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New dev blog: Unified Inventory Changes

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Royal Amarr Institute
Amarr Empire
#681 - 2012-05-24 22:05:37 UTC
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.

Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#682 - 2012-05-24 22:06:31 UTC
As far as our attempts to help for weeks on the Sisi Forum:

"This is our vision for her, and we want so badly to take you there. But getting there is not an entitlement. It will take hard work, open communication and, above all else, collaboration with you. The greatest lesson for me is the realization that EVE belongs to you, and we at CCP are just the hosts of your experience. When we channel our passion for EVE constructively, we can make this vision a reality together."
-Hilmar Veigar Pétursson

Welp......I for one ain't feelin' it. I believe Hilmar, but I think the rest of CCP didn't get the memo.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Kile Kitmoore
#683 - 2012-05-24 22:09:27 UTC
Took time today to simply use the new UI (Universal Inventory) to run and loot a mission and decided to take notes along the way. I don't know, maybe this will help get UI into a more workable state. Some of this has already been mentioned in this thread.

1. In station, have UI (Universal Inventory) window open. Exit client and log back in, UI is gone. The Treeview width I set is also not saved when I use the Neocom to reopen.

2. With UI opened in station, undock then dock back up. UI is open but the Treeview width is again reset.

3. The Treeview width I set is being saved however, if I first close it using "<<" then open it again using ">>" it shows the proper width I set previously.

4. If I am looking at Item Hanger and undock when I dock back it keeps putting the UI view in the cargo hold of the active ship.

5. Looking at a list of ships. The ship I am active in is my Tengu which has no drone bay, but when I click the ">" next to ship it wants to show me a drone bay. I start to use > under the other ships, some say "None" others say Drone Bay. I guess "None" means that ship has no other "bays". If a ship does not have any extra bays why have any sub with "None" under it? Get rid of the ">" next to the ship if it has no extra bays. Also, would be helpful if next to the ships and bays it actually showed capacity used and how much available as an option to turn off & on in the Treeview. At least tell me if it's being used at all.

6. Speaking of drone bays, I think you missed an opportunity. Under Ship>Drones Treeview it would have been nice if it showed your drone groupings and allow you to add/edit and remove them from UI in station without having to use the drone interface and being in space.

7. Going to reship, found the ship in the Treeview, drag and drop into station but it does not become active, requiring the good old fashion right-click method. The good news, if I am looking at items in a station container and I reship it does not send me into a cargo hold view, thank god.

8. I decide that I want to work with a few station containers moving items about. Open them into separate windows but oh I need to get something in another station so I undock, when I come back everything resets and opened station container windows closed and of course the Treeview width is mucked up.

9. Undocked with a shuttle with nothing in the cargo hold yet the small cargo hold window shows 0 Items 0 Est. price, sigh, wasted screen space. Not sure what I need with a Treeview option when there are no extra bays, I guess to keep things consistent. Staring at my single little cargo window and I can't help but feel I want more space to actually display items rather then fluff around the borders. Wish I could lose the meaningless Treeview icon and move Cargo capacity into that border, loose the filter and Est. price. Guess what? Not everyone wants a small cargo window, which is fine, that's why we need options to close or open the things we need. Even better is a method to save these options on a ship-by-ship basis.

10. Arrive at a new station where I have a ton of stuff. I am one of those guys who likes things organized, hence everything sorted into station containers. Under Item Hanger I see all my station containers, clicking each one shows me the contents but for some reason I wish I could just click the parent, Item Hanger, and it would show the contents of everything in the hanger and inside those station containers. A master inventory of all items not fitted or stored in a ship for that station, now that starts to become a bit more "Unified".

11. Going to get some gear for a ship. The ship is active and instead of opening another window I click the station container which has my modules. It's a pretty big container, I have the "Filter" box in the right corner of the UI but guess what it doesn't drop down a list of saved filters! So really it's just another search box, to use saved filters I have to go back to the Treeview. Typing something in the "Filter" box should do a search but there should also be some icon with a dropdown of all saved filters and you could apply them there also for easy quick access.

12. If someone makes the mistake of either pressing the Cargo or Drone bay from the Fitting window they are going to lose their place in the UI. A back button might be helpful.

13. Icons for the ships would be nice also, as an option, in the Treeview. I personally don't know if I would want them on as it would make the Treeview larger, something I am trying to avoid.

