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Incarna/WiS Disappointment

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Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1041 - 2012-08-14 20:56:12 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
From what they said, Starbases aren't a replacement for PoS's. They're effectively personal housing. Limited storage and limited docking. I didn't even see anything in the minutes indicating what their purpose would be.

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

The didn't say the Starbases would replace PoS's. They're in addition them.
They were described as personal bases that don't require a corporation to place, and can be put anywhere.

They way it was described they're more limited than a PoS.

If I missed the part were they said that they want to get rid of PoS's and replace them with Starbases, than feel free to show me, but I never saw that part. I did see mention that they weren't really happy with PoS's and that they wanted to revisit and update them.
Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1042 - 2012-08-14 21:00:37 UTC
Ishtanchuk Fazmarai wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:

Btw, WiS was effectively scrapped. Didn't you read any of the dev posts here? What they've been working on is NOT WiS. it's station exploration that they've been prototyping. While it may be the backbone to WiS if they ever get the green light to work on it, it's not a team building station interiors and all the thing CCP said would come with WiS. it's something else.

It's something that could be used for WoD. I guess they figured that we would suspect if we were allowed to see glittering box ninjas... Lol

But it's not walking in station. Team avatar never said they were prototyping station interiors and all the stuff CCP said they wanted to do with WiS.

It's an entirely different concept that if given the go ahaid, would help with WiS once it was worked out and implemented.

Not once did I see anyone say they were prototyping stuff that would allow us to walk out of our CQ.
Pipa Porto
#1043 - 2012-08-14 21:16:40 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
From what they said, Starbases aren't a replacement for PoS's. They're effectively personal housing. Limited storage and limited docking. I didn't even see anything in the minutes indicating what their purpose would be.

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

The didn't say the Starbases would replace PoS's. They're in addition them.
They were described as personal bases that don't require a corporation to place, and can be put anywhere.

They way it was described they're more limited than a PoS.

If I missed the part were they said that they want to get rid of PoS's and replace them with Starbases, than feel free to show me, but I never saw that part. I did see mention that they weren't really happy with PoS's and that they wanted to revisit and update them.

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

Specifically, what does the S in the acronym stand for?

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


Natsett Amuinn
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1044 - 2012-08-14 21:17:38 UTC
Pipa Porto wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
From what they said, Starbases aren't a replacement for PoS's. They're effectively personal housing. Limited storage and limited docking. I didn't even see anything in the minutes indicating what their purpose would be.

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

The didn't say the Starbases would replace PoS's. They're in addition them.
They were described as personal bases that don't require a corporation to place, and can be put anywhere.

They way it was described they're more limited than a PoS.

If I missed the part were they said that they want to get rid of PoS's and replace them with Starbases, than feel free to show me, but I never saw that part. I did see mention that they weren't really happy with PoS's and that they wanted to revisit and update them.

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

Specifically, what does the S in the acronym stand for?

My apologies, I assumed you could read.
Scatim Helicon
State War Academy
Caldari State
#1045 - 2012-08-14 21:38:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Scatim Helicon
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
From what they said, Starbases aren't a replacement for PoS's. They're effectively personal housing. Limited storage and limited docking.


Quoting from Page 64 of the CSM meetings:

"They want a path to retire the current starbase system. This may not happen in the first release, but eventually a new starbase system should completely replace the current starbase system. This means that everything that current starbases can do either needs to be replicated in the new system or removed from the game."

PS: WTH? No one started playing EVE because they updated shaders, wtf.

Confirming that graphics and presentation play no part in attracting new players to a game.

And care to point out the NEW CONTENT they've released since incarna? Balancing, graphics updates, new effects, and updates to old systems isn't new content.

Incursions is the last time I can remember CCP actually releasing new content.
Please, enlighten me, where's the new content?

The last two expansions have been, deliberately and explicitly, about going back to fix old things that were broken and in need of work, things that were overlooked in the rush to make Eve players beta-test the WoD engine. Crucible was effectively made in 6 weeks by looking at the CSM issue backlog and picking out the things that could be completed by the time of the winter release date.

