suggest with the starbase core but merge it closer with the tech 3 subsystem idea.

I liked your Idea of preventing certainly sizes of starbases in Hi-sec, like preventing all sorts of capital size structures in Hi-sec and all sort of Large structures in 0.1-0.7 ( solves most of fear of starbases covering the sun in Jita.)

Although the Tech 3 part of customizing the tower is way lass customizable then what CCP is looking for. If you read the minutes, they want the palyer to build them like a LEGO, having different shapes... looking like speders or lizards or Starwars death star or a death tower or a giant disk ... or some other shape... So, if you select how it will looks like changing from a pre-set subsystems group you will end up having a poor variety of Starbases, making them less customizable then it already is.

The subsystem can possible be an adition, these subsystems on the Construction Base could provide some extra bonuses to the tower, or othe customizable things, like color and style. (Sancha Mode for Ammar, or Angel Mode for Minmatar... maybe even a rogue drone mode... )

About the Size of the Starbase... I think that Fuel Cost will be the main reason for players to keep the personal POS small...
Lets say...

A) A small personal pos would have some energy harvester, some mooring links a Item hangar and a spaceship hangar...and a small battlestation It would consume from 10 million isk to 20 million isk in fuel every 30 days... And he would be able to store his desired items some few ships maybe run a small lab, and call it home...

B) A Corporative Size Starbase would have more space for ships and bigger ships... more industrial slots and much more deffenses.... It would cost 500 million isk each 30 days

C) A Alliance Size Starbase would have Enough Ship Space to make all players using it confortable, including mooring space for capitals and some supercap mooring places for a couple of titans, enough industrial slots to make a healty economy running inside the starbase and allot of battlestations to keep everything safe.... This would cost some billions in fuel every 30 days...

The question is: why should we prevent single individuals to have big star-bases if they can afford to? Isn't it fair? If he can build and he can feed, he can have it!! although it would be a hard task...
Selak Zorander
#8 - 2012-08-14 22:40:22 UTC
in terms of customizing the looks, i was thinking that the subsystems would affect the central core looks, while the various modules fit to it like the manufacturing lines or dock modules or whatever, would add additional features to the starbase. then you could even have multiple types of manufacturing modules that gave different benefits like one with ltos of lines, or one with fewer lines but better time efficiency. Then they could even be racial so maybe there are 4 types of equipment assembly modules and each one provides a different external change to the starbase so that you could mix and match racial looks or go all strictly one race. I think that full customization in terms of place this module there or that module here will end up being too complex of a system.

The other thing with spliting up the bases into three sizes is you can put different restrictions on the central core.

For instance, I would not expect the various empires to like alliance towers going up in thier space because maybe they feel it gives too much power to the capsuleers. While maybe they will allow corporate starbases in certain areas as long as a certain faction standing is achieved for the corporation. Players on the other had could have more areas to place starbases with somewhat relaxed restrictions because what is the threat to the empire from one capsuleer.

Now if that one capsuleer can launch the tower and eventually turn it into a huge alliance sized tower I think the empires would not be happy about that, but how do you prevent that game mechanic wise if all you need to upgrades is put materials in the tower and hit upgrade without making the upgrade function more complex and open to break or be gamed? I mean if it can be done then sure CCP could do that. I would rather start smaller and less complex and see how that goes and then build on it from there.

Think about it though, if there were just 4 sub-systems and there was 1 one each sub-system for each race to start with, thats already 256 different looks for each type of tower before you add in how the different fitting modules change the appearance.
Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#9 - 2012-08-15 07:29:47 UTC
Those meeting minutes were terrible. I think I read/skimmed through 10 pages and closed IE randomly somewhere along the way.
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#10 - 2012-08-15 16:18:27 UTC
Selak Zorander wrote:

Think about it though, if there were just 4 sub-systems and there was 1 one each sub-system for each race to start with, thats already 256 different looks for each type of tower before you add in how the different fitting modules change the appearance.

But they will all looks like towers... not customizable starbases... alowing the links and platforms feature will give pleyers a bigger freedom!!!
Selak Zorander
#11 - 2012-08-15 17:49:26 UTC
Alx Warlord wrote:
Selak Zorander wrote:

Think about it though, if there were just 4 sub-systems and there was 1 one each sub-system for each race to start with, thats already 256 different looks for each type of tower before you add in how the different fitting modules change the appearance.

But they will all looks like towers... not customizable starbases... alowing the links and platforms feature will give pleyers a bigger freedom!!!

