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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Ramon Grishnak
Maggots for a healthy society
#1361 - 2012-06-04 11:32:17 UTC
That´s what I´ve been watching.
The bigger the amount of items, the slower the Inventory gets.

Make a button to get the estimated value. I believe it would decrease the lag
Sir Montu
Untoward Callings
#1362 - 2012-06-04 11:36:31 UTC
I agree about the lack of dealing with the fact that we all had our items set up LIKE WE WANTED.

Let's put it this way, CCP. You leave your home and go to work to muck about with this game that people have been playing for 9+ years (as clear an indication of a WIN as could be in the gaming world). And then you go home. Someone's put everything from your bedroom closet and drawers into your kitchen, and half your kitchen stuff is in your bathroom.

Would you be happy with this? We're not.

So - today I am focusing on the fact that I still want hangars that have a few things in them in Icon format, and hangars that have a LOT of things in them in detail format. I want what was open when I logged off to be open when I log in. I want the game to be able to remember (LIKE IT USED TO) that if I have a corp hangar in a station that I want it open, and of course if there's no office there then I don't.

I will offer one thing I like. The new system is a little better IMO for the orca, because I had to re-open all the hangars every time I undocked. The one-window solution for THAT is acceptable, but for working in a station or at a POS, it remains a nightmare.

The only reason I'm even playing at this point is that I have joint operations with other players that would fail if I left, and I invested a lot of time into these. But I've opened SkyRim for the first time in 6 months last week and have been playing that much more than EVE.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1363 - 2012-06-05 10:40:12 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Challu wrote:
blaine thepain wrote:

Remove the price calclulation from the UI in every single window.

I promise you that the lag is gone after you kicked it out ones!!!

Make a button anywhere it dont disturb where i can calculate the price if i want to do so for only the activ window.

sincerly yours

Blaine the pain

EDIT: you cant optimize that code, where every single item is checked about the price in the market. Your database cant handle such a huge request in a time that is acceptable for us. Never!!! (Altenativ you can put more power to your database -> think so 30% of TQ only for calculating prices in windows -> ask the team who working on "war against lag" ^^ )

i highly doubt they are doing it real time. Item estimated prices are often wildly off from regional or hub averages, so there must be some kind of caching going on.

And ... I like the price thingy. It's at the lower corner and doesn't seem to get in the way of things.

Except it takes a ton of screen space and is buggy as hell (doesnt upadate properly when items are moved from corp deliveries for instance) and the numbers are almost always wrong. Yeah... #1 candidate for axe.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1364 - 2012-06-05 10:43:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Sir Montu wrote:

I will offer one thing I like. The new system is a little better IMO for the orca, because I had to re-open all the hangars every time I undocked. The one-window solution for THAT is acceptable, but for working in a station or at a POS, it remains a nightmare.

Actually that's just because the old system was buggy too. It intended to save window positions but was bugged. Sometimes it did sometimes it didn't.
Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#1365 - 2012-06-05 10:46:32 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
Ramon Grishnak wrote:
That´s what I´ve been watching.
The bigger the amount of items, the slower the Inventory gets.

Make a button to get the estimated value. I believe it would decrease the lag

Some O(N^2) code creeped in probably.
Captain' Jack Sparrow
#1366 - 2012-06-06 21:33:36 UTC
I have been having a conversation with a GM via petition. He has directed me to this thread to bring my concern to the devs, because (for some reason) he is unable to do so. ShockedQuestion

Here is what I have been trying to figure out:

By CCP's own description of the Unified Inventory, it really isn't even what THEY think it is.

From this page:

Unified Inventory - Your entire fortune in a single click

You have hangars of ships at your disposal and wealth that spans the galaxy. Unified Inventory gives you convenient access to all of it. Searching for your favorite ship is now easier. Assessing your stockpiles, more convenient. Admiring the fruits of your labors, more rewarding.

This is not even CLOSE to reality.

It is my belief that this "feature" was originally intended to be used for the assets tab, then got sidetracked along the way and turned into this mess we have now.

I sure would like to hear a dev's response to this one...

