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New inventory system > honest opinion and feedback.

First post
DJ P0N-3
Table Flippendeavors
#121 - 2012-05-23 15:17:57 UTC  |  Edited by: DJ P0N-3
POS stuff I would like:

- The ability to name previously un-nameable POS mods. This spares us all a lot of clicking around in the tree and trying to keep count of which module is my destination. Right now I can go straight to the relevant tab from the tree (good) but I have no way of knowing which CHA is the one that I want without clicking around in the tree first (bad). I can drag and drop to the tree as long as I know what my destination is. I wouldn't mind having back the ability to open a CHA from space, either.

- The ability to filter what appears in the tree (we're getting into feature creep territory here, but still). I want a filter for SMAs and CHAs only, a filter for defensive mods only, a filter for industrial mods only, a filter for wrecks only, etc etc. I'd like to be able to switch between filters with a single click or choice within dropdown menu. Splitting types of POS mods into their own trees is a good step in this direction, but for the ultimate awesome I want to make the tree as customizable as scan filters or my overview.

- The ability to separate out a type of window and have it stay there, remembering its size (which it does every time you re-open it, which is nice) and whether or not the tree was expanded. This way I can open my cargohold without being slowed down by the tree. I can live with loading times for SMAs -- I've been living with that for ages already. Loading times on my cargo hold make me unhappy.

The first point is a positive necessity for happy POS living. The latter two mean that I could take the load off of my overview for showing me random stuff in space. For example, I don't have to worry about cluttering up my "death to all moving objects" overview with wrecks when I'm looting/clicking around in space to find the relevant wrecks if I can have the inventory tree do all the work there.
Ekan Jaytee
#122 - 2012-05-23 15:19:05 UTC
Give us back neocom dockable multiple inventory windows for easier
drag and drop operations. And bring back the "my ships" window with the
big icons for the ship we own.
IMO, while the UI needs work, this new inventory is a step backwards.
Republic University
Minmatar Republic
#123 - 2012-05-23 15:19:41 UTC
Personally I hate the new inventory system.

I used to like how I could have the ship and main inventory stacked in one window and have the ship cargo hold open in another window. That way it was very easy to move things around. Now whenever I relog or what's even worse just re dock, they all dissappear and I have to spend a couple of minutes opening up the windows again.

Also when salvaging I could double click all the wrecks to open them all in one stacked window and quickly loot them all in seconds. This is no longer possible, e.g. now have to open one wreck, loot that, then open the next wreck etc. etc.. Really annoying.

Vincent Athena
#124 - 2012-05-23 15:28:54 UTC
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Quick update to the inventory stuff:

We created a list of changes we'd like to make yesterday. Today we're going through it and planning when to do what. I'll post it up later today so you guys can see the changes.

One of the changes I'm mulling over two different options and I'd really like your feedback on it. Specifically, it's the POSs showing all the inventories you can interact with:

Solution one: All POS inventories are treated as wrecks. You fly to them, open them and they're put in your inventory with a little "x" next to them so you can remove them once you've used them.

Solution two: All POS inventories are put in to trees, so you can open/close whatever subsection of inventories you're currently interacting with.

Anyway, feel free to add some feedback to those two and I'll return with a more detailed list of changes later today.

You cannot make them pop into the tree when I get in interaction range? That's what I would like.
Second best would be your tree option. At a POS many times you are moving something from one structure to another, so somehow you got to have both showing, either as separate windows, or as a window and a tree entry.

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steejans nix
Vanishing Point.
The Initiative.
#125 - 2012-05-23 15:30:19 UTC
The new inventory system just proves the dev who did it doesn't play eve, made a simple workable system a total pain in the ass.

Used to be the case that something as simple as putting more ammo in a ship was as easy as it should be, now we got this, seriously dev's should be made to play the game more to understand the game and how it works.
Sunshine and Lollipops
#126 - 2012-05-23 15:41:28 UTC
By the way, I want to get on the bandwagon for this as well…
CCP Soundwave wrote:
A right click menu with 15 options is about the worst functionality in the world.

A contextual menu with 15 options that are relevant to the context is very good functionality.
A contextual menu that has a bunch of options that aren't relevant to the context is very bad functionality.

Appropriately enough, the what counts as “good” or “bad” for a context menu will very much depend on the context, and will have almost nothing to do with the number of options available. In other words, you are using the worst metric imaginable for determining what is good and bad.

In addition, as others have pointed out, this error is compounded by the fact that you have chosen to remove things that are contextually relevant and left options in that are irrelevant to the context — quite the opposite of what you should have done. An argument could be made that you want to have some “quick access” functions mixed in there as well, but we're still talking about a context menu here and you have to consider whether or not that quick access is of a lower or higher priority than the contextually sensitive actions you want to have in the menu. Here, too, you've made a rather silly error: much of the stuff left in is in no way a high priority for quick access.