Yes and that imaginined increased freedom will require a more robost system that will likely take longer to properly code and probably contain more restrictions on how things can be put together that you think it would.
XS Tech
#12 - 2012-08-15 18:08:09 UTC
Selak Zorander wrote:

Yes and that imaginined increased freedom will require a more robost system that will likely take longer to properly code and probably contain more restrictions on how things can be put together that you think it would.

Not necessarily.

"core" block --> 6 hardpoints.

"Other" blocks --> 1-6 hardpoints.

you get one (1) "core" block per POS. This has the same anchoring rules as current towers.
"Other" blocks make up the rest of the POS, include but are not limited to:
- Weapon platforms
- assembly arrays
- docking arrays
- reactors/solar panels/whatever
- shields/shield hardeners
- labs
- connector pieces (i.e. "hallways" and whatever else so you can customise the shape, or lay things out how you want)

Would kind of work out like the ED base from Earth2160 in that case...

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#13 - 2012-08-15 18:40:18 UTC
Velicitia wrote:
Selak Zorander wrote:

Yes and that imaginined increased freedom will require a more robost system that will likely take longer to properly code and probably contain more restrictions on how things can be put together that you think it would.

Not necessarily.

"core" block --> 6 hardpoints.

"Other" blocks --> 1-6 hardpoints.

you get one (1) "core" block per POS. This has the same anchoring rules as current towers.
"Other" blocks make up the rest of the POS, include but are not limited to:
- Weapon platforms
- assembly arrays
- docking arrays
- reactors/solar panels/whatever
- shields/shield hardeners
- labs
- connector pieces (i.e. "hallways" and whatever else so you can customise the shape, or lay things out how you want)

Would kind of work out like the ED base from Earth2160 in that case...

Yep that is it! and linking them you can have all kinds of shapes!!! Isn't it wonderful?!

Also if you put 4 hardpoints you will have a 2D starbase... flat...
If you put 6 hardpoints you can have 3D Starbasees...
If you put more hardpoints you can have 3D with awesome angles!!!

But 6 hardpoints is perfect IMO! =D
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#14 - 2012-08-15 19:13:25 UTC
Selak Zorander wrote:
Alx Warlord wrote:
Selak Zorander wrote:

Think about it though, if there were just 4 sub-systems and there was 1 one each sub-system for each race to start with, thats already 256 different looks for each type of tower before you add in how the different fitting modules change the appearance.

But they will all looks like towers... not customizable starbases... alowing the links and platforms feature will give pleyers a bigger freedom!!!

Yes and that imaginined increased freedom will require a more robost system that will likely take longer to properly code and probably contain more restrictions on how things can be put together that you think it would.

Eve is a patience game... And CCP have good DEVS! I'm sure that they can do it and will do much more!!!
Alx Warlord
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#15 - 2012-08-17 20:49:24 UTC
Maybe this would fix also the Ice value, since CCP modified the minning barges the Ice value is dropping to the void...

If the new POS would be infinitely big, they would also consumes infinitely amounts of fuel-blocks that would fix the ICE prices....
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#16 - 2012-08-18 09:52:37 UTC
Now, much of this I like. A couple things worry me, though, and perhaps I'm overreacting.

First, you say that the guns and such would be accessible through WiS. I should certainly hope that this function would also be available to those of us without the supercomputers required to actually do that. As it stands, the CQ is still horribly optimised. On top of this, player movement is incredibly slow, so I also hope that the buttons/controls/whatever to use this stuff isn't too far from wherever you spawn when you enter the base or log on.

Second, skills and permissions are already a pain to remember. I realize you could probably cannibalize a lot of other skills and permissions (i.e. Anchoring, Starbase Defense Management, etc.), but a few should be added. For instance, you mention that towers with this system would be transferable between players implying an implicit ownership. If skills were added that could effect the performance of starbases based on the level that the player owner has in these skills, that would add a lot of complexity, but a lot more variation, as well. As it stands, it isn't rocket science to build a POS; all you have to do is have the anchoring skills and shove the thing out an airlock. If you had to have operations skills for certain modules on a POS, like you do for a ship, then that would add difficulty in setting it up. Of course, this couldn't be done easily, as all those wanting to set up towers would have to now train a bunch of new skills, but they could be made 1x skills, or something, where you only need the skill at level 1 to use the module in much the same manner as subsystem skills on T3s.

Also, hi Vel.
AzzA Amilupar
Imperial Academy
Amarr Empire
#17 - 2012-08-18 13:16:38 UTC
This ider is i don't know maby a bit off topic and stupid but for the last few weeks i was thinking it would be kool is there where no stations in null and everything was all run out of POS it would add that bit more danger to null and almost force people to work together more.