Having said that, even in the Crucible era we saw the new battlecruisers, TiDi, and PoCos. So that's three more new gameplay features than the zero that were seen in Incarna.

Btw, WiS was effectively scrapped. Didn't you read any of the dev posts here? What they've been working on is NOT WiS. it's station exploration that they've been prototyping. While it may be the backbone to WiS if they ever get the green light to work on it, it's not a team building station interiors and all the thing CCP said would come with WiS. it's something else.

Confirming that a feature where you are walking in stations isn't Walking In Stations.

The Incarna approach has, rightly, been scrapped - Incarna was a gameplay vacuum which imprisoned us in a featureless box and shoved monocles down our throats. Post-Incarna WiS is a 'back to basics' move to actually design some of the gameplay that CCP in the throes of rotten-shark induced hubris thought they could manage without, before last summer's events brought reality crashing down onto their heads.

Every time you post a WiS thread, Hilmar strangles a kitten.

Pipa Porto
#1046 - 2012-08-14 21:46:11 UTC
Natsett Amuinn wrote:
Pipa Porto wrote:

Let's start with this.
What does the POS acronym stand for, with regards to EVE and Control Towers?
What market group do Control Towers fall under?

Specifically, what does the S in the acronym stand for?

My apologies, I assumed you could read.

Since you don't understand how to answer a question, I'll do it for you.

POS stands for Player Owned Starbase.

From the CSM Minutes, page 63.
Editor's note: CCP calls player owned starbases (POSes) "starbases" internally, both terms are used
during this session

Page 64:
5) They want a path to retire the current starbase system. This may not happen in the first
release, but eventually a new starbase system should completely replace the current starbase
system. This means that everything that current starbases can do either needs to be replicated in
the new system or removed from the game.

There will be overlap between the time the new system is released and when old-style POSes are
removed. The CSM emphasized that this is a good thing, to allow players time to transition to the
new system and for bugs to be worked out. Trebor asked if the plan was to introduce all
functionality at once or to spread it over several expansions

EvE: Everyone vs Everyone


#1047 - 2012-08-15 02:27:04 UTC
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
I'm glad my quotes have become gained so much popularity with you, Ghazu.

Tell me, why do you think wis should be mandatory? Why should I load that crap when it adds zero gameplay, no, emoting is not gameplay.
Why shouldn't wis be optional like how you can turn off shaders and missile effects?

BTW i will load wis when i have a good reason to. like suicide bombing a bunch of emoters. lol what the christ

Lilliana Stelles
#1048 - 2012-08-15 02:37:08 UTC  |  Edited by: Lilliana Stelles
Ghazu wrote:
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
I'm glad my quotes have become gained so much popularity with you, Ghazu.

Tell me, why do you think wis should be mandatory? Why should I load that crap when it adds zero gameplay, no, emoting is not gameplay.
Why shouldn't wis be optional like how you can turn off shaders and missile effects?

BTW i will load wis when i have a good reason to. like suicide bombing a bunch of emoters.

Personally, I think it would be a good business move on CCP's behalf.

It's my personal belief that people didn't unsub because of what WiS was, they unsubbed because of what WiS wasn't. Had it offered exactly what CCP had said it would (community interaction, planning rooms, poker tables, etc), then not nearly as many people would have ragequit... hell, some people may have even joined because of it.

I think that it's still possible we can regain those lost subs, and more, by actually getting WiS up to what it was meant to be. But in order to re-earn the communities trust, CCP is literally going to have to shove Incarna in everyone's face.

People aren't going to read an update that says they've fixed heat or framerate issues and then turn it back on, because half the community doesn't even bother to read updates at all. (At the very least, they should put the patch notes ON the launcher itself.) Until people see it, they won't have any faith in WiS.

And they do need to go back and iterate on it... if they just let it sit in the background, it's unlikely to get very many updates, if any at all. Once it's recognized as a core part of the game by the community, as in, something they can't push aside, then people will finally want things to happen with it, and that will lead to it developing a purpose, and developers actually working on it.

The people CCP didn't lose may have bitched about Incarna... and they can keep bitching; if they haven't left now they probably won't leave.