14. Drag and drop ammo from a container to the active ship, works as expected meaning it will come up with "No room" box which you can enter amounts. Drag ammo to the cargo bay onto the fitting screen however does not and gives the "No Enough Cargo Space" error with no option to enter an appropriate amount. This last bit has nothing to do with UI but has always been a problem with the fitting screen.

15. Trouble with doing the drag & drop method is that when you drag from one area, like a station container, it automatically changes the UI view to the destination, in this case my active ship cargo hold. As you can imagine it makes you want to have two windows opened because of this function. While a back button would be helpful it still adds more work that we never had to deal with before. You want to keep everything in one window then give us the option to split the view. That means a little button I can quickly click to show the active ship cargo on the top 1/2 of the UI view and the bottom is whatever container or ship hold I happened to be looking in. Equally as important is if someone is using multiple UI windows that EVE remembers the state of each one.

Kile Kitmoore
#684 - 2012-05-24 22:09:56 UTC

16. Shot some stuff going to loot. Pull out the Noctus, small cargo window with Treeview collapsed. This is not going to work without it so I will need to expand it. I have three cargo containers right next to me, so I double-click each to open. Now have three containers in the Treeview, my view is set to one of the containers and a Loot All option is available. Click Loot All the items in view disappear now I have my view with "Nothing Found". In other words I have a view that is no longer valid and UI does not automatically jump to the next container. Worse yet, manually clicking a valid container does not get rid of the old looted container from the Treeview. I ended up with an Overview with 2 containers and the Treeview having 3. Obvious bug, another round of looting the container was disappearing and changing the view but not to the next cargo container but my ship cargo hold. Also worth noting, the Treeview entries created could not be created fast enough to keep up when double clicking a lot of cans. My guess, when it was trying to calculate the Est. Price for an opened can and I was already trying to open another it just didn't register it with the server.

17. Another missed opportunity, maybe some will disagree. Same as the old system your now going to double click a bunch of containers in the overview but instead of new windows popping up we got a Treeview entries. Why not create a container parent in the Treeview? Clicking the parent would show me the contents of all these valid sub-containers and give me the option to Loot All from the parent or use some of these fancy new filters to help me figure out what to loot. Now that is adding new function to replace the old and makes me want to actually use the UI rather then a bunch of windows I have to keep pressing Loot All a gazillion times. If I just want to selectively grab things then this is another spot where the split view with active cargo hold really shines also. Take it a step further and have these entries automatically created without requiring the player to mindlessly click containers in the overview. That is container entries are automatically created when your in range of a valid container which either you own or has been abandoned.

18. Home and now to use a filter to sort the loot. Let's create salvage filter. Took me a few minutes to figure out the Group>Materials was the method. Was looking for Group>Salvage or Salvaged Materials. No problem got it. This part was were the new UI really made me happy.

Like I mentioned in my other post, I still think this would have been better served to replace the Asset Manager, worked out the kinks then roll out to the ship/hanger replacement. I still think that an option to have Ship Fitting under each ship would be nice also. Hopefully some of these ideas above don't conflict with other functions of the game like POS/Corp. Hanger management etc.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#685 - 2012-05-24 22:12:04 UTC
Kile Kitmoore wrote:

It is astonishing. If they can't see the passion and truth in these walls of text the past few days they are indeed off on a maverick course.

But then the filmaker David Lynch observed that the line between a Maverick and a Charlatain is razor thin.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Ambivalent Inc
Coney Island Ski Club
#686 - 2012-05-24 22:21:28 UTC
The amount of bitching is unbelievable. I for one am extremely hopful for the future of this new system. Sure it's not perfect, but the 50 windows that never stuck just right was sure as hell not perfect either. I'd much rather them continue to strive for easier access than to just stick their heads in the ground and pretend there wasnt a problem. And if you didnt think there were problems with the old system, then you should check into a mental hospital. Just sayin.
Science and Trade Institute
Caldari State
#687 - 2012-05-24 22:23:26 UTC
Please just put it back the way it was. Don't even make it an option and complicate your code. Just give us back nice little practical, snappable windows.

The old system was not broken but the new is. The old windows actually made it feel more like you were looking at a can in space rather than some dinky game interface. They were also very intuitive and easy to use. Cans that give the value of everything do not help game realism and part of what makes eve fun is the learning what's valuable.