As i said sorta stupid ider but i just wana throw it out there.
XS Tech
#18 - 2012-08-18 13:41:57 UTC
AzzA Amilupar wrote:
This ider is i don't know maby a bit off topic and stupid but for the last few weeks i was thinking it would be kool is there where no stations in null and everything was all run out of POS it would add that bit more danger to null and almost force people to work together more.

As i said sorta stupid ider but i just wana throw it out there.

IIRC, they touched on that in the CSM Minutes.

One of the bitter points of a good bittervet is the realisation that all those SP don't really do much, and that the newbie is having much more fun with what little he has. - Tippia

Vasya Kosyakov
#19 - 2012-08-18 19:25:52 UTC  |  Edited by: Vasya Kosyakov
I like the ideas being suggested here, I do believe that it needs to have some serious thought put into it.

It should be accessible to everyone but not without having to do something to achieve it. There should be standings requirements and skills involved. Imagine release day if these were not in place.... the servers would fall over and die as every man and his dog starts throwing these structures up....

There should also be due consideration to the combat effectiveness of these "bases", they need balance so as not to be indestructible alliance super-cap havens cus they spent hundreds of billions on it.

They should also require some defence by player interaction, for example... when a base is reinforced it should go into a "lock-down" mode. Nothing can be un-anchored, un-moored or removed.

The owner should have to either defend it with a fleet or maybe re-initialise the star-base by introducing some energy by way of cap transfer or delivering cap boosters.

This in turn starts a timer running, say 30 mins in which the base becomes vulnerable to attack and requires a proximity to be maintained by the owner corp / alliance like the faction warfare style hubs.

If you defend by proximity for the 30 mins your tower goes back on-line at full health, if you loose proximity the timer resets or if the aggressor manages to wear your tower down then you loose the tower, this should destroy the core and then, like kill mails, randomly destroy modules and contents.

*Obviously there needs to be a period of reinforcement, which I believe needs to be based on the mechanic of the POCO to give the owner a chance at defending it.

Null Sec

* Null sec should have no traditional stations (other and NPC Null)

They should all be player built,

Capital Outpost - Suitable for a corp size of say 100 people good defences and basic services such as clone, repair, basic 4 station guns (standings based aggression) nothing more.

Super Capital Outpost (Alliance grade accommodation with basic services as standard and then upgradeable modules such as market, insurance, production, refinery, etc based on number of slots. You could then allow a certain number of offensive slots for defensive modules above the standard 2 station guns it would have.

These stations should be transferable, purchasable and even ransom-able... as well as being able to be destroyed, you should also have the ability to attack the services of the station to weaken the ability of the owner to operate effectively.

I think the whole POS / Outpost thing needs to ensure that there is motivation to put them up but also motivation / requirment to defend them. Current POS's are often not worth trying to defend unless your lucky enough to have a tech moon and more isk and super caps than sense.

I would love to open up my own outpost / stare-base in low-sec to sell my black market vodka and salvaged ship parts to fellow pirates.....

Just some ideas, You got some great stuff going on here, you got me interested in a forum post and I contributed and not trolled it ........

GeeShizzle MacCloud
#20 - 2012-08-18 21:41:19 UTC
since reading the csm minutes on the POS rework i always envisaged the new starbases to be of only 1 size. i get the impression with the talk of simplification and customisation that there will only be one size and that additional modules will allow more power and CPU at a faster fuel consumption.

Whether the new system will have tower fuel bay expanders is questionable, as if u start adding power plants and fuel bay expanders... where does it end?

i can imagine the typical un-customised tower to have a very limited docking functionality, only allowing say 3 active players to be docked at any one time. this would allow a hauler to dock with modules to expand the towers functionality without some fiddily right click in space menu, opting for a better one that utilises the docked menus and screen reel-estate.

the tower can have limited expansion of its major systems (power, cpu, fuel bay) and could use the current ship fitting module screen to do the fittings. with these expansions being something that doesnt require customised placements. (in the same way as adding low slots to your ship doesnt appear on your ships model)

would be cool to have like a 3 level system to the tower, top mid and low, where you can place expansion modules that you can move to using keyboard arrow keys, but in the style of placing mods currently,

im trying to photoshop together a mockup of what im thinking of right now bt having singularity offline has kinda hindered my ability to jump in and throw towers and screens around to get stuff how i want.
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