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Fanfest 2012 Breaking News: Dust 514 Keynote

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CCP Navigator
C C P Alliance
#1 - 2012-03-22 18:46:52 UTC  |  Edited by: CCP Navigator
Those watching the Live Stream of Fanfest witnessed an historical event—the true linking of player action between two games on two different platforms in the same shared universe. During an intense battle on the planet surface where the immortal mercenaries of DUST 514 wreaked havoc on their enemies, the attacking forces called on assistance from a near orbit pilot in EVE Online to clear the path to victory by bombarding the planet in real time. In this true first-glimpse at gameplay, the yet unreleased free-to-download-and-play PlayStation 3 exclusive DUST 514 showed that the future of the EVE universe has a truly limitless potential with the addition of the AAA first person shooter.
Ryunosuke Kusanagi
#2 - 2012-03-22 18:53:43 UTC
First? also Orbital strikes looked pretty sweet, also, dont walk in front of the heavy arms without taking damage :)
Sephira Galamore
Inner Beard Society
#3 - 2012-03-22 18:54:01 UTC
The part I saw was awesome!

.. sadly, that was only some seconds, as the stream was messed up just at the start of the Keynote (as everyone tuned in).
Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#4 - 2012-03-22 18:54:19 UTC
Really nice, but we already knew about it.

Now tell us why should we help mercenaries or hire them.
Cruor Angelicus
#5 - 2012-03-22 18:56:46 UTC
Bombardment was ******* awesome

The Drake is a Lie

Sebiestor Tribe
Minmatar Republic
#6 - 2012-03-22 18:59:24 UTC
too bad HD stream stopped working during the dust demo.
D Program
#7 - 2012-03-22 19:02:11 UTC
Epic ****!

What is this sorcery?

Callidus Dux
School of Applied Knowledge
Caldari State
#8 - 2012-03-22 19:04:51 UTC  |  Edited by: Callidus Dux
Dust. What?
Is it the game without me? Big smile

And yeah!
Camios wrote:
Really nice, but we already knew about it.

Now tell us why should we help mercenaries or hire them.

If I control the system in EVE; why do I need mercenaries from DUST 514? If the enemy has no control of this system, he will not defend the planet. That makes a battle on the ground lapsed.


If I am able to nuke dusties in EVE; why should I hire other dusties to battle with them on the planet? I can nuke them in EVE. Thats enough. No dustie will try to defend a planet without the possibility to win but always get a bomb on his head.
Jag Kara
The Scope
Gallente Federation
#9 - 2012-03-22 19:08:49 UTC
Tried the game at fanfest earlier today. it is going to be awesome.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#10 - 2012-03-22 19:16:33 UTC  |  Edited by: LtCol Laurentius
I'm still left with more questions that answers tbh. The Dust-EVE link is still very very unclear. I expected more after all the hype.

1) How do you expect Dust Players on PS3 to fund their PVP? Grinding for Isk? Not likely. Getting funded by EVE players? Maybe, if you are good. Paying Aurum? Probably.

2) You have 7 years worth of skills and a complex skilling system resembling EVEs (with a twist, but still), and thus you clearly expect people to commit to this game for a long time. And yet, you go F2P, which in plainspeak means that you expect a lot of your players to pay real money to get what they need (see question 1 above). After all, you are not a charity organization. Exactly how long do you expect people to be willing to pay for kit to play Dust?

3) What happens if there are 300 Abbadons shooting that surface target instead of one? Do you think Dust players on a PS3 will continue playing if they just get wiped without any possibility of defending themselves over and over again? How do you plan to handle the obvious endless possibilities for griefplay?
In Fidem
#11 - 2012-03-22 19:21:09 UTC
+1 to Laurentius.

Is it possible to have a look at the video somewhere, a recording on youtube or something?

The State will not fall. Join us. Fight. Conquer.

edit: disregard that, the state has fallen.

Peri Helion
Omega Whiskey Tango Foxtrot
#12 - 2012-03-22 19:22:10 UTC
If the PI Infrastructure becomes destructible, I certainly hope the mechanism of setup and operation is vastly simplified in order to compensate.

I dont like PI setup as it is, but I dont mind it since it is a one time setup currently. But if setup becomes repetitive due to Dust that is truly terrible.
#13 - 2012-03-22 19:47:34 UTC  |  Edited by: Udonor
I suspect that

#1 orbital strikes will be fairly expensive (i.e. worse than bomb launchers, may 100M or more per strike)

#2 like real world soldiers there will be options to "dig in" and "close hatches" that will greatly reduce the effectiveness of orbital strikes. Of course like real world you are trading ground combat effectiveness for orbital strike survivability.

But yes I have a lot of questions about PI and survivability of infrastructure.

It sort of sounds like PI may become a full time occupation with constant rebuilding and lots of time paying DUST spies to detect incoming attacks and shuttling extra mercenary corps around as reinforcements. Not going to remain profitable at current prices for sure. Try 20-50 times the price just to pay for my time since I can't do much else - not counting 20-50 times current price for rebuilding expenses and DUST costs.

All meaning PI could be hugely disrupted if DUST takes off. And thus anything like POS construction which is DUST dependent could be become very expensive. What would happen to null sec if POS became say 1/3 as common and 10 times as expensive?

Of course DUST might not gain the numbers to effect that many worlds and PI installations at once. Maybe most the action will center on just few worlds...until the EVE players give up and let PI die off on that planet. Then the DUST players move to another planet and a little later some EVE player setup again in the ruins of the old planet hoping no one notices.
#14 - 2012-03-22 19:57:33 UTC
Could it be that DUST play is supposed to take PI more or less intact?

Maybe we will have a repair bill similar to ships when we take control through our DUST group.

Maybe just may be cheap orbital strikes will be offset by the consequence of massively more damage to PI we are taking over.

However to be honest I doubt that alone will discourage much griefing of DUST players and other PI users -- unless there is also damage to resources for some time period. Without that, why not just orbit strike PI installations and DUST bunnies out of the way and build your own replacement PI install at current prices?
Tomas Syrvo
Caldari State
#15 - 2012-03-22 19:58:17 UTC
Any external links to the Keynote for those of us who could not watch it? I am finding nothing on You Tube or anywhere with a replay.
Defier Orilis
Defiance Eden Initiative
#16 - 2012-03-22 20:05:00 UTC
Yea! What about us! I got to work here while you guys are partying!

I need a link to feel the love! Dang!
Di Mulle
#17 - 2012-03-22 20:07:45 UTC
Tomas Syrvo wrote:
Any external links to the Keynote for those of us who could not watch it? I am finding nothing on You Tube or anywhere with a replay.

Check EVETV schedule, they will be repeating everything later today. Or on Youtube in about a week.
<<Insert some waste of screen space here>>
Tomas Syrvo
Caldari State
#18 - 2012-03-22 20:07:50 UTC
I am really surprised no one filmed it on their Iphone and then posted it 5 minutes later on the Inter-Tubes.
Tomas Syrvo
Caldari State
#19 - 2012-03-22 20:08:39 UTC
Di Mulle wrote:
Tomas Syrvo wrote:
Any external links to the Keynote for those of us who could not watch it? I am finding nothing on You Tube or anywhere with a replay.

Check EVETV schedule, they will be repeating everything later today. Or on Youtube in about a week.

Good to know. Thanks.
LtCol Laurentius
The Imperial Sardaukar
#20 - 2012-03-22 20:19:29 UTC
There is a rerun of the dust514 keynote scheduled for 0200 GMT on EVETV. The original keynote got delayed about an hour though. Dunno if this will affect the rerun as well.
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