So let's see what we have…

· I do not particularly need to “show info” on my active ship (the fitting window offers more relevant information and has a show info button if I need it.
· “View contents” is equally questionable — again, I have the fitting window and the inventory. and they offer more and better info.
· If there's an argument for leaving “Open cargohold” there, then the same reason applies to the other bays on the ship.
· “View market details” and “Buy this type” essentially do the same thing — why are both there? “Add to market quickbar” is also covered by the market details shortcut, and of supreme irrelevance to the ship manipulation context.
· “Find in contracts”… ok, I suppose. It's not particularly high priority and has very little to do with the ship context — there's a perfectly working quick-access button to it in the NeoCom.
· “Leave ship” and “Change name” can stay (the former because it actually manipulates the ship and the latter because where else would you put it?), and “Strip fitting” could stay because it actually does things to the ship… but it's fairly far down on the list since the fitting window already does this.
· Finally, “undock” — utterly irrelevant to the ship and already provided by the quickly accessed undock button.

That leaves us with six or seven items that could easily be removed, one very relevant one that isn't there (ship fitting), and lots of room for things like opening the various bays and cargo holds on the ship.
Babel Matrix
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#127 - 2012-05-23 15:44:31 UTC
Is a hybrid system of using the new inventory window -only- for ship, hangar, cargo and wreck inventory and using the old system for all other applications too much to ask for?

Seems the majority of trouble comes for far-reaching trade tycoons, POS management and corporate hangar management, (the Orca bug is just that; not a lag issue from the new system, but just a hiccup that comes from Unified-Winferno.)

Aside from a bigger load of coding for CCP, (sorry, ladies and gentlemen therein,) wouldn't this satisfy those who are happy with the new system (i.e. non-"power players" and miners,) and those who desperately depend on the old, (everyone else)?
#128 - 2012-05-23 15:48:59 UTC
I think your cargo hold should be seperate fom your inventory. No reason it should merge.

In space I want to see the old style hold with cans opening in a seperate window. Looting on the fly with limited space is basically impossible now.

In station you can keep the tree just have the cargohold seperate like before. I would like my hold to stay open and positioned just like the old version.

My cargo is not part of the station and there is no reason it should be treated as such.
Flakey Foont
#129 - 2012-05-23 15:49:19 UTC
Cord Binchiette wrote:
CCP Soundwave wrote:
Quick update to the inventory stuff:

We created a list of changes we'd like to make yesterday. Today we're going through it and planning when to do what....

I have a better idea. Why not make a list of OUR requested changes?

Why did you not check it out on SISI? Where WE offered feedback?
Sunshine and Lollipops
#130 - 2012-05-23 15:51:09 UTC  |  Edited by: Tippia
Babel Matrix wrote:
Is a hybrid system of using the new inventory window -only- for ship, hangar, cargo and wreck inventory and using the old system for all other applications too much to ask for?

Seems the majority of trouble comes for far-reaching trade tycoons, POS management and corporate hangar management, (the Orca bug is just that; not a lag issue from the new system, but just a hiccup that comes from Unified-Winferno.)

Aside from a bigger load of coding for CCP, (sorry, ladies and gentlemen therein,) wouldn't this satisfy those who are happy with the new system (i.e. non-"power players" and miners,) and those who desperately depend on the old, (everyone else)?
If it was only for the actually large collections of items — basically anything in station (hangar, personal hangar, assets, corp assets… maaaaaybe ship hangar) — then perhaps. For anything else, especially for temporary inventories such as wrecks and for small or single-item inventories such as ship cargo holds and bays, it is doing more harm than good at the moment.

Fundamentally, it needs to shed the “unified”/single-window design philosophy because this concept of “a location for items” is so ubiquitous, so varied, and with so many different requirements that unifying them all into one big pile just creates more of a mess than it solves.
Oberine Noriepa
#131 - 2012-05-23 15:52:32 UTC
Stranger Skies Collective
#132 - 2012-05-23 15:54:14 UTC  |  Edited by: Antangil
I would simply like it to work reliably - I can learn a new inventory system, but right now I'm locked out of my CHA for no reason that I or my corporation mates can ascertain. We've reset all conceivable roles, I've done all the normal stuff (relog, clear cache, got roles revoked and restored, client repair, reboot, try different computer), and it just doesn't work.

Failing an actual working update to a critical game mechanic, a warning that I may need to jettison enough ammo for the next week would have been useful.

Also, could we be allowed to hide things like pos guns and hangers for which we don't have access? Even if we couldn't rename all the things, it'd help limit the confusion. It'd be best if that was handled server-side to cut down on the minute-long reindexing that occurs every time I jump, dock, or afk before I can access my onboard cargo.