By all means offer a valuation service to value all your goods, but make it something you pay for - like an agent. Think role play rather than gimmicks.
Xen Investments
#688 - 2012-05-24 22:24:47 UTC
ive been doing next to nothing in eve since the patch.... its a chat system for me mostly at the moment. I had to make some fuel blocks, and it took up most of my screen space.
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#689 - 2012-05-24 22:25:12 UTC
SigmaPi wrote:
I'd much rather them continue to strive for easier access than to just stick their heads in the ground and pretend there wasnt a problem.

And they did just exactly that for 6 weeks as we typed all this crap across 25 pages of Sisi Forum Treads. Too late.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Sunshine and Lollipops
#690 - 2012-05-24 22:28:36 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
SigmaPi wrote:
Sure it's not perfect, but the 50 windows that never stuck just right was sure as hell not perfect either.
Good thing it was quite easy to pare them down to just four windows that did stick just right…

…and too bad that the new system isn't capable of replicating that simplicity.
Tribal Liberation Distribution and Retail
#691 - 2012-05-24 22:32:19 UTC
SigmaPi wrote:
The amount of bitching is unbelievable. I for one am extremely hopful for the future of this new system. Sure it's not perfect, but the 50 windows that never stuck just right was sure as hell not perfect either. I'd much rather them continue to strive for easier access than to just stick their heads in the ground and pretend there wasnt a problem. And if you didnt think there were problems with the old system, then you should check into a mental hospital. Just sayin.

There really wasn't a problem with the old system. The assets window certainly has some issues though, particularly the corp assets tab in the corp management window.

Whether or not you win the game matters not.  It's if you bought it.

Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#692 - 2012-05-24 22:37:43 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulousli Obvious
Maybe somewhere along the line we all misunderstood the definition of 'New Content' or something.............

It sure made the 2 Courier Missions I attempted last night a lot more complex as they should be, but in a horribly wrong way.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Caprican Erock
CE Diversified Holdings Incorporated
#693 - 2012-05-24 22:50:12 UTC
Dennie Fleetfoot wrote:
The amazing thing is that nearly a month ago on the test server feedback forum I made the, at the time, bold claim that many people would hate this with Incarna level's of vitriol.

I was told by many, that clearly hadn't tried the Unifubared Inventory on Sisi for more than 5 minutes, that I was being an alarmist and in that in no way was that going to happen.....

Skip to the day it hit TQ. Threadnought after Threadnought on the forums calling it what it is. Incarna 1.5

Suddenly, it's Soundwave, one of the SENIOR game designers, writing the dev blog and asking for help after Team Game of Thrones singularly failed to implement or follow up anything about the reams and reams of suggestions and feedback given about the unifubared inventory on the test server forums.

I think it's telling that Soundwave seems to have been put in charge to sort out this latest debacle.

And just so you think I'm not being totally negative. Every other aspect of Inferno that I've so far tried I love. Hell, if the Unified Inventory had been limited to just Assets I'd have liked it too. It's just beyond useless as a minute by minute gaming interface.

You should know by now what we don't like about and how to sort it out. Either fix it so it can be used in the way that WE, the paying customers would like to use it or man up, admit you broke something that wasn't and ditch it.

This is pretty much the discussion we had in TEST after going on SISI that if this goes live it's going to be a shitfest. The moment I logged in there I let out a massive and audible WTF that my friends could hear that that got them rolling "oh I guess he just stumbled upon this terrible new UI for inventory interface for the first time". Everyone we had on SISI at the time (about 20 people) agreed that we didn't want this and that it makes EvE barely playable. Now, we had bigger fish to fry so we swallowed it and moved on. But, I don't think any of us expected this live on TQ. I know a number of them (similar players to myself with a wide range of assets) took the time to post about it as I did.
Josef Djugashvilis
#694 - 2012-05-24 22:54:27 UTC
Fabulousli Obvious wrote:
Maybe somewhere along the line we all misunderstood the definition of 'New Content' or something.............

It sure made the 2 Courier Missions I attempted last night a lot more complex as they should be, but in a horribly wrong way.

+1 for another Oscar quote.

This is not a signature.