Thank You.
Center for Advanced Studies
Gallente Federation
#1367 - 2012-06-07 03:24:34 UTC
I get a chance to log in after near a month and what happened to my windows? you ate them with this inventory thing as I'm finding out! Why can't I have multiple windows like I had before? I can't get to my ships easily any more! You merged way too many things for this. Multiple windows was easy to work with, now with one window its not easy. If I wanted to work with one window I would've stayed with Windows 3.1!

And another thing, I've noticed this with Windows 7, Does everybody like bloating the frames for their windows? Your frames for your windows have gotten extremely fat. Here is a picture showing what I mean. the top and bottom of my window have gotten extremely wide to show your new additions. The stuff you added to the top can be condensed all into one line keeping the top the same size it was before. The bottom has gone from a few pixels to many, just to show two things. those two things could be condensed into one line of text, but as of now, its a lot of wasted space (bloat).

Asteroid Timer: Know exactly when that roid depletes! PI Profit Calculator: calculates your profits and taxes of any PI product depending on how you built them!

Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#1368 - 2012-06-07 06:21:03 UTC
I logged into Eve at 05:45 (now 6:04) UTC

First time tonight: I waited for 20 minutes (even was able to file a full in-game bug report) because:

CURRENTLY: ALL UNIFIED INVENTORY WINDOWS were unendingly stuck with a bunch of "Spinning symbol"... (tested twice on separate login attempts).

[see screenshot]

I literally cannot play this game because all windows of the "Unified Inventory" are giving me access to NOTHING.

Can someone from CCP please tell me WHAT AM I PAYING FOR and WHY?

Honestly: As we roll into OVER THREE WEEKS, a month subscription reimbursement (in my opinion) would be humbly called for as we are well into the 3rd week of not being able to play this game functionally.

ESPECIALLY TONIGHT. (Wasted so much time filing reports, reloading, retesting... and now this: this is just painfully disheartening.)

Thanks in advance for any response.

Windows XP Pro SP3, cache was cleared (twice).
Solasta Kovacs
Mortis Angelus
Kybernauts Clade
#1369 - 2012-06-07 11:21:59 UTC  |  Edited by: Solasta Kovacs
I mainly shoot people. So I don't have the issues that the industry folks do. But its still soooo annoying. Just setting up a ship to undock, checking the hold, scrolling all the way down to the item hangar, dragging ammo back up and the window switches back etc etc etc.

That and the fact that I don't have a huge monitor, which means that the tree is taking up precious on-screen real estate which makes fitting ships a drag.

Come on CCP, you;ve had more than enough feedback and detailed explanation of what is wrong. Do something about it.

Im no programmer, but broad tips about creating UI...

More clicks for same operation = bad (dont get me started on having to go to the neocom button to get into contracts and fleet finder...).

More screen space for same operation = bad.

Its just like bluddy microsoft with those ridiculous "ribbons" at the top of office programs now, which mean I have to switch back and forth finding the ribbon I need rather than just picking from a drop down as before. Looks nicer, but is far less convenient for anyone who knows how to use a computer efficiently.
Adrian Dixon
Arbitrary Spaceship Destruction
#1370 - 2012-06-07 20:34:21 UTC  |  Edited by: Adrian Dixon
Having the active ship entry in the tree fixed at the top of the tree so it no longer scrolls would be nice. A toggel for ISK value would be nice too, and a inventory icon in the station services window when docked..
Gallentian Legitimate Businessmen
#1371 - 2012-06-07 23:48:32 UTC
Holy cow... with today's client updates, inventory is snappy. Even doing a stack all or trade with another player happens in a second or two rather than the 10-15 minutes it took after unified inventory ruined the experience

It took awhile to fix, but I'm starting to like the new system now that I can actually use it. Good job with this update, CCP!
The Big Moe
#1372 - 2012-06-08 01:33:58 UTC
I would really like the "my filters" to stay down once I hit the down arrow. It seems I'm always having to move the filters out of the way so that I can see more of the items I am interested in opening. Or, make the default down position and we raise it when we want to filter. Please do not assume that I want to filter something every time I open the inventory window.