I'd go shoot missiles at things so I can be appeased by the (fantastic and beautiful btw) new graphics, but I can't get any more missiles out of the CHA. Ugh

OK. Rant over. TL:DR - fix CHA access permissions, let us rename and/or hide stuff in the index, disassociate onboard cargo with the indexing process.

[EDIT: Patch notes above say they're trying to fix some of the stuff I mentioned. I just hope they fix the permissions at the same time.]
disasterous industries
#133 - 2012-05-23 15:55:48 UTC
Oberine Noriepa wrote:

i stopped reading at the..... Hello spacefriends....
Babel Matrix
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#134 - 2012-05-23 15:58:12 UTC
I think your cargo hold should be seperate fom your inventory. No reason it should merge.

In space I want to see the old style hold with cans opening in a seperate window. Looting on the fly with limited space is basically impossible now.

In station you can keep the tree just have the cargohold seperate like before. I would like my hold to stay open and positioned just like the old version.

My cargo is not part of the station and there is no reason it should be treated as such.

If you think of the tabs on the left as tabs used to be on the top of a bar, and if Shift+Click for a new window actually works, we're basically running at the same speed as before for looting, no? Aside from time to adapt to a new system, are we really suffering any delays on that part?

Granted, to support whatever troubles you might be experiencing, I'm speaking as someone who, since the new system was in place, has only shot rats, done PI export/import and can-mines. In those capacities, I love the new system. Perhaps I'm not getting what you mean by limited space?

I can see some justification in having the cargohold LOAD separately, but have it kept in the same window. The one-button access is a blessing, but loading my 400 items whenever I just want to dump minerals is a bit of a bother, I'll give you that.

So, given some time to get used to the space version and given an inventory window that doesn't load the hangar inventory until you tell it to, would you find the system satisfactory?
Babel Matrix
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#135 - 2012-05-23 15:59:42 UTC
disasteur wrote:
Oberine Noriepa wrote:

i stopped reading at the..... Hello spacefriends....

You're listening to a guy named after a Transformer. Some suspension of disbelief is required...

#136 - 2012-05-23 16:02:13 UTC
I like the new inventory system , but it needs some modifications.

A) Need to include ALL material form the "Assets" tab.
UInv should be just that, not much unified of all assets are not listed in one window.

Very easy solution here. The problem is you want the UInv window to do it all, not necessary.
1 - Keep all the same ways of opening inventory from before (Cargo, Cans, Hangars) Open and add stuff just as before.
2 - Make the Unified Inventory Window its own separate function. Whatever you to in the other windows, is reflected in the unified inventory if you want to open it.
3 - Basically, making the old windows the portals, and the UI system the hub for centralized auditing / moving.

C) Optimize ship cargo.
Now it takes longer just to view current ship cargo since it needs to load ALL my inventory.

Ships in Hangar
Duble click use to open cargo, now it activates ship and makes ship disappear.
Fix both of these. At least make it so not make the ship disappear when I activate it,

Primary Test Subject • SmackTalker Elite

Babel Matrix
Federal Navy Academy
Gallente Federation
#137 - 2012-05-23 16:02:50 UTC
Oberine Noriepa wrote:

Well, at least they put water in the buckets instead of gasoline. It won't quell the rebellion completely, but they're on the right track.
SoC Darkord
Silentium Mortalitas
#138 - 2012-05-23 16:04:22 UTC
Babel Matrix wrote:
Oberine Noriepa wrote:

Well, at least they put water in the buckets instead of gasoline. It won't quell the rebellion completely, but they're on the right track.

I think that's bleach... not water O_O

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Karl Hobb
Imperial Margarine
#139 - 2012-05-23 16:04:29 UTC
Babel Matrix wrote:
If you think of the tabs on the left as tabs used to be on the top of a bar, and if Shift+Click for a new window actually works, we're basically running at the same speed as before for looting, no? Aside from time to adapt to a new system, are we really suffering any delays on that part?

We're not running at the same speed.

Old System:
- Open one loot can, position it where you want it, any time you have no loot can open and you then open one, it moves to that position.
- Open one loot can, open a second and put it into the tab with the first. All subsequent loot cans open in the tabbed window.
- Spamming "Loot All" closes a tab and puts the focus on the next loot tab.

New System:
- Open loot can into the same window as your cargohold.
- Cannot spam "Loot All" because after pressing the button focus shifts to your cargohold.

- Loss of functionality.

A professional astro-bastard was not available so they sent me.

Liam Li
#140 - 2012-05-23 16:07:33 UTC
To be honest, it took me a good 10 minutes to get used to the new inventory window, after that I kinda liked using it.

"Did I do That"....Nice Corpse