CCP really needs to come forward and say "Incarna is here to stay". Once the forum is free of people saying it needs to be deleted, turned off, or disabled; once that's no longer even a remote possibility, once people are forced to accept it, then we can finally move forward and begin to ask how we can improve it.

I like this thread, even the people I don't agree with have great ideas for Incarna. But until it's mandatory the chances of us actually seeing anything positive happen to it are diminishing by the day, it seems.

I want to see someone running into the station and blowing themselves up just as much as anyone else, as long as it's balanced with risk. vs. reward. But I don't think it's even a possibility if the majority of players leave Incarna turned off.

Not a forum alt. 

Mars Theran
Foreign Interloper
#1049 - 2012-08-15 03:00:03 UTC  |  Edited by: Mars Theran
If Incarna does anything, it has to incorporate all playstyles diligently and allow for all playstyles inspite of itself. That means that the players who enjoy FiS should have their playstyle completely unchanged by the advent of any development of Incarna, except perhaps by the impact that the players WiS have on the economy.

It also means that any impact the players WiS have on the ecnomy and anything they do should be subject to the greater rule of EVE Online, and as such, be completely within the scope of what has come before with regard to the impact and influence they can have on the economy.

The Microtransactions were a bad idea. I don't mean bad as in, "CCP is Greedy;" I mean bad as in, "This has an unusual effect on playstyle and takes away from the quality of the game. I've done a few MT in another game and discovered that the very act of purchasing things with RL money in a game has a serious effect on your ability to enjoy the game and immerse yourself within it.

It's weird. Sort of a psychological conundrum if you will. The act of buying things that you can use in game is much different than the act of paying for a subscription to a game. The first impacts your playstyle, goals, and ultimately negatively affects your enjoyment of the game, while the second, (paying for a subscription), has absolutely no affect on gameplay whatsoever or how you look at it.

If I were to attribute a quality to MT that allowed direct purchase of in-game items for RL money without anysubtraction from the equation of money = item, I'd have to say it's... actually, I can't find a single word to describe it; it's kind of like gambling away your money knowing you're going to lose every penny but doing it anyway. It's completely obtuse and with exception to the first moment, utterly without reward and completely tasteless.

It doesn't make you feel good, it doesn't add to the game, and the items and content you purchase seem to be utterly meaningless and lacking in value for what you paid for them. Ultimately, you know that--just like in a gambling hall--everything is in the houses favor and the odds are against you. The difference is, you can't win anything; even if the chances would be slim to none anyway with regard to the analogy; there is a chance, (however small), there where there isn't here.

Anyway, the point is it ultimately frustrates and leaves a bad taste in your mouth which seems to be directly proportional to both the quality of the game and the quality of the reward, as well as--and especially with regard to--the directness of the purchase within the realm of the game.

In my case, it was very direct: straight from the game itself with the items appearing in my inventory directly after transferring the funds and making the purchase within the game client. Pretty much the same for content; the difference being access is granted and it's not actually an item.

Pretty much how I felt about the idea of paying for content with Zynga and facebook games, except there was a distinct lack of interest in those games right from the start, where I actually felt this other game might actually be worth playing. f2p sucks.

Yes, I am droning. Still a little sour from the whole experience and $150 short despite the fact I 'own' the content and can play it anytime I want without a sub. Deleted the characters and affected items though; the very idea of them made me feel rather disgusted; mostly due to the lack of quality of the 'reward'.

Stupid, gouging jerks made it so you pretty much had to grind a hundred hours to make a basic item or by the crafting materials directly; then they made it so you had to level through a rediculous amount of item constructions which pretty much had the same requirements just to make the item you want.

Ultimately, done through grinding or through purchasing, the items are paltry and no comparison to simple game drops aside from the lack of random generation involved and the fact they are 'what you want' rather than something somebody else is looking for, which you don't really know how to operate properly because it was never intended for your class or race.

Yeah.. droning and rambling now..

So, point is that stuff sorta sucks and items like MT clothing sold in player owned stores is generally a dumb idea. Better to have people play the game and pay for it than endlessly make microtrades in game and ruin the entire idea of the game while systematically destroying the overall quality of game experience for them and everyone else.