I had the old system working far, far more efficiently than the new system. It would be nice if you gave us a choice over which system to use. I could see where some circumstances would favor the new system. Don't ask me what, because nothing I do is any better at all with the new system. I have only read that some people fitting ships find the new system helpful.
Mardave Matar
Death and Co
#1373 - 2012-06-08 12:14:42 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Kaphrah wrote:
Hm, I really don't like the new UI, is it really too much work to make it optional?

my biggest problem is looting containers after salvaging wrecks.
If there are 50 containers around my noctis, I'll open them and click on "Loot all". Sounds easy, but the UI window always jumps back to my cargo, and I have to click on another container again, this takes ages if you have a lot of containers around your ship.

Before this ......... Patch, I opened all containers and just hit the "Loot All" Button in every window, please bring this back

Will check this out and post an update.

This is actually a bug and it's being fixed :)

With all the 'polishing the turd' going on, this one seems to have slipped CCP's mind (or what passes for one atm).

And where are the CSM ?, what happened to the CEO's pledge of listening to the players, and why the hell am I still playing Ugh
Diamonica Norya
Pro Synergy
#1374 - 2012-06-08 12:51:03 UTC
Mardave Matar wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Kaphrah wrote:
Hm, I really don't like the new UI, is it really too much work to make it optional?

my biggest problem is looting containers after salvaging wrecks.
If there are 50 containers around my noctis, I'll open them and click on "Loot all". Sounds easy, but the UI window always jumps back to my cargo, and I have to click on another container again, this takes ages if you have a lot of containers around your ship.

Before this ......... Patch, I opened all containers and just hit the "Loot All" Button in every window, please bring this back

Will check this out and post an update.

This is actually a bug and it's being fixed :)

With all the 'polishing the turd' going on, this one seems to have slipped CCP's mind (or what passes for one atm).

And where are the CSM ?, what happened to the CEO's pledge of listening to the players, and why the hell am I still playing Ugh

Promises are meant to be made broken, only money talks.
Kusum Fawn
Caldari State
#1375 - 2012-06-08 15:13:19 UTC
Why cant the new UI be made to mimic the old one in every way?

Its not possible to please all the people all the time, but it sure as hell is possible to Displease all the people, most of the time.

Knalldari Testpilot
#1376 - 2012-06-10 02:31:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Knalldari Testpilot
Tonight i have unsubbed all my accounts because of the shameful new Unified Inventory, which does stuff wrong.

Please CCP Soundwave make the new Unified Inventory optional or take it back to SiSi for further testing... Cry
And please in future do not force the playerbase to use "new shiny ****", make it optional.
Frostiz Celtic's
#1377 - 2012-06-10 23:19:04 UTC  |  Edited by: Frostiz Celtic's
I've tried and tried, each update brings more headaches. Warping through gates, passing through but the camera stays on the old side, this needs to be addressed! Need to log out and back in the reset camera. this needs to be addressed!

Corp location list takes seconds or 1/2 hour to update, this needs to be addressed!

Unified Inv. Failed from the beginning. Need ship button and separate corp button and get them out of the unified list window, this needs to be addressed.

Random no response, no lag detected, CTRL + F = 60 FPS steady, no other net applications show signs of delays, this needs to be addressed.

Dropping items into station secure containers automatically locks those items, no matter what you have the containers settings at, this need to be addressed.

The attempt to redesign the old coding is appreciated, really, i understand dirty code taking up needed space, but this attempt is not the answer you were seeking, it was a quick fix to clean up code but hamper game play as a result.

" To err is human, to really mess things up requires a computer"

Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#1378 - 2012-06-11 04:38:20 UTC
Part 1 of 2:

I have been patiently and continually filing bug reports and posting usablely outlined "Issues" and "Feedback" for 3 weeks, and I have now compiled a list of THANK YOUs ... and ... REMAINING/NEW ISSUES (as of Inferno 1.0.10):


- TOO LONG "TAB" NAMES: ** FIXED! Thank you!
- LAG: Trading/Job Delivering/Moving Massive Amounts/Stacking All/Selling Items: ** FIXED! Thank you! ...Though you do have several other new lag issues (see below)
- MORE TIME-CONSUMING: ** Well.... not quite there, but it's much better. ESPECIALLY "ISK Estimation" not causing noticable lag. Thank you. Please don't stop... (read onward)


- "Nothing Found" REMAINS IN ALL UI WINDOWS' CONTENT BACKGROUNDS AND TRADE WINDOW BACKGROUNDS (when any opened hangar, container, deliveries window, cargohold, etc): If an EMPTY Unified Inventory window of any kind is opened, anything you place into the window(s) remains with the "Nothing Found" words in the background of each window. I'm sensing a theme of this error as I write this...

