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Post if you are unsubing over the new inventory, as thats the only way CCP listens

First post
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#921 - 2012-06-10 10:43:41 UTC
Man, the loot windows are soooo much faster than they used to be. Loot all, window closes instantly, click the next loot all button. PERFECK!

Hello, hello again.

The Order Of Entropy
#922 - 2012-06-10 10:53:07 UTC  |  Edited by: barvo
Kathryn Railly wrote:
As long as you keep your subscriptions going CCP will continue to make these type of design decisions that go against the will of Eve's players.

What happened in the Incarna protests could only ever work once. "FIX IT OR IZ UNSUBBIN". I was on that bandwagon, I shot the statue, I cancelled my subscriptions on three accounts (only two back active now btw). But the trouble is, now every bastard sees something they don't like, and starts a thread on it saying "pledge to unsub". The trouble is, short of breaking "undock" button, I don't think CCP can ever do anything that galvanises opinion quite so hard towards mass unsubscription ever again.

Also, it's Too Much Effort to keep unsubbing every time you see an issue - hell, half the people who pledged to unsub might already still be unsubbed from that when they bought 12 months of game time, and have forgotten they're burning down the clock. The second they tick over the forgotten unsubscription, the first thing they do is not going to be to download Skyrim, it's to whip out that credit card and re-sub.

That was a one time only threat, we used it and carried through on our actions well, but it ain't going to work again for something as pathetic and trivial as "I don't like my new cargohold". What utter bullshit.

ETA: If it ever is required in the future, CCP will wait much longer to see the actual trend before they believe it and act on it.
Qvar Dar'Zanar
Ministry of War
Amarr Empire
#923 - 2012-06-10 11:14:21 UTC
^ What this guy above me said. Somebody give him a medal.
Mallak Azaria
Caldari Provisions
Caldari State
#924 - 2012-06-10 12:10:16 UTC
barvo wrote:
Kathryn Railly wrote:
As long as you keep your subscriptions going CCP will continue to make these type of design decisions that go against the will of Eve's players.

What happened in the Incarna protests could only ever work once. "FIX IT OR IZ UNSUBBIN". I was on that bandwagon, I shot the statue, I cancelled my subscriptions on three accounts (only two back active now btw). But the trouble is, now every bastard sees something they don't like, and starts a thread on it saying "pledge to unsub". The trouble is, short of breaking "undock" button, I don't think CCP can ever do anything that galvanises opinion quite so hard towards mass unsubscription ever again.

Also, it's Too Much Effort to keep unsubbing every time you see an issue - hell, half the people who pledged to unsub might already still be unsubbed from that when they bought 12 months of game time, and have forgotten they're burning down the clock. The second they tick over the forgotten unsubscription, the first thing they do is not going to be to download Skyrim, it's to whip out that credit card and re-sub.

That was a one time only threat, we used it and carried through on our actions well, but it ain't going to work again for something as pathetic and trivial as "I don't like my new cargohold". What utter bullshit.

ETA: If it ever is required in the future, CCP will wait much longer to see the actual trend before they believe it and act on it.

Agreed. It's basically human stupidity at work here, similar to a general applying the same tactic over & over because it worked the first time.

This post was lovingly crafted by a member of the Goonwaffe Posting Cabal, proud member of the popular gay hookup site, Spelling Bee, Grammar Gestapo & #1 Official Gevlon Goblin Fanclub member.

#925 - 2012-06-10 12:32:06 UTC
Was inactive, but logged in to see the new inventory mechanics (amongst other stuff).

Logged off 5 mins later......stunned....

Now I am just patiently waiting for them to fix this mess.
Sloppy Podfarts
Hedion University
Amarr Empire
#926 - 2012-06-10 14:45:11 UTC
Baske wrote:
Was inactive, but logged in to see the new inventory mechanics (amongst other stuff).

Logged off 5 mins later......stunned....

Now I am just patiently waiting for them to fix this mess.

It is truly ****ing terrible.
The new time-wasting fail window needs to be made optional.
Kevin Tsutola
#927 - 2012-06-10 19:59:19 UTC
Well this isn't a bad idea, because all that is going on is they are slowly changing the new inventory UI to be like the old one lol. How bout we just change it back? Or give us an option because it's terrible even with the fixes. And yes if enough people do they WILL listen, that is their money
Kevin Tsutola
#928 - 2012-06-10 20:06:48 UTC
CCP Guard wrote:
Patch notes for today's patch.

Some fixes to the Unified Inventory issues people have been running into. I know this doesn't cover everyone's concerns, just posting this in the relevant threads so everyone is aware of the current status.

The whole issue is the Unified inventory. I'm sorry that not enough people with brains played your test server to tell you how terrible it was but sometimes you just gotta use your head and actually PLAY the game some.
Kevin Tsutola
#929 - 2012-06-10 20:27:15 UTC
Fabulousli Obvious wrote:
Gallinari wrote:
Unsubbed over a new inventory system that works, but you're not yet used to? lol ok.

I for one will NEVER get used to it. And I've used it over a month on Sisi. How about you ?

Agreed terrible change and it needs to be changed back. Was liking this game until this **** happened
Ginseng Jita
#930 - 2012-06-10 21:20:14 UTC tears are some of the best tears.
Captain' Jack Sparrow
#931 - 2012-06-10 22:40:30 UTC
Hey there,

Just letting you guys know there is an "official" thread for Unified Inventory feedback. I have been told this by GMs and Devs. Head on over there and tell them what's up!