Plex actually works great, and probably because it is so far from an in-game micro transaction as to be like paying for a sub. The closer we get to making that trade in the in-game browser and receiving a direct money for ISK or item transaction however; the closer we'll be to breaking the game entirely and making it entirely undesireable to play for the majority of the current playerbase.

Even the ones who might think otherwise.

I'm just glad I did my micro transactions somewhere else.

edit: It's Cheapening. in cheapening the experience, and I think that's what pissed me off the most. EAs doing it to SWtOR now and the Devs make direct reference to balancing the introduction of items for purchase with player retention while changing the game design to encourage or even force players to make those purchases. Apparently they understand that too much force-fed micro transactions will cause players to quit.

..imagine that.
#1050 - 2012-08-15 03:01:16 UTC
If wis was any good people would choose to load it, if it is just a bunch of dudes emoting each other, why the hell would i turn it on? The core problem of wis is nonexistant gameplay, that's why it is not loaded on many clients. Are you so afraid that nobody wants to load it that the only way to make it useful is to make it mandatory like some kind of pathetic pat on one's own back? lol what the christ

#1051 - 2012-08-15 03:19:10 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
If wis was any good people would choose to load it, if it is just a bunch of dudes emoting each other, why the hell would i turn it on? The core problem of wis is nonexistant gameplay, that's why it is not loaded on many clients. Are you so afraid that nobody wants to load it that the only way to make it useful is to make it mandatory like some kind of pathetic pat on one's own back?

I like the complete lack of evidence in your post. The only group who knows how many clients have the CQ switched off is CCP. And they haven't said anything either way.

Also it's also worth pointing out that that new players do find the CQ useful, if only because it's a useful stepping stone that starts them in a gameplay environment that they are already familiar with before introducing them to a new one (space), which is an important part of learning.

Also did anyone else noticed that the introduction of the three other racial captains quarters in Cruicible resulted in a lot of players returning to EVE.

See I can be selective with the evidence that I use to support an argument too.
#1052 - 2012-08-15 03:22:55 UTC
Flamespar wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
If wis was any good people would choose to load it, if it is just a bunch of dudes emoting each other, why the hell would i turn it on? The core problem of wis is nonexistant gameplay, that's why it is not loaded on many clients. Are you so afraid that nobody wants to load it that the only way to make it useful is to make it mandatory like some kind of pathetic pat on one's own back?

I like the complete lack of evidence in your post. The only group who knows how many clients have the CQ switched off is CCP. And they haven't said anything either way.

Also it's also worth pointing out that that new players do find the CQ useful, if only because it's a useful stepping stone that starts them in a gameplay environment that they are already familiar with before introducing them to a new one (space), which is an important part of learning.

Also did anyone else noticed that the introduction of the three other racial captains quarters in Cruicible resulted in a lot of players returning to EVE.

See I can be selective with the evidence that I use to support an argument too.

Learn to read, then tell me why wis must be mandatory. lol what the christ

Lagartija Nick
Starship Snoopers
#1053 - 2012-08-15 03:27:06 UTC
I for one resubbed because of WiS, I am still waiting for the RP/Interaction tool that has been talked about for years and years.

CCP, please give us what you initially intended.
Lilliana Stelles
#1054 - 2012-08-15 03:29:21 UTC
Ghazu wrote:
If wis was any good people would choose to load it, if it is just a bunch of dudes emoting each other, why the hell would i turn it on? The core problem of wis is nonexistant gameplay, that's why it is not loaded on many clients. Are you so afraid that nobody wants to load it that the only way to make it useful is to make it mandatory like some kind of pathetic pat on one's own back?

That's how I feel about everything EVE related, honestly.

I didn't like the game until one of my friends literally dragged me into it, and I've only recruited other players by bugging them beyond their breaking point.

If you've seen the player-quit-curve, most of them leave as soon as they see the discouraging numbers in the skill system, but the players who stick with it eventually learn to like it.

Not a forum alt. 