(see screenshot)

- CHANGING CORP WALLET DIVISIONS: ...STILL takes 10+ seconds each time it is changed.

- INITIAL LOGGING IN TO GAME HAS MASSIVE "SPINNING WHEELS" LAG: It appears if there are several windows open (i.e., Station Inventory, Ship Cargohold, Corporate Hangar(s), Ship Inventory, Deliveries, for example) then it takes 15-45+ seconds for the game to load up all inventory (or lack of) in each remembered-window opened from previous logge din session... thus the appearance of the "spinning wheel of waiting"... Sometimes sufferably.

- "SPINNING WHEELS" ALSO OCCURS WHEN DOCKING INTO A NEW STATION (as above bug): This is especially noticable when docking with a new station that has another corporate office of own corp. THIS HAS BEEN MENTIONED BY MY OWN MINERS AS: A "HINDERENCE" to (what used to be) a quick "mine-dock-dump ore-undock" procedure. (This obviously has reduced mining by up to 75% if a corp member is continually docking with a corp-office-station. To "lessen" this lag, miners have reported that mining and docking-dumping-undocking at NON-CORP OCCUPIED stations help "lessen" this lag, but is ultimately cumbersome to massively haul final mined ore to a corporate-office station in the end.

- "SHIFT-CLICK" STILL DOES NOT OPEN ANY CONTAINERS IN ANY UNIFIED INVENTORY WINDOW: It's ridiculous for me to not use a shortcut that, though worked last week, doesn't now. NOW, I have to "expand" an existing window to see the "TREE"... and then adjust its width so that I can read all the "too far inset to the right" containers in hangars... then right click and select "Open in new window"... then compress the pointlessly narrow "tree exposure". Too many steps for something that could easily be solved simply by DOUBLE-CLICKING the container and have it open in a new window... or a new tab. **Unaddressed since my notation on June 3.

- LACK OF VISIBLE "ROW" DIVIDING LINES IN ALL "UNIFIED INVENTORY WINDOWS": Take a look at the market listings, or the listings of the Science & Industry wndows... ALL ITEMS HAVE VISIBLE ROW LINES. The Unified Inventory windows all lack those lines. Oh, sure, they're there... AT 10% OPACITY. ** Unaddressed since my notation May 24. HIGHLY needed!

(see screenshot)

...AND because your rows lack lines (when not using any icon-type listing), a person may need to use the mouse pointer to "highlight" and item and its contents... SADLY, when this happens, a window pops up and obstructs what I'm trying to see. This has been noted since May 24 verbatim as:

- "POP UP" INFORMATION IS UNNECESSARY AND BLOCKING MY VIEW: ** This is VERY annoying and unchanged since May 24. When hovering my mouse over an item in hangar, it sometimes is because I'm comparing the quantities of it to another item a few lines above it (especially since there are no visible dividing row lines in LIST mode). SADLY I CANNOT "SEE" anything in those spots (whether name or quantity, etc) being covered by by "estimated prices for both unit price and stack price... in the "compact line-by-line listing mode" (which I use because, well, as you may have seen, my screen has a lot of stuff to look at all at once), this is literally making my tasks more of a pain.

(see screenshot)

- EXISTING WINDOWS IN SPACE DO NOT CLOSE WHEN NOT PRESENT: Currently, secure/loot containers in space, POS containers/hangars/modules, Planetary Customs Office windows stay open, even when warping away from them. IN SOME INSTANCES, the existing open windows get "compressed"/"shoved" into the area of where one's own ship's cargohold UI window is.