Vaerah Vahrokha
Vahrokh Consulting
#932 - 2012-06-10 23:18:47 UTC
Captain' Jack Sparrow wrote:
Hey there,

Just letting you guys know there is an "official" thread for Unified Inventory feedback. I have been told this by GMs and Devs. Head on over there and tell them what's up!

Posting over there does not make a lot of difference.

barvo wrote:

What happened in the Incarna protests could only ever work once. "FIX IT OR IZ UNSUBBIN". I was on that bandwagon, I shot the statue, I cancelled my subscriptions on three accounts (only two back active now btw). But the trouble is, now every bastard sees something they don't like, and starts a thread on it saying "pledge to unsub". The trouble is, short of breaking "undock" button, I don't think CCP can ever do anything that galvanises opinion quite so hard towards mass unsubscription ever again.

Unsubbing is used and abused but what else do you propose to do? Take it in he ass from developers who can't even do their own good (to stay employed)?

Captain' Jack Sparrow
#933 - 2012-06-11 00:56:27 UTC
Vaerah Vahrokha wrote:

Posting over there does not make a lot of difference.

I agree.

I had a simple question that I was asking in other threads. Instead of answering my question in THOSE threads, a dev pointed me to the "official" thread I mentioned - so I posted my question there, as instructed.

I am still awaiting an answer to that question.

Karloth Valois
1st. Pariah Malefactor corp.
The New Eden Yacht Club.
#934 - 2012-06-11 01:04:09 UTC
I like it

that is all

It's not been nice, but thanks for using lube

Sanadras Riahn
Turbo Nuclear Pirate Punch
#935 - 2012-06-11 03:02:08 UTC
Unsubbing during the Incarna protests was a rational thing to do, as the totality of what happened was game-changing/breaking.

Unsubbing over a functionality change to an inventory screen is just tempter tantrums at this point.

It took me all of three minutes before I realized what all was happening with the Unified inventory when I opened it, then suddenly, it worked great. A few bugs aside, I LIKE this inventory screen.

If you're looking for individual loot windows for every single frakking thing, World of Warcraft features individual bags, and can be subbed to -------------------------> That way.

Tradition defines and shapes a person, but should be evaluated frequently; far too often does Tradition no longer help, but hobble a person and stunt their growth. Especially a Capsuleer.

Surfin's PlunderBunny
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#936 - 2012-06-11 03:07:27 UTC
Sanadras Riahn wrote:
Unsubbing during the Incarna protests was a rational thing to do, as the totality of what happened was game-changing/breaking.

Unsubbing over a functionality change to an inventory screen is just tempter tantrums at this point.

It took me all of three minutes before I realized what all was happening with the Unified inventory when I opened it, then suddenly, it worked great. A few bugs aside, I LIKE this inventory screen.

If you're looking for individual loot windows for every single frakking thing, World of Warcraft features individual bags, and can be subbed to -------------------------> That way.

<------------- Hello Kitty Online that way Big smile

"Little ginger moron" ~David Hasselhoff 

Want to see what Surf is training or how little isk Surf has?

Mine n Mellow
#937 - 2012-06-11 03:18:06 UTC
3 accounts now expired, unfortunately I paid a year on the card for this one.
Why does CCP insist on fixing what's not broke?
A true artist knows when to stop. The mona Lisa would have had tatoos and piercings if CCP painted it
Critical Mass Inc
#938 - 2012-06-11 03:56:45 UTC
The whole thing is still clumsy as hell.

If they can't fix the looting issues can they at least give us a hotkey for 'loot all'? Tracking back and forth across the screen is a pain in the afterburner.

Can they make it so that when dragging something to another area of the tree is doesn't take over the window with that 'dropped' location if I spend more than a fraction of a second over it?

Can we get an option in the tree so that the active ship can be locked at the top of the tree and always visible? Like a split window in Excel where you can keep the top row(s) always visible? Scrolling through the tree is annoying and ties to the issue of 'spending more than a fraction of a second on a tree header and opening it up.

Can we PLEASE fix station containers configured to 'unlock' to stop locking everything we put in them when we drop multiple items?

Can we get back the functionality where dumping an entire ship's cargo bay to the item hangar will also dump any ships in that cargo bay to the station hangar?

Can we get a 'refresh' option for when the whole inventory system gets hung up and just spins and spins? You currently have to restart the client to clear it.

This message brought to you by Experience(tm). When common sense fails you, experience will come to the rescue. Experience(tm) from the makers of CONCORD.

"If you are part of the problem, you will be nerfed." -MadMuppet

Deep Core Mining Inc.
Caldari State
#939 - 2012-06-11 06:03:09 UTC
So many players hate the new unintuitive inventory system.

It would seem like common sense for CCP to just give an option to choose which mode of inventory you would like.

Why hasn't this happened yet? Does CCP like making people dislike the game more and more every day? That doesn't sound very forward thinking on their part IMO.
Ranger 1
Ranger Corp
Vae. Victis.
#940 - 2012-06-11 06:12:50 UTC
Diesel47 wrote:
So many players hate the new unintuitive inventory system.

It would seem like common sense for CCP to just give an option to choose which mode of inventory you would like.

Why hasn't this happened yet? Does CCP like making people dislike the game more and more every day? That doesn't sound very forward thinking on their part IMO.

Probably because a LOT of people don't like needing to have multiple windows open every time they undock.

That, and it's rarely simple to code a reliable system that has two completely different structures available to do the same thing.

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