#1055 - 2012-08-15 04:37:54 UTC
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Ghazu wrote:
If wis was any good people would choose to load it, if it is just a bunch of dudes emoting each other, why the hell would i turn it on? The core problem of wis is nonexistant gameplay, that's why it is not loaded on many clients. Are you so afraid that nobody wants to load it that the only way to make it useful is to make it mandatory like some kind of pathetic pat on one's own back?

That's how I feel about everything EVE related, honestly.

I didn't like the game until one of my friends literally dragged me into it, and I've only recruited other players by bugging them beyond their breaking point.

If you've seen the player-quit-curve, most of them leave as soon as they see the discouraging numbers in the skill system, but the players who stick with it eventually learn to like it.

I don't care about your touching personal anecdotes, or how you yearn for human connection and be all clingy with your friend, in a computer game.
Did you quote the wrong post it has nothing to do with what I wrote.

Now I am going to tell you my dumb story in reprisal. A long time ago I heard about WH, I spent hours googling. I trained up probing/gas mining/Guardian/Legion, joined this corp and enjoyed that for a while, the process took a few months (skills training and finding a good corp). When I've had enough of WHs I did the same thing with Incursions, learned how blitzing works and got into a Nightmare. The point is, CCP didn't shove any of those things down my throat by making it mandatory, I did everything by my own free goddamn will.

Now tell me why wis should be compulsory. Tell me how and why wis is so goddamn special from any other forms of gameplay that it needs to be "forced-on", instead of drawing players to participate in it based on its own merits. Please, help me understand. lol what the christ

Lilliana Stelles
#1056 - 2012-08-15 04:45:04 UTC
Maybe compulsory isn't the right word here. I mean, you can't force players to do anything at all.

But, I'm saying WiS should load by default when you dock, and it shouldn't be disabled. Ship spinning and the hangar view could be accessed from a panel in WiS if you so desired, but incarna should still be visible to all players. And I've already explained why, several times. If it isn't visible, it won't be used, and it won't be iterated upon. Just like cosmos missions. I don't wish to repeat myself.

You're asking the same questions but not hearing my answers.

Not a forum alt. 

Powers Sa
#1057 - 2012-08-15 04:51:01 UTC
Frying Doom wrote:
I must ask that, Please for the love of God. Keep the true nature of EvE.

And let us shoot our own team members in the backSmile

How do I get on your team please?

Do you like winning t2 frigs and dictors for Dirt Cheap?

Remeber: Gambling addiction is no laughing matter unless you've lost a vast space fortune on the internet.

#1058 - 2012-08-15 04:59:56 UTC  |  Edited by: Ghazu
Lilliana Stelles wrote:
Maybe compulsory isn't the right word here. I mean, you can't force players to do anything at all.

But, I'm saying WiS should load by default when you dock, and it shouldn't be disabled. Ship spinning and the hangar view could be accessed from a panel in WiS if you so desired, but incarna should still be visible to all players. And I've already explained why, several times. If it isn't visible, it won't be used, and it won't be iterated upon. Just like cosmos missions. I don't wish to repeat myself.

You're asking the same questions but not hearing my answers.

Forget it, I will never understand your barbie-world logic. If a feature cannot stand on its own to draw participants by it's own merits, then by definition that feature sucks balls. Unless you are admitting that What you just suggested about pressing an extra button to have hanger view, is utterly dumb and convoluted, it's like you are just so goddamn desperate, just let wis go, like cosmos missions, or let the players judge and decide. lol what the christ

Lilliana Stelles
#1059 - 2012-08-15 05:11:24 UTC
Ghazu wrote:

Has been around for 53 years, compared to Eve's 10.
I'd just like to point out, Mattel makes a hell of alot more money than CCP ever will.

So I'm failing to see why you use that word in such a derogatory context.

I played with Barbies when I was younger... who didn't?
Ultimately, Barbie carries the same style of emergent gameplay that Eve does. It's a toy designed for you to create your own meaning, stories, and adventures with.

If anything, Eve should be aspiring to Barbie's accomplishments.

Not a forum alt. 

#1060 - 2012-08-15 05:20:25 UTC
Yeah causing some girls to be bulimic? Oh and I think CCP and Matel have vastly different target demographic groups, at least I hope so. So going all barbie isn't really good for CCP is it? lol what the christ