- CORPORATE TAXATION IS NOT FUNCTIONING: Several members (for example) of my own corporation have noticed that JUST BEFORE AND AFTER Inferno was "released", certain members' mission rewards, bounties, etc (that appear as taxable ISK which is taken from corp member wallets and deposited into the corp's Master wallet) IS NO LONGER FUNCTIONING. [This has been reported with no response.]

- BRACKETS AND LOWERCASE "TAILED" LETTERS ARE TOO LOW - INTERFERING WITH CHAT WINDOW's TOP LINE VS. EXISTING BAS: The brackets and the tail lowercase letters "q,y,p,g,j" and brackets (i.e. "Local [36]"), all extend BELOW the line of the tabs and the current/"foremost" open chat window borderlines... [Bug Report #135869]

(see screenshot)

CLIENT: Windows XP Pro SP3
Jared Tobin
Bloodstone Industries
#1379 - 2012-06-11 04:38:31 UTC
Part 2 of 2:


- PLEASE MAKE "ISK-CALCULATING/EST" VALUES "OPTIONAL": ** Still not publicly addressed: It's really frustrating. Personally, with price estimation and such, that's one of my corporate jobs. THOUGH NOW ITS LAG IS NOT AN ISSUE - ITS TAKING UP SCREEN SPACE... and by the way, "honestly, your price estimations are 50% terribly wrong". I work (play?) in EVE mainly with items of value.
I WILL AGREE, THOUGH: For some people, especially non-industrialists and new players, this may be helpful for those players, BUT PLEASE MAKE IT AN OPTION: IT'S NOT FOR EVERYONE.

- PLEASE ALLOW "ROLLOVER NAMES" FOR ITEMS PARTIALLY VISIBLE IN EXPOSED TREE SECTION OF ANY UNIFIED UI WINDOW: This is something that is quite opposite of ALL other "mouseover" behaviors in the game. I can rollover anything, and its full name (or too much information, like costs of items, etc) will always appear... UNTIL I hover over ANYTHING partially exposed in the "narrow TREE view". This is LESS PRODUCTIVE since I have to not only expand to view the "TREE", but I have to then grab the axpansion divider atop and DRAG IT to the right to be able to read ALL my containers inside hangars inside "CORPORATION". EXAMPLE: In my corp, all containers are named ">> INSERT NAME HERE" to help with alphabetization/organization/ease of discernation. However if we have 10 containers in a Corporate hangar, the "opened TREE view" lists it like this:

>> [line]
>> [line]
>> [line]

So instead of having to drag open the "TREE exposure" column more, if I could see a "pop up/mouse-over" name of the container I can PARTIALLY see, then I can open up the container much more quickly without additional movement and dragging.

- IF YOU DOUBLE-CLICK a place you would like to open, PLEASE MAKE IT AUTOMATICALLY FORCE OPEN in a NEW window. OR GIVE US THE OPTION TO MAKE "DOUBLE-CLICKING" A CONTAINER PERFORM THIS TASK... Because, as we are ALL so used to double-clicking to open a new tab. But NOW, if we do double-click anything, we're stuck with a new window in the same window were in that we can't GO BACK from. This is ridiculously time-consuming. ** This issue/feedback has been noted since May 24.

...AND YES: I have cleared my Cache and reset my Settings more times in the past 3 weeks than I regularly have since January 2012.

So please, when I file a bug report, can someone mention to the Bug Report Responders to include MORE "possible" information than simply "Please try clearing you cache and resetting your settings. If the issue persists, please reopen your report. Thank you."

CLIENT: Windows XP Pro SP3
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#1380 - 2012-06-11 13:42:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulousli Obvious
The EVE Garden Party is currently suffering from a Permanent Panty Raid on High Sec. And CCP came in and busted up all the chest-of-drawers and dressers and storage lockers, so finding anywhere to hide ones remaining underthings is a real chore now.

Honestly guys, those underthings are obtained elsewhere much more cheaply, like A SALE AT PENNEY'S !

Thanks be to Jesus that in the world of MMO's there are a lot of other Garden Parties happening.

It's officially time to decide to pick one of those invites and GO.


I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900