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#695 - 2012-05-24 22:59:01 UTC  |  Edited by: Dream Five
I think the main advantage of the new system is there's a shortcut for all windows, so that you can quickly drag stuff on any of them without having to open it. BUT in many cases you want to do more complex operations than that such as stack items, split stack, sell individual items etc. HOWEVER because it doesn't remember any of its state even this advantage currently comes at a price that far exceeds the convenience itself in terms of the number of clicks required.

Keep the tree view or some kind of a customizable window with drag-to destination shortcuts/icons but allow to undock individual windows PLUS It's ABSOLUTELY CRUCIAL to remember/persistently save the complete state of ALL of these windows. This includes position, which subfolders are expanded, CORP hangars, fuel bay, individual ships etc etc. Also this saving of state SHOULD NOT BE BUGGY like it was before.

Until that's implemented ROLL BACK TO OLD UI.

At the very least as a required hotfix, add keyboard shortcuts for ALL subfolders, such as corp hangar division1, 2 and make it so you can cut and paste items. The single window concept just doesn't work without cut and paste shortcuts. Corp delvieries shortcut is broken right now btw.

Not to mention plain bugs such as corp hangar is not accessible upon redock, i have to press alt-c twice every time. Then the arrow next to corp hangar keeps collapsing (not remembering its state). I'm rapidly acquiring carpal tunnel syndrome here.
Frostiz Celtic's
#696 - 2012-05-24 23:01:37 UTC
If 1 voice is counted in a sea of angry people, add mine. I've tried for days now to acclimate to the new inventory system to no avail. Quick switching ships and double checking ammo is topped off, not happening. Mass loot fields in Noc, from 30 seconds to several minutes.

I thought the price estimate was interesting at the windows bottom but it's more than 30% inaccurate and the bold border is wasted space.

Sad that so many other features also added with this update are bypassed to get to this topic, although very important to address indeed.

I was off work today and i normally camp in EVE just doing my thing, what i actually got accomplished in 8+ hours would fit in a 2 hour session easily.

In the end, CCP will do what they do, we shall adapt and overcome or find an alternative either way.

Scrapping = sucks, ship swapping = sucks, sorting corp stuff = sucks, combined inventory, other than buying and selling at the market all day has no useful purpose to me. By the way, i don't camp the market, wasted feature.

" To err is human, to really mess things up requires a computer"

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#697 - 2012-05-24 23:02:49 UTC
Ribikoka wrote:
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.


Ya, they are completely out of touch with reality..
Fabulousli Obvious
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#698 - 2012-05-24 23:13:20 UTC  |  Edited by: Fabulousli Obvious
An appropriate**Showtune ** Big smile only 1:21 long ! Especially :20 in and the End.

I am NOT YOUNG ENOUGH to know EVERYTHING.  ~~ Oscar Wilde, writer, d. November 30, 1900

Dream Five
Renegade Pleasure Androids
#699 - 2012-05-24 23:13:53 UTC
Perhaps a smarter idea than this would be if you hold down alt or some other key combination like alt-shift, it opens up a floating list of accessible containers, then you can drag an item from current location to any of the containers. That will provide the shortcut offered by the current UI, but in a more convenient way. Also from the same UI make individual windows undockable/with persistent positioning and other state. Seriously guys think about what you are doing from the convenience perspective please... this means.. don't make ANY of the people's every day operations that used to take 1 click and drag take 4-5 more clicks now..
Verge of Collapse
#700 - 2012-05-24 23:14:32 UTC
Ribikoka wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Update: POS structure renaming got done yesterday and will be included in todays update.

We'll continue going through the list :)

We dont want pos structure renaming, that is just a brain operation with axe again.
More typing for players ? Who want renaming 150 pos modules at every pos ? That is the solution for a bad inventory system ?
We not need this, we want back the old fully functionally inventory system we want to forget this inventory nightmare.
Because this is it, a nightmare, a horrible,terrible unusable inventory system.
We want play and fun, not wasting time and wrestling with inventory system.
Bring back when the new system is fully operational without bugs, dumb ideas, and when WORKING fine !!!
Put back to test server because this alpha state inventory is not finished and shame for all CCP developers.

Please do not speak for POS owners and users. POS Structure renaming is a godsend for us and I will gladly get 2k wormholer to call you a utter **** for saying otherwise.